More insanity.

Thank you to Richard Dolan for asking the right questions. ❤️

The CV19 was engineered. We have been conducting corona virus research since the 1930’s:

Coronaviruses were first discovered in the 1930s when an acute respiratory infection of domesticated chickens was shown to be caused by infectious bronchitis virus (IBV).[13] Arthur Schalk and M.C. Hawn described in 1931 a new respiratory infection of chickens in North Dakota. The infection of new-born chicks was characterized by gasping and listlessness. The mortality rate of the chicks was 40–90%.[14] Fred Beaudette and Charles Hudson six years later successfully isolated and cultivated the infectious bronchitis virus which caused the disease.[15] In the 1940s, two more animal coronaviruses, mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) and transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), were isolated.[16] It was not realized at the time that these three different viruses were related.[17]
Human coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s.[18][19] They were isolated using two different methods in the United Kingdom and the United States.[20]

Once people began to understand the implications of gain-of-function research there were steps taken to curb some of it shown in this article from Nature, Nov. 12, 2015

An experiment that created a hybrid version of a bat coronavirus — one related to the virus that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) — has triggered renewed debate over whether engineering lab variants of viruses with possible pandemic potential is worth the risks.
In an article published in Nature Medicine1 on 9 November, scientists investigated a virus called SHC014, which is found in horseshoe bats in China. The researchers created a chimaeric virus, made up of a surface protein of SHC014 and the backbone of a SARS virus that had been adapted to grow in mice and to mimic human disease. The chimaera infected human airway cells — proving that the surface protein of SHC014 has the necessary structure to bind to a key receptor on the cells and to infect them. It also caused disease in mice, but did not kill them.
Although almost all coronaviruses isolated from bats have not been able to bind to the key human receptor, SHC014 is not the first that can do so. In 2013, researchers reported this ability for the first time in a different coronavirus isolated from the same bat population2.
The argument is essentially a rerun of the debate over whether to allow lab research that increases the virulence, ease of spread or host range of dangerous pathogens — what is known as ‘gain-of-function’ research. In October 2014, the US government imposed a moratorium on federal funding of such research on the viruses that cause SARS, influenza and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome, a deadly disease caused by a virus that sporadically jumps from camels to people).
The latest study was already under way before the US moratorium began, and the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) allowed it to proceed while it was under review by the agency, says Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a co-author of the study. The NIH eventually concluded that the work was not so risky as to fall under the moratorium, he says.

In a US patent from 2004, US20060257852A1 United States Fig. 18 lists its viral components as:

FIG. 18: Genome organization of Coronaviruses representative of group 1 (HCoV-229E, accession number: AF304460), group 2 (mouse hepatitis virus MHV, accession number: NC—001846), group 3 (avian infectious bronchitis virus AIBV, accession number: NC—001451) and SARS coronavirus. Other completely sequenced coronaviruses used in this study are available at the following accession numbers: porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV), AF353511; transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGV), ND—002306; Bovine coronavirus (BCoV): AF220295. Red boxes represent group-specific genes. The position of the leader RNA sequence and poly(A) tract is also indicated in genomes where they are reported. The position of specific IG sequences is indicated by circles of different shades. In the SARS genome, we also find three IG sequences specific for group 2 coronavirus.

Notice the animals these viruses come from. Then pls note:

Although the extent of any risk is difficult to assess, Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, points out that the researchers have created a novel virus that “grows remarkably well” in human cells. “If the virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory,” he says.

Whether ‘it’ got loose or we are looking at a ‘Plan-demic’ there are a couple of sources out there, Doctors and PhD’s who are speaking out, most notably Dr Rashid Buttar and Dr. Judy Mikovits.

