The Capture of Alternative Media

The Rashomon effect is where the same event is given contradictory interpretations by different individuals involved. The effect is named after Akira Kurosawa‘s 1950 film Rashomon, in which a murder is described in four mutually contradictory ways by its four witnesses. More broadly, the term addresses the motivations, mechanism, and occurrences of the reporting on the circumstance, and so addresses contested interpretations of events, the existence of disagreements regarding the evidence of events, and the subjects of subjectivity versus objectivity in human perception, memory, and reporting.

The Rashomon effect has been defined in a modern academic context (from Robert Anderson, in 2016), as “the naming of an epistemological framework—or ways of thinking, knowing, and remembering—required for understanding complex and ambiguous situations.”[2] The term for the effect is derived from the eponymous film, Kurosawa’s Rashomon, in which a number of factors are at play, simultaneously, leading the same academic to comment:

[T]he Rashomon effect is not only about differences in perspective. It occurs particularly where such differences arise in combination with the absence of evidence to elevate or disqualify any version of the truth, plus the social pressure for closure on the question

I have just finished listening to this interview by Kerry Cassidy.

It is by far the most informative and historically enlightening expose of the current false flag going on in the SSP/ET genre. Kerry makes one very salient point:

There is a concerted effort by big money to capture, corral and spin the alternative media that is currently our source for any and all information relating to the SSP and the related topics. Big. Money. There are several people/organizations, not just one, out there trying to capture and control true, honest information and researchers by offering money, stability and exposure to them for capitulation to the theme of the supporter instead of the honest truth. We all know what big money means since 90% of all the wealth in the world is distributed to 1% of the population. IE: Those who control the agenda here on this planet.

The fact that there are people like Kerry who are unwilling to have any control over what they report and produce is our saving grace. It is a well-known fact that this genre has been marginalized in a number of ways, the first of which is through money (you will starve if you try to make a living in this genre), the second of which is through the giggle factor. IE: I’ve seen it in a movie, or read it in a SF book, etc. No one can live well or securely doing anything in this market unless you can include other venues in your business, or you have a second job. These people are a determined lot with a fire and passion to get the information out to the greater public.

When an group, institution or person looks like it is at the brink of becoming emergent into the greater population, it is immediately targeted for inclusion and control by several big money organizations and is then roped in and controlled. We all know this, we, of late, have watched it happen to the best of us. Not that this is bad, except that it places a certain spin on your information through a larger network and certain key types of information are then excluded.

IMO yes, our genre/topic maybe reaching the greater masses, it is a good thing and it needs support to do it. However, any type of spin in my opinion, is still information control and not the whole picture. I am NOT calling out motive, or labeling here, I am simply stating that for as long as we sit back and contentedly feed off of only one source, that source has willingly been given the control of our brains and becomes a type of mind control.

We are such lazy asses and we love our slick productions and pretty pictures especially when we don’t have to work too hard to get it. On top of that we are being back fed through brainwave technology in our subconscious minds all the time, then it is minimalized it and brings our poor simple brains to a halt as far as what and who to believe. Once again: GODS FORBID WE DO OUR OWN RESEARCH AND OUR OWN THINKING!

Yes, it may be hard to parse through tons and years of stories and proof when we can sit back and let others dazzle us with slick technicolor productions while we are not asked to do any thinking at all, but if we want to find the real information out, we have to kick our sorry, lazy asses in gear and do some of the heavy lifting ourselves.

Please realize one of the components of conspiracy we never, ever, talk about is the capture of the alternative media and the reigning in of its truer, wilder, aspects, eliminating the EXACT information we need and should be looking for. We have for the last 70 years been trying to produce a legitimacy factor to this sector of information – to fight the giggle factor and for all intents and purposes it looks like we may have hit pay dirt.

But!!!! (there is always that pesky but…) we are in great danger of capitulating to the masters of spin who have invaded and infiltrated us (like so many other things – their name is legion) so smoothly and prettily that we almost slipped over that edge into complacency. If we are not careful our beloved alternative media will be as useless and manipulative as mainstream/lamestream media. Think about it. Listen to the above interview. I found it highly stimulating and informative.


Wake up! Get out of the pretty box. Think for yourselves!!!

