The Three Blind Men

This week on Fade to Black was all about the Breakaway Civilizations we have had on the earth since time immemorial.  These three men are all brilliant and  each one presents such excellent research in this field. We do them disservice by trying to weigh one against the other – as if they were not presenting pieces of the same picture. The way we tend to look at information on the subject of UAP/UFO’s is to look for ONE person who is right – a savior of sorts… Truth is malleable.

Truth is a subjective observation of the apprehended idea, recorded from the point of view of a perceiver.

This means that reality and truth are a mobile facile thing, constantly changing for all of us. Only in 3D is there something that could be construed as absolute. Since everything we want is outside of the realm of 3D the term absolute becomes totally meaningless as applied to all our perceptions. We know that even in a shared ET contact event, where we are all looking at the same thing, the message/understanding will have many differences as people.

This week reminded me of this story….

Once upon a time there were three blind men ….

In various versions of the tale, a group of blind men (or men in the dark) touch an elephant to learn what it is like. Each one feels a different part, but only one part, such as the side or the tusk. They then compare notes and learn that they are in complete disagreement. The stories differ primarily in how the elephant’s body parts are described, how violent the conflict becomes and how (or if) the conflict among the men and their perspectives is resolved.

In some versions, they stop talking, start listening and collaborate to “see” the full elephant. When a sighted man walks by and sees the entire elephant all at once, the blind men also learn they are all blind. While one’s subjective experience is true, it may not be the totality of truth. If the sighted man was deaf, he would not hear the elephant bellow.

It has been used to illustrate a range of truths and fallacies; broadly, the parable implies that one’s subjective experience can be true, but that such experience is inherently limited by its failure to account for other truths or a totality of truth. At various times the parable has provided insight into the relativism, opaqueness or inexpressible nature of truth, the behavior of experts in fields where there is a deficit or inaccessibility of information, the need for communication, and respect for different perspectives.

A Jain version of the story says that six blind men were asked to determine what an elephant looked like by feeling different parts of the elephant’s body. The blind man who feels a leg says the elephant is like a pillar; the one who feels the tail says the elephant is like a rope; the one who feels the trunk says the elephant is like a tree branch; the one who feels the ear says the elephant is like a hand fan; the one who feels the belly says the elephant is like a wall; and the one who feels the tusk says the elephant is like a solid pipe.

A king explains to them:

All of you are right. The reason every one of you is telling it differently is because each one of you touched the different part of the elephant. So, actually the elephant has all the features you mentioned.[2]

The ancient Jain texts often explain the concepts of anekāntvāda and syādvāda with the parable of the blind men and an elephant (Andhgajanyāyah), which addresses the manifold nature of truth.[3] This parable resolves the conflict, and is used to illustrate the principle of living in harmony with people who have different belief systems, and that truth can be stated in different ways (in Jain beliefs often said to be seven versions). This is known as the Syadvada, Anekantvada, or the theory of Manifold Predications.[2]

Two of the many references to this parable are found in Tattvarthaslokavatika of Vidyanandi (9th century) and Syādvādamanjari of Ācārya Mallisena (13th century). Mallisena uses the parable to argue that immature people deny various aspects of truth; deluded by the aspects they do understand, they deny the aspects they don’t understand. “Due to extreme delusion produced on account of a partial viewpoint, the immature deny one aspect and try to establish another. This is the maxim of the blind (men) and the elephant.”[4] Mallisena also cites the parable when noting the importance of considering all viewpoints in OBTAINING A FULL PICTURE OF REALITY. “It is impossible to properly understand an entity consisting of infinite properties without the method of modal description consisting of all viewpoints, since it will otherwise lead to a situation of seizing mere sprouts (i.e., a superficial, inadequate cognition), on the maxim of the blind (men) and the elephant.”[5]

A Buddhist version: “Blind monks examining an elephant”, an ukiyo-e print by Hanabusa Itchō (1652–1724).

The Buddha twice uses the simile of blind men led astray. In the Canki Sutta he describes a row of blind men holding on to each other as an example of those who follow an old text that has passed down from generation to generation.[6] In the Udana (68–69)[7] he uses the elephant parable to describe sectarian quarrels. A king has the blind men of the capital brought to the palace, where an elephant is brought in and they are asked to describe it.

When the blind men had each felt a part of the elephant, the king went to each of them and said to each: ‘Well, blind man, have you seen the elephant? Tell me, what sort of thing is an elephant?’

The men assert the elephant is either like a pot (the blind man who felt the elephant’s head), a winnowing basket (ear), a plowshare (tusk), a plow (trunk), a granary (body), a pillar (foot), a mortar (back), a pestle (tail) or a brush (tip of the tail).

The men cannot agree with one another and come to blows over the question of what it is like and their dispute delights the king. The Buddha ends the story by comparing the blind men to preachers and scholars who are blind and ignorant and hold to their own views: “Just so are these preachers and scholars holding various views blind and unseeing…. In their ignorance they are by nature quarrelsome, wrangling, and disputatious, each maintaining reality is thus and thus.” From <>

So as to who was the best – Corey Goode, Joseph Farrell or Richard Dolan?

Well IMO they all had a piece of the puzzle and each of their stories, whether they agreed with each other or not, make sense when put together. If there is any greater message to convey in the UAP/UFO world, it is this. Think of it as one great garden that when all put together equals food. When growing this garden one must obviously pull the weeds (disinfo), water the plants and tend to the veggies. In the end the whole picture is called food/nourishment. And yes, put together they are excellent – a meal, but they are also good eaten separately. However one cannot survive on one type of food and be healthy. One must consume a variety of nutrients for the body to survive. Remember the discussion about the round file, where if you keep adding info and stirring finally diverse pieces start to fit together in bigger and bigger batches? Here you go…..


Last night Jimmy asked What can be done? To this I say:

These people are connected to an organization called Thrive – they are bringing together in one place as many solutions as they can find.

Every delicious idea you have ever wanted is catalogued here along with all of the links and information. They even have a resource tree that will blow your mind . Watch their movie to get a better idea of the massive effort they have put into their nexus. There is great hope just with in this one site and great answers.

Nassim Harriman

One of the people listed here is Nassim Harriman who has an entire academy teaching the real physics – the one that works.

Our vision is of a world wherein the dynamics of the inter-relationship of all things and their forces are revealed through a Unified view of Physics, informing the development of technological and social systems that bring humankind into a harmonious relationship with Nature, the Earth and the Universe as a whole.

Our mission is to deliver knowledge and technology based on a holistic and complete view of the dynamics of nature to address the critical and systemic challenges humanity is facing today.

