A different type of Ark; resonant frequencies that preserve a genetic DNA pattern: Gobekli Tepe

So, I was listening to a short title From Whitley Strieber’s pod cast that had been turned into one of the “NEW for 2017” “NEWS” pirated videos, that happened to be LMH interviewing Dr. Robert Schoch at Gobekli Tepe when Klaus Schmidt, (who died July 20, 2014) was still alive. In other words…the video was not new and definitely ripped off.

The idea that LMH was exploring with Dr. Schoch was that, and this astounded me, more than anything the pillars looked to her like they were capable of producing certain frequencies – like they hummed. Being aware of Dr. Emoto’s ground breaking studies in water , which leads nicely into last nights discussion on Jimmy Church Radio with Jay Widner and Jay Dyer about the predicative programming effect that media has on what we create in our future due to the consciousness multiplier factor. This is shored up by the studies that were done by Russian researchers reported by David Wilcock,


The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of DNA.

In brief, the bottom line was: “Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer, using endogenous DNA laser radiation.”

This means that they managed, for example, to modulate certain frequency patterns (sound) onto a laser-like ray, which then influenced the DNA frequency — and thus altered the genetic information itself.

Since the basic structures of DNA-alkaline pairs and language (as explained earlier) are similar, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of the human language!

This, too, was experimentally proven. Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to laser beams that have been modulated by language, and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies (sound) are being used.

This scientifically explains why affirmations, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language. From <http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/articles/362-groundbreaking-russian-dna-discoveries

These two dots got stuck together in my mind. There is ample evidence that any electromagnetic scalar wave can change the fabric of space from smallest to largest (stars and galaxies – largest) to whit I point to Joseph Farrell’s book: The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts, where he connects scalar physics and the underlying quantum field together and explains how this works from subatomic structure all the way to the largest.

What I came away with was an understanding (my own and it could be wrong…lol) that scalar packets of whatever size are potentials. These potentials can aggregate matter or they can be gravitic. (actually they can be almost anything) In these packets are encoded templates that suggest how that packet will interact with not only the subquantum field, but how it will behave and look etc.


While western researchers cut single genes from DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically created devices that influence cellular metabolism through modulated radio and light frequencies, thus repairing genetic defects.

[As we will show in Part Two of “Your DNA is Changing!”, this included re-animating cells that had died in the radiation of Chernobyl!]

They even captured information patterns from a particular DNA molecule and transmitted it into another. The cells were thus reprogrammed with a different genome.

They successfully transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns!

All the information needed to build a salamander was transmitted into the frog embryo without any of the side effects or disharmonies we get when cutting out and re-introducing single genes from the DNA.

This represents an unbelievable, world-transforming revolution and sensation: by simply applying vibration (sound frequencies) and language, you get cloning effects without using the archaic cutting-out procedure!

This experiment points to the immense power of wave genetics, which obviously has a greater influence on the formation of organisms than the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences. From <http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/articles/362-groundbreaking-russian-dna-discoveries>

These can be changed or acted upon by other scalar mechanisms like a scalar wave or two…


The Russian scientists also found out that our DNA can create invisible, structured patterns in the vacuum energy of space, thus producing magnetized wormholes!

[Here they are referring to Garaiev and Poponin’s groundbreaking study into the so-called “DNA Phantom Effect.” Hang on, as this is explained further down in the article.]

to the point that when interacting with the subquantum field on a large scale you can affect the local environment and by that I mean the spacetime matrix of our solar system and it planets. (think weapons of real mass destruction in this technology)

By the well-known mass-energy conversion mechanism, mass and inertia are thus “the direct result of – and are – trapped scalar resonance.” But what is “trapped scalar resonance”? “The trapping mechanism is the spin of the particle,”29 that is, the peculiar internal rotating stresses or vortices in the medium of various systems, diagramed in our simple example above!30 More than anything else, it is this ability to configure a template based upon the scalar signature and its long distance resonance effects in the medium that allows one to produce an action at a distance that best fills the bill for the “monstrous area of physics” that the Germans were working on with the Bell. It is, indeed, a very sophisticated form of magic, and sympathetic magic at that. For the result of this new physics is that space itself has structure and content; the medium or “aether” may be viewed as nothing but a vast set of scalar potentials, which can be decomposed into longitudinal wave pairs.31 And since a “scalar” represents an internal rotational stress – as per our diagrams above – scalar physics is also not only non-linear, but vorticular physics.32

(Emphasis mine)

Farrell, Joseph P.. The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts (pp. 45-46). Adventures Unlimited Press. Kindle Edition.

This is found under “Art” of Gobekli Tepe. Shows scalar packets/DNA and of all things, a bird man.

Back to the ark. I propose it was an information storage device using tuned tonal frequencies in the DNA range of the life forms depicted on the stele and in each circle. Therefore, these life forms could be recovered when, if and after destruction to rebuild the genome by uncovering the specific circle you wanted active in the scalar matrix of the planet. This of course, would not be an overnight recovery, but would begin to build in the structures of the frequency being emitted into the growth matrix of the earth. Kind of like taking a vitamin to help your body perform better.

On the floor of one ring of pillars at Gobekli Tepe lie the remains of a portal.

Speaking of which, while I was looking for a GT photo for this article, I ran across this little gem, which sort of reminds me of the genetic specific activation of the stone implements made by the founder race – it does something and if you have the right frequency, I’ll bet it activates. It was found at the bottom of one of the circles of Gobekli Tepe…

And one last point, the Vedic tradition talks about the chakras of the human body – spinning vortices – little packets of information that interact with the subquantum matrix to…manifest us. Maybe Gobekli Tepe was an ark, one meant to restore what could be lost after a huge weapon of mass destruction dismantled the resonant patterns of life, tore asunder the matrix – if you will, here, on this planet…

The War

I have found no less than 3 major sources while looking at the topic of ‘the Cosmic War’. Two of which are only becoming known over the last year or so. One of which is a LMH video interview of  John Brandenburg entitled The Mars Massacre. The next is also a compilation of interview of Mr. Brandenburg by Conspiracy Rabbit TV: SHOCKING Mars ‘Disclosure’: NASA Scientist Speak Out “The Dark Secrets of Mars” Ancient Past, and yet another interview on August 2th 2017 with Kerry Cassidy where he was less than forth coming…IMO, mainly because she was trying to connect a dot between the SSP on Mars to his info on the hidden nuclear past of Mars and he was not yet authorized to tell that part.

