
Weird, odd… I have always known – since I can remember about other worlds and crafts and people. Always. I. Have. Just. known. Is that faith? Because I know something there is no proof of? But it is still worlds away from ‘real’ life, and real life is the thing that is gar-un-teed to bite your ass if you do not attend to it.

Interestingly, it puts those other worlds, peoples and technology in a position of being a religion – a faith, by the sheer virtue of something you can never see, but know exists, because you were born knowing it.

On the way back from my son’s house after doing haircut Saturday I was listening to Richard Dolan and Grant Cameron in their new part 1 interview from the Toronto convention. It struck me that they sounded like two Rabbis arguing the Torah, or 2 priests discussing points in the bible on philosophical proofs of God by dismantling the events and evidence left behind and positing the meaning of it to glean a deeper insight to it all. They both agree on an ‘unproven’ that exists – enough to pursue it with great vigor.

It struck me that I was seeing a very modern and intellectual reflection of a cargo cult – or what we now would look like trying to unravel the scanty evidence we have to make a different sense of it. We know better than to worship it, or do we – as the time and effort many put into this subject could be considered worship of a sorts.

Really all we have are the results – all around us – to look at like a forensic crime scene investigation building events backwards in time from the evidence – the end point of the event to possibly understand what has actually happened in a 3D manner. Yes, a big part of that evidence is the lying and secrecy.

It is said that Pisces was the age of external evidence and that Aquarius is the age of internal evidence; of religion vs. spirituality. But really, this whole world runs on faith.

Faith: 1) a strong belief based on internal apprehension rather than proof (proof = external evidence) 2) a complete trust in someone or something

Proof, in the way we want it on this subject just may never come in the form we want it. But, in the internal, faith is proof – a knowing, an apprehension. It only becomes real when you step out of the body. It cannot be 3D.

The only difference between faith and proof is that faith is direct understanding and proof is external understanding. The one sticking point is that external proof can be shared. Internal apprehension cannot be shared, except through story – a recounting – we are not telepaths, yet…

When understood then, there are two distinct states of being – neither superior to the other – just different, like cheese and fruit, complimentary, but separate. We take all here that isn’t 3D on faith – apprehension/understanding, which makes me wonder if faith isn’t the doorway through the veil because there are two sides to mankind: the body and this brilliant mind/soul that lives within that can see and imagine and dream, travel the universe and back, touch what is not manifest but altogether real without proof and actually know that otherness that is out there by going through this inner doorway into absolute wonderment.

That these two worlds are considered separate and care must be taken in everyday life to keep them separated – that never the twain shall meet – but shall live in one body is, well, the confusion of the age.

“Running On Faith” lyrics

Eric Clapton Lyrics

“Running On Faith”



Lately I’ve been running on faith

What else can a poor boy do?

But my world will be right

When love comes over you


Lately I’ve been talking in my sleep

I can’t imagine what I’d have to say

Except my world will be right

When love comes back your way


I’ve always been

One to take each and every day

Seems like by now

I’d find a love who cares just for me


Then we’d go running on faith

All of our dreams would come true

And our world will be right

When love comes over me and you




Then we’d go running on faith

All of our dreams would come true

And our world will be right

When love comes over me and you

When love comes over you


From <>

Hoist on their own petard…

The switch that turned on the mainstream to ET and UFO’s is the Storm Area 51 Event. For those of us involved in this for the last decade and more, this was ludicrous, but not for the newbies.

There wasn’t one mainstream news outlet that didn’t report on this, bringing the ‘topic’ to many more people than ever before, even if it was a bit tongue-in-cheek, the rest of the world got to see just how many people were interested in this ‘topic of topics’.

On December 16th, 2017 the ‘official’ breaking news that nobody cared about – news from ‘official’ sources on ‘official’ documented reports, that only the UFO community understood the importance of was released – ahem…‘officially’. It had no real impact on the sleeping masses. So, IMO, a new more social media-ish tactic had to be taken to bring this topic into the greater awareness of ‘John Q. Public’.