Just a dolphin ma’am…

I know there are times when I just sound like a sappy new-age do-gooder… And well, I am. I prefer to center myself there for a lot of reasons. However, even though it looks like I may be stupid, I am not. I look at ALL the media both the good and the bad and then, I take another step. I step back. I look for a pattern. And then, I take yet another step back, and I keep doing it as long as I can perceive a pattern. Sometimes in the old ‘As Above, So Below’ adage the pattern goes all the way through from top to bottom, Then I know I have found something that is worth some study.

Last night the guest on the Jimmy Church Radio Show, Stewart Pearce, who in my opinion is a second degree adept on the path, was asked a very important question by Jimmy. He was asked, “What do you do to combat ‘negativity’ in the moment, when you are right in the middle of it? ( IE: when you are triggered) The three steps he gave as the answer hold the key to everything, including right discernment. They were:

Detach: mostly emotionally, but walk a bit away physically if you must

Ok, this new ‘buzz’ word triggered, is not new at all – we used it a lot back in the 80’s – hello. However it means to be REACTIVE instead of choosing to act. When you react you have no choice and no control. Generally you act like an ass. Then you have to have the balls to apologize… If you are triggered the last thing you will do is back away from the issue or be able to detach. So, A few words on how to quickly defuse a trigger in the moment for exploration later.

It you are reacting, instead of choosing to act, you have a stored emotional stuck point that didn’t get resolved in your memory. In the present if it is extremely necessary that you get control of the situation, you can make a mental note of the emotion that is sticking in your craw and being difficult and promise to deal with and understand it (and I do mean a promise that you will fulfill, or it will absolutely bite your butt the next time) and forcibly put it to the side and in your mind simply step away from it. This clears your perception to see the wide scope of action you are in the middle of.

Feel Stillness: from inside yourself

Silence, solitude and stillness – the image is kind of like when Neo in the Matrix makes all movement slow to almost nothing. In that space, that stillness – it is possible to get a snapshot of the integral energies of the situation. The guest last night was entirely correct when he said, “Deep Stillness is a suspension of time.” Then you can:


Observe: really watch from a non-emotional view point – even if you are in emotional turmoil.

To observe like Sherlock Holmes, for example, takes some practice. The emotional overlay on any experience will have you placing importance on some things and ignoring other things. If you can just watch… you will see most all the things with your conscious mind and how they interlock. You will see the underlying energies of the situation and understand what is going on. To take the stance of the Observer is a skill that needs to be honed, but is quite possible once you start to practice it. I am not going to tell you it takes years of practice or any such hogwash. It doesn’t. But it takes emotional honesty. And it can bite back when you want to see one thing but instead see another. It is extremely hard to do if you are emotionally invested with what you are watching at the time, but can be done.

Just like the damned airport incident on Tuesday of last week – I was an emotional mess, but there was a portion of my brain watching the whole thing laughing at all the bullshit knowing it was not all coincidence and taking in the bigger picture to find the originating point of the whole situation to gain a greater understanding and thusly greater control over the seemingly coincidental events as they rolled out… grrr

It is only because I could pull back from my distraught emotional self and observe and thusly see the ludicrousness of my situation that I didn’t end up acting out and getting thrown out of the airport, or worse, getting thrown in jail.

From the position of the Observer many things become clear. Not the least of which, you are no longer in an unthinking reaction to the situation and you can CHOOSE your actions in full control.

Now, let’s apply this to a larger picture – the current efforts to put the information of our genre back down the rabbit hole to get lost for another 20 plus years…

Although IMO I think there is also something else going on behind the scenes, it is kinda obvious that there is a concerted effort to shove the UFO/ET/Truth Embargo down the toilet yet again. The more this gets out of hand and pushes all of us even remotely concerned into an either or camp, the more this plan to dump us all down the rabbit hole never to return is effective. I refuse to comply or play the game. I’m not getting stuck in ANY either or scenario. Period.

Another idea has occurred to me also, and that is this is the way to take us off guard so that whatever they have planned – their SPIN on the situation, is accepted easier than it would have been if we had all had our wits about us and our noses where they belonged. As long as we are distracted there is a greater chance whatever is in the works can take us off guard, catch us unawares and really whomp us over the head.

The only reason I think something IS in the works is because of the massive effort currently to distract us. THINK ABOUT IT!

There are many theories out there like a false flag alien invasion with real aliens, a false flag WWIII event, an evasion of the current embroiligo around:





Babylonian Magic Moneygate



Pick any and a thousand more… One of them is gonna break the game coming up here soon and that is why the evasion tactics.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain as we all skip off the see the wizard on the yellow (gold) brick road.

