Temples, Sacred Geometry and Resonance

It has been said that the flowing water underneath the world’s sacred sites and temples creates the continuous vibration or force that emits the resonation of mother earth. Some temples were built to use, distort or change this and some were built to magnify this.

Giza used to and may still have running water flowing deep under it, which if you posit that the shape its self is also manifesting its opposite in place – a tetrahedron, that shape is being driven by the movement of the water underneath the physical shape.

Being that the great pyramid was built with all of these ‘divine’ measurements in its physical body, it then becomes, by harmonics, a resonator of the space time fabric in local space – it hums to the solar system.

When you consider that the people who built it also had a way to vibrate it (power it up) – via the water or other means like say, the ark of the covenant – a ZP module, then if they had a way to tune it to any frequency (the already measured resonance of any object in the solar system) they wanted, IE: aim it – they could use not only all the resonance power of the earth, but the entire solar system to which its physical being was tuned (through geometry) for enough power to bust planets and change the shape of the local space time of our solar system.

Only self-righteous idiots would do this sort of thing, but it seems we have more than our share of those.

Just a thought for the day, after adding Randal Carlson to Joseph P Farrel in the swirling round file in my brain, plus the last 3 or 4 posts on this blog.

Oh yeah – I wonder what the measurement of the sun’s magnetic field and the earth’s magnetic field together as a vesica is – where in space would that be??? As a matter of fact what would be the vesical crossings of all of the planets from their gravitic center, would there be vesicas? Just a thought…

ok… one more

the vesica is considered a doorway, IE: Portal. Let that sink in.

Templates of change, some musings for the day

“When you consider that human beings are the divider between matter and spirit – that we hold both , touch both through consciousness: it makes humanity a portal – doorway through which information is shared to either side of the equation. Therefore, just about anything can be looked on as a portal – for in a way, a portal is that ‘idea’ of a crossing point from one state into another.”

Were you to stop time – freeze the motion of the universe, you would see the lattice structure (very similar to the structure of a crystal) of the physical medium – the zero point field. Everything that has matter exists as a part of, or in this field. The very fact that we are consciousness, intelligent awareness is what is attracting and cohering the matter that makes the physical bodies that we inhabit. This is the same for any manifested shape in the physical realm, which presupposes intelligent awareness of one kind or another of everything we can see and touch and some that we can’t.

What we are seeing when we look at the world are interference patterns between matter and spirit that have aggregated mass – physicality. There is a science to this and it is called interferometry.

Interferometry is a family of techniques in which waves, usually electromagnetic waves, are superimposed causing the phenomenon of interference in order to extract information.[1] Interferometry is an important investigative technique in the fields of astronomy, fiber optics, engineering metrology, optical metrology, oceanography, seismology, spectroscopy (and its applications to chemistry), quantum mechanics, nuclear and particle physics, plasma physics, remote sensing, biomolecular interactions, surface profiling, microfluidics, mechanical stress/strain measurement, velocimetry, and optometry.[2]:1–2

These patterns equate to what could be called a template. This template can be measured for every manifested thing from rocks and dirt through all life forms up and to weather and energy.

The fact that we are aware – conscious is what is important. The recognition that ‘we know’ is what enables us to make change in either state, matter and or spirit. We ARE the interface – the template and we ARE aware of this. So:

Affect the lattice – affect us   and/or   Affect the us – affect the lattice

In other words, you can’t change one without producing change in the other. Physics, the new alternative physics: torsion, resonance, frequency, scalar and all things plasma – the hidden physics, is what can actually describe this process, and once you can describe a process you can do two things: change it or engineer it.

When you change or alter the zero point field to engineer and produce desired effects, you change or alter the energy running through it and thereby change us. The two are inextricably connected and NOT separate. However it can go the other way around, but it takes massive amounts of people to have the same effect on matter and small amounts of the right kind of energy to have massive effects on the ‘us’. (IMO only because we have been socially engineered to believe we are powerless!)

From the understanding of this type of physics springs the science of social engineering. Social engineering has the capability to change the physical medium. Consciousness is the fulcrum upon which this equation rests. To say that we can change the world is correct. It IS science – not magic not pseudoscience and silliness.