Judy got banned and thrown in jail for proving that: Molecular biologist Dr. Judy A. Mikovits was thrown in jail after discovering evidence that deadly retroviruses are transmitted through vaccines given to humans. From<

Here is the first in a series of videos (1-4) That go deep into what is happening, in regular people terms. I highly recommend these for an understanding of the total picture from that angle.
Part 1 of 4 – Roundtable Discussion with Dr. Judy Mikovits | Dr. Rashid A Buttar.

IMO we have very human, very nasty people capable of long range planning and orchestrating this whole debacle, the evidence exists out there, including implicating Fauci and Gates connected to the WHO and various other organizations (funded by guess who?) where prohibited research went on that is so expertly hidden in a deep morass of scientific research papers and facilities that to quote them would make me look like an uneducated ass for trying. There are those who have made these connections and it isn’t pretty. (see the above video) All I can do is yank the articles written by knowledgeable people about the white papers written on the evolution of this virus. What I will say, my out on the twig speculation is, that I agree with Dr. Judy Mikovits that the virus is two pronged. What we are seeing is an already implanted virus we all have – the entire planet, the common cold and it is the regular, original flu. We carry the signature of it in our immune system by way of antibodies. The key to the current eruption is the modified SARS2 with increase gain of function. When it meets the already inherent corona antibodies, it creates a reaction that has been called the cytokine storm. If you are immune compromised or are toxic from the common meds they give old people to combat old people diseases – (which are from increased toxicity) then your system has no way to expel the massive release of the toxins from your cellular tissue and you become over whelmed. Think asthma, only throughout your entire body.
To complicate this even further radio waves in the 30-300 MHz range have been shown to interfere with the ability of blood plasma to carry hemoglobin which transport oxygen throughout the body and is why some people have considered ozone therapy and barometric chambers as a palliative treatment.

Further, radio frequency in the above mentioned values can increase cell wall permeability making an easier ingress of the virus into its target cells.
Most of the studies on biological effects of radio frequencies identified the ability to regulate calcium ion channels as the main mechanism affecting oxidative stress [15].
Is Calcium Efflux Good or Bad?
Radio frequency (RF) has been demonstrated to induce calcium ion efflux [16], where RF is observed to pump ions through channels and pores bound in bilipid membranes [17].  Yet interestingly, the effects of calcium efflux through the activation of voltage‐gated calcium channels (VGCCs) is not one-sided.
Martin L Pall in 2013, published a paper on how various electromagnetic frequencies can activate voltage‐gated calcium channels (VGCCs) which often resulted in rapid increase of intracellular calcium ions, nitric oxide and sometimes dangerous free radicals like peroxynitrite.  However, the results of the activation of VGCCs can be either therapeutic or pathological [18].

If all of the infected cells opened at the same time due to an EMF environmental frequency (such as 5G – whoa), pouring the viral bits into your interstitial fluid water ways and your lymph system could not handle them because they were already carrying a heavy load of pharmaceutical and environmental toxins and struggling to rid your system of them, then you would have a cascade collapse of systems in the body.
There is quite a plan going on here, whether it be from ET’s or our own skanky psychopaths. IMO this is a huge plan of decades building each piece into our lives and environments and we are about to see how successful this will be. Don’t forget that stress and fear are huge immune compromisers!



With all that said there is also an interesting cross over in the plasma energy field and cellular mechanics that became apparent to me listening to an interview on The Higherside Chats :Kosh | EVOs, Plasma Energy, UFOs, & The SAFIRE Project concerning the structure of EVO’s. Thank you for mentioning this person to the Higherside….

And in the end
The love you take
Is equal to the love you make

Love to you all.

Soul Awakener

My husband is back in the hospital for a colon issue. He spent the night consuming the glug that cleans your gut so they can scope him today. Last night I awoke in a dream, but was awake and watched as his dream body mechanically walked into the room, like he wasn’t sure whether he wanted to walk or float in his dream body. My mind in that halfway state sensed it was him and told him to get in bed and go to sleep – since I knew in that state he had come home for rest and solace. He wanted comfort, I extended it to him and he rolled into his side of the bed.