Face Book. That’s all it took. Millions responded. It was even cancelled – then back on, then cancelled again, but, people still showed up. They had two Dutch gentlemen who actually got arrested – as if to say don’t do it, and still people showed up. Mostly it seems they all had fun, in the three venues they set up for an influx of how many, they had no idea. It seems this may become a yearly ‘thing’ like Burning Man, people are already ideating about it. This has become a significant place where a cultural revolution in its infancy has begun. Which means it will not be long before its infiltrated and turned to other purposes. (conspiracy101) Many have called this the ET Woodstock event of 2019 but unlike the original event on August 15th 1969, that took the powers-that-be by surprise, the powers are already on top of this and probably responsible for it.

They have used our grass roots peopleness through social media (their design) to produce an effect in our world culture that wasn’t moving fast enough to wake people up. The interesting question here is why? I think its karma that they have to undo all the giggle factor and fear tactics of almost a hundred years to get people to take this seriously – they are ending up having to clean up their very own mess. And it’s obvious they are working very hard at it. Again, the question is WHY?

When you wake up to the fact that the people of the world have had their perceptions adjusted for the last 2 to 3 thousand years, and you realize that all you can do is sit back and watch the games proceed, the instant fizzy karma that is happening now is just a tad gratifying. Ok, I’m not perfect…

Hoist on their own petard!



Truth at the speed of light in a world where truth is literally illegal…

So many things are on my mind lately, real life things and idea things. They both have the potential to overwhelm me – if I choose to let them, otherwise, they hang out there in superposition – in the informational field, until I decide what importance to attach to them. I’m beginning to think that importance, or emotional charge is what boots them out of superposition in the possibility realm and into 3D.

The chant “wait….wait…” echoes in my mind. Give it a chance to evolve, and mature as not all good things stay good, or all bad things stay bad. The only human constant is change.

“Change is the only constant in life.


In the real life-things your choice is how to feel about it, your response. In the idea world, it is the same for what you turn your attentions to – what you ‘observe’…is what manifests. Real life is the outer world, the idea world is the inner world. I know we keep our emotions private most of the time, and really how you feel about what is outside or inside you is not the event or the thought its self. Emotion is a separate energy. Do we confuse emotion with self? IMO we do sometimes because it seems that the response is what gets our attention, brings effect in both worlds. .

It takes the quotient of time for information to incarnate in the physical 3-D. Your intuition can access this information field out of time therefore you can see future and past and probability. Intuition is data that has not incarnated into anything physical. It’s still up there in the superposition.

Simple act of noticing – being conscious of information is what adds time because our consciousness lives in time.

In the physics of Information, Guillemant thinks the future is already realized and in transformation. Consciousness is generating the impression of space-time. It is consciousness traversing associations in this universe of information and creating the illusion of space time – every 10 to the 23rd times per second . This makes dimensions a cultural artifact that we create to navigate the universe of information. This makes the universe a subsystem of a mental reality of information structures.

“There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”


As we grow in our ability to include more in our box of all that is, we will begin to realize that there is a whole universe of universes of possibilities out and in here. For what is crazier; being open to possibility or refusing to look – esp. at the tiger who is ready to eat you? Where all these ramblings have led me, and all this research is to an intuitive feeling that there is NOT ONE THING that isn’t connected to a grander driving scheme operating on humanity at this time. From the seen to the unseen. All we who are stuck in rational empiricism haven’t a clue about the unseen side – but most indigenous people do and have a long oral tradition of it too. They, however, have no idea how our technology works.

I was listening to Jeffery Mishlove interview Jason Reza Jorjani on the Philosophers of Atlantis and I finally understood something about ‘ancient tech.’ If you look at what various researchers have said about ancient pictographic writings, there are basically 3 different ways to read them. One is phonetically, one is almost mathematical, and the last is as a picture – an idea gram that would create a similar picture in the head of the reader. Jason posits that Atlantean tech was different because it ran and was understood on something other than words – it used mental images and powered them with emotional energy. An interesting concept as we in this day and age think there is no power in emotion. Direct communication and total apprehension of an idea was lost when the necessity for words and a different way of thinking using words instead of telepathy became the evolutionary imperative. That is why we don’t know how to activate the ancient tech we find – the instructions are there but we have no way to understand them – our brains work differently today.