So let me tell a short story. About a month ago I was singularly done with all the you-know-what surrounding our genre – that of the SSP, ‘disclosure, breakaway civilizations, the truth movement et al, and I sent a mental note to the universe that I needed more information. One of Joseph Farrell’s videos caught my attention so I decided to listen (they are noted in the last two or three articles) and was so blown away! I filled three notebooks trying to keep track of it all.

My husband, who has always claimed to play the devil’s advocate when in truth, he needed more information, asked me what my intense study was about. So I sent him a couple of the vids on his early book, ‘Secrets of the Third Reich’ parts one and two. Being a history buff, he was readily amazed by them and finally ready to see history in a different light, which is a very important first step for a rationalist to take in decoding… (dun dun dun) the Lie.

He asked me after he had heard them both, over dinner, why – because nothing could be done – I was so intent on learning the information. My reply to him was that, if you take all the information for the entire broad spectra of sources – including the ancient texts, unless you have a coherent structure to put it all in, it becomes a miasma of non-functioning post-it notes that got blown off the wall. What Joseph Farrell does for my thinking is give all that information a structure to fall into and connect almost every last dot there is. Therefore, I’m not left wandering around like a blithering idiot and I know where the next piece of information goes when I get it. EI: I am not crazy, although my husband would also debate that…

So, back to the point, I asked for connections and I am getting them in spades. First, because I am not judging a piece of information as right or wrong, it’s either history, or it is labeled ‘future possibility’ and second, once the structure of organization was established, the dots got stickier and they kept coming together in amazing fashion. (I am no longer frustrated, that’s for sure)

Consequently, I bought the book: ‘Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and their Hidden Agenda’. I have already within the first three chapters of this book understood that indeed there was that ‘cosmic war’ and basically what type of physics it took to blow up a planet (scalar) and then what the survivors must have done… well sorta. It’s obvious from chapter three that some of them either lived on this planet, or came limping here after that war, and that as I said in previous article that they set up a system whereby they could translate their information into indestructible means for a day way in the future. The very lynch pin of which was, a system of measure based on the earth its self:

Having thus found the means whereby an accurate unit of linear measure was so accurately reproduced over so wide an area — namely, through the use of a pendulum to count beats between markers on the circle of the horizon placed one degree apart in a 366-degree system — and thus converting the measure of time to a linear measure of distance, the next problem was to introduce accurate units of measure of volume and weight based on that same linear measure. “Such a move would have been an important building block towards trade, which was in turn a key step towards true civilization.”76 In other words, the necessary basis for international trade is accurate units of measure of volume and weight, and that accuracy can only be guaranteed by basing units of measure on the relative constancy of celestial motions and the geodetic properties of the Earth itself. The problem was easily solved by performing what physicists call a “dimensional rotation,” i.e., simply taking the linear measure, a unit of one dimension, and rotating it into two dimensions (thus measuring area), and then finally, into three dimensions, thus measuring volume. In short, the ancients simply “cubed” their Megalithic Yards, half-yards, and so on, to form the measures of volume.

Farrell, Joseph P.. Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda (Kindle Locations 804-810). Feral House. Kindle Edition.

These measurements converted into a unit of measure called the Megalithic yard, which correlated to every other ancient system of measurement and still survives to this day in the British imperial units of measure. Hmmm. So they created a system that has survived down the millennia till today that has the measurement of the planet and zero point physics embedded in it (and if you want to know about that, I suggest buying one of his books).

I agree with him when he says there are two prime possibilities that make sense as to why this was done. One is that you lay the foundation for the recovery of your science and civilization but also, the second is that you do that because you want to recover your pre-civil war power to: Try! It! Again!?! ( like idiots – and trust me these people were not too smart if they messed up the solar system and blew to bits an entire planet and all but destroyed another one over a …civil war??? and either brought it here or got stuck here, and not mention, have been replicating their idiocy for eons of time on this planet and are STILL doing it, while the rest of us get caught in the middle of it.)

Well, anyhow, two more points. These people were here before Adam and Eve, and they were called (wait for it) the PreAdamites. Link up the Corey Goode, David Wilcock information with that one, add to it all the other various and sundry news articles about Antarctica’s recent visitors and activities, and an interesting pattern begins to emerge.

Further, take the above videos and speculate that the reason the information coming out now about the radioactive xenon129’s signature in Mars’ surface implying a nuclear war there at one time, and see that you have the set up for one of two things,

A false flag, alien-omg-invasion of the bad guys

Or the introduction to the ruins in Antarctica


Maybe a bit of both.



Heads up!!

A Tower of Babel Moment: more in depth on the issue of Parole.

Imagine being embroiled in a solar system civil war. Imagine having to flee from your entire planet, better yet imagine that your planet got blown up, and your inhabited moon got the atmosphere ripped from it by an out of control plasma weapon. Where would you go?

What if some of you, understanding the scope of what could happen had already prepared a monster ship and had it ready and waiting for just such an eventuality. However, it was damaged by this civil war too, so you basically had to limp to the next closest place with an atmosphere available.

You were the survivors, both victors and losers of this insane war. You had to pull together. The only place you have is the next planet over. It is inhabited, but not with a species that is awake and enlightened as you are – as far as you can tell.

