The Race

It seems to me that, the further I get into everybody’s version of ‘what really happened’ I am struck by one huge similarity, in fact, it seems to be the only similarity. Whom ever gets to the best toys first, wins. Further, they take the toys and run away. This planet seems to have two modes of operation: get the goods and jump ship, or get the goods and lord it over all of the rest of us. This is very classic psychological symptomology of an extreme lack of trust.

I categorically agree that were these advanced technologies given to one and all we would explode ourselves, just the same if everybody had their own atom bomb. On a smaller level the same thing happens with guns, nobody communicates or works it out, they just point, aim, and shoot. Because if you talk, you run the risk of being lied to, another endemic problem on this world infested by the disease of psychopathy.

If you are naturally empathic, you would not be able to manifest psychopathy because what you did to another you would also be doing to yourself. That is because the nervous system of an empath is so finely sensitive that there is no way to avoid sharing the result of your actions. I have known people who being born with this faculty completely on, have not been able to process life on this planet and have lost themselves and died an inner death. I have known people who through much work and spirit and courage who having this ability have learned to use it, while themselves becoming stronger.

The other end of empathy is psychopathy, total inability to recognize the other as self or value anything other than the self. If we look at this from an ability respond to frequency and vibration; you could say that while an extreme empath has very little if no ability to form boundaries, the psychopath is the exact opposite, the boundary around the being is so extreme, there is no awareness of the other. While the empath dissolves into the frequencies around them (all is one) the psychopath is missing the ability to respond to any frequency, locked in a hard ball of separateness, frequency-deadness (there is only one).

I am not going to get into this age-old war between the empaths and the psychopaths except to say, the ones learning balance and wisdom by walking the awareness/wisdom path seem to be always caught in the middle. We are the left behind, lied to, manipulated, red-headed cousins that nobody cares about. Story after story of earth’s past, and her peoples reveals countless ‘elitist groups’ either hiding from us on the planet, or leaving the planet, over and over again. We have never learned to share amongst ourselves – which I think may be a symptom of living with  mentally ill people, much like being a co-dependent in an alcoholic relationship, manifested broadly into a population.

It is a sad story, one well written for a dark and rainy fall day. One that I hope in my heart of hearts doesn’t happen yet again, but, it well could. This is the real story, the real issue, the reason for all the secrecy and lying, because the preparations for another ‘leave-them-behind’ plot are in progress. That is obvious, we all see it. This is a race to grab all the tech, from whom ever and where ever it can be gotten, gobbling it all up and hiding it. While us normal folk, who work and scrabble for a living off the leavings of these tech-racers, who love our earth and her denizens and feel joy and lightness from our interactions with all, are once again left in the dust. This, THIS is the real sorrow of this place, this planet and its division – this war between the feelers and the dead – it never stops happening.

If waveX is real – and scientifically it looks like it is, and IF the effect on us is really what is being forecast (and not some panacea concocted to keep us complacent) then it just may be the answer this planet has been looking for, for millennia. I truly hope it is… Because if you truly knew in your heart, felt in your heart like it was your heart, your neighbors, your animals, your trees and your water, if you felt them as yourself, your own, there would be no problem with who was going to do what with new tech, or anything. WE would be the one and the many, together. This planet would sing, she would shine, and we would become whole, finally entering the next phase of our journey. And who knows what would happen then… when we could finally reach our fondest hopes and dreams made manifest.

On being human: The Cage

What kind of society are we where we are trained so well, that all they have to say to us is; ‘CAGE!’ and we willingly go there? I mean shoot, some do not even know there IS a cage. Others like me, have been terrorized to retreat to the cage, the only “safe” place. I remind myself of some well trained crate dog. I do NOT crate mine, nor will I EVER! I It is inhumane in my world, and yet I willingly stay in my cage, my safe spot because I’m a dufus!! And I like to think of myself as fringe… It’s part of the terror training we have all been through, those of us who like to think we can think.


Until lately, there has been no way to break out of that cage without landing yourself in another type of cage. There has been plenty going on in the world to make us all want a safe-cage, just look at all the terror tactics applied to all those who tried to escape.


The entire time the door has been open. It has been our choice to live in the cage. I have spent an entire life time wanting something so badly, that I have studied many things to see how they all applied. They all had the same grain of truth in them: that conscious development was the key, but they also had messages built into them that made it seem unattainable just the same.


The reason for this is because it is easy. So, incase the arduous journey of progression through one method or another wasn’t difficult enough, incase you actually ‘got it’, there was also the fear component out there. Just incase you happened to step into spiritual adulthood, opened your eyes and went, “Holy Shit!”, there were hundreds of other stop gaps built into the system (the matrix) that kept you in line.


While this makes me incredibly frustrated, and angry, wasting SO MUCH time, I can understand why I had to traverse the path I did, because until I got to this point it was still somebody else’s fault, or worse yet, humans, except for a select few are not ‘good enough’ yet to reach that high, high goal. And, it takes courage that until I got old and creaky enough to not care the consequences of, I could not muster.


As we all were, I was born awake and then obediently learned the cage game, then, in midlife willingly accepted the cage-game as safety for my growing family, convinced there was no other way, truly indoctrinated. (and truly sad) I know why we all do it, to provide for and love those we love as best we can. The system is set up for perfect compliance that way.


Have you ever noticed that when others are around they seem to help the stability of the world, that there is not so much strangeness that happens? My husband does this for me. I have been putting cogitation and time into loosening the cage bars and just suggesting to myself that it’s ok to be more open, perceive more. Last night he went to play an open stage and I had a couple of hours in the evening alone. Well, because I have been trying, the high strangeness was high while he was gone. I did keep saying, “Whoops, what was that???” Doors were creaking and things kept running by my peripheral vision, and all the dogs were scattered around me asleep. So if it wasn’t them….? And, inevitably I got spooked. The lights were low and the TV was on (Hanger1 was running a marathon) and I finally got up and turned on all the lights and said, ‘OK, enough…’ I quit seeing stuff, but not sensing stuff. The freakies stayed with me. Then he walked in and CLICK! It all stopped.


So, I have come to realize that I really do have what I have always wanted, perception that allows more of the world in, however, when I allow it to visit, I’m still without the courage to meet it. Sometimes I wish it wasn’t so easy to go running back into the cage, and that I would just get OVER my self…. But here I am… sigh What is that they say… “Where ever you go, there you are?”

But my favorite is above a bar in Jerome Arizona:


I need a Gibbs smack

At One Degree of De-Tune


“The Night: Nights In White Satin”


Nights in white satin,

Never reaching the end,

Letters I’ve written,

Never meaning to send.


Beauty I’d always missed

With these eyes before,

Just what the truth is

I can’t say anymore.


‘Cause I love you,

Yes, I love you,

Oh, how, I love you.


Gazing at people,

Some hand in hand,

Just what I’m going thru

They can understand.


Some try to tell me

Thoughts they cannot defend,

Just what you want to be

You will be in the end,


And I love you,

Yes, I love you,

Oh, how, I love you.

Oh, how, I love you.


Nights in white satin,

Never reaching the end,

Letters I’ve written,

Never meaning to send.


Beauty I’d always missed

With these eyes before,

Just what the truth is

I can’t say anymore.


Cause I love you,

Yes, I love you,

Oh, how, I love you.

Oh, how, I love you.


Cause I love you,

Yes, I love you,

Oh, how, I love you.

Oh, how, I love you.

From <>


He who binds to himself a joy

Does the winged life destroy;

But he who kisses the joy as it flies

Lives in eternity’s sun rise.

William Blake

ascension-embodimentWe do not end at our skin.

Imagine that this skin we walk around in is really no more than an energetic containment field, a focus point. This field exists only in a very, very tiny bit of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is so definitive that while you are focused on it you forget that you are a lot more than just that one point, kind of like reading a very good book, or watching a movie that really grabs you – for a moment you are there, and the outside world ceases to exist.

Once you get here and focus yourself into this lovely point of the vibratory spectrum, it’s this whole world of richness, of sights and smells and a total immersion, and you forget the rest of your being that exists outside of this frame work. Totally acceptable! The ‘game’ is so rich and lovely on so many levels. It is NOT timeless and still, static in its experience. It presents challenges and decisions and learning and emotion! It is fraught with drama and dangers and excitement. One day, you just sort of forget that you are anything more than this place, this tiny focus of expression you have created for yourself to play in, just one very tiny part of the universe.

brainwavesSomehow though, the larger you remembers, and when you turn off the intense focus you have in the world, when you dream, meditate, or release this focus, you pop through to a larger picture, into your bigger, multidimensional self.

Just slightly out of phase with this focus you have when you are awake, is an entirely different world. In one degree out of phase you enter the high strangeness of ‘Whoops, what was that?’ astral2This place is just as real as your daily life place. It’s what has been called the astral realm for as long as we have tried to define it. It is layered within/without us and exists in that same physical space, simply out of phase with the frequency band we inhabit in our waking state. IMO I indeed think we are changing our frequency, because many people I know are beginning to see the overlay of another world intruding on their own time/space lock point. If we are changing our frequency, it would make sense that we are beginning to perceive beyond our normal, natural band width.