To say that science can and is used to do things like give a person a deadly cancer or kill at a distance without ever seeming to physically interact with the victim is correct because once you know the template of that disease you can beam it straight at your target. What is one man’s magic is another’s science. However there is a template that is a resonance of perfect health and that could also be used to correct illness and disease. Or, build a huge massive structure at the correct point on a planet and produce an effect in local space time and within the spirit of the people…

These templates at one time in a very ancient, ancient history were put together in a set of information chips, or crystals, or as they were called long ago, tablets. They gave absolute power to the holder and the eons of research that went into discovering these ‘addresses’ or signatures of the templates on them was unimaginable in its scope and bestowed galaxy busting power to whom ever held them. These templates were from the very small subatomic level all the way up to the addresses in local space of the planets and satellites in orbit around those planets. The templates were frequency catalogues.

Two interesting points that keep interfering with my thought process while I write this:

  • If you could stop time, you could probably observe the template as a crystalline structure, as crystal lattice – it would look the same…
  • I keep wanting to write the word temple instead of template….

Portals: a crossing point from one state/potential into another.

When you consider that human beings are the divider between matter and spirit – that we hold both , touch both through consciousness: it makes humanity a portal – doorway through which information is shared to either side of the equation. Therefore, just about anything can be looked on as a portal – for in a way, a portal is that ‘idea’ of a crossing point from one state into another.

A ‘Portal’ may be a torsion field, a scalar.

-Please note: much of what is sited in this short article is in direct opposition to Einsteinian relativistic physics and as such considered pseudoscience. Yet there is a huge body of work out there, out of the mainstream that is provable and useful that connects everything to the so called pseudo-etheric field-physical medium-subquantum field…






noun: portal; plural noun: portals

1. a doorway, gate, or other entrance, especially a large and elaborate one.

synonyms: doorway, gateway, entrance, exit, opening;

From <https://ww.google.com/search?biw=1600&bih=731&q=portal+definition&oq=portal+definition&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l4.9592.11315.0.11955.….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..7.4.1268…0i20i263k1.0.8y7WUaPvYqg>


Crystals as portals, or as gate keys, as torsion field and resonators.

Crystal structure responds and grows according to the gravitational stress waves of the energetic medium. Meaning depending on where they are grown – on and in the earth, and the actual position of the planet in relation to the rest of the solar system i.e. the physical medium and what their chemical makeup is they are a record of the stressors at that geographical place and they hold or guide energies through themselves of that captured imprint. The energy of the physical medium is not only local i.e. the actual place in the dirt where the crystal is found, it is also a combination of the stressors on that position that are created by the type of soil, the gravity specifically in that place which is a part of the earth’s gravity which is connected to the sun and all the planets of this system. By their molecular shape this makes them very efficient torsion resonators i.e. they respond to gravitational stress waves in the medium guiding it into the patterns encoded in the molecular structure forever captured in the crystal.

This means that in places where lots of crystal can be found either in the rock or soil there will be anomalous gravity fluctuations or eddies – what we like to call portals. The fact that they are not operative all the time has everything to do with the position of the earth to the sun and any planetary alignments at the moment and the ability of the alignment to produce more or less energy according to that alignment. Depending on the position or location in the space time field – the ether, there will be ‘gated’ energy through the vortex created by and held in pattern by the crystalline content of the physical area corresponding to the frequency of the field and the crystal. These are natural portals.

Now, imagine that you have a structure like great pyramid, that has hundreds of tons of granite – quartz rock. This is a man-made portal, an engineered construction and will also act as a natural resonator of a torsion field. This is why there are measurable effects or anomalies of the inertial effects of time/gravity in and around these structures.

What is a torsion field?

In fluid dynamics, a vortex is a region in a fluid in which the flow rotates around an axis line, which may be straight or curved.[1][2] The plural of vortex is either vortices or vortexes.[3][4] Vortices form in stirred fluids, and may be observed in phenomena such as smoke rings, whirlpools in the wake of boat, or the winds surrounding a tornado or dust devil.

Vortices are a major component of turbulent flow. The distribution of velocity, vorticity (the curl of the flow velocity), as well as the concept of circulation are used to characterize vortices. In most vortices, the fluid flow velocity is greatest next to its axis and decreases in inverse proportion to the distance from the axis. From <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vortex>



noun: torsion

the action of twisting or the state of being twisted, especially of one end of an object relative to the other. From <https://www.google.com/search?biw=1600&bih=731&q=torsion&oq=torsion&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i67k1j0i20i264k1j0i67k1j0.4891.6294.0.8784.….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..3.4.1020…35i39k1.0.1Um5PtK3yOo>


In physics, a field is an assignment of a quantity (vector, tensor, or spinor) to every point of the space containing it. The word “torsion” refers to any variable that describes rotation. Thus, torsion fields (i.e., fields of any physical value reasonably described as “torsion”) do exist in established physics. For example, an electromagnetic wave with circular polarization or the stress tensor of a solid body under torsion stress can be described as torsion fields, although such usage is rare. The torsion tensor is a quantity in general relativity, and plays an important role in Einstein–Cartan theory. Spinor fields, in particular fermionic fields, are existing concepts from particle physics and quantum field theory.