The solar system is now quite out of balance and the resonant signatures that held the planets in secure stable orbits around the sun are out of balance. When your planet blew up it caused ripples in your system and every planet was effected – even the local star cluster. However, you need to park your limping behemoth of a ship somewhere close to the planet you have chosen and it must be perfect or it will further destabilize the entire system. You calculate very carefully.

This planet is primitive, it has no technology, no manufacturing and no social structure other than the limited ones created by a blossoming hominid species which only goes as far as the local tribal groups. Because you have lost your manufacturing base forever, as a people you decide on a plan to preserve your knowledge as thousands of years wear on and you can begin to develop the infrastructure enough to support industry.

Once you begin your mining operations and development of infrastructure, you realize that you are in deep trouble. The work is unimaginably hard and difficult. The gravity is different and your bodies were not made for this. It is decided to use the indigenous population as slaves to provide the man power needed to accomplish the herculean task of rebuilding technology from the ground up. These people are not ready yet for this, so it is decided to give them a DNA ‘boost’ and within a few generations have a worker force that could actually understand what they are being told to do.

So you construct your slaves and put your plan of technology reservoirs in place. This plan requires you to encode information in structures that are constructed to operate in more than 4 dimensions. Even with the slaves helping, the building of the infrastructure required to manufacture the equipment to accomplish your eventual escape is thousands of years away. Although some of the survivors of your war did escape off planet to places unknown, you really didn’t expect them back any time soon. So you have become exiled to this planet and you see the gradual break down of your technology and knowledge loss and plan to bank the information against when it will be surely forgotten in the mists of time.

Meanwhile, this slave race you have created has multiplied enormously and has gotten, so to speak, quite out of hand. After the war, both sides of the ideology have survived and you still have not resolved your differences or the ideological rifts that tore your people apart. One side of you thinks that the people you have created are quite unique and valuable – beautiful even. The other side of you hates them for they are seen as interlopers on their own planet, simply in the way and getting worse. When you put an intelligence upgrade into these indigenous folk, you never imagined it would be exponentially more than what you had planned. They have become a threat.

The above is how it might have happened, in my mind’s eye. It is agreed by several scientific disciplines that the great scar on Mars was probably the result of a plasma strafing, Whether the result of static discharge from planets out of orbit and passing to close to each other, or the direct result of a weapons discharge, is not known. It is also accepted now ( Bode’s Law) that the asteroid belt is the rubble of a once existing planet. Tom van Flandern’s Exploding Planet Hypothesis in Dark Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets, asserts that a former major planet between Mars and Jupiter exploded. There is also the Electric Universe Theory that is all about the electrical discharges going off around the solar system when the disruption of all of the planets occurred. There is no doubt that the solar system was in total disarray around 3.2 mya. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oophJNlP-fk ) The rest of my speculation comes from hours of note taking and listening to Joseph P. Farrell’s interviews on his numerous books.   (1)   IMO, Joseph Farrell, a genius, a Dr. of Patristics from Oxford, has pretty well captured the middle layer of our vast history.

As I see it, This planet once was inhabited by a saurian race, who had no less than 3, three intelligent races developing on this planet, when the (as old, old occultists called it ) ‘ring-pass-not’ around this system was destroyed. In came the Genetic Farmers who gave them the choice to leave or be destroyed. Or it could be the asteroid that destroyed the saurian population here was the direct result of the civil war. Either way, some went underground here and some left and many were decimated.

Then we had a bunch of ppl who started various genetic experiments on this planet, more or less in a natural way. But the refugees came in and engineered out-right changes in the indigenous population. I imagine that they were allowed to settle here too, by agreement or treaty with the 22 genetic farmer races in a kind of hands off policy for a measure of time. (Treaty of Mohammed?) However, once we discovered Open Loop physics (ZPE) – not just the nuclear bomb – and we jangled the subspace medium, it signaled to groups of others out there that we were about to enter into the greater sphere of action in the galaxy, or destroy our planet – which could not be allowed. Councils were convened and a great many people from this place were allowed to present their ideas and plead for clemency – a chance to go on in front of a group of races whose job it is to make sure people like us did’t blow up the universe before we understood the new physics we had found.

What no one ever expected was the ridiculous heights the civil war would reach, nor how long it would actually last, or the fact that we as a planet are still dealing with that idiocy. The two ideologies of this group can be related to science in that one could be considered a model of Closed System Physics (Einsteinian) and one could be Open System physics (Zero Point).

Amazingly this translated into a deep philosophical structure in the rest of their culture. Meaning, the closed system of thought structure developed into a closed loop debt financial system, slavery and the thought patterns of lack, not enough, and hierarchy.

The open system thought structure is one we have consigned to the mists of time and fairy tale that was abundance, real money created without debt, sharing, and interdisciplinary scientific thought. (We haven’t seen this for eons, in fact, we have been trained to see this as highly improbably and unable to work) Not surprisingly the closed loop has been termed Patriarchal and the open loop has been termed Matriarchal. These are thought structures – attitudes (operands) that have played out in the world in to every part of daily life: financial, educational philosophical, moral, ethical, emotional and intellectual attitudes that have shaped the very core of all interactions in 3D life. We have two sets of types of action imperatives that play out into the structures of society. (IMO it is time we discover the third)

This civil war, that most the planet is not even aware of, has caused quite a mess on the planet at this time of our entry (hopefully) into a broader society of beings. It has been taken under consideration that this planet is a melting pot of many, many races, and that the normal peaceful progression of a planet into a space faring race is not cogent here. Therefore, deep examination of all sides is imperative. This is still going on as we live and go about our daily lives and not a one of us really knows about this for sure – however, I have my inklings.

The aggressive poverty, scarcity, debt slavery system that we are currently all trying to find a way out of is about to end. As a matter of fact, by agreement, it was supposed to be over a hundred years or so ago. However these people do not want to give up the ghost and are threatening the childish, ‘Well, if we can’t have want we want, we will destroy it all!’ type of psychopathic end game. From what I can gather, that will not be allowed to happen if – and here’s the caveat – we say we don’t want it and can say what we do want. This can be singularly hard, because when you are in an extremely abusive situation, all you can conceive of is ‘what you don’t want’. You begin to think about ‘what you do want’, once you are safe.