Then around 4:30 I had a dream that a dire wolf was sitting behind me with his head on my right shoulder. All I could feel was a deep solidarity and love, a steady presence at my shoulder. He was huge, gray and grizzled with great wisdom emanating from him. He kept inserting himself into my dream state until I realized that I was seeing the dream/soul body of my dog, Diesel. Then I did open my eyes and look, and my dog was sleeping at my back with his head at my heart chakra, where I always ‘feel’ entities if they are near. Then I really realized it was him. He knows it, he is intelligent and kept at it to make sure I could actually see him in my mind’s dreaming eye. All in all it was a beautiful dream night, even if it was busy.

Which, in that wonderful space between sleep and getting out of bed, I was struck with the thought of ‘What is so special about wearing a body?’ Learning about the consequences of 3D decisions? The impact of emotions, feelings? Are emotions an evolutionary step that many need to understand and evolve? Because, even our animals and plants have feelings. Or, is it the planet, this place, the overall vibe/frequency of here? Feelings always engender a choice, a new awareness that all who wear this frequency body must learn and choose?

The thought then followed that this place, this earth is an awakener where souls learn to open their eyes. The opportunity to take the next step exists here. Do you choose goodness, do you choose what this place teaches?

Some of us have other tasks too. One day walking my dog the certainty hit me that some people just need to hold the space, the pass-not barrier, the strong frequency of the vision for the future of this place and a barrier to things that will NOT be allowed, so the gift this place holds continues. So that the lesson of this planet – the evolution out of sleep and not knowing grows into knowing that love continues, because this planet IS love.

There are many who need to come here and learn – they wish to awaken themselves to the feeling of this awareness. This fits with the download I had in middle school when I realized this place was love and called to all who wished to learn it. We all, on this planet, hold love and its loss, therefore its value and the awareness of that nuance in our lives. This planet opens sleeping eyes to the knowing of love, and then we choose. We are all in a place where transformation can happen in a thought, the blink of an eye, from quiescence to full knowing.

This planet is a gift to all that exist in her vibratory field. Whether those that come here have the capacity to ‘feel’ love or not – all who come here, leave here changed.

This frequency intrinsically births the awareness within all those who get close to Gaia, of love, even if it waits thousands of time periods later to be realized, to bloom, the seed, the capacity to understand and feel it exists within the frequency of that soul forever. Once you have tasted this frequency you exist forever changed.

That is what calls to so many across universes and brings them here, to earth.

Mother Gaia, she, is the soul awakener.

Frog Song

I was awakened at 1am. By 2:40 I gave up and got up. I asked a dream question after listening to an interview of Uri Geller last week. He had said basically that the engineered virus has antennae on it that were always active, always in contact with the manufacturer (or controller) and could be activated in a number of ways not the least of which was by quantum entanglement through quantum computers. So, I asked the question:

How do you debug the quantum entanglement of a virus that we all already have?

It seems to me that the cv is mostly a mind-contaminant. Most people are not buying into the media storm going on and are actually doing boots on the ground research and educating themselves. We have, when our dander is up, been proven to be pretty independent thinkers, even if we are wrong. And this country’s constitution gives us that basic right, in writing! So we are in the process of creating our own homegrown, as it were, cure.

So we come to psychopathic useful idiots, like Gates and Fauci and the WHO and CDC, and their quite obvious over the top plot to take over the world – like a bad Batman movie. We have a president running around (seemingly or acting like) a chicken with his head cut off. Some of us are wondering just what kind of ruse he’s up to and some of us are yelling all over social media about their vindication… blah, blah, blah…. We ALL know every last one of them is lying. You just can’t call wolf that many times and expect anyone to believe you.

The situation is beyond confusing. We have all the tiny despots crawling out of the wood work, spouting felonious pronouncements about what ‘behavior’ is expected out of us, no one really knows what to do. We have a masks on policy and laws on the books against masks as recently as last year. Some people who were ‘not white’ got harassed for wearing their masks be cause they were, ‘not white’ just this month.