Aside from this established research, advocates of the spinor field or torsion field theories claim that spin-spin interaction – itself a well-studied quantum phenomenon – can be transmitted through space similar to electromagnetic waves, does not carry mass or energy but only information, and does so at speeds of up to a billion times the speed of light. From <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torsion_field_(pseudoscience)>


For the result of this new physics is that space itself has structure and content; the medium or “aether” may be viewed as nothing but a vast set of scalar potentials, which can be decomposed into longitudinal wave pairs.31 And since a “scalar” represents an internal rotational stress – as per our diagrams above – scalar physics is also not only non-linear, but vorticular physics.32

Farrell, Joseph P.. The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts (pp. 45-46). Adventures Unlimited Press. Kindle Edition.



Time then, being measured by motion can become compressed within the effects of a torsion field. We also know that time varies with gravity, which over time transduces or distills more mass which creates greater gravity which slows time which tightens the torsion field… Scalar Physics.

The human body has these torsion energy fields:

Indeed, just the body alone has some 148 crossings of energy creating the 33 along the spinal column and the 115 in the limbs, feet and hands. Then the areas along the spinal column which are considered the major Z-pinches or crossing areas are called the chakras. These major vortexes each have a frequency, or idea state, or awareness balance created by the speed of their spin. There are many more to the unit we consider our whole self – at least in spiritual theory which poses that we are more than just this here and now and have a higher self (the next octave of frequencies above these that we can perceive) on many levels and a sideway component that manifests in parallel realities.

In the 7 major chakras of the human body, we have clusters of intelligent tissues we call organs that give rise to the physical systems that run our body without our conscious control. This correlation can be drawn also looking at our solar system as its clusters of matter around its various z-pinches, the sun. The sun exists/ rotates with/around a star cluster, which is part and parcel of our galaxy, which is a monstrously huge z-pinch. ALL of which is swimming in this energetic field of consciousness called the ether, or zero point field – our Universe. (Others like to call it the Electromagnetic Spectrum)  https://alsionsbells.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/as-above-so-below-for-sue/


DNA is also a perfect resonator:

These two dots got stuck together in my mind. There is ample evidence that any electromagnetic wave can change the fabric of space from smallest to largest (stars and galaxies – largest) to whit I point to Joseph Farrell’s book: The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts, where he connects scalar physics and the underlying quantum field together and explains how this works from subatomic structure all the way to the largest.

What I came away with was an understanding (my own and it could be wrong…lol) that scalar packets of whatever size are potentials. These potentials can aggregate matter or they can be gravitic. In these packets are encoded the templates that suggest how that packet will interact with not only the subquantum field, but how it will behave and look etc. https://alsionsbells.wordpress.com/2017/08/29/a-different-type-of-ark-resonant-frequencies-that-preserve-a-genetic-dna-pattern-gobekli-tepe/

Which puts us smack-dab in the ‘as above, so below, category and NOT separate from the effects of the planet or the solar system, …and it makes us a portal ourselves

The sun and the other planetary bodies:

It has been found that torsion fields ‘gate’ energy into the physical medium from ‘somewhere else’, in other words more energy exists in the field than should be there. That makes them a “Portal” by the definition above.

The earth and the sun are connected like a type of ‘stacked torsion fields’ which by its very definition gates energy in from ‘somewhere else’.

Flux transfer event

(FTE) occurs when a magnetic portal opens in the Earth‘s magnetosphere through which high-energy particles flow from the Sun. This connection, while previously thought to be permanent, has been found to be brief and very dynamic. The European Space Agency‘s four Cluster spacecraft and NASA‘s five THEMIS probes have flown through and surrounded these FTEs, measuring their dimensions and identifying the particles that are transferred between the magnetic fields.