We pursue this by:

  • Conducting research in the field of Unified Physics with an unerring focus on following the cues provided by nature to discover its inner workings.
  • Developing technologies and applications that apply these discoveries to solving some of humankinds’ most fundamental challenges.
  • Providing educational opportunities that can empower people through a coherent understanding of the insights and implications of Unified Physics including applications in our personal lives and in the world.
  • Inspiring others by acknowledging and modeling our interconnectedness, interdependence and infinite nature in how we work, teach and explore together with integrity and compassion for all life. From <>


Then we Have Michael Tellinger presenting Ubuntu.

Ubuntu being defined as

Ubuntu (/ʊˈbuːntʊ/ uu-BOON-tuu; Zulu pronunciation: [ùɓúntʼú])[1][2] is a Nguni Bantu term roughly translating to “human kindness.”[dubiousdiscuss] It is an idea from the Southern African region which means literally “human-ness”, and is often translated as “humanity towards others”, but is often used in a more philosophical sense to mean “the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity”.[3]

In Southern Africa, it has come to be used as a term for a kind of humanist philosophy, ethic or ideology, also known as Ubuntuism or Hunhuism (the latter after the corresponding Shona term) propagated in the Africanisation (transition to majority rule) process of these countries during the 1980s and 1990s.

Since the transition to democracy in South Africa with the Nelson Mandela presidency in 1994, the term has become more widely known outside of Southern Africa, notably popularised to English language readers by Desmond Tutu (1999).From <>

This is where we manifest the LIVING UBUNTU philosophy

Uniting people across borders and cultural divides imposed on humanity – laying the foundations for communities of abundance and prosperity on our beautiful planet of infinite abundance. Join the rapidly growing global UBUNTU family today – meet like-minded activators like you and become a seed of consciousness in your area.

We are the creators of our own reality – so let us use our collective consciousness to co-create the utopian world we all want to live in.

In love, unity and resonance

Michael Tellinger From <>


The Solutions Journal

And so, you might ask yourself, HOW DO WE CHANGE our thought and our thinking to even see these things, to understand and create the changes we need. Well even that has been written about at a web site called: The Solutions Journal .

In their idea lab section there is a book review which is interesting on thinking about systems and how they work or don’t work together.

Practical Systems Thinking for Social Change by David Peter Stroh

There is a very thorough book review by Karim Chichakly , this is a short excerpt:

As readers of Solutions, we are well aware of the large social, economic, and environmental challenges that face us. Einstein told us we will need to use new ways of thinking to solve these problems. One of those ways comes from system dynamics.1 At its heart is a new way of thinking, dubbed “Systems Thinking” by Barry Richmond.2

To many, systems thinking may not seem like a new way of thinking, as most people have been exposed to the basic concepts. However, knowing about it is very different from integrating it into your thinking and behavior every day—what Barry Richmond dubbed being a “Systems Citizen.”3 The latter takes commitment, guidance, and a lot of practice.

At its heart, systems thinking has four basic elements:

  • Look at the whole rather than its parts
  • The state of any system is determined by its accumulations
  • Cause and effect relationships are circular, not linear (known as feedback)
  • Time delays are inherent and lead to counterintuitive results

There are many out there who have begun to teach and empower those who are beginning to realize that they need something more and want to do something more. This is a cool magazine that led me to another academy.


FinerMinds is a huge blog written by many authors all who have a concern and focus on improving us and the world. It is connected to another place of learning, an academy called Mindvalley, and it’s huge. Full of resources!!

Their vision is:

We stand for the ideas, companies, and products that unleash the full potential of humanity and move the planet forward.

FinerMinds had humble beginnings—but grew incredibly quickly. Created by Mindvalley’s founder, Vishen Lakhiani, FinerMinds has always been a place for people to share and absorb personal growth, spiritual and educational information.

Vishen initially created FinerMinds as his own blog to review and wax lyrical on other self-development programs and trainings. From this, it involved into a community, and Vishen started delivering content designed to help people connect with others, express themselves, and to generally explore the human condition.

Since then, FinerMinds has had a number of different editors, but one thing has remained the same—the commitment to fostering a thriving community of people who want to better themselves and the world around them. From <>

Mindvalley is a learning experience company that publishes ideas and teachings by the best authors in personal growth, wellbeing, spirituality, productivity, mindfulness and more – and combines them with cutting-edge sophisticated learning technology within engaged and supportive communities.

Through our education platforms, online academies, mobile apps and both digital and live events, we give you access to an alternative curriculum that empowers you to kick start your personal growth and lead extraordinary lives. Our ultimate goal is to launch a unified school for a billion people for all stages of life.


And then last but not least is the ground and substance we come from that is also intelligent. In the seventies, my cousin turned me on to a book and a place called Findhorn. They spent many years developing a relationship with the ground and the intelligences that are inherent in them with amazing results, growing giant vegetable in soil ill equipped to do it, chemical FREE by listening to the overarching spirit of the place and the plant. Think totally natural – non chemical non GMO utterly perfect…. This is an excerpt from their web site.

Yes, you can cooperate in the garden. Begin by thinking about the nature spirits, the higher overlighting nature spirits, and tune into them. That will be so unusual as to draw their interest here. They will be overjoyed to find some members of the human race eager for their help.

Angels, devas and elemental beings

Dorothy first attuned to the garden pea. As her communication with the forces of nature developed, Dorothy realized that she was in contact not with the spirit of an individual plant, but with the ‘overlighting’ being of the species, which was the consciousness holding the archetypal design of the species and the blueprint for its highest potential. She was experiencing a formless energy field for which there is no word. The closest word to convey the joy and purity that these beings emanated was the inaccurate word ‘angel’ (which in the west is full of form), and her first thought was to call them that. However, the Sanskrit term ‘deva’, meaning ‘shining one’ seemed more accurate and freer of cultural associations. In practice, she uses both words, although neither word is adequate. Peter and Dorothy applied the insights of the meditations to their work in the garden, and through this the Findhorn garden flourished. These were the first steps in the Findhorn Community’s co-creation with nature.

In 1966 Peter Caddy met Robert Ogilvie Crombie, or Roc, as he is often called. Roc’s ability to communicate with elemental beings is a well-documented part of the community’s history, and he was an important influence on the development of the community as a place where the role of nature in ordinary life was brought to the forefront of consciousness.

This special relationship with the beings of nature continues to be practiced by some of the people working in the community’s gardens today, but not by everyone. However, attunement to the angelic level of consciousness is taking place in many different areas of community life, not just in the gardens. Before most activities such as cooking, painting, healing, or starting the day in a service department, there is usually an attunement invoking active cooperation with an overlighting consciousness, to help align our actions and unfold the highest potential available in that particular task.