I’m getting’ more and more suspicious as the hours go on.

I leave you with this:

75d: Candice Bergen / Esther Phillips

[ SUPER: “Jaws II” ]

[ dissolve to Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff and Matt Hooper looking over a three-foot long metal tub covered with a white cloth ]

Matt Hooper: [ looks under cloth and winces ] Oh, my God!

Sheriff: What was it?

Matt Hooper: Land shark. The cleverest species of them all.

[ dissolve to Woman #2 in her apartment ]

[ Music: “Jaws Theme ]

[ a knock at the door ]

Woman #2: [ approaches the door ] Yes?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Mrs. Arlsbergerhh??

Woman #2: Who?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Mrs. Johnannesburrrr??

Woman #2: Who is it?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Flowers.

Woman #2: Flowers? From whom?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Plumber, ma’am..

Woman #2: I don’t need a plumber. You’re that clever shark, aren’t you?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Candygram.

Woman #2: Candygram, my foot! Get out of here before I call the proper authorities. You’re the shark, and you know it.

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] I’m only a dolphin, ma’am..

Woman #2: A dolphin? Well.. okay..

[ she opens the door, as the shark pulls her screaming into the hallway ]

From <>


There is something we shouldn’t know: that bothers me…

Who benefits?

Who benefits from all the whoo-haa going on right now that was stirred up just before and continued through and after CITD?

Who Benefits?!!!

This is very close to the Problem-Reaction-Solution gambit that by the way was not created by David Icke, but coined by him from a much older technique called:

Ordo ab Chao which is a Latin expression, meaning Order out of Chaos. From <>

This statement was also used as the main character driver of the Borg queen in ‘Star Trek First Contact.’ (Think hive-mind)


David Icke says:

What happens in terms of creating wars is a mind-manipulation technique called “Problem-Reaction-Solution”… and it works like this: Let’s say you want to centralize power into fewer and fewer hands through the UN or NATO.

If you did that openly and said,

“This is what we want to do”, there’d be a reaction against that.

People would say,

“Hey, this is a fascist state you want to create. Were not having this.”

But through this technique of Problem-Reaction-Solution, you can actually manipulate people to demand you do what you want to do anyway.

So it works like this: First of all you create the problem, but you get someone else to be blamed for it. You then report that problem through the media in the way you want it reported – because the media is owned by the same people who own the banks, etc.

You get the public to react to your problem by saying,

“Something must be done; this can’t go on; what are THEY going to do about it?”.

And at that point, THEY, who have covertly created the problem and blamed someone else, who gleaned that reaction of “Do Something”, then offer the solution to the problems they have created.

So if you take the world wars for example – after the first world war, which the financial centers of London and Wall Street, etc, funded all sides, power on this planet was in fewer hands than ever before (via the League of Nations). After the second world war, it was even fewer hands on the wheels of power.

And as a result of the second world war, we had the creation of the United Nations and NATO; and we had this great centralization of global power.   From <>



We have a problem:

An unprovable narrative, except for peripheral testimony which does have documents etc. attached to it, that we all like, has come under attack.

We have a reaction:

This ignites extreme emotional responses for and from many people. With the general associated name calling and finger pointing, ad hominem attacks and relatively illogical arguments. (lots-a juicy drama)

We have a solution:

Grow the story larger. On both sides. IE: more drama, more distraction

It seems to me that this whole rigmarole has been created to obfuscate and draw our attentions away from something else. As if the entire situation was created to engender the ‘even more’ confusion of the solution. Granted this is a relatively harmless false flag – but it was a false flag, none the less.

The better question might be – what are they hiding??   Hmm???

We are still, regardless of how popular this genre is in our circles, a very small segment of the population. So that would narrow our search down to what do they NOT want all of us to see??? That would rule out most political arguments, like Trump and Pedogate and Ben Rich….etc. It would rule out Pharmagate, Chemtrail/GMOgate… just about everything except the ET contact/extra/intra/outra/whatever questions. I mean, it isn’t called Contact In The Desert for nothing…

PLUS!!!! Just about every other researcher out there with some juicy evidence or new theories have been embroiled in their own version of this same divide and conquer by attack lately. Have you noticed?