Earth’s magnetosphere and the Sun’s magnetic field are constantly pressed against one another on the dayside of Earth. Approximately every eight minutes, these fields briefly merge, forming a temporary “portal” between the Earth and the Sun through which high-energy particles such as solar wind can flow. The portal takes the shape of a magnetic cylinder about the width of Earth. Current observations place the portal at up to 4 times the size of Earth. From <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flux_transfer_event


Some other places to look

The Tom Bearden Website: http://www.cheniere.org/

Nicholai Kozyrev https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Aleksandrovich_Kozyrev

The Primer Field Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EPlyiW-xGI

Click to access Scalar-Waves.pdf

A Big Fat YES

More Cosmic War ruminations after watching:

Cosmic War Pt.1 | Joseph P Farrell

Presentation 1 Synopsis I. A Look Back: San Mateo 2014: The Post-War Mega-Manhattan Project on Steroids II. The Historical Context (where we talk about lots of artillery). III. The Mythological Context (where we talk about lots of psychopathy) IV. Implications for the National Security-Breakaway Civilization/Secret Space Program complex (where we talk about lots of paranoia).  From <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se7i0gWDLp0&t=162s>

  • Family Feud was over for the moment
  • Reparations: Tribute and sacrifice
    • To whit so unfair on Germany as to contribute to an uprising and the “Hitler Moment”
  • Inventory and Disarmament: the forbidding of certain types of weapons
  • Monitoring: NSA -> Watchers
  • Quarantine to ensure the survival of BOTH parties.

– Source from the above video


Epic of Ninerta = the Treaty of Versailles: Joseph likes to mirror in the hermetic tradition of  ‘As Above, So Below’  the possible happenings of the cosmic war with our wars, which makes great sense in a lot of ways, IMO especially to the hash of UFO/ET mishmash we are currently trying to wade through.

If the analogy holds true, we would have spies here – the watchers, and we would have a great big giant NSA in the sky (! Ha ha!) and we would have an intermediary breakaway civilization (whether they knew it or not) acting as an go between. The breakaways would be a ‘scientific elite’ and have a tie to the people still in the 5th and 2nd heavens but still be able to live part of their lives on the planet and the watchers would be more or less clueless but none the less used here on the earth and would constitute a ‘political elite’ and part of a social engineering control mechanism on the planet. As always, we peons become the batteries for all of these machinations to take place.

Are we being monitored? Could the fallen ‘Angels” be those survivors of the cosmic war that exist off the planet that were confined to the solar system in the 5th heaven, the second heaven and under the earth ( more like on the earth) this coming from a book cited in the above video called “The Book of the Secrets of Enoch” translated by W. R. Morfill, MA Oxford Press, 1896

  • Satanii and the rebels were confined to the 5th level of heaven: from Saturn inward
  • His subordinate followers were confined the 2nd level of heaven: the moon Mars Earth orbit
  • And the watchers that combined with earth women were confined to the earth

One such description of one part of the Cosmic War that got us sanctioned is in the Vedas:

The Kurukshetra War, also called the Mahabharata War, is a war described in the Indian epic Mahabharata. The conflict arose from a dynastic succession struggle between two groups of cousins, the Kauravas and Pandavas, for the throne of Hastinapura in an Indian kingdom called Kuru. It involved a number of ancient kingdoms participating as allies of the rival groups.

The location of the battle is described as having occurred in Kurukshetra in the modern state of Haryana. Despite only referring to these eighteen days, the war narrative forms more than a quarter of the book, suggesting its relative importance within the epic, which overall spans decades of the warring families. The narrative describes individual battles and deaths of various heroes of both sides, military formations, war diplomacy, meetings and discussions among the characters, and the weapons used. The chapters (parvas) dealing with the war (from chapter six to ten) are considered amongst the oldest in the entire Mahabharata.

The historicity of the war remains subject to scholarly discussions.[1] Attempts have been made to assign a historical date to the Kurukshetra War. Popular tradition holds that the war marks the transition to Kaliyuga and thus dates it to 3102 BCE From <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurukshetra_War>

Or, gods forbid was yet another planet busting war and not the one described in the Sumerian ‘Epic of Ninerta’. We certainly have a talent for war and were I an outside policing agency I can see the need for surveillance and control of the technology being adapted for war.