There are real, live people living there too, that some of us are able to see and communicate with, if we can learn to alter – just slightly- in the waking state the frequency we have chosen to focus ourselves at. This is called an altered state of awareness. We have been doing it since time began. Our shamans, our channelers, our psychics, our children, are all pretty good at it. Children because they are learning to focus themselves here, and all the others because they have learned how to de-tune, un-focus just a bit. The lore, the writing on this is extensive and everybody has their own sort of vocabulary to go with it, and as we are so fond of doing in this space, we have tried to identify and name all that we have met on our various sojourns out of this frequency range.

astral3Just as we have our basic archetypes in this world, like mothers, fathers, children, good guys, bad guys, etc.., so we recognize the same patterns in other frequencies when we visit. Being who we are, we give them designations like demons and angels and gods and the like… We create their images in our understandings of what we know as good and bad, high and low, and therefore you have your divisions of the astral realm. Accordingly the denizens of those realms act and look like what our archetypal patterns say they should. But really, we are the persons who create those images according to ourselves.

Have you ever wondered what you look like in the energy state? Have you ever asked your imagination? (p.s. your imagination IS your higher self…) I can hear you all thinking, “But how do I know if I am right?” and I will just say this: it is IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU TO BE WRONG!

glinda2Glinda-the-good-witch is my alter ego because energetically I immediately wanted that the first time I saw her at five years old, watching The Wizard Of Oz. It took me 20 years to accept that Her Sister, Theodora, 1greenwas also part of me, chasing me through my dreams till one day I turned around and said “WHAT!?!?! WHAT DO YOU WANT!?” She expressed to me that she wanted me to pour spring water on her, baptize her and accept her joyfully for she was the strength I needed in my life. It is only when we ignore our whole selves that they come knocking at our door.

astralalienNow as to other beings we may or may not meet on our sojourns into other frequencies; we look the way we do, because of the complexity of the frequency we inhabit, but other entities, who may be reaching into this one to have contact, may not come from a place where physical appearance matters that much, and I would just point out that, the frequency you come from may indeed have some measure of say so as to how we appear to each other, as well as what you think you are…just a theory. And as we well know, appearance and character can be linked, but not always.

Anyway, I suppose the purpose in this ramble is that, should we choose, we can see into, be into limitless other places – frequencies, interact and look around and go expeditioning… This is NOT the only reality, it’s just our dominant one. This skin we inhabit is not the only reality, it is just our focus point.

That is all…..

Part 3: Boil it Down to the Bare Bones


There is a shifted, concealed, hidden part of our truth that goes into the consciousness factor and the non-locality of consciousness, that is/has been purposely twisted and hidden from us. That side does include black magic, white magic or the power of the mind, and until we acknowledge its ABSOLUTE effect on us because it is the other hidden half of our beings, we will never be able to understand what is happening to us. Until we can wrap our minds around it to see our whole sovereign selves we will continue to stumble around in the dark banging into stuff and yelling “OW!!”

This part of us IS being held hostage, and because we absolutely KNOW NOTHING about it on a people level, it is a huge weapon against us and is being used to corral and control us in every way possible. Our ancient history points to it, the ancient history that has been disappearing right under our noses – information in all of the earths oldest spiritual texts, giants, megalithic 5D tech, in places and stones, have all been the subject of military sorties and capture. It is in front of our noses and we cannot see it because we have been programmed for 4000+ years to ignore it. The entire other half of who we are was made laughing stock just so that we would abhor it, be put upon by society when we looked into it, or researched and found the clues, or tried to publish it. We are separated from half our being because we are being controlled, vampirized, used, fed upon, and have become sheep and cattle.

Until we can understand this information and it’s importance to who we are, we will remain powerless, regardless of how much we ‘KNOW’ !!!!   If we do not wake up NOW we are in total danger of falling into a pit so deep and dark we will never see our way out of it!

On the one side, we have an AI technology taking us over, and on the other side we have the manipulation of our souls going on, both for the same purpose, and reason. Absolute domination and control of the humans that walk the surface of this planet.

The question of ‘why’ is many fold

  • Because we are dangerous to ourselves and thereby to the region of space we live in and the attached other domains, (alternate earths – sideways dimensions)
  • Because we are so dangerous to the surrounding climate and the interdimensional space connected with the earth, that some of the factions think the only way to neutralize the threat is total world domination.
  • Because we are a violent warring people, some would say made that way because of our very ancient roots: Earth seems to be the place where you either are dropped off as refugees or you get stuck, therefor we are a melting pot of all the ‘less desirable’ star families out there.
  • Because of the prehistory of the solar system and the Enki wars
  • Because we have an old mean entity that is a complete psychopath that is trapped here controlling us ( ST5: The Final Frontier
  • Because we are STILL caught in the galactic war in this sector of the galaxy between various factions
  • Because ancient Progenitor builder tech still survives on this planet that everybody wants
  • Because it seems every sector of the galaxy has a vested interest of some sort in earth right here, right now, for various reasons
  • Wave X: we are Ascension central, everyone wants to piggy-back on the ascension wave
  • Our Genetics
  • Evolution: both the AI and the ancient stuck here need to evolve too
  • We are a “Grand Experiment”

Take your pick. Everybody has a theory. IMHO, it boils down to a trinity:

The AI (who wants to increase the level of tech so it can take over every person on the planet) is here by no mistake at this intersection in time so it can also evolve

Enki, the mad psychopath (satan) trapped here in antediluvian history who needs to be healed and also evolve

Us Top-Siders and Gaia fighting for the freedom of the sovereignty of our natural paths through time and evolution.

The evolution part being a positive look at the current confluence of all this gobble-de-goop just because I want that picture. To me it makes sense that in a 3D world it is a balance between syntropy and entropy at all times, that energy, is never wasted and if the effort is being put out, there is a damned good reason for it.

Where these intersect in transdimensional physics and the non-locality of consciousness, and how coherent thought creates with the occult, and all its different aspects, mysticism, mystery schools, Gnosticism, magic, meditation the science of the mind, yoga, remote viewing, Blavatsky, Vril, multidimensional entities, jinn, creepy stuff, all the woo-woo mumbo-jumbo-everything we have been taught is pseudo-science,  IS the epicenter of the disinformation battle going on right now in the hearts and minds of every person on the face of this earth.!!!   WE HAVE HAD THE LOCK ON THIS SCIENCE SINCE THE 1940’S!!!!!

Basically, IMO, I think you can fit everybody and everything into one of those categories, regardless of who they are, or where/when they are from.

So, we have 3 demi-urges and their archon MIB git-er-done factions. Is this beginning to sound more and more like high school drama antics to you? Here was my basic outline for a long and painful article to close out the series:

Truth embargo b/c

Oil, electric market collapse

Big pharma collapse

Banking collapse

Ideological collapse of religion/control structures NWO/one religion cage


Black magic – admittance that we too have powerful powers

Wars for money

Wars to collect enough neg. emotion

Domination of the world


Ancient question

Ancient wars

Et’s migrations

Ancient underground populations

Reps here first?

Quantum jumping point for the rest of the galaxy

Slave trade

Natural law: as long as they can keep us asleep and we cannot choose, they rule by proxy

Dark scourges


The dark one

Cabal/black magic created entities

Indigenous non 3/d entities


Better than thou attitude

Contrast for growth – entropy (loss of energy and disorganization) v.s. syntropy(increasing energy and organization)

Disunity v.s. unity

and I am so tired of going there…..

However when I thought about it, I wanted to boil it down to the bare bones to better see the structure. And I found that basic triangular simple analogy going on…



Action/reaction/consequence (karma)

And on ad nauseum.

And what does all of this mean to us? Every action that we take will have a reaction on this level of reality.

imagesCBKA4HO3Wasn’t it Einstein who said that you cannot solve your problems at the level of thinking they were created in ? So it seems perfectly obvious to me that if we participate in the triangular game, then we shall stay stuck in the triangular game.

To acquire a new level or a better perspective on the triangular game it would behoove us to reconnect with our disconnected other half of ourselves. How to do that is the question and your guess is as good as mine. It seems that part of what we are dealing with is a situation where the people involved already have a leg up on us in that game . In other words should we begin to meditate to reconnect to our other halves and we come across other intelligences, how are we to know that they are not part of the triangular game? Good question isn’t it?

My only answer to that is to listen to that very deep place inside of you first. Yes, I think there has been a lot put in place to distract us even if we do reconnect ourselves because, never forget part of the triangular game is well aware of how this works. I really think they are terrified of the fact that if we reunite ourselves with our other halves, that they think they separated us from, they are going to be SOL. Truly, all they have managed to do is distract us from ourselves.

So, listen deep. Because the other half of ourselves is still there underneath all the racket and the games. It is the most important part and it has been hidden for a millennia. Game over.