The regressionist closed loop structure people who think we are still their slaves (and right now we are) want to blast us back to the stone age once again. Think Georgia Guide Stones. The other side of this civil war, who, IMO went underground about a million years ago have been keeping out of everything, are ready to help us begin to heal and rethink our value systems. IMO – this is the other side of the civil war, the open system thought people. This could be good IF they have truly left behind the damned war. Otherwise, we are trading masters.

I mean the ‘we’ that they created. Legend says that they loved us and even pled for our freedom (that didn’t work b/c they wound up underground and in a sense hiding from their insane brethren) I suppose soon here, we will all get the chance to find out because the councils have decided that no such Tower of Babel event will occur this time, and that the civil war will end, and out of the two, will be born the third – the balance. Then the peoples of this planet, where ever their origins – whatever ever their origins, will be admitted into the greater unity of life in the universe.

Let’s hope so.


The Giza Death Star: The Paleophysics of the Great Pyramid and the Military Compound at Giza.   The Giza Death Star Deployed: The Physics and Engineering of the Great Pyramid.   Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons and the Cold War Allied Legend.   The Giza Death Star Destroyed: The Ancient War for Future Science.   The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: NASA’s Nazis, JFK, and MAJIC-12.   The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts.   Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, The Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory.   The Philosopher’s Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter.   The Nazi International: The Nazis’ Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict, Science, and Space.   Roswell and the Reich: The Nazi Connection.    Babylon’s Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance, and Ancient Religion.   LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy: A Coalescence of Interests.   Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and their Hidden Agenda.   The Grid of the Gods: The Aftermath of the Cosmic War and the Physics of the Pyramid Peoples (with Scott D. de Hart)


The Planetary Parole Hearing

Joseph Farrel has a very interesting theory about the ET presence in our modern world. He thinks we are at a “Tower of Babel Moment” – yet again. He talks about the comic war that blew up Tiamat, what is now the asteroid belt and rent the atmosphere of mars and how the victors and vanquished were not only quarantined to this planet, but how the solar system it’s self was quarantined. How the technology of both sides was taken, and what couldn’t be taken or used was destroyed and how what couldn’t be destroyed was hidden. He also says that this planet several times has been reduced to stone-age technology in these Tower of Babel Moments. In other words, we have had the snot knocked out of us more than once when it looked like we were developing enough tech to get off planet. (there are ancient records on all of that)

He also quotes Richard Dolan: “The UFO is the missing piece of modern history.” He says once you add that element back into the story, pretty much all the erratic behavior of the world Gov’ts makes sense. I agree. So what has caused the recent (last 80 years) ET interest in this planet? The discovery of nuclear power, because it warps space time, it jangles the cosmic web, so to speak. Then he goes on to talk about trying to back engineer the thinking of the breakaway groups of intelligence on this planet and what their thinking would be, after hunting down through history for all the records of ancient origin and finding technology hidden in mysticism. What they surmised once they had the full records of what has happened in the vast reaches of history and discovered how many times we have been knocked back. IE: What do we need to do to get past this happening again?

Well you would want parity – both in technology and manufacturing capability. You would have to play catch up very quickly get to the level of being able to say “Yes here we are again and No, you cannot knock us back to the stone age this time!

We want a Parole Hearing!!!

Speculatively, if Corey Goode’s reports about hearings in front of the Galactic Federation Council are correct that may be what is going on right now. We are pleading our case; that we can get our shit together and enter the broader world of the galaxy without blowing everybody up both on the planet and outside of it. In other words;

We are sitting on the precipice of going forward or being shot down to the beginning, yet again.

(external organized intervention…)


It seems all of the refugees of both sides of the ancient cosmic war have been stuck here for quite a while and because the cosmic war was more of a civil war, they have continued to bicker and fight over trivialities and vandalized the planet. The breakaway SSP program is an offshoot of one faction of a breakaway that decided to try to get away from what they saw as impending disaster (once again) and to establish security somewhere else and also, just maybe, protect the planet from being sent back to the dark ages again.

Here’s the sticky point, we are being asked as a planet to decide to behave or not without knowing any of this. As if to ask – are we genuinely rehabilitated, or do we just not want to get decimated again. If the human race as a whole knew what was hanging in the balance and how we are right at the pinnacle of going one way or the other, I do believe we could and would get our collective acts together and give good reason to go on. I really think most of us have reformed, we just want to be able to love each other and live in comfort and to discover just what we really are capable of. I suppose if we knew it would disrupt the FREE WILL thing…

However, if any of the information about being dumbed down and programmed is correct and IMO it is, then we are behind the eight ball, we do need some re-education before we are …judged… We need to take care of the miscreants that make it impossible to even get a taste of peace, we need to get a handle on our history and we need to get whatever remedial education is necessary to accomplish this. FAST!

So here’s a clue, Goode, Basiago, Dolan, Farrell; THEY ARE ALL CORRECT. STAND BACK and look at the information of history – look at the pattern – dare to see the whole mess a different way. Give up your programmed thinking structures and SEE. It’s all there.

It’s important – we are all deciding.

Right now.

Parole, or no parole.

I want out of the corner, don’t you?


Breakaways – I’d like mine on the beach, please.

Back in the 19th century (1800s) there was already a concerted effort to by two breakaway civilizations to separate from normal earth society per Walter Bosley’s research. It started with a group of German financiers funding several groups of people all experimenting with antigravity propulsion that IMO, worked off shape power and vortex mechanics. There was a group in Germany that were based in the study of the esoteric aspects and a group in the US out of CA based in more of the nuts and bolts called the Sonora Aero Club. Both made the craft and both flew. Bosley’s theory is that due to ideological differences both groups began a break away civilization of their own.