Are we under a sort of solar system Treaty of Versailles? (per Joseph P Farrell) to save our collective butts, both the victors and the losers? Because if we were, as a condition of the treaty, it would mean that going out beyond Saturn:

  • if we did indeed have the infrastructure to do so ( I’m pretty sure we do )
  • because if we have a breakaway civilization that has contacted the people stuck in the 5th heaven, then they would share their tech.
  • we would share our manufacturing ability and man power and resources for that tech.

it would mean AN ACT OF WAR! towards the people who originally quarantined our butts in the corner in the first place and we are not even sure if they are still there – but they might be (the Confederation – or any other of the groups that have been recently bandied about by everybody down here)

As to ancient dismantled weapons:

When you capture an enemy and make sure they cannot cause a disaster again,

  • you take away their weapons and keep what you want
  • destroy what you cannot take
  • hide what cannot destroy.

The same goes for technology.

If you look at the great pyramid of Giza as a weapon – dismantled (per the treaty of Versailles-esque manner) you can see:

  • the cap stone is missing
  • the sarcophagus in the kings room is damaged so that it cannot resonate anymore
    • Where the zero point device we call the Ark of the Covenant sat
  • all the resonators of the grand gallery – whether they be:
    • the crystal tablets of destiny which could have been
      • diffraction addresses or
      • A sort of programming circuitry or both
    • Or Helmholtz resonator devices are also missing.
  • The outer stone work is gone
  • The structure has been modified, the net effect of which is that it no longer operates as a weapon

However there are also missing components of the pyramid weapon that might have been a focusing apparatus that are written about that no longer exist, such as a second moon that was a space station about 5 miles in diameter and was known as the crystal moon, that allowed the weapon to target. Because as it is now, the only way it can be used is to wait ‘the cycle of time’ for the position of the pyramid beam to be directed to any given celestial object. Which implies why the alignment with certain astronomical constellations is important enough to be recorded in the architecture of the place.

So here we are again, on the verge of going back out into space. Yes, again. The question remains, are we going to make it? Can we, or have we already, made it past the quarantine zones of the planet, the earth-moon-mars sphere and the Saturn boundary and have we achieved some sort of parity at least with the survivors who have been knocking around out in the 5th heaven for the last several thousand years, who by the way I agree with Joseph Farrell here too, are our genetic cousins, IE: the very first breakaway civilization that we know of to leave the earth? This would make the current combination with these people from the 2nd and 5th heaven – the whole entire ball of wax: the MICC, The Secret Space Program, the Navy, the Air Force, the Nazis; the whole kit and caboodle out there, everybody, our genetic family.

I am beginning to apply a different definition to the term: ET. It’s beginning to mean instead of ‘off planet’, rather, extra solar – meaning not from this local system, because I’m beginning to see that all these people in this system are actually truly our cousins and we really are all one great big bickering family.

As to getting the snot knocked out of us one more time in yet another ‘Tower of Babel Moment’, I am beginning to wonder if the “EVENT” and or solar flash, and how it is remembered might not just be part of the cosmic war – and how that all ties into the cosmic horoscope and the Yugas – or the (here it is again) ‘cycle of time’ per the Vedas…

The Viṣṇu Purāṇa Time measurement section of the Viṣṇu Purāṇa Book I Chapter III adds:

2 Ayanas (6-month periods, see above) = 1 human year or 1 day of the devas.

12,000 divine years = 4 Yugas (= 4,320,000 human years) = 1 Mahā-Yuga (also is equal to 12,000 Daiva (divine) Yuga).

2*12,000 = 24,000 divine year = 12000 revolutions of sun around its dual.

(you do the math – 1st war 65myo – and maybe the crash of that crystal moon into the earth, 2nd war 3.2myo)

While the long yuga count is the most popular, it does not correlate to any known celestial motion found in the Astronomical Almanac. The value of 24,000 years fits relatively close with the modern astronomical calculation of one full precession of the equinox, which takes 25,772 years.[note 1] Thus the yuga cycle may have some basis in known terrestrial cycles. Srimad Bhagavatam 3.11.19 describes the timespans of the demigods, in which a year of a yuga is a year of the demigods. It is this second sloka which appears to have been modified over the years. From <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuga>

I highly recommend the above video now, because back in 2015 there was not enough information in the public sector for it to make sense to anyone except deep researchers. Now, today, for the normal idiot like me it becomes a V8 moment…

And the question is – could this get any messier?


And I’m afraid the answer is a Big Fat YES.

(-just PLEASE don’t get us sent back to the corner again!!!!)

Social Alchemy: the direct manipulation of the physical medium using propaganda and human psyche or; Do With This What You Will.