Awareness and cooperation with the forces of nature at this level are an important support and balance for the more exoteric, rational and scientific ecological approach of our ecovillage development and education. It is important to recognize and emphasize the intrinsic value of nature to truly form a cooperative partnership. It is the combination of these approaches that allows the Findhorn Foundation community to give its unique gift towards the sustainability of humanity and all of life. From <>

Today we KNOW plants talk and communicate and have consciousness through experiments, back then, none of this was known. A good example of plant communication is Damanhur.

This is their video of singing plants. One of my favorites.

I include this because it is another good example of the information cycle – we knew back then by our intuition. We know now by the research. It would behoove those interested to go back and read the intuitive research by those at Findhorn with new eyes…

I could go on, but you get the drift. We have ALWAYS had the solutions, we simply need new eyes. These and a million other resources are out there. Go find them.

We are LIGHT. Light manifest. The light of our souls, of our energy of our thoughts. All we see is created light, all the we touch, know and love so well, ALL is light.

We have only to ‘see’ this in our deepest parts to begin to change the vision – to create the paradise we want and need on this place. Many people have begun. The solutions are out there. Go searching and you will find them. OPEN your soul’s eyes and see them all and know there is more than hope. There is certainty of the peace and beauty we all hold in our hearts blooming into this reality NOW.

You have only to open your eyes and see.

the awakening

Just a quick little thought experiment:

What if it all did happen 2012? We ascended, the earth changed, and all the attending things took place: but we FAILED to notice? And the reason we still have the bad guys and all the falderal going on is because we are simply creating it in our minds – because we didn’t notice???

That would mean that when we do wake up, when we do realize the fact that we are master creators, this world will change in a flash. (maybe of light?) Meaning the ONLY reason it appears as it does is because we still think we are in the old paradigm? Maybe that 3% is what is needed to create a cascade effect on all the minds of the earth to begin the change. There will be no catastrophes, no planet X’s, no crap; and it’s all just waiting to take shape according to our vision? Maybe that flash of energy/light/spirit is actually us, opening our eyes?

As in, like,



Gaia’s Song Of Love

We practically know the whole story – at least the high points that make sense to the craziness on this planet. I’m not going to enumerate them either, just to say we know who the bullies are. And what do you do with bullies? You turn around, walk away and ignore them – why? Because they need your attention to succeed in their bullying. Yes, what they are doing is not right, and they will reap what their actions have sown. But I am not going to be the one who delivers that justice, Karma will.

Rather, I am still amazed that amid all the clutter, clamor, and pollution of every aspect of our lives in the 3D sphere, that love and beauty still flourish. That in between the raindrops the sun still shines. That mother earth still rains her liquid love upon us, and we, in those moments can know that love still exists in all its fullness. She is not done and this earth is not over.

It is spring here in Indiana, it has rained all morning, but the air is clean and the grass is greener, the temperature moderate and you can smell – feel spring is stirring. Life lives underneath all the misery. A lot of us condemn this ‘3D’ paradigm, wishing for 4D, wishing for freedom from the harassment and all that goes with it, and yet, in the fleeting nanoseconds between the rain drops mother earth sings, “I am still here, I am still loving you, supporting you, feeding you and holding you for as long as you would wish to be in my beingness.” I am in love right back with her.

This place is rich with sights, smells, feelings, foods, loves, experience, creatures, intelligences. We are so blessed. And we need to focus on the wonder of it all. To live deep, love deep, create expansively, responsibly, honoring all that is here for us to lovingly experience. Dannion Brinkley was right last night, we all need to relax. There is no hell and dying in not dying. We are not separate, but simply focused, to play in this world better and once we get over the lies of the bullies, we will remember.

A great teacher of mine said once, “You can take your lessons in Wisdom or Woe.” I want the wisdom, joy and love. I tip my hat to the ones who want woe, I could never pursue that path, and I solemnly turn around and walk away leaving them to their devices. Wisdom brings light and all I can do is feel sorrow for the dark choices they have made – Karma is the great teacher.

When I look out my window, I see the light, the love, the life and know it is good, and Oh! I do love it so.

Conversations with a group heart/mind on disclosure and the world as it is.

I am blessed to know these people who speak through one name, although they are separate bodies and separate people but not separate hearts and minds. So, I asked to share this because I knew the answer would be a precious gem of wisdom. Now I share it with you – having permission to do so. If you were from off planet, would you see us this way?

Alison Bell Have you heard this? I am curious of your thoughts, if you have.

ROSWELL-Interview with an Alien-PART ONE In July 1947 the Roswell Army Air Field issued a press release stating personnel from the field’s 509th Bomb Group recovered a crashed “flying disc” from a r…

Or the full video   HERE

Or the PDF   HERE

Alison Bell it sounds very close to the blue Avians, and the law of one. Hmmmm

Maia Dalma My initial impression is that the material is authentic. It will take 1 hour and fifty minutes to listen to the entire presentation. No one goes to these lengths to hoax an unknown audience. There are many aspects of disclosure that have already taken place. Telepathy is difficult to interpret for the novice. She was a natural, it would appear. We will talk after I listen to it?

Maia Dalma Two stars. Zeta Reticuli one and two.

Alison Bell It gets even deeper. Only if you have the time to do it. There are 2 more of equal length. On second one now. Sounds similar to some of the things you have said. This is circa 1950’s I am curious b/c it has 2 other sources that are similar plus things you have said… Round file correspondences

Maia Dalma We have the primer. So it is easier for us. We also have Tegan. What we do not know or understand, she does. It is a lexicon of idea. A form of communication we are very familiar with. Interesting. Crossover. Cindy will want to hear this.

Alison Bell I kinda thot maybe so. This history out lined in tape 2, I do not know enough to ascertain. It is interesting.

Maia Dalma The Domain. We are familiar with it. We have had interaction with this species several times in the past. The Tall Whites are the ones we worry about. This species are not atheists as humans define the term. This planet is the Jewel in Heaven’s Crown. It was meant as a way station. A paradise among the stars.

Alison Bell That I do know, about the planet. As to the beings, I do not know. I was shown/told when I was 12 or so that the note frequency of this planet is love. That is its ultimate destiny. Imagine that…grin

Maia Dalma

The future of this planet is such that all individual consciousnesses must incarnate here at least once. It is the most densely physical existence in the Universe. Human beings have become convinced that they are merely mortal. Belief in death is the singular reason why. It is what humanity worships. Not God. Death. If humanity worshipped Love, the world would be much different. This question has been asked and answered. In this exchange. “This is their question? You jest. What is ‘death’ to us? Do they not know death so well that they each have come to worship it? They rarely talk about it. But they all believe in it and ponder it in all their waking moments… in all and everything they build and share. And what they believe pollutes almost all the things they hold as ‘true.’ Death makes meaningless most, if not all the things they dream. There is nothing they have created as a species that does not have the stink of death upon it the moment it is formed…. It is not this way in Creation, Syndia. We both know this. I will do as you ask. Share it? As you wish… In their world of illusions, they believe death is their King. They speak of karma and reincarnation, death and dissolution, as though they each ‘know’ of these ‘truths’ personally… But what do they truly ‘know?’ Their ‘beliefs’ are as mistaken as their ‘truths.’ Enlightenment has not changed them. For what they ‘think’ they know is the basis of a deception they have built their world upon. Look around it and dispute this with me… That would be an interesting argument…yes?