It also seems the group from Germany that  pursued the esoteric science aspect may have had an offshoot that became the Nazi breakaway group that took the Bell et al down to Argentina and then ended up in Antarctica. Notwithstanding the Vril and Thule societies, that may have founded their own groups (or might have been part of a dis-info campaign) which today you see in institutions like the Theosophical Society and Alice A. Bailey, Anny Bessant and the Law of One information.

I never thought to wonder just HOW MANY breakaway groups there have been in the last 5,000 years – but it seems that there might be quite a few. The more I look, the more I find. There are hints in the writings and research of credible people that there are also contiguous groups who never left, but just went underground – other than just the famous Agarthans. Which of course, brings up the question of how many derivations of humans and ETs are living amongst us that are hiding? There are a whole bunch that are in plain sight and they are everywhere – nice people too. But then there are a whole bunch that are hiding and are afraid of us, or just never bothered to come back up topside after the danger they were escaping was over, whether catastrophe or war. From some of what I have just read, they prefer it that way. Can you blame them?

There is more than just the SSP breakaway. There are peoples living here from centuries past who either got stuck here or decided to stay, and then needed to hide. If we really are next to a very large star gate with multiple connections – a hub of sorts then I would imagine that people have been getting stuck here for a very long time, with no way off this planet due to its very low level of technology because of repeated cycles of catastrophic interference. That being said, up until the very last section of each cycle this is a place that if you broke down and got stuck on, you would wait a very long time for the tech to get to the place where it was developed enough to repair or rebuild or replace your transportation to finally get off this rock!! People like the Tuatha DeDanan, the legendary Faery peoples of Irish mythos may have been one such civilization in that the record of their arrival is literally stated to be lost in the mists of time. What is the best way to disinfo/hide through time here? Make all your history into epic metaphoric poetry, myth or legend.

The Tuatha Dé Danann were descended from Nemed, leader of a previous wave of inhabitants of Ireland. They came from four cities to the north of Ireland—Falias, Gorias, Murias and Finias—where they acquired their magical skills and attributes. According to Lebor Gabála Érenn, they came to Ireland “in dark clouds” and “landed on the mountains of [the] Conmaicne Rein in Connachta; and they brought a darkness over the sun for three days and three nights”. According to a later version of the story, they arrived in ships on the coast of the Conmaicne Mara’s territory (modern Connemara). They immediately burnt the ships “so that they should not think of retreating to them; and the smoke and the mist that came from the vessels filled the neighboring land and air. Therefore it was conceived that they had arrived in clouds of mist”.   From <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuatha_D%C3%A9_Danann>

Which, of course once we look at the discoveries of ancient monolithic societies and the sudden disappearances of a whole people like the Hopi, and IF we quit putting the egis on the ETs for everything, then, we have a more twisty-turny mystery, with a way through history to ferret out some of the facts. Interestingly enough Joseph Farrel, Walter Bosley, Peter Levenda and others have been really investigating this in depth because it has turned up in side lines to their main research topics.

From Walter Bosley, this little gem is very telling and IMO could be another reference to, of all things, the archons!

“Yes,” Morrell said, “And not only that, but these things, the NYMZA, continually try to reach out to the minds of mankind and control us. Their ultimate aim is to escape from the astral plane and return here where they can once again rule according to all the evil that is in them. This NYMZA has been a manipulating force throughout the history of mankind on both Earth and Mars, and it was they who constantly interfered with mental communications going on between the Aero Club and some of the people on Mars… “They cannot build in the material world, but they can project their thoughts into this material realm through the minds of living things, especially the humans. Through such mental doors, the NYMZA hope to eventually escape their endless imprisonment. That machine on the ocean floor is designed to rend the fabric of space and open an astral portal so those things can escape…” NYM-ZA or NYM-SA means specifically, according to Heri, ‘Name That Has Been Removed’ and he makes the distinction that this is the result of a punitive action. The ‘cutting’ of the name was a revoking of a ‘key’, the name symbolizing the more important ‘identity’ or, as Joseph Farrell might say, ‘individuation’. This identity key is what, according to Heri’s interpretation, allows a being to exist on our plane, i.e. our material plane as opposed to the astral plane to which the ‘NYM-ZA/ NYM-SA’ were banished. Heri adds that the desire for these beings to possess a key drives them to seek possession of the identity of others, for the specific identity does not matter to them so much as simply having the key to return to this material plane of existence. It is in this desire for the ‘key’ of identity/ individuation that we may also find the motive for the possession of living bodies by disembodied entities, i.e. ‘demons’.

Consider the story in The Bible wherein Jesus encounters the man possessed by multiple demons. When Jesus asks for a name, the voice replies, “My name is Legion”. This apparent name actually refers to a multitude of entities possessing the man. Notice not one specific name identifying any of them by their personal identities is given but instead what Jesus is given is a group name. Heri argues that ‘Legion’ is equivalent to NYMZA/ NYM-SA. Had any of these entities retained an ‘identity key’, they would not need a living body to enter this plane of existence. Heri uses both his understanding of the phonetic cabala and modern words traced to ancient lexicons. Confining his examples to English, German, Latin, Greek and ancient Egyptian, which can be demonstrated to be the sources for Greek and Latin terms. His source on the ancient Egyptian is Budge’s An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary (Murray, London, 1920) Pgs. 373-385. “-nym” is a suffix in English, i.e. patronym, pseudonym, etc. It refers to “name” as in the Greek onyma or “name”. Heri is convinced onyma came from the Egyptian word nem which meant “who?” Nem is a question concerning the specific identity of a person, the answer being their name. In ancient Egyptian, there were two words for “name”, being ren and ka. Nems means veil. Consider our context and remember this because we’ll bring it up a little later.