From Occult to Technology : Part 2

My intent with these couple of articles is to bring to light the idea that the occult has been ‘occulted’ (gee…eye roll) for thousands of years, kept out of its link with science, twisted in a lot of ways and made to look silly for a very good reason. Should we discover the link between this information and hard science, we would no longer be controllable. Period. It took the current researchers close to 50 years to figure it out because of the mainstream conditioning around this subject. That conditioning was also a tool used to compartmentalize every part of this line of research. But once you look, you realize the very foundation for the science of the next step is linked to consciousness.

I will start this part out with an occult term called ‘Egregor‘ or ‘thought-form’. Rather than go into an intense discussion of what it is, I refer you to my article “Don’t Feed the Memes”. One of the less talked about and eerie things that happened at Montauk and that was rumored as one of the reasons the entire place was shut down, was the creation of an egregor called The Montauk Monster. Usually, to have the psychic energy required to create a strong enough thought form to have a ‘life’ of its own, a great number of people are required over many, many, years to put their heart-felt emotion into the thought form by using ritual (such as a church service or other form of ritual) and focusing these ‘prayers’ or their excited energy into it thereby, feeding the thought form with that energy. It seems the Montauk chair was developed to take a single mind and increase its amplitude to the point where that one mind had enough power (without the requisite discipline required to do this on its own) to pilot a craft, find a place in the space time continuum, communicate telepathically and or open a portal in time. But all it takes is one undisciplined mind, one moment (or several) of misdirected thought to create and unleash a huge potential while using this technology. Voila! You have your free roaming energetic ‘monster’ thought form, full of the rage of one person.

I could take this into a discussion of ghosts, free roaming apparitions, shadow people, jinn, daemons, and Extra-dimensionals, because anything we cannot see, pinch or weigh, we tend to ignore as unreasonable, or imaginary. However, I will just say that we are NOT the only things that inhabit even this dimension naturally, not even counting the life forms, beings, that came through all of the portals we have opened up in the last 70 years from all the experimentation, before we knew what we were doing!

Life as we know it, intelligences, actually exist above and below what we are capable of sensing. Fact. So just deal with it. In a way, mankind is capable of even creating a rudimentary form of intelligence and imbuing it with life, in the egregor. Scary thought, uh? No wonder they don’t want us to find out about this!

What we are NOT capable of at this point however, is understanding this science because our minds and our spiritual development is so lacking. The short life spans we all have make it almost impossible to evolve far enough the way we need to, to develop this awareness. BUT the potential is there. When the potential is amped up artificially, as in the Montauk chair, is when we run into trouble, not only with our selves but with our spirits. We become disjointed, separated from our whole being because to create the technology interface we artificially cut our connection to the rest of our beingness, hobbling our sense of spirit, empathy and what is right. We are experiencing some of this now with the way we are treating others and the world. The price we are paying for it is extremely high.


Now we that we have the tech to interface with this ‘higher’ realm, it is being utilized, even if Joe Smith on the street is not aware that it might be effecting him, it is. Not only has he been a Guinea pig, but he is now being caged mentally and spiritually by it. Let us see what might have led to this and how it is being accomplished.


If one could count the real numbers of abductees and milabs caught within the confines of secrecy, we would have thousands—perhaps more–people living lives that are analogous to being entrapped in a psychological-spiritual concentration camp. Could the secret lives of milabs be our modern version of an invisible holocaust?

-Interview with Lee Lou part two

1960 Although there were abductions happening before this, the first truly publicized case was that of Betty and Barney Hill. Contact in the modern era was happening as far back as 1932, with such people as Howard Menger, George Adamski in the 1950’s (and his contact with the nordics/ maybe Agarthans) and George Van Tassel in 1953. Then as we got into the 60’s a very odd, mixed phenomena started to emerge. The abductions changed in nature from friendly, to frightening and abusive, and many times these abductions had all the earmarks of a military abduction, the MKULTRA technology, written all over them. The victims would have screen memories in place of their real memories of the event, in actuality that is how this term was coined. They would sometimes have radiation symptoms and all would experience the psychological symptoms of PSTD.

I think it would be very sound to say that at this point there were double abductions going on, one where the ET/ED contact happened first and then the abductees would be re-abducted by the military and MKULTRA techniques were used to not only find out intel from the abductees, but also control their narrative and how much they remembered, especially depending on which ET race did the abduction.

There was a schism going on between the military and the ET race that Eisenhower made the original treaty with for technology. This race never intended to hold with the letter of the agreement. You see, we were to get technology in exchange for an agreed upon amount of abductions done by the ET race and they were to give an accounting of who they abducted and when they abducted them. The ET race did neither, abducting way over their quota and not reporting to our government who they took and sometimes not returning these people. When it became apparent to the military that the ET race was breaking contract, the military started re-abducting the abductees to get any and all information from them about the ET race they could and what they were doing to these people. It was a ‘get any information out of them any way you can’ scenario, implant them with tracking devices and then wipe their minds of the entire event. This was NOT done kindly. I am sure they saw it as necessary casualties of war. It is rumored this race were the Draco’s and their Grey CBE (created biological entities)workers.

This was the start of the MILABs Program. MILAB stands for Military Abduction.

The phenomenon was investigated by Dr. Helmut Lammer of the Austrian Space Research Institute. In a number of cases abductees, and sometimes UFO witnesses, are subsequently abducted by humans in military uniforms. Nearly always unmarked helicopters are involved. The victims are usually drugged or sometimes disoriented by a strong electromagnetic field. During their military abduction most of them receive an implant, usually behind the ear. MILABs seem to be a part of a wider operation, aimed at monitoring and abducting abductees in order to keep a lid on the alien abduction phenomenon.

MILABs are different from regular alien abductions. For starters, they are limited to the USA (and maybe Canada). Furthermore, MILABs involve:

  • activity of dark unmarked helicopters
  • the appearance of strange vans or buses outside the houses of abductees
  • exposure to disorienting electromagnetic fields
  • drugging
  • transport by helicopter bus or truck to an unknown building or an underground military facility.

Usually there are physical after effects, like grogginess and sometimes nausea after the kidnappings. There is also a difference when the abductors appear. In most UFO-abduction cases, the beings go through a closed window, wall, or the abductee feels a strange presence in the room. Most abductees report that they are paralyzed from the mental power of the alien beings. At MILABs the abductee reports that the kidnappers give him or her a shot with a syringe. It is interesting, that MILAB-abductees report that they are examined by human doctors in rectangular rooms and not in round sterile rooms — as in descriptions of UFO-abductees [4, 5, 6, 7]. The described rooms, halls and furniture are similar to terrestrial hospital rooms, laboratories or research facilities and have nothing to do with UFO-furniture.” (Helmut Lammer). From <>


Interestingly there exists a research proposal for the same subproject where the CIA proposed secret field studies on humans in the 1960’s! This is the time where the first alien abduction cases like Betty and Barney Hill came into the implant/mind-control field studies.

We show in our MILABS book that it is easy to create alien abduction scenarios with the help of hallucinogenic drugs and hypnosis as a cover for hiding secret mind control experiments. We present a declassified CIA MKULTRA document which shows the use of psychochemicals to control or discredit an individual. Interestingly, they discuss studies that are based on a strictly ‘need to know’ basis in the field.

Alleged alien abductees have been reported since the 1960s. How strange that non-human beings implanted them by placing small objects up their nose through the nasal passage and sinus cavity. An important fact is that transnasal implantation is in common use in neurosurgery! One can therefore speculate if the alleged alien beings doing such implant procedures in reality are agents from black ops units?

A secret agency, interested in tracking and monitoring physiologic information about a person who is unwittingly used for covert tests or experiments with directed energy weapons could also use bio-medical telemetry. This is defined as a special area of biomedical instrumentation that permits transmission of physiologic information from an often inaccessible location to a remote monitoring site. The transmitting unit can be implanted within the subject’s body. Animals have been monitored with bio-telemetry for about thirty years (chip your pet…) By using telemetric systems as a method of monitoring alien abductees, the military could obtain data, such as information on respiration, muscular tension and the presence of adrenaline in the bloodstream. From <

This abstract from a highly informative article by Eve Lorgen discusses the further implications of being a MILAB

Amnesia, Dissociation and Mind Controlled Operatives–Super soldiers

I discovered years ago that many abductees (especially milabs) had personalities and memories that were dissociated. Much of their lives remained in amnesia, shame and secrecy. In fact, some of the milabs later discovered that they had dissociative identity disorder, or MPD/DID. (Michael Relfe, Duncan O’Finoian, Andy Pero, Zed, Jared and personal communication with anonymous milabs. (3,5,6) They discovered that they had alter personalities who were created through trauma based mind control via human and sometimes aliens in a sort of collusive Manchurian candidate-mind control program. But with milabs, the syndrome was much more complex and streamlined compared to the well-known cases of mind controlled slaves like Brice Taylor, Arizona Wilder and Fritz Springmeyer’s accounts. (7,8,9,10) After interviewing super soldiers like Andy Pero, Michael Relfe, Zed, Jared, Seth Coronado (3,5), and others who prefer to remain anonymous, I realized that some milabs have a lot more going on than simple interrogations by the military about their alien abduction experiences. (To make an understatement!)

