The Woo-woo Just Outside of the Box on any Given Day…

I was listening to LMH’s Wednesday broadcast, Thursday morning and feeling she is so right about the electromagnetic spectrum. I’ve written about it a lot.( If we are actually frequency then what’s to say that other life forms just like us don’t live in other bands of electromagnetic frequencies and have maybe discovered how to investigate said frequency ranges out of their own, just like we are trying to do?

The EM spectrum

EM radiation spans an enormous range of wavelengths and frequencies. This range is known as the electromagnetic spectrum. The EM spectrum is generally divided into seven regions, in order of decreasing wavelength and increasing energy and frequency. The common designations are: radio waves, microwaves, infrared (IR), visible light, ultraviolet (UV), X-rays and gamma rays. Typically, lower-energy radiation, such as radio waves, is expressed as frequency; microwaves, infrared, visible and UV light are usually expressed as wavelength; and higher-energy radiation, such as X-rays and gamma rays, is expressed in terms of energy per photon.

From <>

That tiny itsy-bitsy area of visible light is all we are told that is real… Ahem. However, we use heat (infrared) and we use microwaves. They are real! Why? Because we can feel their results upon our physical being. Consider the term Orders of Magnitude: the ‘Orders of Magnitude’ charts – which are basically big to small charts of all types of energy that we can measure, so, it occurred to me that what I was looking at were frequencies stated in different layers and realms – dimensions, like octaves on a piano. Another analogy: we know the octaves above and below the 88 notes on a full grand concert piano exist. We don’t use them in this instrument because they are not aesthetic to a piano, however the grand pipes of a pipe organ foot pedals can shake buildings as much as being heard/felt.. It doesn’t mean the lower or higher octaves of the piano range are NOT there, it just takes a different instrument to produce the much lower frequency of the pipe pedals. So look at the picture above and imagine it as only ONE octave of reality. There ARE octaves above and below. So: Who Lives there??? Hmmm?

Jason Quitt talks about this eloquently in this broadcast with Tony Sweet on Truth Be Told Radio from last year and in his books.

With some life forms sharing this planet, it is not so much that they live in a different octave; all that has to be is that they live ever so slightly out of our visual/physical range and we would not perceive them. Let us suppose that they can raise and lower their physical frequency either through organic tech or machine tech, or a combination and you are instantly in the realm of the Fae, the Tuaoi Stones, the manbags in all of the ancient carvings in Sumer and Gobekli Tepe, and Atlantis.

‘Passport to Magonia’ by Jaques Vallee tracks the very obvious history of a comingling of races on this planet in folklore and fairie tale and written religious history. For example:

A quotation from the life of St. Anthony, the Egyptian-born founder of Christian monasticism who lived about 300 A.D. In the desert, St. Anthony met with a strange being of small stature, who fled after a brief conversation with him:

“I am a mortal being and one of the inhabitants of the Desert whom the Gentiles deluded by various forms of error worship under the names of Fauns, Satyrs and Incubi. I am sent to represent my tribe. We pray you in our behalf to entreat the favour of your Lord, and ours, who, we have learnt, came once to save the world, and ‘whose sound has gone forth into all the earth’.”

Indeed , several writers have consistently pointed out that the fundamental texts of every religion refer to the contact of the human community with a “ superior race ” …

The capper on his theory:

Perhaps the airship, like the fairy tricks, the flying saucers, was a lie, so well-engineered that its image in human consciousness could sink very deep indeed and then be forgotten—as UFO landings are forgotten, (Note: stage 4 of the Four Stages Of Learning in NLP – see below) as the appearance of supernatural beings in the Middle Ages are forgotten. But, then, are they really forgotten? Human actions are based on imagination, belief, and faith, not on objective observation—as military and political experts know well. Even science, which claims its methods and theories are rationally developed, is really shaped by emotion and fancy, or by fear. And to control human imagination is to shape mankind’s collective destiny, provided the source of this control is not identifiable by the public.

For the time being the only positive statement we can make, without fear of contradiction, is that: it is possible to make large sections of any population believe in the existence of supernatural races, in the possibility of flying machines, in the plurality of inhabited worlds, by exposing them to a few carefully engineered scenes the details of which are adapted to the culture and superstitions of a particular time and place.

Vallee, Jacques. Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers . Daily Grail Publishing. Kindle Edition.

We also have Diana’s Pusalka’s book, American Cosmic: UFO’s, Religion, Technology in which she also says:

In one sense, I feel as if I have been studying this phenomenon my whole life, but I didn’t call it UFO research; I called it religious studies. (emphasis mine) (Note: notice the ‘rebranding’ of today’s UFO into UAP…etc. It is subtle to the point that in 20 years people will have forgotten what ‘Flying Saucer’ really meant in the 1950’s)

There are a number of players in this story. For the most part, they fall into one of two categories: there are those who engage with and interact with what they believe are nonhuman intelligences, perhaps extraterrestrial or even interdimensional. The people in this category who are featured in this book are the scientists to whom Davis refers. They agreed to be included on condition that they remain anonymous. The second category consists of those who interpret, spin, produce, and market the story of UFO events to the general public. Members of the first category are silent about their research, while members of the second category are very vocal about information they have received second-, third-, or even fourth-hand. Often they even make up stories or derive their information from hoaxes.