There IS A PATTERN to this!

And it would behoove the more devious thinkers of us than me out there to discover just what is going on, that somebody is expending so much energy to stir up drama to cover it up – for reasons we shouldn’t know. Now THAT’S the part that disturbs me – not the drama, not the who said what to whom, but the fact that they have managed to get all our noses up our proverbial asses and now we are oblivious to something that is definitely go’in on that they don’t want us to notice…

There is something we shouldn’t know…

That bothers me.

What if?

What if everything we see in the disclosure arena is being managed by the same Powers That Be that we think we are getting so smart about? Very smoothly, albeit, but very efficiently. I have watched the transition. Years back if they couldn’t control you they offed you. Now, the shifty bastards include you. Now, the powers that be are behind the whole disclosure movement. Well, if they can’t beat you then they join you, they infiltrate you, they buy you. Then, when they are in a place where they can pull the rug out from under what you have built, they demand certain things for certain behaviors, certain words from your mouth. I have been watching it for some time now, creeping slowly up on us.

Just observing the whole paradigm, it has been slowly infected, gently directed, dis-info’d, and warped by the masters of Mind Warp until the ability to discern is lost.

They are going to let us think we have made disclosure, that we have overcome them and we have won, when, all the while it was the plan to begin with. We who think we are so smart – and free thinking. It was the master plan to appeal to our egos, to let us fight back against them and feel that we had won. Then to let us create our ‘disclosure’ and spread the word while they fed us exactly the paradigm they wanted us to have.

I was shaken loose recently. It was ugly. However the awakening was fortunate. To understand that I was being led around by my nose with a dangling carrot is priceless. What we thought we were so smart about… well, take another look. Use the lens that asks ‘How manipulated have I been?’, ‘Where can I spot a chink in the matrix?’ The last 117 years have been a plant, a plan, an artificial reality. To my sensibilities this whole planet has been a lie and I have just discovered that my bare ass is dangling in the wind.

What if?

When you are triggered: the plane ride from hell…

As disclosure continues we will all have emotional reactions based on our own fears that come up, seemingly out of nowhere and strong enough to make us act out of character. I am writing about this because even with years of practice dealing with this, these emotional reactions can come up and bite your ass. Then, of course, you feel like a fool and if you are wise, you apologize numerous times to the people you were reacting all over.

Point in case; I hate to fly. I really hate to fly. I have an inner ear problem that makes movement difficult to me. I can’t do ferris wheels and I can’t do roller coasters, what causes thrills in others creates abject terror in me because of my sense of balance. Leaving Palm Springs airport was as dicey as coming into it due to the terrain, and the afternoon heating. The plane felt like it was on a rubber band and someone was using it like a paddle ball. I was sitting next to my husband, he was having his own issues of which I was unaware of to a certain extent, I am in full trigger mode, can’t understand anything around me except my terror. So I lean over to him and say that this is absolutely the very last time ever (!!!!!!) that I will get on something as stupid as a plane. I would rather crawl all the way home, than be in a plane. Because he was triggered also about something entirely different, his reaction was to be angry at me and think that I was yelling AT him. This catalyzed his emotions and gave him something to point them at, thus dumping his trigger. Unfortunately my trigger lasted far longer – as the plane continued to bump around for a while. My first reaction to terror is anger. So I can see how he ‘thought’ it was directed at him because he wasn’t thinking well either. He is well aware of my problem with plane rides etc. Of course, after telling me not to yell at him, my reaction to being abandoned in my terror was at that point swearing never to speak to him again, and if we hadn’t had to travel together I suppose it would have been days before I could have sorted it out in my head and actually speak to him. As it was, when we landed we found out that we had a three hour wait to get on the next flight due to storms across the middle of the continent.

I am a smoker. I am a dirty filthy person with a nasty habit that is outlawed everywhere, especially in airports. To go smoke I had to go through TSA check points and out the door and find a place to smoke that I hoped I would not get caught, to basically hide. To my utter horror, I discovered I had only 1/2 of a cigarette left. What I use to calm me down after ‘incidences’ like the plane ride was not available to me. I wondered just exactly what the universe was teaching me. TO stay OUT of airports and airplanes???? Why was my plane karma so rotten? After smoking I came back inside only to find that the boarding pass on my phone was for my last flight and I was not able to access the connecting flight pass on my phone, and I had to go through the ticketing counter again, then through the TSA check point.