Talk to any psychic or RV’er for that matter and they will tell you that information comes in flashes, with all the connotations and feelings with it. Pictograms were the same type of communication, left behind as records in a language so foreign to us today that we can’t even begin to parse it. This information comes directly out of the informational field in a flash when you access it and tells you everything. That we are unaware of it is why symbols can be so underhandedly effectively on us today. However it is also the doorway through which we dialogue with the unseen from unholy to the divine. It is very often mistakenly called…. The Imagination. Today we need to look at ‘What our imagination is capable of vs. what we are capable of imagining’. (Myss)

One of the things that helped the fall of the mythic Atlantis, was telepathic communication, which Jason says is ‘pictures and emotion’ which was used very wrongly – and in his opinion brought on the true ‘Tower of Babel Moment’. In his idea when the technology of the Tuaoi (2eye) stone was pushed beyond its resonant capabilities and exploded, it sent Atlantis underwater and the mental technology it provided with it, and we lost our telepathic ability – if it was truly ours and not a technology in the first place…Casey has described this tech as:

…the Tuaoi Stone which he describes as a large six-sided opalescent crystal, but which is otherwise unidentified. According to readings 2072-007(6) and 2072-010(4,13), the Tuaoi Stone has some function associated to generating and/or governing power within the Atlantean culture, which may be what has led people to believe, alternately, that this is a reference to the Blue Stone and/or the Firestone (terrible crystal) From <>

Further, in Jason’s perspective, they were using this telepathic ability to terrorize others, gain power over them and the frequency of that behaviour, using the stone as a weapon of war, is what started the fractious oscillations in the crystal that could not be corrected and led to its disintegration. This, when Jason said it, hit me like a brick and reminded me of the movie, “Forbidden Planet’. And really, we all have left of this memory is this fear in the back of our minds about the power of mental abilities.

We are talking about two different informational systems. One where information is stored in 3D – so as not to lose the connection to it ever again, in binary on bits of plastic and metal and one where information is stored in the superposition where time has no meaning. We lost our ability to connect to that system when we wrecked the Tuaoi stone and we had to evolve into another form of communication to survive. Here is where Jaques Valley, Caroline Myss, Guillemant and quantum physics all intersect.

Carolyn Myss states that what we are going through at this moment is organic evolution. – not magic, as she used to say you could get eat cat food and do this. No bells and whistles. No myths (systems, yadda yadda) – this is nothing special – it works best impersonally and that WE ARE ALLL DOING THIS. We are learning to reconnect to this divine imaginative, liminal, paranormal part of our selves where time is meaningless and information travels at the speed of light. She says the problem with this is, that every time you put information into a system you change the 3D reality. This is how instantaneous healing occurs. BUT! People don’t like change and so they slow it down. This would be truth at the speed of light in a world where truth is literally illegal.

(could we be more ‘f’ed up?)

In the vein of truth limits, there are records of post diluvian migrations of the refugees of Atlantis to be found in the surviving cultures of the indigenous populations of New Zealand that are a pretty clear story of where people ended up. Seems they mostly had… wait for it… red hair. So then you can bring in the large skulled Paracans of South America and the the red-headed giants found all over America and Iran, the mysterious mummies found in china… BTW there is a concerted and very public effort to wipe out this memory and not allow the recognition of this population in New Zealand. Reminds me of the destruction of the rather large bones submitted to the Smithsonian institute that have gone…mysteriously missing…. Ahem

Which leads me to my latest – looking at the history of the paranormal, the cryptids, the ghosties, the poltergeists, the insubstantial, the unseen… it occurs to me that we have been living side by side with an entire race of beings… maybe many races – that are invisible to our senses that none-the-less are very real and live here, side by side with us, some of which ‘ride’ with us, ‘watch-over’ us and some which ‘afflict us’ us. Some are our friends, and some are not. But in the larger schema of things are, whether they want to be or not, useful to our evolution and their own. They are just like us, some damaged and angry, some not. Some beautiful, some not. But at the core of it, ALL of us are progressing. ALL of us are playing a role in this divine (?) comedy. There is an entire body of knowledge that has records of this, most notably the shamanistic traditions spanning the entire world not to mention the modern chaos magicians, I could go on.