When I began to focus on modern reports of UFO sightings and events, I was immediately immersed in a world where the religious impulse was alive and the formation of a new, unique form of religion was in process. I was observing it as it happened. Carl Jung put it well. Referring to the modern phenomenon of flying saucers, he wrote, “We have here a golden opportunity of seeing how a legend is formed.”

Pasulka, D.W.. American Cosmic (p. 6). Oxford University Press. Kindle Edition.

And just this morning I was listening to Jeffery Mishlove interview Jack Hunter:

New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove

Jack Hunter, PhD, is currently a Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Chester in the UK. He is author of Engaging the Anomalous, and is editor of a new anthology titled Greening the Paranormal: Exploring the Ecology of Extraordinary Experience. He is also coeditor, with David Luke, of Talking With The Spirits: Ethnographies From Between The Worlds. He is also founder of the journal, Paranthropology.

Here he proposes that ecology and parapsychology have much in common — and that the obstacles facing both fields are similar in many ways. He notes that many ecological activists report having had both paranormal and religious conversion types of experiences. He suggests that the complex relationships among non-human life forms uncovered in ecology provide a model for understanding the wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He also maintains that we are learning many surprising things about how plants communicate, suggesting a hidden intelligence and, perhaps, even consciousness. (I have written about my trees, who know me….)

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is a past vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology; and is the recipient of the Pathfinder Award from that Association for his contributions to the field of human consciousness exploration. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “Parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, 1980). (Recorded on September 22, 2019)

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And I caught Whitley Strieber’s unique and interesting interview with Alan Steinfeld on Dreamland in which they discuss the manner and ways contact communication takes place and that Allen thinks – and I agree – that more than Jaques Vallee’s theory of the indigenous races that live here with us, there is also apparent to him, a ‘new’ or newer element to the cadre of voices added to the unseen world at this time. IMO a new ‘octave has appeared. Realize too that within these octaves are many kinds of life the same way this octave that we live and breathe in has many different life forms, and that some of us can perceive just a smidge out of the normal range and can say “I See Ghosts.”

As I have said recently, IMO, it is an entire spectrum of life and not just the seen or just the unseen. Literally everything natural is awake. Recently in my article ‘Indigenous‘ I posited that:

We all have Riders with in us. We are usually too busy to notice, to self-absorbed to want to notice, they are there, none the less. These riders are… many things, a spectrum of intelligences of all kinds that find attachment through frequency harmonics. They mostly ride along journeying the journey with us. Sometimes helping, sometimes hindering but always in concert with or in harmony with the dominant attitude of the ego and the over-arching soul lesson in the current incarnation. These riders, these intelligences, I am convinced, are INDIGENOUS. Indigenous to this earth. (ok, some are not – but hell if we can tell them apart…) They have lived here side by side with us forever. They are the unseen. Unrecognized. Just as our trees are smart and our animals are smart – these intelligences are way smarter than us, some of them, and they choose to be hidden, for the most part. They are ‘both-and’ – good and bad – happy and mad – they are just like us – some of them are very angry at us – others of them wish to help us grow up – all the things you could ascribe to ET intelligences, so do these intelligences exhibit.

It was amazing to listen to Jack Hunter talk about the para-ecological crossover studies he does because I have struggled as of late to find and define these same strange rumblings in my own subconscious that have been leaking out. And this is just between things in the small human niche of the electromagnetic perceptual realm. I am also on to a theory that I wrote about in my above mentioned article. In ‘Indigenous’ the idea that, IMO, there is a race that has lived here since before any human-like life form appeared on this planet, like the Jinn who are non-corporeal. Unseen, hidden, because we cannot see them, with their own society and structure… that have lived with us over the millennia apart from all the other non-corporeal entities that walk this planet calling it home. IE: we do NOT own this place! But of course, we only allow for what we can see and within that very small portion, nobody counts except your own same color, or belief, or ideology… sigh.

There are those of us who have exploded the box and understand that we are looking at a multidimensional, multi-disciplinary, multicultural situation that is eons old and interlaced or entangled if you will, in time/frequency, and space/consciousness that cannot be seen only from just one of those perspectives, much like the five blind men and the elephant parable.

Research has shown that once a person has had connection to even one aspect of the elephant in the room, something life changing happens, epiphanies abound, DNA changes, phenomena increase in frequency and life becomes much vaster than a person ever thought possible. This is because consciousness, all of it, is non local. Memory, cognition, learning, imagination, and emotion. What we have in a body is a finely tuned instrument through which to perceive a specific frequency range in minute detail as a tool for that consciousness.

Everywhere I turn recently I am finding more and more researchers that have had the ‘look at the bigger picture’ download. We even have this term download that doesn’t apply to a computer anymore, but to an ‘anomalous’ phenomena concerning information ‘placed’ within a person’s consciousness by unknown intelligence. What that intelligence might be is the most vividly discussed by Gordon White, who IMO, has very creatively evicted his mind out of the common thinking box and into a world of glorious unknowns and new paradigms, exploring with the greatest aplomb and intelligence that I have seen in a very long while.

