
Could it be that even in 3D the one truth we all ignore is the truest? That being: consciousness is the real reality. In other words, while the frequency soup we are currently swimming in is deleterious to our very existence, and our awareness of our consciousness, that our consciousnesses are very alive and vital if we just noticed. I have sneaking suspicion that it doesn’t matter how poisoned we are, how ill we are, or how frequency managed we are, consciousness is untouched by it. The frequency management is effecting our bodies, and because we really and in some cases totally identify with the body (that it is the only thing that is real – i.e.: if you don’t believe me, let me cause you pain) that we IGNORE this other component of ourselves exclusively.

“Oh, that’s all in my mind…” or, “That is just a daydream, it wasn’t real…” or, “It’s all just my imagination…” It is with these type of statements and all the similar ones we tailor make to fit our lives that we continuously program ourselves to ignore the most powerful part of our selves. I remember as a kid being told that daydreaming would get me nowhere, neither would art, music or any other creative endeavor. That the only thing that counted was Good-Hard-Work. That meant that anything in my mind, was not real, and that time spent on that meant I was lazy and no good. Does this sound like ‘Slave-Training 101’ to you? My parents considered it a good honest work ethic. Instead of being helped to make my dreams a reality with good hard work, I was not supposed to dream at all. That made everything that occurred in my mind and heart quite useless, and any task I completed given to me by a ‘higher authority’ good. (sigh – programming – sigh)

From a different point of view: Thoughts are things. They have a resonance, a frequency. Everything in existence does. So, by thinking, I have just created something. It might only be a tiny wiggle in the electromagnetic frequency going on out there to who knows where, but I did jingle-jangle that frequency. Now, by the law of resonances, or harmonies, that thought may not have any effect other than, I thought it and it was cool to think it, or it could find a harmony, a similar sound (frequency somewhere along the EM spectrum), a commonality and become part of a greater chord (frequencies that fit together so nicely they weave a greater energy in them – a bigger sound).

Especially when your propel a thought with great emotion and intention.

We walk through our daily lives as we work, clean, cook, drive, shop, thinking and feeling about stuff and not realizing that we are creating as we do this. And!!! The more worn in the thought the more power it has – the more frequency threads it has gathered with the practicing of the thought – the better it creates in your life because of resonance/harmony/attraction.

Thoughts are things and emotions embody those things and they respond to your intent like magic. Tell me one thing you have no emotions about, even if that feeling is ‘Meh’. There is always an emotion accompanying a thought. Meh has a frequency too…

Now bring this back around to the way we are ‘encouraged’ to think and feel about society and its norms and programming and you can understand how thoroughly controlled we are and why we have been taught, media-ized, programmed, religionized, schooled, to never ever give our consciousness the power it really has. Within two seconds of realizing this it would not matter what was thrown at us, we would recreate it – laughing in joy as we did. No wonder this is so secret. In some people’s eyes if we weren’t controlled there would be mass chaos – at least to their power structure.

I think what we are supposed to notice, what all the ET’s, extra-intradimensionals, beings and orbs and channelings –  the entire supranormal universe is waiting for us to realize is this.  Once we understand that consciousness IS a greater truth than 3D, and we just look – notice, all of creation will open up to us and we can finally grow beyond who we have been told we are into what we really are it will forever be changed.

Plausible Deniability


So far, if information belongs to the government, it sorta, technically, belongs to the people. That means we can eventually get it declassified and do a FOIA

Freedom of Information Act

United States

The Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, is a federal freedom of information law that allows for the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the United States government. Wikipedia


request and read and educate ourselves about whatever we requested. Eventually. Some of it.

Now, Once this information, research and development go into corporate private structure and companies, ANY and ALL of the information becomes Intellectual Property of said corporation. Point in case: You Tube. Everybody is operating under the wrong or partially wrong assumption that You Tube is public, and that they have rights within said platform to publish and say whatever they feel they desire to.

Well, this is a big    NO, NOPE, NOT EVER.

You Tube is a PRIVATE company that is run on advertising revenue. In NO WAY does it belong to the people who produce product and air it on the platform.

Sooo, here’s my thought, and my quandary:

There has been excessive talk of plausible deniability for the government being the impetus for new business models like TTS. It sounds like a good idea on paper, but when you really think about it, every scrap of information, every shred of research, every developed product created from that, is owned by TTS. Yes you may have bought stock in the company, but when all is said and done, (and has yet to be even a valid point,) will even the stock holders receive anything out of TTS? Because now, everything that is done will be the intellectual product and property of and solely owned by TTS. What if Joe Outsider Schmoe happens along and unknowingly duplicates their ideas or the research has led him to similar lines of thinking and thus results? Joe wants to give it out freely and they don’t? They sue Joe for what ever they can to stop him. (shades of Tesla, only different)

Just a thought experiment here, but who wins? At least we thought we had some recourse of getting information out of the gov’t eventually, but once it is corporatized the rules change dramatically. Basically the individual has no rights corporately. It is my contention that one of the reasons so much tech went so very black is because it went corporate… and also because there just wasn’t a big enough profit margin to bring it out to the planet, because they were making so much money…well, elsewhere.

It bothers me that the above is being shifted very slowly into the corporate sector… How long before someone patents the words UFO, zero point energy, ET,  making it intellectual property so we can no longer talk about that without being fined? (I doubt they could or would ever care, but you get the point here, right?)

I can’t shake the feeling that something very tricky is going on right underneath our noses and when we figure it out, we are NOT going to like it at all