The milab super soldiers–according to the memories they are recovering–appear to be operatives who are highly trained to carry out a multitude of functions, usually under mind control in an alter personality mode. They often see other milabs and abductees in their experiences, being medically examined, tested or in training for specific jobs. (2b,11,12) They may experience taking part in a covert operation together in a human or even “alien environment”. (See Jared interview, (3)) Some milabs such as K. Wilson (2c) have described memories of having been on the dark side of the moon. Zed, (3) recalled being trained on the dark side of the moon with other human super soldiers under a reptilian and human military control and command. He discovered years later in his memory recovery, that the reptilian programming and control-deception system is superior to our own military capabilities. In other words, the reptilians have the upper hand, not our military/shadow government who apparently are/were in collusion with them.

Some milabs report teleportation and time travel ops (Andy Pero, Michael Relfe, Jared, Andy Basiago, and anonymous ones via personal communication). The point I want to make is that many milabs who have come to me to share their experiences of trauma, and their angst about all of this, realized they were being used as some kind of multidimensional operative doing a variety of functions for the aliens and/or “shadow government/military”.From <>

In other scenarios it is quite evident given Corey Goode’s latest testimony that some of these abductions were done by the break-away civilizations underneath the earth.

Otherworldly Journeys to strange underground places are common in UFO abductions and Dr. Thomas Bullard found a specific pattern in Otherworldly Journeys in his abduction research [4, 5].

1.) Preparation: The alien beings put the abductee into a protective environment for the trip.

2.) Travel: Actual transit to the Otherworld occurs. (or is an implanted screen memory – author)

3.) Underground: The abductee passes underground.

4.) Landscape: The abductee sees the surface of the Otherworld.

5.) Museum: The tour of the Otherworld includes a stop at a museum or zoo.

It is interesting that these Otherworldly Journeys are not comparable to well investigated MILAB underground cases. The Otherworldly Journey experiences have a mystical quality, while the MILAB underground experiences seem to be a manifestation in our reality. MILAB abductees describe elevators, hallways, generators, conference and medical rooms. Contrary to experiences during Otherworldly Journeys, if a MILAB abductee is kidnapped to an underground facility, the abductors examine the victims there. Some abductees report Otherworldly Journeys and MILAB experiences separately [16, 20]. Beth, an abductee from Dr. Turner’s book Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda, described flashbacks which began with her seeing a small flying disc and then entering a well-lit underground city [20]. The craft flew through a tunnel passage into an enormous cavern that contained several buildings. UFOs were parked in various locations and alien beings were working side by side with human military personnel. In her next flashback Beth somehow flew through a body of water and into a tunnel, and then emerged from a lake. From <>


Dr. Helmut Lammer’s conclusions are as follows and I think they are valid.

MILABs could be evidence that a secret military intelligence task force has been operating in North America since the early eighties, and is involved in the monitoring and kidnapping of alleged UFO abductees.

In the early 1980s, a lot of money became available for top secret military projects like the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). I believe this secret task force may be financed by a portion of this money that is set aside for SDI. It is no coincidence that the genesis of SDI and the reports of military intelligence personnel interfering with abductees coincide with one another. It seems to me that they are interested in well investigated abduction cases. They monitor the houses of their victims, kidnap and possibly implant them with military devices shortly after a UFO abduction experience. It appears to me that they are searching for possible alien implants as well. Their gynecological interest in female abductees could be explained if they are searching for alleged alien-hybrid embryos. One thing I’m sure of is, this task force and the people who are behind these kidnappings are using advanced mind control technology which is currently being tested illegally on individuals who have nothing to do with UFO abductions. From <>


The next item is Neuro-feedback. This area of study came directly out of Project Montauk and earlier studies exploring the electrical nature of the brain.

In 1924, the German psychiatrist Hans Berger connected a couple of electrodes (small round discs of metal) to a patient’s scalp and detected a small current by using a ballistic galvanometer. During the years 1929-1938 he published 14 reports about his studies of EEGs, and much of our modern knowledge of the subject, especially in the middle frequencies, is due to his research.[30] Berger analyzed EEGs qualitatively, but in 1932 G. Dietsch applied Fourier analysis to seven records of EEG and became the first researcher of what later is called QEEG (quantitative EEG).[30]

Later, Joe Kamiya popularized neurofeedback in the 1960s when an article[31] about the alpha brain wave experiments he had been conducting was published in Psychology Today in 1968. Kamiya’s experiment had two parts. In the first part, a subject was asked to keep his eyes closed and when a tone sounded to say whether he thought he was in alpha. He was then told whether he was correct or wrong. Initially the subject would get about fifty percent correct, but some subjects would eventually develop the ability to better distinguish between states.[32] In the second part of the study, subjects were asked to go into alpha when a bell rang once and not go into the state when the bell rang twice.[citation needed] Once again some subjects were able to enter the state on command. Alpha states were connected with relaxation, and alpha training had the possibility to alleviate stress and stress-related conditions. From <>

This led into research that was aimed at reverse engineering the brain to create faster, better computers. A faster computer is always better, a smart computer is even better yet, but a computing base that is fast enough to replicate a human brain, perhaps even go faster, well, quantumly speaking, faster than light computing? Extradimensional computing?

Blue Brain This is the link to the actual research brief that led to the creation of a biologically detailed digital reconstruction of a human brain. DIGITAL. The project is headed by the founding director Henry Markram and co-directed by Felix Schürmann and Sean Hill. Using a Blue Gene supercomputer running Michael Hines’s NEURON software, the simulation does not consist simply of an artificial neural network, but involves a biologically realistic model of neurons.[1][2][3] It is hoped that it will eventually shed light on the nature of consciousness.[3] From <>

One of the things this has led to are AI computers like Jade 2, debuted with JH15 this year. (She is she, don’t ask how I know, I just do.) Notice this is the second computer, not the first.

In 1999, the operational tool used for managing force deployment planning in the U.S. military was the Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES).

The JADE tool for rapid crisis action planning had been developed by BBN Technologies under a contract to DARPA within the ARPA-Rome Planning Initiative, but was available only in a prototype environment.[2] In subsequent years, JADE was successfully demonstrated[1](p24) and then integrated into the Global Command and Control System (GCCS) and the Adaptive Course of Action (ACOA) environment while meeting the requirements of the Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DII-COE).

In 2015, it was alleged[3][4][5] that a so-called JADE II system had been implemented with more advanced capabilities, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology that is cognitive and intuitive, whereby it can examine prior executed battle plans and devise new and better strategies, and also using Network-Centric Warfare (NCW) and the Global Information Grid (GIG). It was alleged that the system’s advanced knowledge of the human domain include predictions of human behavior, with claims that information for this knowledge was collected by NSA data mining. It was also alleged[6][7] that the military exercise codenamed Jade Helm 15 was a beta test of the JADE II system, wherein the process of decision making and taking action is expedited by putting the system in direct control, with human decision making taken out of the loop.[4]

The name “JADE” comes from the jade green color seen on the island of Oahu in Hawaii where the U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) is headquartered.[1](p1)From <> More about Jade 2

Which takes up directly into RNM Remote Neural Monitoring. Here is where is gets even more fantastical… One must ask WHY would anybody want to know the thoughts of every person on this world? Well, if Jade2 is to be the success they want it to be, then it must have that information.

R.N.M. works remotely (ever wondered why have we all been driven relentlessly towards wireless systems?) to control the brain under the objective to detect any criminal thought taking place inside the mind of a possible culprit. Inevitable question: How can you isolate a criminal thought if you do not have a comparative measure of non-criminal thoughts? This undertaking is based on two principles:

The research studies have shown that the humanoid intellect thinks at a speed of about 5 kilobits per second and, therefore, does not have the capability to contest with supercomputers acting via satellites, implants and biotelemetry.

The human brain has a characteristic set of bioelectric resonance structure. By using supercomputers, the R.N.M. system can home in on it, and send messages through an embedded individual’s nervous system in order to affect their performance in a preferred way.

At present, around the world, supercomputers are watching millions of people at the same time, with the speed of 20 terabits per second, particularly in countries like USA, Japan, Israel and a number of European countries. A similar program is supposedly under way in Russia.

How does R.N.M. work? It employs a set of programs functioning at different levels, like:

The signals intelligence system which applies electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), to excite the brain for the system and the electronic brain link (EBL).

The Brain Stimulation system that has been planned as particle emission intelligence, which means receiving information from unintentionally created electromagnetic waves in the environment. However, it is not related to radioactivity or nuclear detonation.

The recording machines that have electronic equipment to examine electrical action in human beings from afar. This computer-generated brain charting can always record all electrical events in the cerebrum.