The Physical Medium or the ether or aether or subquantum matrix or vacuum flux is that underlying energy field in which everything forms according to its blueprint/ frequency.

Albert Einstein in 1920: “We may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an Aether. According to the general theory of relativity space without Aether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense. But this Aether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable media, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it.”[13 From: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aether_theories>

The evidence for a direct connection of consciousness to this field had been explored by famous physicists like Walker, Wheeler and Heisenberg. It was Heisenberg who’s famous uncertainty principle led to Schrodinger’s famous thought experiment about a certain cat – or maybe uncertain cat…

Princeton U in a very famous experiment decided to track the effect of the human consciousness energy field with random number generators:

The first large database experiments were conducted by Helmut Schmidt, at Boeing Laboratories, in the late ’60s and early ’70s.From <http://noosphere.princeton.edu/science2.html>

Coherent consciousness creates order in the world

Subtle interactions link us with each other and the Earth

When human consciousness becomes coherent, the behavior of random systems may change. Random number generators (RNGs) based on quantum tunneling produce completely unpredictable sequences of zeroes and ones. But when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNGs becomes subtly structured. We calculate one in a trillion odds that the effect is due to chance. The evidence suggests an emerging noosphere or the unifying field of consciousness described by sages in all cultures. From <http://noosphere.princeton.edu/>

So now we can say there is a direct effect or connection between the physical medium/ether and consciousness. And this is proven in math and physics. In fact it’s part of a very ancient understanding of physics that has been encoded down through time, forgotten, remembered, and then proscribed from use and credence by modern groups such that it has been laughed at – except by the people who use it to change the world as they see fit. You could name it Social Alchemy. You could also name it religion, propaganda and fake news and false flags and anything that is used to shape opinion and belief of the masses of people on the earth at this time.

Due to the running experiment of Princeton called the Global Consciousness Project since the 70’s we have data showing how consciousness responds to horrific events.

Since the 1990s, the Princeton researchers have been trying to measure this hypothetical giant, humanity-encompassing hive mind, by tracking the effect of events on a network of computers around the world that are set to churn out random strings of numbers. But the world paid relatively little attention to their efforts, until Nelson published this paper,  “Coherent Consciousness and Reduced Randomness: Correlations on September 11, 2001,” in the Journal of Scientific Exploration in 2002. It reported that the traumatic terrorist attack, which caused a powerful  outpouring of emotions across the planet, had a measurable effect upon the network’s computers that was extremely unlikely to have been caused by chance.

“The September 11 event is widely known as one of the things that is kind of emblematic of the global consciousness project,” Nelson explains in the video. “It’s in some respects, the biggest event that we’ve looked at. It turns out, in fact, it manifested the potential to change the world. We did an awful lot of analysis on that. Some of that analysis is just striking in how the data looks. There are some odd features.”

The REG data gathered on September 11 is an example of this effect. The researchers looked at a period beginning 10 minutes after American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower at 8:46 a.m.,  and ending four hours afterward. To visualize the data, they plotted the cumulative deviation of a Chi-square test from chance expectations. If the data collected in such an experiment doesn’t show an effect, it will draw a random path around the horizontal line of expectation, with no clear trend. (In probability and statistics lingo, this is called a “drunkard’s walk.”)

Instead,  according to Nelson’s paper, researchers found  “a fluctuating deviation throughout the moments of the five major events, during which ever-increasing numbers of people around the world are hearing the news and watching in stunned disbelief.” He calculated that the odds against happening by chance 35 to one. From <https://voices.nationalgeographic.org/2011/09/06/9-11-and-global-consciousness/>

It has been known by some on this world that a very efficient way to actually change the physical medium and the way it acts and the amount of energy in it at any given time is to use humanity as a tool and interface. This is done by shocking the noosphere (all of us as one unit) into a passive state by traumatizing it. (as you see above, it works) This is the reason through time that we see bloody sacrifice popping up in various pockets all over the world. There have been people who have always known this since the dawn of our recorded time and they have used it in a very gnarly power game.

I have mentioned of late about the odd coincidence of the infiltration of every good ethos in an emerging group of people for whatever group purpose. What I am now understanding that I am seeing is Social Alchemy in play. The group consciousness is manipulated for the express purpose of using/changing the physical medium. This is social engineering and to coin a phrase from Joseph P. Farrel,  ” …social engineering is a fancy modern way of saying magic.” to whit, I agree. Because this also has what is called a group ‘multiplier’ effect, the more people you can brutalize/terrorize, the bigger the effect. A good example was the murder of John F. Kennedy, it traumatized the ethos – the group soul – of our country and radically changed it forever.