This is a huge diversion to cover for something else that is going on in a planetary game.  I mean, if it looks like one, sounds like one and acts like one, then…

What I have been able to put together from the information that has come my way since I asked the universe the above question is;

This virus is a nano-army, and we are invaded already, hell, we are so limited in our perception that we could have been invaded 5 times over and never even realized it. Personally I think that’s the case. This nanoarmy is definitely a bioweapon who’s programming has yet to be fully brought on line: that will take planetary 5G. This nanoarmy works electrochemically and will be activated from a saturation of RF frequency on a number small ranges for each programmed action. This IS actually possible at this time:

Lieber was infact working on virus transmitters that could penetrate cell membranes without affecting the intercellular functions and even measure activities inside heart cells and muscle fibers.

Dr. Leiber joined Harvard in 1991. In his early days at the university, he made great strides in the field by growing nanowires in a flask. Researchers before Leiber were already creating wire-like structures with the help of semiconductors, metals and other materials. However, their approach would be quite expensive and would need clean-room facilities like the ones used by computer chip-makers.

In contrast, Lieber could create nanostructures using nothing but simple and inexpensive chemical techniques. He even went a step further to show how these nanowires could be used as transistors, complex logic circuits, data storage devices, and even sensors.

Leiber noted that “continued shrinkage ultimately becomes problematic in terms of just how one achieves [it].” Instead, he created tiny logic circuits and memory – the two main components of a computer – using nanowires. And these circuits were really tiny, some of which just a few atoms across!

Ten years later, Leiber created a transistor so small it can be used to penetrate cell membranes and probe their interiors (sounds like what a virus does, except a virus’s programming to wreak havoc, isn’t it?), without affecting the intercellular functions. The bio-compatible transistor – the size of a virus – can not only measure activities inside a neuron but also heart cells and muscle fibers.

In 2017, Leiber and his team successfully created flexible 3D nanowires mesh that can inject into the brain or retina of an animal, attach itself to the neurons and monitor electrical signals between the cells.

The importance of nanotechnology in advanced warfare can be understood from the fact that the United States’ Department of Defense (DoD) is one of the largest supporters of nanotechnology research. They have funded hundreds of millions of dollars into various research related to nanoelectronics and nanomaterials.

The technology could help create nanosensors and nanocoatings that military could use to protect soldiers against chemical and biological attacks. The fact that nanosensors can detect microscopic quantities of chemicals means it can be used as an effective early warning system against chemical warfare agents such as nerve agents and blood agents.

Please note that the size of some of these nano particles are even smaller than a virus which is:

Most viruses vary in diameter from 20 nanometres (nm; 0.0000008 inch) to 250–400 nm; the largest, however, measure about 500 nm in diameter and are about 700–1,000 nm in length. Only the largest and most complex viruses can be seen under the light microscope at the highest resolution. (you need an electron microscope) Any determination of the size of a virus also must take into account its shape, since different classes of viruses have distinctive shapes.

So our home made masks and the hospital ones WILL NOT SUFFICE TO BLOCK ANYTHING COMING OR GOING. It doesn’t stop the virus at all. Nor will the vaccines be useful except to make sure everybody is exposed. My last vac was in 1972, I’m one of those old farts they want to kill off because we ARE going to be trouble because we don’t take any crap – trust me, but I have no modern concoctions in my system except from being exposed to chemtrails – which actually started happening in the seventies because I had to learn all about them for a healing class I was taking at the time.

Retroviruses are transmitted through vaccines:

Molecular biologist Dr. Judy A. Mikovits was thrown in jail after discovering evidence that deadly retroviruses are transmitted through vaccines given to humans.  From <>

And if the Hitler wanna-be’s of the world have their way we will also receive the mark-of-the-beast with the vaccines that require a – get this – small shock to active them… just like they activate the chip you put in your dog. Gates and Fauci must have employed Lieber for the creation of their nanoarmy. What do you think?