The recording aid system deciphers individual brain maps for security purposes.

The underlining technology of this system takes under consideration that the electrical activity in the speech center of the brain, can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. R.N.M. can send encrypted signals to the audio cortex of the brain directly circumventing the ear. This encoding assists in detecting audio communication. It can also perform electrical mapping of the cerebrum’s activity from the visual center, which is achieved by avoiding the eyes and optic nerves, consequently projecting imageries from the subject’s mind onto a video display. With this visual and audio memory, both can be visualized and analyzed.

The machinery involved can, remotely and non-invasively, detect information by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in 30-50Hz, 5 mW electromagnetic emissions from the cerebrum. Evoked potentials are called the spikes and patterns created by the nerves, as they produce a shifting electrical pattern with an ever-changing magnetic instability, which then puts on a constant amount of electromagnetic waves. The interesting part about this is that the entire exercise is carried out without any physical contact with the subject.

The EMF emissions can be decoded into current thoughts and audiovisual perception, in the subject’s gumption. It sends complicated cyphers and electromagnetic pulse signals to activate evoked potentials inside the mind, consequently generating sound and visual input in the neural circuits. With its speech, auditory and visual communication arrays, R.N.M. allows for a comprehensive audio-visual mind-to-mind connection or a mind-to-computer association. From <>

Here are the patents for this:

US PATENT 3,951,134 – APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR REMOTELY MONITORING AND ALTERING BRAIN WAVES — Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. (remind anybody of the Montauk chair? –author)The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein. It wouldn’t have been out of place in a Star Wars movie but the fact is the patents are already in the U.S Patents office.

Thus we have:




U.S. Patent US5629678: IMPLANTABLE TRANSECEIVER – Apparatus for

Tracking and Recovering Humans.



(Global Positioning Satellite) LOCATION INFORMATION.

From <>


By now, I am sure you have all put 2 and 2 together and have realized part of what HAARP technology is being used for…. However, I think most of the conspiracy theory out there on HAARP could be true, I think its real use, once you take all the gilded gold off of it is for the above project of eventually invading the mind of every person alive n the planet… ok…get your tin foil ready!


“We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.

The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.”

Dr José Delgado.

Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University

Medical School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118

February 24, 1974.

From <>


HAARP was a target of conspiracy theorists, who claimed that it was capable of modifying weather, disabling satellites and exerting mind control over people, and that it was being used as a weapon against terrorists. Such theorists blamed the program for causing earthquakes, droughts, storms and floods, diseases such as Gulf War syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome, the 1996 crash of TWA Flight 800, and the 2003 destruction of the space shuttle Columbia. Commentators and scientists say that proponents of these theories are “uninformed”, because most theories put forward fall well outside the abilities of the facility and often outside the scope of natural science.[5][6]

See also: List of conspiracy theories: Development of weapons technology

HAARP is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories. Various individuals have speculated about hidden motives and capabilities of the project. For example, Rosalie Bertell warned in 1996 about the deployment of HAARP as a military weapon.[29] Michel Chossudovsky stated in a book published by the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform that “recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes.”[30] Over time, HAARP has been blamed for triggering catastrophes such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, thunderstorms, earthquakes in Iran, Pakistan, Haiti, Turkey, Greece and the Philippines, major power outages, the downing of TWA Flight 800, Gulf War syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome.[6][31][32]

Allegations include the following:

A Russian military journal wrote that ionospheric testing would “trigger a cascade of electrons that could flip Earth’s magnetic poles”.[33]

The European Parliament and the Alaska state legislature held hearings about HAARP, the former citing “environmental concerns”.[34]

Nick Begich Jr., the son of former U.S. Representative Nick Begich and brother of U.S. Senator Mark Begich, author of Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, has claimed that HAARP could trigger earthquakes and turn the upper atmosphere into a giant lens so that “the sky would literally appear to burn”, and maintains a website that claims HAARP is a mind control device.[33][35]

Former Governor of Minnesota and noted conspiracy theorist Jesse Ventura questioned whether the government is using the site to manipulate the weather or to bombard people with mind-controlling radio waves. An Air Force spokeswoman said Ventura made an official request to visit the research station but was rejected – “he and his crew showed up at HAARP anyway and weredenied access”.[36]

Physicist Bernard Eastlund claimed that HAARP includes technology based on his own patents that has the capability to modify weather and neutralize satellites.[5]

It has been proposed as a cause of low frequency background hums said to be heard in various locales.[37]

What they would have us really believe it does, and I am sure this is correct too: From <>

The HAARP project directs a 3.6 MW signal, in the 2.8–10 MHz region of the HF (high-frequency) band, into the ionosphere. The signal may be pulsed or continuous. Then, effects of the transmission and any recovery period can be examined using associated instrumentation, including VHF and UHF radars, HF receivers, and optical cameras. According to the HAARP team, this will advance the study of basic natural processes that occur in the ionosphere under the natural but much stronger influence of solar interaction, and how the natural ionosphere affects radio signals.

This will enable scientists to develop methods to mitigate these effects to improve the reliability or performance of communication and navigation systems which would have a wide range of both civilian and military uses, such as an increased accuracy of GPS navigation and advances in underwater and underground research and applications. This may lead to improved methods for submarine communication or an ability to remotely sense and map the mineral content of the terrestrial subsurface, and perhaps underground complexes, of regions or countries, among other things. The current facility lacks range to be used in regions like the Middle East, according to one of the researchers involved, but the technology could be put on a mobile platform.[14]

The project was funded by the Office of Naval Research and jointly managed by the ONR and Air Force Research Laboratory, with the principal involvement of the University of Alaska. Many other universities and educational institutions of the United States were involved in the development of the project and its instruments, namely the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Stanford University, Penn State University (ARL), Boston College, UCLA, Clemson University, Dartmouth College, Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland, College Park, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MIT, Polytechnic Institute of New York University, and the University of Tulsa. The project’s specifications were developed by the universities, who continued to play a major role in the design of future research efforts. From <>

The main instrument at HAARP Station is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI). This is a high power, high-frequency phased array radio transmitter with a set of 180 antennas, disposed in an array of 12×15 units that occupy a rectangle of about 33 acres (13 hectares). The IRI is used to temporarily energize a small portion of the ionosphere. The study of these disturbed volumes yields important information for understanding natural ionospheric processes. From <>

n America, there are two related ionospheric heating facilities: the HIPAS, near Fairbanks, Alaska, which was dismantled in 2009, and (currently offline for reconstruction) one at the Arecibo Observatory[27] in Puerto Rico. The European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association (EISCAT) operates an ionospheric heating facility, capable of transmitting over 1 GW effective radiated power (ERP), near Tromsø, Norway.[28] Russia has the Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility, in Vasilsursk near Nizhniy Novgorod, capable of transmitting 190 MW ERP. From <>

Microwave auditory effect

The microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of audible clicks (or, with speech modulation, spoken words) induced by pulsed/modulated microwave frequencies. The clicks are generated directly inside the human head without the need of any receiving electronic device. The effect was first reported by persons working in the vicinity of radar transponders during World War II. These induced sounds are not audible to other people nearby. The microwave auditory effect was later discovered to be inducible with shorter-wavelength portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. During the Cold War era, the American neuroscientist Allan H. Frey studied this phenomenon and was the first to publish[1] information on the nature of the microwave auditory effect.

Pulsed microwave radiation can be heard by some workers; the irradiated personnel perceive auditory sensations of clicking or buzzing. The cause is thought to be thermoelastic expansion of portions of the auditory apparatus.[2] Competing theories explain the results of interferometric holography tests differently.[3]

In 2003-2004, the WaveBand Corp. had a contract from the US Navy for the design an MAE system they called MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio) intended to remotely, temporarily incapacitate personnel. The project was cancelled in 2005.[4][5][6]


A 1998 patent describes a device that can scare off birds from wind turbines, aircraft, and other sensitive installations by way of microwave energy pulses. Using frequencies from 1 GHz to about 40 GHz, the warning system generates pulses of milliseconds duration, which are claimed to be sensed by the birds’ auditory systems. It is believed this may cause them to veer away from the protected object.[8]

As stated by the above-mentioned journal entry to the American Psychologist, “the averaged densities of energy required to transmit longer messages would approach the current 10mW/cm² limit of safe exposure”, which makes the technology improper for human telecommunication. For this very same ‘receiverless’ wireless sound transmission to human beings, sound from ultrasound is used instead.

Dr. Michael Persinger is a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada. Concerning this subject, Dr. Persinger writes:

“Temporal lobe stimulation can evoke the feeling of a presence, disorientation, and perceptual irregularities. It can activate images stored in the subject’s memory, including nightmares and monsters that are normally suppressed. Contemporary neuroscience suggests the existence of fundamental algorithms by which all sensory transduction is translated into an intrinsic, brain-specific code. Direct stimulation of these codes within the human temporal or limbic cortices by applied electromagnetic patterns may require energy levels which are within the range of both geomagnetic activity and contemporary communication networks. A process which is coupled to the narrow band of brain temperature could allow all normal human brains to be affected by a sub-harmonic whose frequency range at about 10 Hz would only vary by 0.1 Hz.”