Is it not anything more than a nightmare made and shared by a Child of Creation? A dream they do not yet know Creation does not share….and what is death to us? You would have me tell them this? What is death to a culture or civilization that does not believe in it? What does ‘our’ Creator ‘know’ of death?’ This should evoke a thought or two… If nothing more…the question is fair enough. We know what they believe. They live their ‘truths.’ As do each of us. And since they invite so much of it…and believe so deeply in it… perhaps a different perspective will help them better understand ‘their truth.’ Death means so much to them. And they serve it so well. Were that Life were true instead. So yes. Perhaps it is this way. To us, death has no meaning. Since the past and the future do not really exist, the idea of birth into a body means nothing to us, either once or many times. To us, death is but the central dream from which all illusions in this world stem. Is it not madness to think of life as being born, aging, losing vitality, and dying in the end? This question has been asked in many ways in many different times…by every Child of God. It is a question human consciousness asks in every culture. In every language. It is one of the questions that unite your species. The question is always the same, but the answers depend on what each ‘individual’ awareness believes.

But now it seems we need to consider all of this more carefully in light of the subject you ask me to explain. In the universe your species knows, death is the one fixed, unchangeable belief of the world that all things in it are born only to die. This is regarded by your species as “the way of nature,” not to be raised to question, but to be accepted as the “natural” law of life. The cyclical, the changing and unsure; the undependable and the unsteady, waxing and waning in a certain way upon a certain path,–all this is taken as the nature of creation. And not one of you ever asks if a benign Creator could demand this of His Children. Each of you ‘think’ it. But not one of you ask it. Tell us this is not so. In this world’s perception of the universe as God created it, it would be impossible to think of a Creator as loving. For a Creator who has decreed that all things pass away, ending in dust and disappointment and despair, can but be feared.

Creation holds your little lives in Its hand but by a thread, ready to break it off without regret or care, perhaps today… Or if it waits… yet is the ending certain. Who loves such a god, who believes in such a creator, knows not of love, because in his mind he has denied that life is real, though in his heart he hopes that life is eternal. Death has become life’s symbol in this world. The world you know is nothing but a battleground, where contradiction reigns and opposites make endless war.

Where there is death in any culture is peace impossible. Because war and conflict are the idols human beings create and worship in bondage to it To us, death is your symbol of the fear of God. Creation’s Love is blotted out in the idea, which holds it from your awareness like a shield held up to obscure the sun. The grimness of the symbol you create is enough to show it cannot coexist with Creation. It holds an image of the Child of God in which he is “laid to rest” in devastation’s arms, where worms wait to greet him and to last a little while by his destruction. Yet the worms as well are doomed to be destroyed as certainly. And so do all things live because of death.

Devouring is what you have described as nature’s “law of life.” Your God is insane, and fear alone is real. This is your world. This is homo sapien-sapien. This is his belief system. The curious belief that there is part of dying things that may go on apart from what will die, does not proclaim a loving Creator, nor establish any grounds for trust. Your belief in what is real in this world tells us what your belief about all of Creation truly is.

If death is real for anything, there is no life. Death denies life. But if there is reality in creation, in life; death is and must be denied. No compromise in this is possible. There is either a god of fear or One of Love. The world attempts a thousand compromises, and will attempt a thousand more. Not one can be acceptable to us, because not one could be acceptable to Creation.

The Creator did not make death because Creation did not make fear. You did. Both are equally meaningless in Creation. The “reality” of death is firmly rooted in your specie’s belief that the Child of Creation is a body. And if your ‘god’ created bodies, death would indeed be real. But Creation would not be loving. Would it? There is no point at which the contrast between the perceptions of the Universe and that of your world of illusions becomes more sharply evident.

If ‘death’ be real, then death is indeed the death of all creation, if the ‘god’ you worship is in ‘truth’ a god. And so all of His Own creations must stand in fear of Him. He is not ‘your’ Father, but becomes ‘your’ destroyer. He is not ‘your’ Creator, but becomes ‘your’ avenger. Terrible are His Thoughts and fearful is His image. To look on His creations is to one day die and ‘know’ death. This is humanity’s great self-deception. Has it not been said that, “And the last to be overcome will be death?”

Your species worships the teacher, and yet as a species, it rejects His teachings. Without your idea of death there is no world. All your dreams must end with this one. This is the final goal; the end of all illusions. And in death are all illusions born. What can be born of death and still have life? But what is born of Creation and still can die? The inconsistencies, the compromises and the rituals your world fosters in its vain attempts to cling to death and yet to think love real are mindless magic, ineffectual and meaningless.

Creation is, and in Creation all created things must be eternal. Do you not see that otherwise Creation has an opposite, and fear would be as real as love? The central idea in all of humanity’s various faiths, which are all predicated on the eternal nature of Creation could be stated thus: Accept no compromise in which death plays a part. Do not believe in cruelty, nor let attack conceal the truth of Creation from you. What seems to die has but been misperceived and carried to illusion. To the teachers of these faiths, it becomes their task to let the all of humanity’s illusions be carried to the truth. But what is that truth? Each of them says ‘Be steadfast but in this one thing; be not deceived by the seeming “reality” of any changing form.

Creation is Eternal. It does not end. It has no end. And each of those faiths teach that ‘Truth neither moves nor wavers nor sinks down to death and dissolution.’ So what is the end of death? Nothing but this; the realization that the Child of God is guiltless now and forever. For nothing but this is true. But each of you, and as a species, have forgot that it is not less than this. When your species abandons its worship of the illusion of death, it will know peace. And each of you will see how the world ‘worships’ nothing but death. In all the many forms it takes for all of humanity many forms, the reality is simply that what you each give power, will in fact have the power you give it…. Change this dream, and you can and will change your world. This is the Creator we know…the God we love…and the child’s dream of death is but a dream from which we ourselves have awakened.

Alison Bell

Holy cow. See why I said it is similar to what I have heard from you all? The question remains as to how you awaken from the prison which repeats the lie over and over, and every model you see promotes the truth of the lie. Nature is. It demonstrates this truth. The truth of death. Until humanity can perceive beyond the physical eye it will never understand. Because the rest of ALL the information is untrue. Truly it is a prison. We have the contrast of what we live versus what we are told.

Omg. How would you relate the reality of your writing in its truth to who we have become? So that is it recognized as more than another pretty idea? Recognized as truth….instead


Maia Dalma Why do we think alien society will be as messed up as ours, Alison. If we don’t grow up as a species, our children won’t.