Ka is usually translated as “soul”, but Budge explicitly states that sometimes ka was used to mean “name”. This demonstrates to Heri a crucial link between the concept of the soul and the idea of a name. Heri argues that the Egyptian nem or “who?” entered the Greek language as onyma i.e. “name”. Now let’s bring the second syllable of NYMZA into the analysis. Heri believes the ancient Egyptian sa i.e. “cut” is the root of the “-ZA”. Thus nem-sa means “who? cut”. But then Heri points to nems, meaning to enlighten or illuminate in one usage yet “veil” in another. Heri thinks this hints at the “cutting off of illumination”. We shall return to this momentarily. Interestingly Heri points out that other nem related homonyms in ancient Egyptian mean “evil”, nehem “to deliver”, nehem-ra “to kill”, nemmta a type of fish. There are nem words relating to “lake”, “to bathe or swim”, “to sleep or slumber”, and “bedchamber”. This also extends to the Greek and Roman (Latin) nymphs, often associated with water; and the Greek nystagmos “drowsiness” derived from the ancient Egyptian nem in its aforementioned “sleep” association.

Now we go to the German nehmen “to take” which is also used to mean “to possess” or “to consume” as in “eat”. Heri is convinced that this can likely be traced back as well to the ancient Egyptian. He suggests nehmen might also be used to mean “to take someone” or possess someone. Returning to the second syllable of NYMZA once again, we have the German zahn “tooth” which relates to chewing or cutting, bringing it back to the ancient Egyptian sa. But Heri also points out the German zahllos “innumerable”, which hints at the aforementioned “legion”. Thus, according to Heri, do we have the following: NYM meaning “name” and ZA( SA) meaning “cut” NYM meaning the answer to “who?” and ZA relative to “innumerable” NYM-ZA meaning “without a name” or “nameless.   From <http://www.shishigami.com/srfa/CAAD/nymza.html>

Like, cordoned off in the lower 4D astral plane… And it makes sense to me. It is also interesting when you hook that up to what I was saying in my last article about needing to put the esoteric view point back into consideration to be able to understand the WHOLE story – which, obviously is connected to the proscribed information in today’s culture. There is today a gaius around anything having to do with consciousness. But all our breakaway cultures that left us started that way – by using consciousness information.

Simply because there is such a taboo around consciousness expansion and investigation of this whole field, which is tied to, nay part of the esoterica, means there is something very important about it. Hello! Otherwise people would not have been so chastised for a very natural aspect of themselves. The programming on mental spiritual, emotional, intellectual, financial and academic and scientific levels against any consideration of this topic is literally the MOST obvious way to understand that we NEED to “Look Here!”

This world is still being managed the way it has been for the last 5,000 years. It is obvious that there are people and factions that are trying to dig us out of the rut we are in – to wake us up. I do not understand what is so hard about looking at the historical trends and patterns of world finance and governance to make the jump to seeing the future trends – even without all the facts – and trust me don’t have all the info we need.

There are those out there telling the story, whistle blowers who, if we had all the information on the science and technology that is actually there and indicated by the trends, both in financial and in governance policies who would not be questioned. This is why our best researchers are having a horrendously difficult time swallowing such testimony. IF THE REAL SCIENCE WAS OPENLY ADMITTED TO – THERE COULD BE NO QUESTION! But it is not, and it is a clever part of the lie, meant to logically trip up our best brains. Even President Trump (who I personally believe is a trickster/maverick/catalyst) is expressly in office at this time to create change and wake up ‘John Q Public’, to get us up to speed with what is going on, indicated by this statement from his inaugural speech:

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.

From <https://www.whitehouse.gov/inaugural-address>

We can take the easy way out by blaming someone else, but realize: there will always be a group, a mafia, an elite, and alien race, a shadow government that will willingly step in and play the role of scapegoat for us until we stand up and say “ENOUGH!” In the past, the elite groups that have been defeated in tedious infighting have gone underground, bided their time for when they knew they could win and have their chance back on top at ruler ship over us. The key words here are, “Over Us”… get my drift? Where, if you look at it, there would be no labor force, no gross global product, no net worth, without us – they need us. We are strong; catastrophe after deluge, after catastrophe, we keep on coming back. (like a Timex) All we have to do is realize it! If we knew the size of the bargaining chip we had, their unchecked rampant control over us would come to an abrupt end.

One way of graduating out of this dark night of the soul that the ‘little we’ of the planet is mired in would be to realize this; by breaking the tight little hypnotized intellectual prison we are in, collecting ourselves and our various proscribed parts and emerging from the cosmic cage/quantum box into the sun, we might just see our way to the future, this time.


To get your ‘Ah-Ha!’ on…

Joseph Farrell and Jim Marrs both extensively cover the covert hidden technology and infiltration of the Nazi 4th Reich in the world. The research is overwhelming. The connected dots are rock solid. I have spent the last week running through Jim Mars interviews on his books about this and Joseph Farrell’s interviews on his books. One particular source Forum Borealis is quite thorough and in depth with Farrell on Die Glocke (another name for the project was…Chronos”… let that sink in) and where it and some of the scientists went that were working on it post WW2. Apparently quite a lot of Nazi loot went to somewhere in Argentina with 20$ billion, including a number of scientists working on high energy plasma and torsion fields. Project paper clip brought one of them, a Dr. Davis to the US who worked closely with Von Braun. There is quite a bit of evidence that points to a plasma physics program that was developed side by side with the beginnings of the public space program in the US.

When you add all of Richard Dolan’s research and musings into this mix, you also see that there was yet a third grouping of people who were concurrently developing exotic technology right along with the Nazi’s and the US that had their beginning back in the late 1800’s.    Walter Bosley’s  ‘Friends from Sonora’ 

Then there is the theory that the Nazi’s who went on expeditions down to Antarctica in the 1930’s had found something extremely relevant because when they came back, they were lauded and honored and then all information went black. When Hess fled to England to offer a ‘deal’ to the British, he was put in prison and never let out. Hess was on the expedition to Antarctica in the 30’s. It is rumored he hanged himself, but upon examination it was found that his hyoid bone was crushed, which only happens due to strangulation. He had a wound scar on his left side and autopsy proceedings did not find it, so there is also speculation that the Hess that flew to Britain, was a body double. What would he have told the world had he been let loose?