Now I know they have amped up the amount of RF in the area because the hiss in my ears was so loud that it was literally hard to hear the frog song outside where I sat thinking about this article early this morning. I love frog song – especially when they sing back and forth to each other. These were the tiny frogs that chirp, not croak… it is part of the voice of night that I love to listen to. Interestingly enough, the hiss cut back by about 4 am, like it has been doing lately – another clue for another time.

And you know what else I think? In some way alllllll of the current horse-puckey is being used for an even bigger cover up of some kind – What draws closer as we are distracted and preoccupied? Like a magician’s hand, you know there is a trick going on, but of course it would ‘spoil’ it to find out the truth. But the natives are getting restless and we are done with sitting pretty just waiting for the next move on the global chessboard of disaster – damn skippy we are!  Maybe that is why they are cooking our minds and why the frog song in my yard grows faint…

Research notes:


After revision, the 60 GHz band covers the frequency of 57 to 71 GHz. The frequency band is subdivided into 6 (previously 4) different channels in IEEE 802.11ad, each of them occupy 2160 MHz of space and provide 1760 MHz of bandwidth.

From <>


For example, at 60 GHz (5 mm or 0.2 inches wavelength) oxygen molecules will interact with electromagnetic radiation and absorb the energy. This means 60 GHz is not a good frequency for use in long-range radar or communications, because the oxygen absorbs the electromagnetic radiation—and the signal.Apr 12, 2017

From <>


Strictly speaking, mmWave refers to radio frequency spectrum above 24 GHz, but practically speaking and in the context of 5G, 6 GHz can be seen as the dividing line for mmWave: spectrum above 6 GHz is mmWave, while spectrum below 6 GHz is not mmWave.Oct 27, 2019

From <>


60GHz: A Frequency to Watch

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News Analysis Dan Jones, Mobile Editor 7/10/2014

Comment (13)

It’s now likely that 60GHz will become the next big frequency in wireless world, with both short-range and wider area applications ahead for the tiny beams of this unlicensed millimeter radio technology.

The frequency — part of the V-Band frequencies in the US — is considered among the millimeter radio (mmWave) bands. Millimeter wave radios ride on frequencies from 30GHz to 300GHz. Until recently, 60GHz has typically been used for military communications. (See 60GHz Giddyup.)

Recent acquisitions by massive technology players indicate growing interest in the technology and the associated patents. Qualcomm Inc. (Nasdaq: QCOM) bought Wilocity recently to combine 60GHz WiGig technology with WiFi. Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) bought Alpental, a startup that, according to one of its founders, is using 60GHz to develop a “hyper scalable mmWave networking solution for dense urban nextGen 5G & WiFi.” (See Qualcomm Advances WiGig With Wilocity Buy and Google Buys Alpental for Potential 5G Future.)

Why 60GHz, and why now? Here are a few pointers for you.


WiGig: A new short-range wireless specification — using the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE) 802.11ad specification — that can link devices at up to 7 Gbit/s over a distance of up to 12 meters. That’s 10 times faster than the current 802.11n WiFi, though with less range. This makes the technology ideal for wirelessly delivering high-definition video in the home. The Wi-Fi Alliance is expecting WiGig-certified products to arrive in 2015. (See Wi-Fi Alliance, WiGig Align to Make WiFi Super Fast.)

Wireless backhaul: Particularly for small cells, operators can use the 60GHz radios to connect small cells to a fiber hub. (See More Startups Target Small-Cell Backhaul.)

Wireless bridges: These are useful for providing extra capacity at events, ad-hoc networks, and private high-speed enterprise links. (See Pushing 60.)

Wireless video: Some startups have jumped the gun on the WiGig standard and plowed ahead with their own 60GHz video connectivity using the Sony-backed WirelessHD standard.

Why 60GHz?