Maia Dalma We have finished reviewing the videos. We all agree. They are authentic.

Alison Bell My thoughts also. Will be starting the third video in an hour It interweaves with so many other pieces of information. Many correlations.


Maia Dalma  It explains a great deal. Is-be. We understand. Interesting nomenclature. This was also a past exchange. We have explained this simply once before. We will attempt to explain this again. We understand your questions. We also understand their impatience. Actions must take place in time. It is but a simple process all awareness must follow.

Our loyalty to humanity is presently important only to us. You know this. This must change, slowly at first, but it must change. Failing this, one may reasonably expect chaos and confusion as the event horizon unfolds. We have humbly asked you to share what each of you have learned with them. Nothing more. A candle loses nothing of its power in lighting another. We are grateful for the love each of you carry. We ask only that you share it. Creation will do the rest.

We understand the predicament each of you feels you are in. Your role in this event will be revealed in time. We simply ask you to trust us. You have great reason to do so and we are indebted to you for your faith in us. Each of you speak a common tongue beyond the many that they use. We are also truly grateful for this. We know well the time it took for each of you to learn the language that you share.

Humanity speaks only in words. And strictly speaking, words play no part in the task we have set before each of you. The deciding factor for us in our choice was always your prayers for peace, but as each of you have learned, asking is not the same as answering, nor is wanting the same as having. We will promise again. What each of you have asked for, each of you will receive. This is our debt. This is our promise.

They have not yet learned to wield the power of Spirit. Their individual understandings of this power are vastly different. They each know of it, but the conflict that rages now is for their understanding, not their confusion. In our deliberations, we gently refer to the prayers of your hearts, not to the Word your people use in praying. Sometimes humanity’s words and the prayers it makes are contradictory; sometimes they agree. Yours are never so. It does not matter.

We do not understand their words, for they were all made by separated minds to keep them safe in their illusions of separation. Words can be helpful, yes, particularly for the awakened, in helping concentration and facilitating the exclusion, or at least the control, of extraneous thoughts. But we ask you again to remind us not forget that their words are but symbols of symbols. And as such, they are thus twice removed from reality. It presents interesting challenges to us. As we know it must for you.

As symbols, their words make very specific references. We understand this. We also know your people understand this. And they are, for the most part, vastly different in interpretations. Even when theirs seem most abstract, the pictures that they conjure in their illusions and the images that come to mind are apt to be very concrete. Unless a specific referent does occur to their minds in conjunction with a specific word, the word has little or no practical meaning to us, and thus cannot help this process. We know each of you knows this.

Their prayers of the heart do not really ask for concrete things. They always seem to request some kind of experience, the most specific thing asked for being the appearance of the ‘bringers of the desired experience’ in the opinion of the asker. The words, then, are merely symbols for the things they ask for, but the things themselves…they but stand for the experiences that are hoped for. Their individual prayers for all the things of this world will but bring the experiences of this world to them. This is Creation’s way.

What the prayers of their hearts asks for… this… this will be given because this is all they have decided would be received. It is impossible then that the prayer of the heart remain unanswered in the perception of the one who asks. Be it one, or many. This, too, is Creation’s way.

If any of them but asks for the impossible, if he wants what does not exist or seeks for illusions in his heart, all this will become his own. The power of his decision will offer it to him as he so requests. Herein lies their collective Heaven… or their individual hells.

Your people learned this a very long time ago. You have not forgotten this. The time has come for them to remember who they really are. Do you not agree? Yes. It will appear to humanity that the world they know is ending. In truth, it was over before it began. The sleeping Child of God has but this power left to him. It is enough. His words do not matter. Only the Word of God, the Spirit in each of them, has any meaning, because it symbolizes that which has no human symbols at all.

We know your people understand this as well. And you are all beloved in Creation because of this. And we know also that Spirit alone understands what this Word stands for. And this, too, is enough for us to believe in you. Nothing else truly matters. Have we answered your questions? Yes. We have. And we are grateful this is so. Be at peace. All shall be revealed. In time

The Roswell Alien Interview : the information cycle

I have been struck by the similarities of old and new information lately and the cyclic re-emergence of all of it.

I have run across the book: Alien Interview By Matilda O’Donnell Macelroy.  The material in this book sounds like The Law of 1, the Bailey books, plus the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. It also sounds like the Blue Avians message. It also reminds me of the messages of the old-guys – Adamski, Menger, and VanTassell, (1) and what they wrote about the space bother’s message. I find that really, in whatever form it has come to earth, the message that was delivered to the populace of the world has been, for 70 years, about Love. Loving the earth loving each other, loving the animals…  This is also true when I connect telepathically with those that are trying to help the earth, the ET/ED/IE’s. But here’s the thing –

I find the groups popping up to promote meditation, world peace, disclosure, difficult – I always have – due to the regimented ideas that tend to form around them. Sooner or later it will or can be used to create division. This trend may be used against all of us in the future to once again derail any obvious push toward unity and disclosure. And working with this idea as it applies across the board:

Truth is a subjective observation of the apprehended idea, recorded from the point of view of a perceiver.

This means that reality and truth are a mobile facile thing, constantly changing for all of us. Only in 3D is there something that could be construed as absolute. Since everything we want is outside of the realm of 3D the term absolute becomes totally meaningless as applied to all our perceptions. We know that even in a shared ET contact event, where we are all looking at the same thing, the message/understanding will have many differences as people.

So I guess I have been asking the question of late how do we bring unity to a populace where free will must operate in and every perception has a variation on the truth that is equally as valid as the next one???


Because it seems it’s going to roll out to be this – not the question of if there are other beings out there and in here, but about the communal perception without breaching the code of freewill, and without creating more head butting and gnashing of teeth…. Sheesh!

In Alien Interview Airl (the alien) talks about history – what we would like to look at as a string of events in chronological order that are TRUTH:

“Before you can understand the subject of history, you must first understand the subject of time. Time is simply an arbitrary measurement of the motion of objects through space. Space is not linear. Space is determined by the point of view of an IS-BE when viewing a object. The distance between an IS-BE and the object being viewed is called “space”. Objects, or energy masses, in space do not necessarily move in a linear fashion. In this universe, objects tend to move randomly or in a curving or cyclical pattern, or as determined by agreed upon rules.