By this time I was in an unspeakable array of strong, triggered emotion that I barely had control over. It was a question of sitting down in the middle of the concourse and crying my eyes out or being flaming mad. I did neither, because in the buildup of incidences I realized that this was a lesson from the universe, however painful, and that really it was up to me to decode the whole mess. So I asked the universe in my mind, “Are we done yet?” in the manner of what are you going to throw at me next? Because at this point I was really done, baked, finis.

My point in this long saga of airport abuse and flight terror? I am normally a nice happy person, and if I am unhappy I can usually debug and decode the mess and understand why without being nasty to another being because I know what’s up. Well, this time, even though I did know what was up, I had reached my tolerance level, and continued to be triggered and feeling trapped and abused. I could decode the whole mess, but I didn’t want to. I was truly ready to rent a car and drive home to Indy from Dallas. Truly. My husband had had enough of my shenanigans and was still in a snit, and I was looking at 5 more hours without nicotine. I knew what was going on. I knew why. I was still a hot mess.

Soooo – What happens when some of the more dicey disclosure information comes out and we are all triggered, and you can’t ‘fix’ it with a device like a smoke or a drink or a toke??? Hum??? Do we all explode? What happens when the information about what is really going on in this world is divulged and we are all emotionally raw?

I had a lot more complaining to do, and many more self-absorbed things to say yesterday, but I was unable to get to the keyboard to write. Consider yourselves lucky. Really. I’m outing my idiocy for a reason. That is to tell you to think about what will happen when we are all triggered at the same time – which, by the way, might happen. If just one of the looming topics makes it out to mainstream, like pedogate, like information on the entire ‘religions’ arena, like the cure for diseases that have taken many of our loved ones being available for the last 70 years and the reverse that they can be used to off anyone at any time by whomever, like there is an entire segment of the population that lives a futuristic lifestyle that we ‘know’ nothing about and that they never planned to tell us about, how will we all handle it? Just pick any one of above including many I didn’t mention, and you will have a triggered planet.

Then how do we treat each other, when we are, every last one of us triggered, mad, and upset? Do we see through what is going on, take a deep breath and determine to act like real human beings with empathy and compassion even when people around us may be having trouble with doing the same?

IMO, we must. Because one of us being able to do that will help others to and they will help even more to and it will spread. In time, we will work through what triggered unreasoning emotions and be able to decide how we CHOOSE to act, instead of reacting without forethought or empathy.

When looked at in retrospect the series of events that led up to the ridiculousness of my situation gave me pause – in retrospect… (In the back of my mind during the whole debacle too.) Finally with my feet on the ground and a generous donation from a fellow smoker of 2 whole tobacco sticks, I was able to reign it all in and think about how idiotically obvious the lesson was, how in my face.

The flight from Dallas to Indy was as smooth as silk. (really) I had purchased a small travel blanket that I wore like a cloak because it was 109 in Palm Springs, and unexpectedly 60 degrees in Dallas, and I held the blanket up to the window on the plane and watched the stars, the city lights and the dancing orbs shooting around up at 35,000 ft. playing all over the sky. It was a magical, lovely flight.

How will we choose? Will we react, or act? We who know, and we who need to lead????


Post Script: after landing while waiting to get our bags, I go out to smoke the last gift cigarette, digging in my bag for a lighter, and what do I feel in the bottom of the bag? An entire pack of unopened cigarettes that I had had with me the whole time. Tell me if the universe’s sense of humor isn’t a bit twisted….

Dare to Dream: IMO

I listen to it all. There is the second half of the Dark Journalist Bill Ryan interview that just went up this morning. In any normal case this type of evidence in a court of law would be considered circumstantial and used to back up the claims for the case against Corey – as none of the truly damming parts, like the video of Corey and his wife plotting together can be produced. They are ? top secret. And Corey cannot produce a Blue Avian.

So where does that leave us? With a wonderful story who’s basic premise is that there is hope for us and that we are already out in space and there is tech that can heal and provide for the planet, and clean up the planet already in place. We have yet to have proof of that also. So what we are working with here is a full production story that is telling us that we do have the capabilities it takes to be what Corey is telling us.

So even if this is a dream, I’m liking it.