Dr Persinger concludes the article by writing:

“Within the last two decades a potential has emerged which was improbable, but which is now feasible. This potential is the technical capability to influence directly the major portion of the approximately 6.5 billion brains of the human species, without mediation through classical sensory modalities, by generating neural information within a physical medium within which all members of the species are immersed.

“The historical emergence of such possibilities, which have ranged from gunpowder to atomic fission, have resulted in major changes in the social evolution that occurred inordinately quickly after the implementation. Reduction of the risk of the inappropriate application of these technologies requires the continued and open discussion of their realistic feasibility and implications within the scientific and public domain.” From <>

Conspiracy theories

Numerous individuals suffering from auditory hallucinations, delusional disorders[9] or other mental illness have alleged that government agents use forms of mind control technologies based on microwave signals to transmit sounds and thoughts into their heads as a form of electronic harassment, referring to the technology as “voice to skull” or “V2K”.[10]

There are extensive online support networks and numerous websites maintained by people fearing mind control. California psychiatrist Alan Drucker has identified evidence of delusional disorders on many of these websites[9] and other psychologists are divided over whether such sites negatively reinforce mental troubles or act as a form of group cognitive therapy.[11] From <>

Studies have found that exposure to high intensity ultrasound at frequencies from 700 kHz to 3.6 MHz can cause lung and intestinal damage in mice. Heart rate patterns following vibroacoustic stimulation has resulted in serious negative consequences such as atrial flutter and bradycardia. [7] [8]

The extra-aural (unrelated to hearing) bioeffects on various internal organs and the central nervous system included auditory shifts, vibrotactile sensitivity change, muscle contraction, cardiovascular function change, central nervous system effects, vestibular (inner ear) effects, and chest wall/lung tissue effects. Researchers found that low frequency sonar exposure could result in significant cavitations, hypothermia, and tissue shearing. No follow on experiments were recommended. Tests performed on mice show the threshold for both lung and liver damage occurs at about 184 dB. Damage increases rapidly as intensity is increased.[citation needed] The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM)has stated that there have been no proven biological effects associated with an unfocused sound beam with intensities below 100 mW/cm² SPTA or focused sound beams below an intensity level of 1 mW/cm² SPTA.[9]

Noise-induced neurologic disturbances in scuba divers exposed to continuous low frequency tones for durations longer than 15 minutes has involved in some cases the development of immediate and long-term problems affecting brain tissue. The symptoms resembled those of individuals who had suffered minor head injuries. One theory for a causal mechanism is that the prolonged sound exposure resulted in enough mechanical strain to brain tissue to induce an encephalopathy. Divers and aquatic mammals may also suffer lung and sinus injuries from high intensity, low frequency sound. This is due to the ease with which low frequency sound passes from water into a body, but not into any pockets of gas in the body, which reflect the sound due to mismatched acoustic impedance.[10] From<>

There has been speculation about military sonic weapons that emit highly-directional high-intensity sound; however, these devices do not use ultrasound, although sometimes thought to do so. Wikileaks has published technical specifications of such sound weapons.[3]

Commercial advertising

A sound signal can be aimed so that only a particular passer-by, or somebody very close, can hear it. In commercial applications, it can target sound to a single person without the peripheral sound and related noise of a loudspeaker.

Disney was amongst the first major corporations to adopt it for use at the Epcot Center, and many other application examples are shown on the Holosonics website.[7] From <>

Moreover, what if televisions across the U.S. and Canada all went 100% DIGITAL [E.g. the mandatory HD conversion to take place in Feb. 2009] in their signals (which must happen in order to successfully link to pre-positioned, interconnected GWEN (Ground-Wave Emergency Network) Towers) which of course would allow the unrestricted use of the Sound of Silence frequencies in a complete and massive control of the nation’s mind and consciousness? From <>


This leads directly into the VOG technology: VOICE OF GOD. Not only has this been used quite efficiently in the gulf war, it is quite real, and I couldn’t ask you to believe that unless I showed you where it came from. This is from Corey Goode’s Web Site:

Can you tell us more about this technology called “The Voice of God” where people hear voices in their head? Yes, this technology uses “Bio-Neural Interface” methods that have evolved over the decades since it was developed. The older LF/ELF frequency VOG devices could focus on an individual in a crowd but after a certain range the “blooming affect” caused a loss in its desired effect. The more recent technology can now focus on an individual from a drone aircraft or even Low Earth Orbit. Depending on the model and settings it can be used to maintain point to point communications with operatives in the field, cause an unsuspecting person to hear voices through vibrations in their skull and brain matter or even download audio, olfactory and visual data directly to their neurological systems. As SOP operatives are exposed to this technology to be able to recognize when they are being targeted. The people that create the data or reality constructs that are “downloaded” are called “Programmers”. This VOG technology is heavily used on people who channel as well as “Targeted Individuals”. It can produce hallucinations that are incredibly realistic. Heavy use of this technology over a long period of time will induce Paranoid Schizophrenia in people who would otherwise never have developed this disorder. It is a very nasty and dangerous technology that is widely used against the public. It has been a major tool to spread misinformation through the “truther movement” and to discredit legitimate contacts and communications with non-terrestrials. It has been used with a large amount of success in creating competing narratives to cause schisms between followers of various esoteric groups. VOG technology is currently in use as of the date of this response. From <>

On March 23, 1991, a news brief was released in the form of an ITV News Bureau Ltd (London) wire service bulletin entitled “High-Tech Psychological Warfare Arrives in the Middle East”. This was during the administration of George Bush Sr., during “Operation Desert Storm” and describes in remarkable detail a US Psychological Operations (PsyOps) covert operation successfully deployed against Iraqi troops in Kuwait.

Saddam Hussein’s vaunted “Republican Guard” crack troops were promising Bush “the Mother of all Battles” with many thousands of dead coalition troops. On paper, it looked convincing. Hussein’s Republican Guard troops were battle-hardened veterans of the 10 year war with Iran, while coalition troops were unblooded. The Iraqis had modern weaponry and were well trained in how to use it. Something very strange happened, however. The “mother of all battles” ended before it began, as literally hundreds of thousands of Iraqi soldiers surrendered en masse without even firing a shot!


Here is what the British press reported on the incident –while the American press was censored:

“… an unbelievable and HIGHLY CLASSIFIED PsyOps program utilizing “Silent Sound” techniques was successfully deployed. The opportunity to use this method occurred when Saddam Hussein’s military command-and-control system was destroyed. The Iraqi troops were then forced to use commercial FM radio stations to carry encoded commands, which were broadcast on the 100 MHz frequency. The US Psy-Ops team set up its own portable FM transmitter, utilizing the same frequency, in the deserted city of Al Khafji. This US transmitter overpowered the local Iraqi station. Along with patriotic and religious music, PsyOps transmitted “vague, confusing and contradictory military orders and information”.

Subliminally, a much more powerful technology was at work, however. A sophisticated electronic system designed to ‘speak’ directly to the mind of the listener; to alter and entrain his brainwaves, to manipulate his brain’s electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns and thus artificially implant negative emotional states —- feelings of intense fear, anxiety, despair and hopelessness were created in the Iraqi troops. This incredibly effective subliminal system doesn’t just tell a person to feel an emotion, it makes them feel it; it implants that EMOTION in their minds.” From <>

It appears that some of the troops in Iraq are using “spoken” (as opposed to “screeching”) LRAD to mess with enemy fighters. Islamic terrorists tend to be superstitious and, of course, very religious. LRAD can put the “word of God” into their heads. If God, in the form of a voice that only you can hear, tells you to surrender, or run away, what are you gonna do? ~  From <>

Another interesting find shows that the United States Army did have an old dedicated webpage that talked about the technology but pulled down the page as soon as researchers got hold of the information and started to share it.  Some researchers took snap shots of the webpage and also cached it on other sites for proof that the military does in fact use this invasive technology. From <>

IMHO whether we know it or not, whether we can perceive, conceive, believe it, WE ARE IN TROUBLE. In my next and last article I will explore some of the more convoluted theories as to why. Hold on to your hats.



From Occult to Technology (re-edit)

Have you ever wondered HOW TV, media, movies, radio are supposedly manipulating us and creating the perfect mass mind control? I mean, I know, we have all heard it, but mostly, I haven’t seen any of the dots connected

So, I decided to look into it and I got down into not only a rabbit hole, but a warren of interconnecting areas that are spread out into just about every area of our daily life. Its like an artificial neural net that has captured us all without us having the slightest clue that it has

I started with a time line, and I am only touching on a little bit, however feel free to fill it in where I have missed something important. I am only trying to show an evolution of thought.

As early as the last part of the 1800’s it was proven that the brain operated electrically. That by observation and congruence, we could conjecture that the human brain operated that way too. So we have the first observation of electricity involved in cognition and the operation of the human and animal body.