History is not only a linear record of events, as many authors of Earth history books imply, because it is not a string that can be stretched out and marked like a measuring tool. History is a subjective observation of the movement of objects through space, recorded from the point of view of a survivor, rather than of those who succumbed. Events occur interactively and concurrently, just as the biological body has a heart that pumps blood, while the lungs provide oxygen to the cells, which reproduce, using energy from the sun and chemicals from plants, at the same time as the liver strains toxic wastes from the blood, and eliminates them through the bladder and the bowels. All of these interactions are concurrent and simultaneous. Although time runs consecutively, events do not happen in an independent, linear stream. In order to view and understand the history or reality of the past, one must view all events as part of an interactive whole. Time can also be sensed as a vibration which is uniform throughout the entire physical universe. Airl’s definition of an IS-BE:

“Personally, it is my conviction that all sentient beings are immortal spiritual beings. This includes human beings. For the sake of accuracy and simplicity I will use a made-up word: “IS-BE”. Because the primary nature of an immortal being is that they live in a timeless state of “is”, and the only reason for their existence is that they decide to “be”.

These two excerpts match the mystery school teachings of what a spiritually advanced ‘spirit’ would be and could do. They are talked about in the Bailey books of theosophy, the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, the Law of 1, and just about any other tradition that has come up through the centuries.

There are several correspondences with the grey alien archetype in Airl’s description of the type of body she ‘uses’, how it works and how it is hooked into the craft that she flew. The grey bodies we all see in many different contexts are constructs that allow an intelligence to either operate in 3D, or interface in 3D. They are as common as cell phones, and each race has their own tweaks in them according to their own necessities. Our fledgling understanding of this began with the Montauk chair developed in the 60’s that was used to allow us to interface with ET tech that was recovered at Roswell and has grown exponentially since then.

In her brief summary of history in our solar system she introduces us to the ‘Old Empire’ and the newer ‘Domain’ of which she said she was a part of. ( remind anybody of Star Wars?) This dovetails nicely with David Wilcock and Corey Goode’s information and what the Law of 1 teaches of our history. The only thing that doesn’t are the time lines. LO1 talks in thousands and millions of years, Airl talks in trillions and billions of years.

What is interesting to me is how information – truths and data are brought out, judged, talked about vetted or not, debunked and then slide back under the conscious awareness of the consensus for 60-70 years and then pop back up with even more correspondences, more parallels and yet a deeper understanding. If the last 70 years has taught us anything, it is that, as information lives through its cycles in time (time being what it is – a point of view) as it comes back around to prominence it will be with a deeper understanding of it, a wider acceptability and exponentially more correlation points. The one thing we all must do is determine the voracity (truth as we see it) of such story and data in discernment from our own perspectives and our own research. It is important to note how we receive this information and therefore what our actions become, we need to act from a place of sovereignty and not a place of reaction.

It is my feeling that we are approaching a second cycle – a re-emergence of some battered old truths that are up for re-examination – again – and it is time we looked in a different light, with a more opened, enlightened mind. Are we being taught just as we teach our children, where each yearly cycle of learning builds on the next and depends on the assimilation of the previous year to make sense?

Maybe if we could realize that our differences and our great similarities mean nothing to UNITY – that unity is all inclusive, not divisional or separatist, it might be a nice first step.

To listen to the entire book go  HERE

foot note


George Adamski (April 17, 1891—April 23, 1965) was a Polish American citizen who became widely known in ufology circles, and to some degree in popular culture, after he claimed to have photographed spaceships from other planets, met with friendly Nordic alien Space Brothers, and to have taken flights with them to the Moon and other planets. He was the first, and most famous, of the so-called contactees of the 1950s. Adamski called himself a “philosopher, teacher, student and saucer researcher,” although most investigators concluded his claims were an elaborate hoax, and that Adamski himself was a con artist.[2]

Adamski authored three books describing his meetings with Nordic aliens and his travels with them aboard their spaceships: Flying Saucers Have Landed (co-written with Desmond Leslie) in 1953, Inside the Space Ships in 1955, and Flying Saucers Farewell in 1961. The first two books were both bestsellers; by 1960 they had sold a combined 200,000 copies.[3]

From <>

Howard Menger (February 17, 1922 – February 25, 2009) was an American contactee who claimed to have met extraterrestrials throughout the course of his life, meetings which were the subject of books he wrote, such as From Outer Space To You and The High Bridge Incident. Menger, who rose to prominence as a charismatic contactee detailing his chats with friendly Adamski-style Venusian “space brothers” in the late 1950s, was accepted by some UFO believers. Menger later mentioned in a documentary that the space people he been contacted by had bases on Venus and other planets in the Solar System but he believed they lived somewhere else in the universe.[1]

From <>

George Van Tassel started hosting group meditation in 1953 in a room underneath Giant Rock excavated by Frank Critzer, a prospector. That year, according to Van Tassel the occupant of a space ship from the planet Venus woke him up, invited him on board his space ship, and both verbally and telepathically gave him a technique for rejuvenating the human body. In 1954, Van Tassel and others began building what they called the “Integratron” to perform the rejuvenation. According to Van Tassel, the Integratron was to be a structure for scientific research into time, anti-gravity and at extending human life, built partially upon the research of Nikola Tesla and Georges Lakhovsky

From < plus 4 other parts to this.

Short Little History (sort of…)


Thoughts from: Cosmic Disclosure: Who Built the Moon? (March 2016) Season 4, Episode 2 

 See more at:


progenitorIt seems that there was an AI induced premature evolution of technology that led to the enhancement of bellicosity in the populace of the solar system directly responsible for the destruction of Tiamat, a super earth, and the destruction of Mars’ atmosphere, plus the evolution of earth into a different biosphere due to the tidal lock of the moon. by Jeff Roberts reproduced in total here; it can not be found any longer on the original web site:

Imo, I also  think that the moon which was the get away vehicle of the elite of Tiamat was damaged enough by the rubble of the explosion of Tiamat on it’s journey here that instead of parking in orbit, it bounced off the top of the earth at the north pole and then into orbit. There was a time in historical record, that the peoples of the earth remember a moonless sky…

earth b4 the flood
What Earth might have looked like before the moon and the deluge.

1.14 a moonless sky

We have seen that the traditions of diverse peoples offer corroborative testimony to the effect that in a very early age, but still in the memory of mankind, no moon accompanied the Earth. (10)  Since human beings already peopled the Earth, it is improbable that the Moon sprang from it: there must have existed a solid lithosphere, not a liquid earth. Thus while I do not claim to know the origin of the Moon, I find it more probable that the Moon was captured by the Earth. Such an event would have occurred as a catastrophe. (11)  If the Moon’s formation took place away from the Earth, (12)  its composition may be quite different.