A global unlicensed band exists at 57-64GHz. It is largely uncongested compared to the 2.5GHz and 5GHz public bands currently used for WiFi. (See FCC to Enable Fast Streaming With New 60GHz Rules.)

There’s also a lot of it. “The 60 GHz band boasts a wide spectrum of up to 9GHz that is typically divided into channels of roughly 2GHz each,” Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC)’s LL Yang wrote in an article on the prospects for the wide-area and short-range use of the technology. Spectrum availability is “unmatched” by any of the lower-frequency bands.

The spectrum is now open and approved for use across much of the world. This includes the US, Europe, and much of Asia, including China. Here’s a spectrum map from Agilent on the band’s global availability.

(Source: Agilent)

As we’ve already seen, 60GHz technology is expected to offer blazing wireless transmission speeds.

Issues with 60GHz

No technology is ever perfect, right?

Transmissions at 60GHz have less range for a given transmit power than 5GHz WiFi, because of path loss as the electromagnetic wave moves through the air, and 60GHz transmissions can struggle to penetrate walls. There is also a substantial RF oxygen absorption peak in the 60GHz band, which gets more pronounced at ranges beyond 100 meters, as Agilent notes in a paper on the technology. Using a high-gain adaptive antenna array can help make up for some of these issues with using 60GHz for wider area applications.

Some vendors have also argued that there are potential advantages for the technology over omnidirectional systems. “The combined effects of O2 absorption and narrow beam spread result in high security, high frequency re-use, and low interference for 60GHz links,” Sub10 Systems Ltd. notes.

Next time, we’ll look at some of the key private and startup companies looking to ride the 60GHz wave.

— Dan Jones, Mobile Editor, Light Reading

From <>




Kerry and laura bitchute good simple 5

G+CV explanation


Robert o young testimony:


Vodaphone (removed from YT)


Article about

Molecular biologist Dr. Judy A. Mikovits was thrown in jail after discovering evidence that deadly retroviruses are transmitted through vaccines given to humans.

From <>


John Rappoport 2:


John Rappoport 2:


John Rappoport 3:

At 60GHz, the extremely high atmospheric absorption level is due primarily to the molecular composition of the atmosphere. Figure 3 illustrates the atmospheric attenuation characteristics for wavelengths from 3 cm to 0.3 mm. For millimeter waves, the primary absorption molecules are H2O (water), O2 (oxygen), CO2 (

Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas with a density about 60% higher than that of dry air. Carbon dioxide consists of a carbon atom covalently double bonded to two oxygen atoms. It occurs naturally in Earth’s atmosphere as a trace gas. Wikipedia) and O3 (ozone: Ozone, or trioxygen, is an inorganic molecule with the chemical formula O ₃. It is a pale blue gas with a distinctively pungent smell. It is an allotrope of oxygen that is much less stable than the diatomic allotrope O ₂, breaking down in the lower atmosphere to O₂). Since the presence of O2 is fairly consistent at ground level, its effect on 60GHz radio propagation is easily modeled for margin budgeting purposes. In addition, the high level of attenuation from oxygen absorption makes even the worst weather-related attenuation insignificant, especially on the short paths where 60GHz systems operate. Even extremely heavy rainfall, 25mm/hr (5dB/KM), will make only a very small percentage contribution to aggregate attenuation in the 60GHz oxygen absorption region

From <>


A smarter way to say NO.

How do you say no to a professional without head-butting them? By having some information at your disposal. Not sure whether they will mandate the cV19 vacc or not, but-fore warned is fore-armed.

So: What is an MRC-5?

Abstract: MRC-5 is the most common human diploid cell (when you see diploid, think fetal*) line used in production of viral vaccines; mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is a type of adult multipotent stem cells. Both cell types share the same fibroblast-like morphology and maintain a normal diploid karyotype over long in vitro expansion. (meaning they can be replicated many times in manufacturing without mutating…too much*) *Author addition.