Now consider this – from the ‘new-age’ paradigm there is an idea that says if enough people believe a thing and invest their emotional energy in it – it will manifest. Half the gadgets on Star Trek are already a reality because somebody liked the idea enough to make it happen. Corey’s story has reached that level. So even if this is only partially true – or not true at all, we are liking it, we are investing our psychic energy into it and thereby enabling its manifestation. We ARE creating it.

I will tell you from all the stories and variations on a theme out there today this is one I actively want. Dream or no. I want to see this become reality. I want us to be that Star Trek dream. I want us to have zero point energy. I want us to have medical technology that will cure cancer, and all the other nasty ills of society. I want us to be able to give free reign to our creativity and become what we see in our hearts.

If Corey’s story leads us there one way or the other, I want that!

If any of our current information is true, then there are also people who really don’t want us to awaken – poopy on them. Because I’m going to go after this vision with all that I have because it resonates so deeply with who I am and what I want, that I have no choice. Regardless of how it started. I have seen what people can do when they are on fire and passionate about their creations. It is from one field of thought a science and from another field of thought, magic.

What I am trying to say is I DON’T CARE HOW THE STORY CAME ABOUT! I’m liking it and I want to see it happen. And the poopy heads who are trying to stick us back in a cage can just go sit in the corner and think about their bad behaviors.

Dare to dream. What could it hurt???   Really?

How else will we come to know if the theory that we create our reality is true, what better way than to get billions of people involved.


I dare you.

Dream BIG


And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Hamlet Act 1, scene 5, 159–167

How many overarching elements would you need to put together to create a story so large and complex that everybody would get caught up in it? Further, to make sure that people could not get their heads above the water, you would have to have several, maybe countless variations of the same story.

The elements would have to be almost archetypal like religions, mystery schools and shamanistic lore, sciences, social structure, cosmologies, psychology (or how the mind of the animal worked – emotionally and logically). These elements would then be manipulated to create ‘The All Inclusive Paradigm’.

Within this ‘All Inclusive Paradigm’ all beings in a certain locality are then manipulated in such a way as to create an experiment to answer and explore supposed theories. This experiment is run and rerun with a different set of parameters until all questions have been satisfied. To make sure previous experimental subsets of results do not bleed through to the next experiment, the animal is put through a process where the energetic coherence of their structure is fractured, such that should the subject begin to become aware of the experiment, except in rare cases, all that is retrievable are echoes, which of course are backwards reflections of events.

So, if all religion, science and cosmologies, social structures, and even physical identities are nothing more than a reflection of some echo from some experience, I suppose we can count on all the different versions of all the stories about any subject you care to look at as supporting a false assumption about reality. In truth, what the modern world defines as reality is also probably, even most definitely, skewed if not completely wrong.

So if reality is not accurate, and the substructures we use to define what reality is are nothing more than created ideas hand fed to us, then who the hell are we? And what the hell is going on? And if we dare to stick our heads back into the endlessly deep rabbit hole trying to sus out more pieces of the puzzles we will remain forever hopelessly, helplessly lost.

I would love to pop my head up above all the mess and just observe the pattern, hoping a larger view would help to explain things, but quite frankly, I can’t figure out how to do it!!!! That is because every time I get out there or up there, the larger picture is simply a slightly different ‘echo’ of all the lower layers, BUT IT IS STILL THE SAME PARADIGM!!!!

All the religious structures, philosophical structures, mystical structures, social structures, above, below, to either side are all copies of the same theory. I mean, look at them. You always have your hierarchy. We can’t think without layers. Layers are a hierarchy. We automatically click into this type of thinking paradigm. We were schooled to do this and everything we see in society punches home this idea. I don’t even think we could conceive of existence without that concept. We are an entire planet of people who believe in hidden stuff, also. We are always looking for what is inside the box, the critter, the machine, the atom… It sorta contains the unspoken idea that we think there is a hidden game, or con going on at a very basic level. We are also great mimics. Cargo cultists. It reminds me of the Star Trek episode, “A Piece of the Action”, where the Iotians had created an entire culture around a book on the Chicago mobs of the 1920’s.

Even our history has been occulted (hidden) and created. The victor (and in this case the intelligences that are shaping the story) always writes the history. When the victor writes the history you obviously only hear their side to it put in a favorable light according to their needs. When an outside source designs history, creates a series of events (remember the experiments…) then history isn’t even history it becomes His-Story, and we are the witting, or unwitting pawns in a play.