There are others who are catching on – Grant Cameron with his theory of “WOW”! ,and his recent speaking program titled Contact Modalities. I laughed when he said he thought that no UFO really needed light and that the only reason they had them was to attract our attention! – theory of WOW! Further, he is pursuing research on right and left brain functioning attending to how to get contact by shutting off the monkey mind. His investigation into our divided ( divide and conquer) brain has shown that the creative people, artists and musicians, people with autism, split personality, and the channelers all use their right brain while putting their logical linear left brain to sleep. He is also working on showing that there is an attendant DNA change that has been scientifically documented in the body according to which personality is present.

With all this said, I have witnessed people interfered with out there on you tube who are getting close to an interesting paradigm, illustrating it in podcasts with an interviewer who evokes the interviewee’s deeper side, and watching the podcast being messed with – frequently. Things like poor sound quality and drops are common where hitting the mark around uncovering the understanding of an interior life and its deeper meaning, how we inhabit different realities that comingle with this one and there being a more than better possibility that these places are just as ‘real’, if not more than the outer world. We need to learn about these things and we need to be fearless in our own inner landscape with excavating these hidden aspects of our selves. IMO, this is a DOORWAY. However until you learn how to unlearn the ways you have been taught to look at certain subjects, it’s hard to think along new lines to investigate how this has influenced your interior life. Nox Mente is one such very fascinating podcast that provides endless examples of where to look. Niish is one of the most insightful people I have listened to with a great gift for dredging up out of the depth how contact with the inner nether realms of the self have helped to mold the type of person you are and also how ‘gifted’ or willing to be open you are to actually perceive all that is really there..

From NLP we know there are 4 stages of learning

1) Unconscious Incompetence. (you don’t know that you don’t know)

2) Conscious Incompetence. (you know you don’t know)

3) Conscious Competence. (you consciously know but really haven’t practiced what you learned)

4) Unconscious Competence. (you have practiced so well that it has now become like riding a bike and morphs into a skill that is no longer consciously employed, but is used. You never forget how to ride the bike.)

Notice how well this has been used to accustom us to the acceptance as fact of something we well know which may be a spin on reality designed to skew our perceptions of what’s really there like: the flying saucer to UAP threat…


Just because we have only a limited itsy-bitsy piece of understanding about the whole magnetic spectrum we think we have to define our wholeness within an even smaller quanta. In the definition of the word spectrum (the entire range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. noun: the spectrum) we could, if we accepted we didn’t stop at our skin (the whole non-local thing) learn to become aware in various ways of the rest of the human condition, not just the teensy bit we have been told to notice. The same goes for the UFO field, the paranormal field, medicine, consciousness: it doesn’t even really have to be a fringy topic – actually everything has somehow morphed into the accepted ‘box’ parameters allowed in society lately.

Spectrums can go way outside of the left/right expected norms – obviously – at one end of our sight we have heat, and at the other we have ultra violet. Just because we can’t see them it doesn’t mean they don’t exist or can’t have meaning in our world – otherwise we’d freeze and there would be no tanning beds or ways to search for dog pee…

It just is utter ridiculousness to me that people today can’t seem to wrap their heads around this concept. It seems that empiricism has created a new box that most of us feel comfortable in. (empiricism = if you can’t see it or measure it, it’s not real), either that or we are terrified to be the first to show that we just might have an out of the box thought – about out of the box things!! (‘Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!’ Is now ‘Ghosts and Daemons and ET’s Oh My!!’) Not to mention how this tendency has been weaponized in politics of late. (Bread and Circus). We have been taught to latch on to either-or thinking like it’s the new heroin of the mind.

Have we ever stopped to think what can possibly hide in the spectral-frequencies just outside of our ken?

October 17th: My Father’s Birthday

To say I miss him is a gross understatement, but I had practice because of his stroke. It was just that he was present in the world – we didn’t live in each other’s back pocket – never did. But his soul was for a time anchored in 3D and resonated clearly in this octave…his music was free.

Sometimes a feeling like grief is so big you can’t take it all out at one time and feel it, but there are times when it sneaks out and bites you. I think when it does everything else in your soul that is similar resonance also tries to sneak through that door at the same time and it can slam you to the ground. Yesterday it all tried to crash through at once, the door way was this song. Reduced to tears, I didn’t realize how potent the feelings were that hid in my heart.


May It Be


May it be an evening star

Shines down upon you

May it be when darkness falls

Your heart will be true

You walk a lonely road

Oh, how far you are from home

Mornië utúlië ((darkness has come))

Believe and you will find your way

Mornië alantië ((darkness has fallen))

A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadows call

Will fly away

May it be your journey on

To light the day

When the night is overcome

You may rise to find the sun

Mornië utúlië ((darkness has come))

Believe and you will find your way

Mornië alantië ((darkness has fallen))

A promise lives within you now

A promise lives within you now