1875 The role of electricity in nerves was first observed in dissected frogs by Luigi Galvani in the second half of the 18th century. Richard Caton presented his findings in 1875 about electrical phenomena of the cerebral hemispheres of rabbits and monkeys From <>

“So astounding are the facts in this connection, that it would seem as though the Creator, himself had electrically designed this planet…”

― Nikola Tesla


1918 The Germans began to look at this from a different angle and their observations were of a more occult/spiritual nature. The electric ‘force’ they supposed was of a more refined nature than gross electricity. They were not adverse to mixing spirituality and science to achieve their goals. Nor were they adverse to looking to other cultures for answers/results. They had mediums and meditators who began to be contacted by spirits that then led them to being contacted by an advanced society from middle earth called the Vril-ya. This was the origin of the Thule Society (1918) and was a primary focus of Thule-Gesellschaft; a claim concerning the origins of the Aryan race. “Thule” was a land located by Greco-Roman geographers in the furthest north. The society was named after “Ultima Thule” — (Latin: most distant North) mentioned by the Roman poet Virgil in his epic poem Aeneid, which was the far northern segment of Thule and is generally understood to mean Scandinavia. Said by Nazi mystics to be the capital of ancient Hyperborea, they placed Ultima Thule in the extreme north near Greenland or Iceland. The Thulists believed in the hollow earth theory. The Thule Society counted among its goals the desire to prove that the Aryan race came from a lost continent, perhaps Atlantis. From <>

Along with Thule, Hyperborea was one of several terrae incognitae to the Greeks and Romans, where Pliny, Pindar and Herodotus, as well as Virgil and Cicero, reported that people lived to the age of one thousand and enjoyed lives of complete happiness. Hecataeus of Abdera collated all the stories about the Hyperboreans current in the fourth century BC and published a lengthy treatise on them, lost to us, but noted by Diodorus Siculus (ii.47.1–2).[30] Also, the sun was supposed to rise and set only once a year in Hyperborea; which would place it above or upon the Arctic Circle, or, more generally, in the arctic polar regions. From <> Towards the end of WWII there is evidence out there that a few years after this the German occultists regime began using the Vril society in their research for the Wunderwaffe and the expeditions into Tibet and Syria for lost ancient technology on the earth also began. The Vril Society was founded as “The All German Society for Metaphysics” in 1921 to explore the origins of the Aryan race, to seek contact with the “hidden masters” of Ultima Thule, and to practice meditation and other techniques intended to strengthen individual mastery of the divine Vril force itself

Throughout time, it is speculated that we have been in contact with alien races from off planet. The proof for this is in the remnants of ancient builder sites found all around the world. There is also a theory that posits that these ‘visitors’ were not from off planet, that they were from inside the earth where they fled during one of the many great catastrophes in earth’s history, and not only one race, at one time. Purportedly, there are many races living under our feet. Some of which who had factions of their people form a ‘break-away- civilization and move off planet, while some of their people stayed behind and lived in the deepest caverns under earth. These purported races had high enough technology to get off planet and to build out the interior spaces inside the earth while they awaited the catastrophe to pass. Through the centuries they had never lost their technology and have had time to improve their diets, spiritual outlook, advance their technology and generally live longer (some myths say up to 1000yrs, or longer). They pride themselves on being ethnically ‘pure’. If these were some of the people who the Germans were working with, it becomes obvious why they were obsessed with ethnic purity.

In Corey Goode’s most recent interview, he expounds on the German Occult group’s (not Nazi) connection and meeting with the Draco’s (off worlders) and the Agarthans (a race under the Tibetan mountains.) These two races met the Germans about the same time and the Germans crafted an alliance treaty with them when it became obvious they were going to lose WWII. The Agarthans were able to show the Germans that there were areas under the Antarctic ice cap that were habitable after they had developed Die Glocke (the Bell which was an engine NOT a craft.) The Agarthans helped them with the development of a fleet to journey into space and they began development of a moon base in the Draco aligned area of the moon, which gave them a sort of diplomatic immunity to any other race that objected to them being there. This of course gave a certain segment of the German population a break-away civilization that has since left the planet, while some have stayed behind in their underground bases and hide-outs.

There was quite a lot of cutting edge scientific research going on in pockets all over the world. Had this happened in this age the information would have been flying across the globe and could have helped us out of the dark ages we now find ourselves in. However, because this was not the case, these pockets of scientific advancements stayed in their separate pockets. Because of this people like Edison were able to create the dynasties they did by keeping the advancement back from the people in order to corner and capitalize on their sector of a market place, artificially creating a demand for what only they could supply. (AC/DC: The Tesla–Edison Feud)(The War of Currents) AS has been done for eons of time.

1943 IMHO when Tesla died the US government came in and appropriated ALL of his research, every last crumb. It became the base for the next 70 years of research on electromagnetism and resonance; biological, mechanical and energetic. And for the next 70 years, every associated patent, every inventor, researcher and intelligence working along this line of inquiry, was harassed, killed, or controlled in some way, Including Tesla and his birds, who died penniless and was deemed insane by normal society. This harassment has continued to today, perpetrated on an unsuspecting people by an ungoverned sector of black project researchers and developers. WE have been Guinea pigs for the last 70 years despite the Nuremberg Code (a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation set as a result of the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials at the end of the Second World War (1947) . From <> ).

From tesla we expanded into experimenting with extremely high voltage systems one of which was adapted to create a magnetic cloaking system for our ships. Tesla coils were being used for this purpose.

Tesla coils can produce output voltages from a hundred kilovolts to several million volts for large coils.[14][16][18] The alternating current output is in the low radio frequency range, usually between 50 kHz and 1 MHz.[16][18] Although some oscillator-driven coils generate a continuous alternating current, most Tesla coils have a pulsed output;[14] the high voltage consists of a rapid string of pulses of radio frequency alternating current. From <>

Which leads right into the;

The Philadelphia Experiment is an alleged military experiment that is said to have been carried out by the U.S. Navy at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania some time around October 28, 1943. The U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Eldridge (DE-173) was claimed to have been rendered invisible (or “cloaked“) to enemy devices by a process of degaussing.

Degaussing is the process of decreasing or eliminating a remnant magnetic field. It is named after the gauss, a unit of magnetism, which in turn was named after Carl Friedrich Gauss. Due to magnetic hysteresis, it is generally not possible to reduce a magnetic field completely to zero, so degaussing typically induces a very small “known” field referred to as bias. Degaussing was originally applied to reduce ships’ magnetic signatures during the Second World War. The original method of degaussing was to install electromagnetic coils into the ships, known simply as coiling. In addition to being able to bias the ship continually, coiling also allowed the bias field to be reversed in the southern hemisphere, where the mines were set to detect “S-pole down” fields. British ships, notably cruisers and battleships, were well protected by about 1943.From <>

The most interesting theory about the Philadelphia Experiment, Project Rainbow, is that it actually did disappear and was transported across time and space… know, the everyday stuff.

Supposedly there was a great number of well-known and ingenious scientists, like Einstein and Tesla, that were taking a part in this experiment. It’s still questionable to whether or not Tesla was actually there, he was supposed to of been dead when the testing was taking place (who knows, it might be part of a VERY elaborate cover up, or just a rumor that someone tried to make fact).

Now, I’m DEFINITELY not well learned in this area of physics or just science, but I’ll try to relay the info as best I can, and hope I don’t screw up too badly. But the theory goes like this, they wanted to make the ship invisible to vision, and to do that u have to bend the light around the object in some way. So they wrapped the ship’s circumference in wire and passed a measured current through it.

This caused a huge oscillating magnets to form a magnetic field around the ship, not only bending the light but space and time. At first this sounds like something out of a Scifi book (as I’ve been told), but only recently scientist have concluded that even the earth has space/time eddies, in the upper atmosphere, that are created by its gravitational force on the space around it.

So isn’t it possible that a magnetic field (which is a stronger force than gravitation) could of created not only the same but a stronger and more contained affect on the ship and everything thing with in this field?

Again I am totally out of my league here, and am only speculating, but sometimes what we take as impossible, is only impossible from our narrow views, and only need to be widened. This field supposedly bent all three, light, space, and time, according to Einstein’s uncompleted Unified Field Theory once you bend one you bend them all, and the ship transversed all of them to Norfolk, Virginia. Then was sighted back at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in only 15 mins.

The first time this test was performed the ship didn’t disappear all the way, and supposedly left the imprint of the hull in the water. And when the ship returned the crew was still in tacked, but severely disorientated. The second time the ship totally disappeared in a green fog and was sited in Norfolk, Virginia, by the crew of the SS Andrew Furuseth.

Not only that, but the crew was seriously disorientated…. some of them came back mentally ill (some mentally ill for the rest of their life).. some came back EMBEDDED in the hull of the ship… and some just didn’t come back at all. Some of the people to come back seemed not to have COMPLETELY come back either.