This will rattle your cage a bit – but it is very interesting.

NURSE SPEAKS OUT ABOUT MRC – 5 IN VACCINES #illuminati#newworldorder#mkultra#vaccines#cancer

The paragraph below is from the article she mentions and the web site is really all that. I was amazed.

These results unquestionably confirm the presence of fetal DNA in Priorix tetra vaccines, in variable quantities from batch to batch, indicating poor quality control of these pharmaceutical products.

We’d also like to remind the report on the entire MRC-5 genome sequencing published in Corvelva website on September 27 20194 showing the deep modification of this DNA even in genes linked to the development of tumor diseases (this data also will soon be published). The contaminating fetal DNA found in all the analyzed samples in variable (ie uncontrolled) quantities is up to 300 times higher than the limit imposed by the EMA for carcinogenic DNA (10 ng / dose, corresponding to the DNA contained in about 1000 cancer cells, on the basis of a statistical calculation, while the precautionary limit is 100 pg / dose), a limit that must necessarily be applied also to fetal DNA inevitably contaminating Priorix Tetra vaccine.

But for what is needed to create the yearly flu vaccines, or an influenza type vaccine, you need a different type of cell, one originating from a dog…

Which came first the spaniel or the egg? Novartis’ flu vaccine plant OKed

18-Jun-2014 By Gareth Macdonald

A long dead cocker spaniel will play a key role in helping people avoid the flu this winter after a landmark approval from the US FDA for Novartis’ cell culture based vaccine plant. HTTPS://WWW.BIOPHARMA-REPORTER.COM/ARTICLE/2014/06/18/WHICH-CAME-FIRST-THE-SPANIEL-OR-THE-EGG-NOVARTIS-VACCINE-PLANT-OKED

Swiss vaccine manufacturer, Novartis, uses the Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells derived from a female cocker spaniel in 1958 to provide for a quicker, simpler and more reliable production of the influenza type virus.

Traditional influenza manufacturing relies on a large number of fertilized chicken eggs to grow the virus strains and requires many months of organization of egg supplies , virus incubation and actual preparation of the vaccine before it ever hits the markets.

Animals have been used in the industrialized production of human vaccines since vaccine farms were established to harvest cowpox virus from calves in the late 1800s. From that point, and through the first half of the 20th century, most vaccines would continue to be developed with the use of animals, either by growing pathogens in live animals or by using animal cells.

Although many vaccines and anti-toxin products were successfully developed this way, using animals in vaccine development – particularly live animals – is not ideal. Research animals are costly and require extensive monitoring, both to maintain their health and to ensure the continued viability of the research. They may be carrying other bacteria or viruses that could contaminate the eventual vaccine, as with polio vaccines from the mid 20th century that were made with monkey cells and eventually found to contain a monkey virus called SV40, or Simian Virus 40. (Fortunately, the virus was not found to be harmful to humans.) Moreover, some pathogens, such as the chickenpox virus, simply do not grow well in animal cells.

Even when vaccine development is done using animal products and not live animals – such as growing influenza vaccine viruses in chicken eggs – development can be hindered or even halted if the availability of the animal products drops. If an illness were to strike the egg-producing chickens, for example, they might produce too few eggs to be used in the development of seasonal flu vaccine, leading to a serious vaccine shortage. (It’s a common misconception that influenza vaccines could be produced more quickly if grown in cell cultures compared to using embryonated chicken eggs. In fact, growing the vaccine viruses in cell cultures would take about the same amount of time. However, cell cultures do not have the same potential availability issues as chicken eggs.)

For these and other reasons, using cell culture techniques (like the MDCK) to produce vaccine viruses in human cell strains is a significant advance in vaccine development.