Our science is based on only partially true facts, and has been severely limited – but why? To answer that I would have to buy into the current paradigms of the experiment. I would rather not. The same with our ‘religions’

Word Origin: from Latin religio(n-) ‘obligation, bond, reverence,’

perhaps based on Latin religare ‘to bind.’ (IMO it should be to blind)

Need we go into the subject of ‘Magic Money”? Or medicine, or education…ad nauseum?

I guess what I am trying to point out is: We think we are soooo smart, that we have dug and we have dug and found hidden mysteries and history and knowledge and lore and cracked through the truth embargo and ALL of it. We think we know. My question to you today is,


p style=”margin:0;font-family:Arial;font-size:12pt;”>

“What if every last piece, last bit of life as we know it, or think we know it, is all a planned part of the game?” (including all the tomfoolery, skullduggery and wild goose chasing)


p style=”margin:0;font-family:Arial;font-size:12pt;”>

Because I think it is.

Dare I speculate why?

When we all wake up


When we all wake up we will realize, all of us, that we are all the ‘aliens’ (that term is almost funny now) we have been waiting for, not just some of us, but the entire population of this planet both inside and out.

Every. Single. Last. One. Of. Us.

We HAVE passed the tipping point and we are beginning that roll down the other side with continuously increasing speed. One day, we will all just know. It will not be a OMG moment, or a ‘holy shit!’ moment… It will not be hidden, it will not get you in trouble or abducted or even laughed at. It will finally be normal.

One day we will know the real history of this planet and the events that took place, and not just from the victor’s point of view. We will have the basis for a deep understanding of why we are and how we are, what we are. We will all realize that we are multidimensional beings with all the organic equipment in place to do whatever we wish to do, in whatever realm we wish to do it.

We have awakened from this trance many times and many times have fallen back to sleep. Some of us, even yet will decide to still sleep this time, for it is all free will. Most of us, though, all spurred on by the great dissent we feel, will choose to stay awake and go on.

For those that decide to sleep, their multidimensional beingness will slumber on – but still be there for we are all whole beings whether we choose to know it or not.

In this last awakening there are those who came so early that their only job was to be alive and resonate, helping Gaia and the planetary vibe. To these people, who had to hide, who had to say nothing, who knew that they were in danger if they did, to those who spent their entire lives battling with what they knew to be true and what society instead demanded they be, it is to you I send heartfelt sympathy. You couldn’t have known what to do with yourselves. Every situation you got yourself into, relationships, careers, spiritual traditions and churches never fit. You had nowhere that felt like home, and no one that could really understand you. Even so, you pushed on. Sometimes in a world of hurt, sometimes numb from the pain. But you kept on. It is because of you that the world can now begin to heal, that the conspiracies to fool us all are becoming known and that people are beginning to awaken to the beauty of who they really are. It was you who held on through all the confusion and darkness that has made this shift possible.

A great influx of advanced souls were being born on this planet back in the 1800’s in preparation for today. I come from a long linage of them. It has not been an easy journey for these forerunners, especially those who were born after WWI when the extreme prejudice and crackdown on anything that even looked like it could help the planet began. What happened after that into modern day looked like the witch hunts of the 1600’s. The fact that these early fore runners of consciousness to whatever degree they were awake, managed to stay sane, were able to survive in a profoundly sick society, is an utterly amazing and a herculean task. I have seen it go both ways. I have seen incredibly beautiful souls get utterly crushed and I have seen others endure when over and over life has shown them nothing but pain. Soon this will be different. Those who were born in the fifties and before have had an entirely different journey than those born after. In today’s world we have children who are readily accepted and supported for they gifts they bring.

To some extent, we are all slightly mad – like the mad hatter. We have all been poisoned, indoctrinated and thoroughly chastised for being ourselves in myriads of ways. That we survived all of that only slightly deranged is the miracle of the century. That we are recovering, getting stronger, deciding to be better people is an ever greater miracle. We have passed the tipping point – that place at the top of the roller coaster where you can either fall back or speed on down the hill, and we have gone down the other side. We made it. That feeling we all feel of expectancy is free fall. And we can partially thank all those souls who came and just resonated love and gratitude on the planet in the middle of the darkness and mess to make it possible for the rest of us to awaken from the trance.

Blessed be every last one of you.

So rejoice, because very soon, this earth will finally be a place where you too can take a deep breath and relax.