[In addition to the sources cited above, cf. The Nihongi Chronicles of Japan (I.ii, in Transactions and Proceedings of the Japanese Society, vol. I [1896]) which recount how “Heaven and Earth . . . produced the Moon-god.” The Kalevala of the Finns recalls a time “when the Moon was placed in orbit.” (Rune III.35)]

Greek authors Aristotle and Plutarch, and Roman authors Apollonius Rhodius and Ovid all wrote of a group of people called the Proselenes or Arcadians who lived in the central mountainous area of Greece called Arcadia. The Proselenes claimed title to this area because their forebears were there “before there was a moon in the heavens.” [6]

Whiston found in classical literature references to the change in inclination of the terrestrial axis and, ascribing it to a displacement of the poles by the comet of the Deluge, concluded that before this catastrophe the planes of daily rotation and yearly revolution coincided and that, therefore, there had been no seasons. He also found references to a year consisting of 360 days only, and although the Greek authors referred the change to the time of Atreus and Thyestes, and the Romans to the time of Numa, ca. -700, Whiston ascribed these changes to the effect of the Earth’s encounter with the comet of the Deluge. Whiston thought that the Earth itself was once a comet.

Is it possible that these earliest people could move planets also, or did the planetary movement occur due to the upset of the geometrical frequency of the planets needing to rebalance after the destruction of Tiamat per EU theory?

Episode 1, Symbols of an Alien Sky…

Episode 2, Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Lightning-Scarred Planet, Mars…

Episode 3, Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Electric Comet…

The history of AI infiltration seems to be far older than even our earliest records from this solar system. This information on AI would be highly interesting to ad into this equation. This IMO is the piece of information that would draw all of threads of extremely old history together and place things on an understandable timeline.

It seems our inner earth populace at least have developed their technology in alignment with spiritual balance. Since they have been here purportedly for 17 million years, they might know….

Soul genetics

Just a short one from my daily journal –

Soul genetics

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

11:05 AM

All this talk of genetics and different ET races and refugees and waves of migrants to this planet has me thinking. I have heard that it is rare that one planet has so many different genomes on it – from so many different places, all mixed and intertwined. This has been blamed for a lot of our faults, our war-like belligerence. Even the really old only continuous race on this planet, IE’s think we are flawed because of it.

Well, what if; beyond all the little agendas between all the various people here, the real experiment is to see if we could get to the point where we see beyond the wrappers we all exist in and perceive the soul that inhabits, lives with in and recognize our unity in that instead of all the various beliefs and agendas and colors and variations?

That would make all the rest of the issues bullshit, wouldn’t it.

Because I like to think about the big picture, once I see a pattern and can trace it from little to big, my very next thought is, How far can I push this idea before it crashes? So take the term genetics, which is the crux of the matter and pull it up a dimension. Is there such a thing as soul genetics? Is there a traceable element that is a part of the construct of the soul that predicates the typology of that energetic expression? If the answer is yes, then is there some point in the souls development where even that does not matter? Somewhere before total merge back to the source???

Because in the As Above, So Below hypothesis, it should translate.

If this is true, then our greatest lesson is one of TOLERANCE.

Live and Let Live.

IDIC: Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination.

Learning from our differences, adding our differences and emulating source, in its drive to create myriad combinations to know its own self better.

Any philosophy that creates hate and separateness is BOGUS and involutionary. (As in PLAY NICE!!!! with your neighboors or take a nap.)

Come on, wake up! The one common problem with all of the theories about all the different peoples on, in or above the planet is that the differences separate. If it’s different we fear it, if we fear it, we hate it… if we hate it we kill it or run from it. It’s a simple biological imperative. Can’t we just rise above that for a while and see what happens? Conduct a little experiment of our own? If we could all just get on with each other for 5 minutes, imagine what we could discover.

Maybe that we are all more similar than not, that we always have been and always will be.

The Indeterminate Alien

The Indeterminate Alien could be anything or anyone along an electromagnetic spectrum that is so wide that we have only discovered a small portion of it and are aware of an even smaller portion. 0d0c33b579459d8981ba20de5b829fd8If you haven’t put two and two together yet, conscious energy exists in electromagnetic form along ALL electromagnetic frequencies.We exist as 3D human beings in a very tight focused portion of these frequencies and are, once again aware of even less by our training and brainwashing.

Human culture labels all the gifts of human Spirit as paranormal. We are taught to believe in this illusion from birth. We rarely call the tribute demanded by our human ego for what it really is. This has been perhaps the most insidious aspect of the cultivated grand deception created to keep humanity bound in slavery and service to this illusion. From <>Can we say narrow perspective?

There seems to be an entire level of human experience that we are all endlessly encouraged to miss-apprehend and ignore.

Imagine that this skin we walk around in is really no more than an energetic containment field, a focus point. This field exists only in a very, very tiny bit of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is so definitive that while you are focused on it you forget that you are a lot more than just that one point, kind of like reading a very good book, or watching a movie that really grabs you – for a moment you are there, and the outside world ceases to exist. From <

We all kinda-sorta know that it is important, but we all don’t know how to make sense out of the whole ball of wax.

psychic abilsI wrote about this before in “The law of Love is 4D Consciousness”:

OK let’s start out like this. In a multidimensional universe, you move through dimensions consciously, with your heart and mind. Remember, your body is only a current focal point, but not your whole being.

1D is mineral – yes rocks have a rudimentary consciousness

2D is group souls plants, trees, and animals

3D is an individuated soul – individual consciousness – like us

(It’s hard enough as it is to convince the people of this planet that vegetation and animals are conscious – much less something you can’t see

4D is a merging back to unity through universal, brotherly love (not personal)


5D is an applied understanding of this that creates wisdom


6D is a combination of compassion and wisdom: Love-Light


7D is a merging back into source at a higher octave of frequency

So, in this type of manifested universe, we are all learning about our consciousness, both as its self and as a unit of a greater whole. Which means that the steps we go through are a growth process and one needs the one before it to understand the one above it. IE: no skipping a grade allowed.

If we are on this earth at this time, we are learning how to make that step from the lonely separated self – the individuated soul, into the awareness of a greater more inclusive whole. To make it into 4D then, the doorway, the lesson, will be one of ‘I am not alone’. Both in empathy and in the actual experience of the two way awareness of being in someone else’s skin and heart and mind. It will start out gradually where you will be able to ‘notice’ the person who is sitting next to you and know how and why they are the way they are in that moment. It will build to more than just one other and include group awarenesses and then one day the whole planet will reach that point where they are all of one heart. At that point we will have entered into 4D to stay. Until we reach that point we will be sojourning back and forth. One moment we will be very 3D, into our day and achieving our goals and the next we will be hit with a stunning awareness of the guy next to us on the subway. Get ready for this.


So, the law of 3D consciousness is “I-Am-That” or recognizing all that it means to say this is me, who I am and what I am and what I have chosen. The emergence into 4D begins when you start to understand WHY you have chosen (or not chosen as the case may be) and then use that understanding to look with sympathy upon another.

I would safely say that we have entered into 4D because the world around us would not be creating so much pain in us, that so many people would be trying to anesthetize themselves so heroically if it were not – except for those who lack the DNA to resonate that way, the psychopaths.