So we have some very interesting fields of research being kept quiet: High voltage plasma vortex research and antediluvian civilization technology treasure searches – even if you only look at UFO’s as an adjunct or outgrowth of these topics. And this is only from the ‘hard science’ end of things. When you add in the esoteric science research to this mix it gets truly wild. Especially when the marriage of science and esoteric philosophies (we can’t even say esoteric or energy science yet) is what got the Nazi’s to the point of the ‘Bell’ or Die Glocke, and what drove them around the world looking for old manuscripts and information that could be rethought for use in weapons technology.

I think the world has been involved in the Mother of all False Flags for well over a century.

We have been caught trying to make sense of a matrix of lies so cleverly woven together that there is no way in the current definitions of facts and evidence to tweek it out. I think there are about four informational layers to this web (probably more but it’s what I can see).

1.The first is the Nuts and Bolts.

2.The next is the quantum/plasma /vortex/energy hard science layer.

3.The third is the historical layer of who did what to whom when and what they stole/hid and outright lied about.

4.The last is the non-physical/energetic/spiritual/dimensional aspect that without which none of the other three layers will make sense.

This is a very 3 dimensional information problem, where all the layers contact each other at different points in a matrix and NOT a linear puzzle! If you refuse the reality of any layer, the whole informational block collapses and none of it will make any sense.

We have been programmed to reject certain key element of the information so we have not figured out just what the whole thing looks like. We are trying to work in the dark – once again like the three blind men trying to describe the elephant. And willfully so. For the longest time we have been taught that consideration of any esoteric data points was a very good way to get shut down. IMO should we begin to scientifically connect those data points It will be a V8 moment. If fact, that may be the very reason why we have, of late, been inundated by people claiming to know so and so from planet whatever with all the correct information so as to obfusticate the real data, only because we have been such ignoramuses denying certain fields of information – which I might add, the Russians have not and look where they are with their research in frontiers of scientific discovery!

Haven’t you ever wondered WHY the esoteric sciences were so proscribed?

proscribe: forbid, especially by law, denounce or condemn. Syn: forbid, prohibit, ban, bar, interdict, make illegal, embargo, outlaw, disallow, veto; enjoin


This certainly doesn’t mean I’m advocating going of half-crazy diving into everything without your own methods of research and validation, or that every source is bogus, it just means that we should not discount the weight of that knowledge when combined with other areas – to be interdisciplinary is very important. We need to test out the science we find in the old manuscripts to see if we can back engineer any of it. We OBVIOUSLY know that there was antediluvian technology involved in the monolithic sites we see all over the world. Many of these old writings actually had several layers to them – a metaphysical one, a moral one and a pure science one. The writers assumed the readers would also know how to read the entire meaning into the texts. It is rumored one of those texts was responsible for the physics that was used to create Die Glocke, and that the science that came out of that actually led to the high energy plasma physics now being studied… dare I mention portal, or time travel, or worm holes, or quantum computing????? Which, when you think about it, would link up whistleblower testimony like Andrew Basiago, Corey Goode, Thompkins and others to modern day science!

I look at it this way – they aren’t lying to us, but somebody is and these guys have taken the fall to expose one side of the situation. Had the real science been public, their testimony would not only make sense but implicate a bunch of ppl who wish to not be known above and beyond the 4th Reich and the Illuminati. The in-depth historical research has truly been done and points to some pretty odd conclusions but when you combine it with the thinking above it becomes explosive.

That pretty much puts it out in plain sight – are we going to deny and ignore this by doing nothing – saying nothing, and in effect give our agreement to this nonsense, fighting about useless points, or are we finally going to say, “The Jig’s up!!


It’s a 3D problem, so if you want to see the whole thing and get your ‘ah-ha!’ on, you can’t leave out one whole corner of it!









The Fifth Form of Prayer

This fifth mode of prayer, the “lost mode,” is a prayer that’s based solely in feeling. … Without any words, without our hands held in a certain position or any outward physical expression, this mode of prayer simply invites us to feel a clear and powerful feeling as if our prayers have already been answered.    Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer – Kryon

This is our direct connection to the source. The zero point field is always responding to our every feeling. When we use words to pray, we enter onto a slippery slope, because most of those words are putting a time constraint on what we are asking for or what we want. If you pray ‘Please let there be peace’ you are saying in that prayer that peace doesn’t exist and that it will come in the future instead of right now. You have unknowingly put a little time glitch in your prayer.

The universe or the zero point field immediately responds to you and gives you what you asked for. It doesn’t second guess you, or decide upon the merit of the prayer – it simply creates what you had in your desire – your message to it. Bam! There it is.

The feeling prayer is how we speak to creation in every moment and how we bring into reality the world we are living in and our circumstances instantaneously. What most of us don’t realize is that the mere act of existing IS the prayer. This is why as we launch into the journey of self-actualization/realization we begin by noticing our thoughts and our feelings about those thoughts. This is why we learn to meditate. This is why, although right in some respects and not in others, the new age movement asks us to continuously try to stay in good thoughts. The little glitch there is that ignoring something doesn’t work, because it IS part of the thought process and what the universe does with that type of feeling is create a separation – because in essence, that is what you are asking for. The other ‘little’ glitch is what you are expecting and your intentions about it, will manifest before a created wish, as they are a direct product of an emotional chain of events.

Emotional maturity, the place where you have or are working through how you feel and why you do feel it and being aware of what you are feeling, has proven a great asset to those who are working in the quantum mind field. One of the first things scientists noticed who were working in the field of cold fission is that those who were skeptical had a negative effect on the success of the experiments, and that those who expected a positive result, got them, what it boiled down to was the ability to allow the universe to perform without the constraints of what the outcome should/would be by the experimenters involved with the experiment.