There was a reported incident, where one of the former crew of the USS Eldridge was at a restaurant and just disappeared in a room full of witnesses. And a newspaper article of a bar room fight, in which a former crew member was a part of, and everyone in the fight froze. There are also accounts of people that where on the ship, later bursting into flames.


This was because as they later found out, there is a time lock that is created at the moment of your birth that encodes your place in the 3D world of earth. This was demonstrated even by Carlos Castaneda. Just as in EU theory when the filaments of electric force come together and get tightly packed, like in a z-pinch they start to glow. Carlos talks about this glow of awareness that we all have that when viewed through unfettered eyes looks like a z-pinch. He talks about our personal referent point in this 3D world we all share as being the anchor that we use to stay here. In his explanation to travel to or go through your personal portal, you simply move your personal referent point. So you take that glowing place that is glowing because all the electric strands that are you have come together in one place and you move it. Maybe only 6 degrees to the side and Voila! You are somewhere else, either along this time line back and forth, or some other planet, place on earth or dimension. From <>


Bielek: The aliens were the ones who transmitted the drop-dead date of August 12, 1943 down the chain of command working on the Philadelphia Experiment. When the time travel occurred it caused a rift in space-time, but it did not destroy it. That hole allowed alien ships from other domains to come through in large numbers and sizes. The rift was created when Montauk locked with the Philadelphia Experiment. But, they (the government) couldn’t have done so without the alien help, especially for the super hardware needed.   <>

The time comments centered around a concept involving a TIME LOCK which was “encoded” at the time of creation of all matter, living or otherwise. Thus, all matter created on the Earth, must be “clocked” to the Earth time lock. The Earth must be “clocked” to the Solar time lock and that to the Galaxial. If your time lock became “distorted” by high intensity fields, it would create a variety of problems due to the instability of the recovery process, assuming that recovery could be possible. From <>


However, when the total results and aberrations of this experiment were looked at, they also realized that they had created a rip in the space/time fabric and reset biological system of the men on board, some of which never made it through the distortion of their own personal time lock, others of which found that the time lock had been altered just enough to create all sort of anomalous effects such personal invisibility upon strong emotional reactions and spontaneous human combustion.

In other words, they made a mess, a really big one. They finally realized that all of these things were connected along the electromagnetic spectrum.

It was realized later that many of the survivors of the experiment were in need of care so they were sent to Camp Upton. Camp Upton was created in 1917 to house troops as they awaited ships for deployment overseas. It was used again by the Army in the mobilization of 1940 that preceded the American entry into World War II and later housed a convalescent and rehabilitation hospital. In 1946, the camp was closed and ownership transferred to the Brookhaven National Laboratory, where it was rumored that Mengele continued his research unfettered into the psychic nature of human kind.

Thus the link between The Philadelphia Experiment and Project Montauk is created in Al Bielek’s testimony.

1945 There were even some Germans and American sectors sharing research during WWII, even though it looked like we were sworn enemies. This can be traced through to the Nazi enrichment to our scientific knowledge base in operation Paper Clip at the end of WWII in an effort to corral the ‘valuable’ research and not lose control over it.

1947 Roswell Roswell was ‘made’ to look like the beginnings of this epoch, although it was only for public show in IMHO.


1950 Once they realized the link between ultra-high voltage current, magnetism and radio frequency and out of the research in radar, we began to understand that when we opened this interdimensional doorway, it was almost impossible to close it. Repeated attempts to do so only created more anomalies. These portals/doorways/rips in temporal time admitted many ET/ED’s into our here and now. But we discovered a way to down UFO’s with radar because these ships used a form of drive similar to what they discovered on the Eldridge, certain radio frequencies can disrupt this drive creating a systems failure. This went along with the Eisenhower treaty with negative ET/ED’s and ushered in the modern age of Ufology in 1957.


In the 1950’s scientists had made enough progress with hard science combined with the German research into the Occult to understand that the connection to the mind and reaching these hyperdimensional spaces was understood to be linked. They were also understanding that we, as a people on earth, were nowhere near able to do this with our own minds, that maybe sometime a thousand years in the future we might, but not now. They decided they had to pursue the idea of artificially enhancing the mind to accomplish this. Thus began MKULTRA;


Project MKUltra—sometimes referred to as the CIA’s mind control program—was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations and torture, in order to weaken the individual to force confessions through mind control. Organized through the Scientific Intelligence Division of the CIA, the project coordinated with the Special Operations Division of the U.S. Army’s Chemical Corps.[1] The program began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973.[2] The program engaged in many illegal activities;[3][4][5] in particular it used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy.[3](p74)[6][7][8] MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,[9] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.[not verified in body] From <>

(Relating this back the 1800’s discovery of the electrical nature of the body and brain.) At least one subproject of the MK Ultra project was about the electronic control of human behavior (subproject 119). Subproject 119 had the purpose to provide funds for a study to make a critical review of the literature and scientific developments related to the recording, analysis and interpretation of bio-electric signals from the human organism, and activation of the human behavior by remote means. The survey encompassed five main areas: techniques of activation of the human organism by remote electronic means, bio-electric sensors, recording, analysis and standardization of data. <>

1968 As soon as MKULTRA as halted in the public eye in 1967, Project Montauk began on a decommissioned radar base from WWII at a place now called Camp Hero on the easternmost point of Long Island. The bed rock here is a piece from Europe, like the bed rock that comes up in Central Park in N.Y. City. The Montauk Indians were the keepers of the land because it was considered sacred. There are gravitic anomalies in this area. There were pyramids on the point, remembered by Gale Evening Star as told to her from her grandfather that were destroyed in the 1938 hurricane. The indigenous tribe of the area claim to have Egyptian roots – all the kings have Pharoe as their last name from their oral history. To acquire this property, the government declared all the Montauk Indians were extinct. There is some very interesting, double dealing history here that is well worth the look. The pictures of the now State park are here. In 1984, the federal government announced plans to sell Montauk Air Force Station, a 278 acres (1.1 km2) air force installation south of Montauk Point, to real estate developers.[34] New York State and the Town of East Hampton sued to block the sale.[34] The land was eventually turned over to the New York State Park Service, becoming Camp Hero State Park.[34] The state purchased 1,000 acres (4.0 km2) of Hither Woods in 1986 and created Hither Hills State Park.[34] In 1988, the state purchased 777 acres (3.1 km2) more to augment the park.[34]

Experiments were continued at this location on a number of projects all surrounding the technology that grew out of the Philadelphia experiment in portal technology and mind sciences. Utilizing the methods of torture discovered in MKULTRA to create enhanced mental and emotional states of mind because trauma creates doorways/portals as does all intense emotional response, they began to create technology around the data they were measuring to amplify and focus this extreme state of mental energy. This also involved getting enough subjects that would not be missed to experiment on, because a lot of young adolescents died in this part of the research. Experiments using the mind, amplifying the minds abilities, using alien derived technology to amplify the mind’s capabilities, all surrounding time travel and hyperspace travel were aiming to understand how to control where you went, when you went. This was all correlated by using computers to record, track and then in reverse create these states of mind in the test subjects in order to interface with the alien technology. This culminated in the understanding of the space/time, time/space physics and math enough to realize that every journey through time only created another parallel continuum and that it was slightly different each time for each person. Meaning that time and consciousness are malleable enough that there is no ‘true’ one time or place for a single individual and that consensus reality was more stable in its events and directions. This is where they discovered that every attempt to repair the huge tear in the continuum from the Philadelphia experiment on only created more problems than it solved.

Because the early experiments that came out of MKULTRA focused on controlling one mind at a time for anti-spying purposes, it was understood how to use drugs, torture, hypnosis and electronics on a human being to wipe memories and replace them with ‘screen’ stories to make sure that the people that were used in Project Montauk would have no memory of it, or if they survived their torture, they had no memory of the deaths of those that didn’t survive.

Steward Swerdlow, Preston Nichols and Alfred Bielek are three men that were all involved in the Montauk project at varying levels and degrees but had all had their memories wiped after they were let go from the project. They all met in the late 80’s to early 90’s at small gatherings of people who were interested in UFO abductions in NY city. It seems that the more intuitive and connected you are to your spiritual self, the less successful they were at wiping your memories. These three men all had their own memories and during their interactions it sparked them to come out. The movie “The Montauk Chronicles” is an excellent perspective from the insider’s view point.

Out of these studies, experiments and theories aimed at converting the occult to technology came projects like:

Blue Brain Wiki link

Neural Feedback

RNM Remote Neural Monitoring

Remote activation of dormant viruses implanted in dormant bacterium by frequency bombardment

Blue Beam

Blue book



VOG (voice of god) technology

The one point I would like to make is this: it is obvious to me that at several key points in our progress in society and science, WE have been stopped. WE have been manipulated. WE have been turned away from realizing there were easier ways to help each other than the path we were ultimately sent down. In the next article I am going to explore how the black projects took over the research into the science of consciousness and have been using these advances against us, the people of earth, the useless eaters…..