Two main human cell strains have been used to develop currently available vaccines, in each case with the original fetal cells in question obtained in the 1960s. The WI-38 cell strain was developed in 1962 in the United States, and the MRC-5 cell strain (also started with fetal lung cells) was developed, using Hayflick’s technology, in 1970 at the Medical Research Center in the United Kingdom. It should be noted that Hayflick’s methods involved establishing a huge bank of WI-38 and MRC-5 cells that, while not capable of infinitely replicating like immortal cell lines, will serve vaccine production needs for several decades in the future.

More reading:

What is an Iatrogenic Reaction?

When the test and or the treatment is worse than the problem.

Iatrogenic disease is the result of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures (like a CV19 test or vaccine *) undertaken on a patient. … An iatrogenic disorder occurs when the deleterious effects of the therapeutic or diagnostic regimen causes pathology independent of the condition for which the regimen is advised.Jul 21, 2011 Iatrogenic Disorders – NCBI *Author addition

Look at the links included, they are interesting in light of the speculation flying around in the current hurricane of created confusion.

To what purpose?

About Tuesday, I began waking up with a knowing that it was over. Whatever ‘it’ was. That everything was ok, and was going to be ok. Nothing in the outer world matched my feeling. The CV#’s had only begun to shift down and there was hype about everything, supplies, ventilators as killers, chipped vaccines, tests that gave you the ‘V’ and mandated testing, mass graves in New York, alien invasions: in fact, the theories had only gotten crazier, wilder and spun further out from reality.

I’m talking about the reality in front of your eyes, the one where you step outside and everything clicks back into focus. The swimmingly weird and wacky on line world in one second being decimated by the truth of the world before your eyes, the trees, the sun, the flowers and the hum of life. All it takes is to stand outside and inhale one breath and ‘BAM’ reality is there and you are immersed in the real truth. That is something that cannot be denied – maybe that is why they want us inside?

There is a ground swell of ppl who are beginning to understand how the fear-porn idea works and are waking up to how tired they are of being made to feel that the world is their enemy. There are a great many people who are beginning to feel gratitude for what is right under their noses, who are praying prayers of hope and gratitude for all the right reasons in their lives. There are a great many who are beginning to question what they are hearing in the news, question the political agenda behind this ‘plandemic’ and exactly what is being done to them – esp. after the 911 lesson.

In one way this seems like a numbers game to me – if just enough people could get together for a world meditation, if just enough people could wake up, if just enough people would believe in the CV, if just enough people would get angry enough at the current shenanigans, if just enough people would believe in the inflated CV numbers, on and on, ad nauseum.

Its like there is a tipping point in people banding together that is a magic bullet, that would sway things to one way or another, and everybody is out to grab as many souls in their camp as they can. A weighted numbers game… and its like it doesn’t matter what you say, so long as you can create group cohesion – tell the people what ever you need to, no matter how outrageous it is, just so you get them on your side and keep them by what ever tactics necessary.

There is strength in numbers. There always has been. Numbers have created nations. And a well known tactic has always been “Divide and Conquer”. Presidents have spoken:

During a speech before the United Nations in 1987, President Ronald Reagan spoke longingly for the world unity that would happen if aliens invaded Earth.

He said:

“Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”

This ‘Plandemic”, however, has gone the other way in its effect on us – on purpose – IMO. Why? Well, that’s up to the analysts to figure out, because I have no idea, but we are divided more than ever now. Conversely my first instinct is to NOT be divided. To let your neighbor believe as they will, but realize we are all connected as we are all made of the elements of this earth, in it’s infinite variations of that life and we are all part of a web of glowing, pulsing energy so interconnected that no idea should be able to separate us – except by our choice – and then only mentally because what separates us are only ideas.


We are being divided with purpose and aim and driven apart for a, or a multitude of reasons. We are being told to stay inside and not reconnect with nature because that totally dispels this divided feeling. My instinct is to ask why and go beyond ‘divide-and-conquer’/’strength-in-numbers’ thinking. It is almost like they wish to cleave us from the energetic bond we have with earth, pry us loose from the planetary connection and our sense of humanity.

To what purpose?