In quantum mechanics, the expectation value is the probabilistic expected value of the result (measurement) of an experiment. It is not the most probable value of a measurement; indeed the expectation value may have zero probability of occurring. It is a fundamental concept in all areas of quantum physics. From <https://www.google.com/search?q=expectation+value+quantum+mechanics&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjRifzj47jVAhUJ0YMKHebsCswQ1QIIWigA&biw=1600&bih=754>


Where this leads to is that should we FEEL with our hearts as if a thing is current – already happened, then the quantum field makes it so – the universe gets a clear command from you and makes it so. I have done this on accident several times in my life, and I also found that according to my belief system, in this case something can’t come from nothing when I wished for a thing and also the time out there was unspecified, but not now:

  1. I had put the constraint on time unknowing about when out into the future
  2. I didn’t expect it to come from nowhere, so somebody I knew gave it to me.
  3. It happened in a week to a month of the wish being released from my consciousness and forgotten about.
  4. I never expected to get what I wished for, it was someday it would be nice thought. (therefore I could let go of it easily)

What this boils down to is that the language of the heart is the DIRECT connection to the quantum field of all possibilities. What you wish for in its purest form you will get. Jerry Wills talks about healing by stating the result- not asking for it. If you have a lot of negative beliefs that you are unaware of that stand in the way of your wishes, they will not manifest. (that’s like sending out a yes/no message that leaves the quantum field in idle mode) It also has a lot to do with your underlying field of emotions.

Here is where it gets tricky – where we are unwittingly being used all together to control the planet – not for our own good and intents and wishes – but for others more nefarious purposes. It is where we are being used against ourselves.

I have written, yelled, cajoled, and generally made a pain in the ass of myself over this – others, quite more eloquently, have made stunning points, elucidated and educated us on this – like Richard Dolan, Jim Mars, Freeman, Icke et al, that we are purposely being manipulated into an emotional maelstrom of fear, negative expectations and helplessness. WHY, you ask? (glad you did – the pt. of this little foray into quantum bed time stories)

I’ll tell you WHY.

This fifth form of prayer – our hook up to the source – is CONSTANT. We are never NOT talking to the quantum field/god/source/universe. NEVER! WE ARE THE PRODUCT OF THIS FIELD. We live, breathe, think, move, exist and are aware in this field – in fact; we are a sensory organ of this field. We are not separate. We are never NOT creating our expectations.


When you feel ‘as if’ a situation or thing you want is ALREADY created and you are immersed in it and loving it – it becomes instantaneous. This is a prayer that is ALL FEELING. No words. Words are tricky and we have been taught to use them wrongly and to our detriment when talking to universe (universe is my word from the ten thousand names of god).


So there is it is from: quantum fission – zero point field – Greg Braden’s The God Code, Richard Dolan’s new series on Gaia about False Flags (most of that info can already be found on line) all the deep state researchers, the one tiny new age misconception that is the fly in the ointment, to what happens when you get it straight.


Carry on.

IMO: The feminine Hero’s Journey

In one respect, I was right – if you compare the RV analysis of last night’s Fade to Black show (August 1st) with what I said on the June 23rd fader night… They were stuck here – stranded… What I couldn’t conceive of was that they were in a type of prison – an exile from their people on purpose. That horrendous things were done to them, I caught the resonances of desperation – and of course I chalked it up to being stranded – not imprisoned, because that kind of brutality would never occur to my mind.

I still want to think around the delivery of her baby – that maybe the baby was delivered C-section and was unable to survive and they lost Maria during the operation, rather than her death occurring from some kind of ritualized torture. There is such an aura of desperation around her, for whatever reason. In a way, her ghost – survives and is still trying to reach out to all that encounter this information. I do not think her immortal essence was lost – just the connection to the construct that was her body on this planet. She still is present around this situation – that is telling, that she never maybe reincarnated here in another body, or maybe she could not but her essence got trapped here, anyway, she is present. She was not destroyed – regardless of what the Troika RV project says. (imo…) Does ‘Avatar’ the movie come to mind for anybody?

Another theory is that there is enough of an emotional fingerprint left from the ritual torture (or emotional sequence of events) that the ‘story’ still stays resident in the electromagnetic field of the place (the ground) enough to be noticed, much like the fields at Gettysburg. This was the unwarranted murder of innocents. All of them. Murder on this planet has always occurred for far less a ‘crime’ – even for convenience. Her story, as it emerges is going to be an interesting platform for thought on morality and control systems and the lengths that the controllers will go to, to maintain that control – especially if the RV info comes to be more right than wrong.

This is the feminine archetypal version of the ‘Hero’s’ journey. That of bringing new life – in this case the mingling of a species – to fruition and the ability to reach out to another with love, the ability to see the unique as beautiful and worthwhile instead of frightening. Women are gifted this way. Further, it seems the dictate of this planet is recombination. Gaia seems to be able to support a huge diversity, to even call to that type of diversity, attract it and be the womb that it can gestate in to fruition.

That these beings were slaughtered because the experience of having a body on this planet creates an overwhelming urge to reproduce and create new forms of life that is almost impossible to overcome – even to advanced beings. It is a theme that if you follow it has been standard for this place, this earth, (Nephilim et al) and because the patriarchal thinking cannot wrap its mind around this, brutality ensues. Forever it has been so. The feminine principle creates and loves, then the masculine principle goes in and tears it all asunder. Hopefully this new turning will see the divine marriage bring balance and a new level of experience and thinking.

I cannot seem to get the emotional resonance of Maria out of my heart and mind. Her abandonment, her torture, the baby and her resolute decision: not to continue. Yes she decided. She decided after the baby died whether from a botched C-section or punishment. I would have too, especially in such a hostile environment.

…and of course this is all just IMO.