In other words this Alchemy, this social manipulation has gone on for centuries, but as the world has gotten smaller with the advent of instant communications, in the last century the experiments (communism, fascism, nazism) have gotten bigger and more effective in controlling the goodness of the souls of the populace of the world and turning them to sadness and despair to make them more malleable and to turn them away from their natural inclination towards goodness and love and the creation of joy and beauty. This is why now you see such things as false flags and the Hegelian dialectic (problem-reaction-solution) being used.

You also see the mild terrorization of the souls of people by the lamestream media and the entertainment industry. This is all to keep us in a state of powerlessness so that we are malleable enough to be controlled.

This is all being done by an elite that has lived on this planet for tens of thousands of years in order to maintain their control over us. Once again a tower of Babel moment, where we are being manipulated so that we do not overcome their power. We need to wake up because this is the new direction of the world. We need to realize that it IS manipulation and see it for all of its tendrils that have infiltrated our livingness like a bad virus, and we need to eradicate it.

How do we do that? By maintaining our culture, our art, our music. Why do you think the Nazi’s changed 438 to 440? Because music has that much power in it to change the human spirit. Of course that couldn’t be tolerated… and so on. The same goes for our movies and literature and social media…. Ad nauseum. Our creative souls are the key to change and unless we allow them to be hurt – they cannot be hurt.

In closing, this is not just a theory. It is a fact. It is physics and math. It has bled into frequency studies and is being used as voice of god tech, cell phone tech, food, diet, weather, earth stability, the list is endless. We need to pull our collective heads out of our collective asses and be aware of what it being done and how it is being done.

At that point, there will be no fight because it is a simple act of saying NO. When we do that, all their malicious manipulation ends, because we will no longer tolerate such barbarism – not a one of us. The web of life of this earth, the ethos of all of its peoples, will then be healed and so will the earth.

listen here 

but start it from the beginning


Weather control is just one aspect of the outgrowth of scalar/vortex physics – a science that has been known and in development since before WWI in modern research and which has been encoded on this earth for the last 32,000 years in various texts, writings and monolithic structures. Boom!

To think that the PTB in their continuing civil war, a millennia old, would even think about NOT using this technology, especially now that they have a decent technological base built back is just plain stupid. If the weather volleys we are experiencing are not enough, this tech is also applicable to huge planet busting weapons. Imo, the only reason they have not gone that far is because the effects of one more planet exploding in this solar system would destroy whole thing, and they are being cautious because they are well aware they have still more powerful foes to face from off planet who would frown on that happening.

What we are seeing Imo, is the last throes of a crumbling power structure – infighting for the biggest piece of the pie before the end of their dynasty crumbles to dust. Unfortunately we – the ants who roam the surface of this place are, once again, caught in the machinations of the totally insane.

Do not think you are safe, do not succumb to insulate thought as they would like you to, do not think that a chant or a meditation will turn the tide yet at this point. We need many, many more of the population on board to have that effect.

We are trying to bring a world pop up to speed in the middle of a crisis, trying to educate all while the classroom is flooding and half, no three quarters of the classroom is still asleep. The information, research, patents, industry is all out there in plain sight, but we refuse to know what we are looking at – and we choose to think that something so horrendous would not be allowed to happen – and yet we expect the very people who are creating this mess to be the ones who would never let it happen.

Yes, this is messy, nasty and really hard to wrap your mind around. But we really need to get on board and begin helping our neighbor to awaken, because if not us, then who? Certainly not the current scientism that passes for science, and certainly not the educational system that is geared towards making idiots. Once again we are being exterminated with all due effort. And we refuse to see that the very people we count on to protect us, the highest authorities of the land, are exactly the ones who are exterminating us and ruining our world.

The damned idiots who blew up one planet and decimated another are still at it – right here on this world – and we cannot turn our backs and walk away, because this is the only planet we have. In a very real sense – other dimensions aside, other realities aside, other energy states aside – This Is It folks. You are living on it.

By now, we all know what we don’t want anymore. We all know then, by analogy what we could have. It is high time to stand on our own two ant-feet and begin to make a noise, start a clamor, wake things up, state what we will no longer tolerate and somehow, make it stick.

P.s. I know this is stating the obvious, but it is true – or there would be no need to write pieces like this…