We do ourselves a great disservice by directly and completely ignoring fellow travelers on this earth, in this journey. We do them a great disservice by doing anything and everything to ignore and disavow their presence and reality. We allow those who would control us and them the free reign to do anything they want to by living with our heads up our proverbial asses.

And now, if you were extraterrestrial – off planet – extradimensional or otherwise ‘not from here’ and you came because there was this giant nasty rip in the fabric of space because idiots were playing with it, which, is your fabric of space too… we would seem like a blight on all forms of life here and where you were from too – both the seen and unseen, so, what in the hell would you think???

What is going on is a direct plea for help and at the same time a threat. Yes, we have potential, but we are also children playing with matches that have a very bad attitude. We live in a universe that is FULL spectrum – not just what our senses can tell us and we have inadvertently (or not) threatened it all. The fact that we haven’t been eradicated is a miracle. In our tiny minds we would have called the bug control and sprayed this planet already.

If you look through the threads of time by reading the ancient records, or at least reading the Cliff Notes, you can’t ignore the fact that we are not alone….lol not the only species of life living here, we are NOT the top of the ‘food’ chain and we are relatively stupid… what can I say??? If you look at our history through a different colored lens, then all of this becomes very apparent. But….

The ‘Truth’ here is illegal. Understand????


As Caroline Myss has been teaching lately:

We are at the beginning of joining a galactic community.

As a planet we have to grow up enough to realize

God is NOT earth-centric.

We are in the transitional phase of being born into a new human condition – just before we can push. We are part of a dying paradigm and the new one has not taken shape yet. We have gone from tribal to inner only to emerge out into even greater intimacy with all of life at a level we can’t even fathom yet, because the world has become our tribe and in our inner-spaces we have begun to realize that everything touches everything. And thusly our separation myths are crumbling before our very minds!

The religions – all of them – have given us a mythology, a tradition, a pattern of how we must dialogue with the divine and others and those myths are dissolving. (Myths being a cosmic story that have a ‘god’ thread in them.) They are. There is no stopping it. So now we must be able to understand what our imagination is capable of, along with what we are capable of imagining. Let that sink in. Think quantum mechanics. Seriously.

We have to create a whole new way to dialogue with the internal sacred because our religions are colliding with our cosmology, our multidimensional world. It’s true, just think about it for a moment. We are trying to forge a new hope, a new divine thread of connection and we don’t have the words yet, and we are unable to fall back on the old explanations, the old myths, they are passing the same way the vast elder clythonic gods did out of our ken.

We are in the midst of forging a whole new evolutionary path. This path MUST have as much power and hope to map a new path through to the future as the atomic bomb has power to destroy it. Part of this new path has to include accountability for HOW we live, because what we do to one, we do to all and the tools can no longer be victimhood/vengeance. Those are old ideas in the old crumbling mythologies. They have no power to transform anything anymore. Part of the new path includes a scrupulous ethic and learning what that means because the spiritual path is about truth – deep spiritual truth and congruence in our beings, and we are living in a culture where it is now illegal to tell the truth.

Wisdom comes in paradox.

To put it in other words, IMO, it seems our imagination is the creative force that can call our new sacred connection out of superposition and into being if we can get our heads (egos) out of it long enough to feel that connection to birth it from potential into light and energy in this realm. We cannot exist without our sacred connection to the divine, that is who we are.

These ideas all come from binge watching Caroline Myss this last week, a way overdue visit to the realms she inhabits and a gourmet meal for my soul.