The psychopaths see the world through a control filter that they must have to hold back their fear of the world dwindling down to a nothing while all of us leave them behind as we, the human race, progress in our evolution and they progress the other way in their de-evolution.

Part of what we are learning is that there are as many ‘alien’ types as there are expressions of consciousness.

Here too, at this point, we should have had developed an organic analog to what our false frequency laden environment has become. However when an idea whose time has come, has come, it will manifest in any way possible. Hence the cell phones and Wi-Fi and all the portable telepathy devices we carry around with us.

Part of what we are learning is that there are as many ‘alien’ types as there are expressions of consciousness. This is disconcerting for people who NEED to label and define everything, stick it in an only 3D box and keep it there and thereby separate themselves and use that separateness mistakenly as a tool of hate/fear/protection-from-the-unknown. It is almost an impossibility for the majority to accept that the definition of ‘alien’ has become indeterminate. They want a hard core, measurable, quantifiable boxed definition – which they will never get.

There are as many types of physical presences as frequencies of light and as many dimensional presences as frequencies of sound.

beingsIt rocks our world not to be able to define something we are afraid of. And why are we afraid? Because the same people who taught us to stay stuck in 3D have also taught us to ignore anything that is not 3D, and trust me, if it’s not from this planet it can be 3D, but it is not of 3D.

Because we have grown up on a planet who’s number one purpose and manufacturing product has been war, we have no grasp of the fact that we mostly do not need protection, and if we do it is because the psychopathic element invited those people here as a form of trade and profit to them.

The ED’s seem to be very interested in what it is like to live in a body on this planet.

Linda Moulton Howe has recently been reporting on a type of grey ED that is living with in the body and consciousness of humans as an observer. Obviously the experiment would end if the person knew they were there. I for one would be unable to stop the unending running commentary on ‘earth life’ should anyone hitch a ride with me… Surprisingly, these ED’s pop up during deep relaxation in massage therapy, reiki and meditation. The therapists see them and the clients are totally unaware that they are there.

Linda Moulton Howe had done a report a while back on C2C with George Noory in her news spot with him, and then 24 hours later was on Whitley Strieber’s Dream Land talking about the same thing and Whitley’s experience with it. As she reports on her interview with Higher Side Chats, not 36 hours after the C2C report she had over 115 emails reporting versions of the same thing to her.

transfer-consciousnessInterestingly enough the incident in Chicago with massage therapist Cindy Schilf involved and IPhone that was off, completely de-powered. When the translucent ED came floating up out of the woman on the table, and Cindy was fully aware of it the cellphone made three tones which do not exist on the device and the ED vanished. ( I am of the opinion it is hard to be in a human body all the time and when the profound relaxation of a massage therapy session took hold the ED floated up and out assuming it more natural vibratory state and had to be reminded not to be seem… Just a theory.)

As we all know cell phone frequencies permeate our environment now, especially in urban and city areas. LMH’s theory is that the ED’s that apparently have been riding along with humans to learn, are using those frequencies as a carrier wave. IMO, it is also probably why the ED floated up out of the client on the table when her IPhone was OFF. I well know that the rooms in a spa are shielded and quiet zones. Cindy Schilf also stated that upon materialization the sheet covering the client started to look like the old TV screens when there were no broadcasts going on, zigzaggy grey staticky lines.

energyWhich leads to all the ET reports that include balls of varying colors and sizes of light. These reports have been going on for far longer than Just Corey Good’s reports of the Blue Avians. For many people years ago, they were considered angelic. Many of the reports got lost in the mystic/spiritualist genre, and were never considered a ‘real’ UFO incident. Until now. Now as we are beginning to develop a fledgling understanding of multidimensional awareness, we are finally realizing that reports such as these could be considered as ED.

Then we have the Whole hybrid/hubred situation as described by the work of David A Jacobs.

hybrid-childrenHe has laid out some stunning new research in his latest book on this subject detailing how ‘abductee’s aren’t even being taken on board ships anymore, they are being used as teachers for the ‘hubrids’ acclimating them to the little niceties of life as it is on the planet. This dovetails us in to the work of well-known abduction researchers like Eve Lorgen and her Alien Love Bite information concerning reptilian inhabitation and control of human beings, Barbara Bartholic, Dr. Karla Turner and Dr. John Mack; tireless researchers from the experiencer/abductee’s point of view all trying to describe ‘alien’ interaction of a range from implants using devices through entities up to and through a worldwide plan on a very physical level to insinuate alien and alien tools into a societal level on the earth.

As yet, NOBODY at least at our regular people level has been able to really figure out what the agendas of the off worlders is and that is because of all the myriad forms and types, they ALL have different agendas. One thing is for certain; the one area they are always above us in, far advanced from us as we are from ants is, the use and understanding of their consciousness.

revolutionPractically every article I have written on this blog is about consciousness in one form or another. That’s the why of the title of the article. The Indeterminate Alien, because until we open our minds, our hearts, our souls to all of what we are, until we accept who we really are, the ‘aliens’ if you can really call them that, shall remain, Indeterminate.

The Miller Document: Fact Or Fake?

I listened to the Friday special broadcast of Beyond the Strange about The Miller Document. It was Beyond GOOD! If the regular Sunday broadcast is anything like Friday night’s,  this will be an EPIC SHOW!! So I invite you all to tune in.

Might I suggest you all start off by listening to this pod cast

  It’s time to start the weekend right by getting a little ‘Strange’. Tonight we revisit a past show topic, ‘The Miller Doc’ that possibly talks about Professor H. Miller. Dr. Miller is quite possibly the very first official researcher groomed by Gov. to study ‘Bigfoot’! Catch a special episode of Beyond The Strange that ties into our Sunday show following this one. Believe it!

in preparation for Sunday night’s 3 HOUR show which is looking like it will be very excellent.

Sunday, March 6

at 6 PM – 9 PM in PST

BEYOND THE STRANGE! LIVE! Ep#29 The ‘Miller Doc’-Fact or Fake? Sunday, Mar 6th, 2016 6pmPDT/9pmEDT


A strange document has surfaced on the internet. Known only as the ‘Miller Doc’, it talks about Dr. H. A. Miller, a real PhD and scientist, and how he was ‘groomed’ by the Gov. to become one of the first official researchers to find the bodies of human like creatures that resembled more like bi-pedal primates than your average human being today. Joining us, along with ‘T’ who has come forward with this information, will be the and only Alex Mistretta, and ‘North American Giants’ Lupe Mendoza as well our very own Steve ‘Bunk Steve’ Bunker and our ole pal LJ3-Les Johnson III. YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS! BELIEVE IT! #bigfoot #cryptids #paranormal #conspiracies #aliens #bstrange From <>