Last night on F2B: Joy

Last night on the Jimmy Church Radio show, F2B (Fade to Back) we had guest James Gilliland. It struck me what a happy person he is. Not silly happy, but down deep happy, and therefore everything that he said, all his words, even if he was talking about difficult things, felt good. So many times I will listen to people reporting the difficult side of life – the pizza gates, the reptilians, the abductions, the satanic cults… and the tone of their voice, the vibe of their intelligence which rides their voice and words like a carrier wave is enormously depressing and negative. Sometimes even if their words are not about negative topics, what rides under their words is very dark.

Last night the presence and joy in the voice on the radio radiated warmth and humor like a bubbling spring. This translated to me and I awoke feeling happier than I have in weeks. What a gift! The best contacts I have had over the years have been the ones where there is a quiet joy bubbling (yes – bubbling, I like that word because that’s what it feels like to me) all around the experience. It is always how I know there is a positive being present.

In the last couple of years not all of them have been that way – and I immediately pull out and slam the energy barrier I use up and close down the communication. James is right,

“If you don’t like what you are feeling, do a healing!” – as soon as you feel it, and then talk to whomever is left.

rep10He said so many easy positive things last night. I have not voted for 20+ years for the very same reason he hasn’t – I did blog that… He talked about ET’s and what they looked like – since christmas (yes, little c) I have created 200+ mug shots of people. I asked to see them and they just come through for me. All I had to do was ask… they are all beautiful – even the reptilians – maybe I talk to their higher selves…who knows. There isn’t an ugly one in the bunch – maybe I just see the best side of them… I mean in my mind’s eye even I look 37… grins

Just from listening to his voice last night, I felt empowered and happy and strong and life was juicy again. I know I report on some harsh topics – like my last blog post – and it is hard for me to do it – but it needs done. It has a cost. I’d love to do nothing but post about sweetness and light. However, IMO we need to be aware of these things that would rob us of choice in the matter – the blindfold so to speak, that we might take it off before we hit the chopping block.

face20I’d really love to see these people in real life instead of having them have to sneak through in a channeled drawing – but this is 3D, and it is hard for most of them to appear here, now. Well, maybe if I get better at holding a higher frequency – becoming a stable emanating point of joy like James Gilliland, then I just might be able to consciously meet those whom I’ve known existed since the day I was born. It’s something to work towards….

What is ‘really’ real: the frequency wars

I have talked about this before several times.

But it seems to need to be brought forward, yet again. The world was already really good at ‘mind control’ back in the 50′. It’s how they managed to get away with creating WWII and making it completely horrific. Since then science has lent its vast developing discovery base towards using this information to create absolute control of the human mind. As everybody who knows has pointed out, this has been a many pronged approach including all aspects of what we consider daily life: food, medicine, religion, schooling/education, government, spirituality, nature – you name it, they’ve used it. Most especially, they have used a field that we have been taught to pooh-pooh – energetics.

As early as 1998 this was published the Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army:

The Mind Has No Firewall


From Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92.


“It is completely clear that the state which is first to create such weapons will achieve incomparable superiority.” — Major I. Chernishev, Russian army[1]


The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity.[2] We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated. Examples of unplanned attacks on the body’s data-processing capability are well-documented. Strobe lights have been known to cause epileptic seizures. Not long ago in Japan, children watching television cartoons were subjected to pulsating lights that caused seizures in some and made others very sick.

Defending friendly and targeting adversary data-processing capabilities of the body appears to be an area of weakness in the US approach to information warfare theory, a theory oriented heavily toward systems data-processing and designed to attain information dominance on the battlefield. Or so it would appear from information in the open, unclassified press. This US shortcoming may be a serious one, since the capabilities to alter the data- processing systems of the body already exist. A recent edition of U.S. News and World Report highlighted several of these “wonder weapons” (acoustics, microwaves, lasers) and noted that scientists are “searching the electromagnetic and sonic spectrums for wavelengths that can affect human behavior.”[3] A recent Russian military article offered a slightly different slant to the problem, declaring that “humanity stands on the brink of a psychotronic war” with the mind and body as the focus. That article discussed Russian and international attempts to control the psycho-physical condition of man and his decisionmaking processes by the use of VHF-generators, “noiseless cassettes,” and other technologies.

An entirely new arsenal of weapons, based on devices designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter the body’s psychological and data-processing capabilities, might be used to incapacitate individuals. These weapons aim to control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism. In both cases, the goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium.

This article examines energy-based weapons, psychotronic weapons, and other developments designed to alter the ability of the human body to process stimuli. One consequence of this assessment is that the way we commonly use the term “information warfare” falls short when the individual soldier, not his equipment, becomes the target of attack. From <

The entire paper, which I encourage you to read is very enlightening and it is a DECADE OLD. When the paper was published this information was already OLD material. ( see paper for links and vetted facts) If we think at this point that we actually have a grasp of what is going on, truly, we are sorely mistaken.

While everybody is waiting for this ‘new’ information about Antarctica to drop we are not seeing the possibility that this is also a big production designed to keep us from connecting the dots. We, who think we have the deeper story, have in our hubris have not looked at the fact that the ones they would want to control the most are the ones who think independently and resist the mass media control of the minds of the sheeple. And what makes you think that we aren’t the bigger project, because we have the propensity to create more problems for them????

Here is history, fairly well done but old.

Survey of Evidence


Mind Control Experiments

by Cheryl Welsh

Director, Mind Justice

January 2003 with 2006 update

pdf Version

As director of the nonprofit group, Mind Justice, I have received over 1,800 claims of mind control since 1996. A strong case can be made that the US, Russia, and major countries are developing and conducting classified mind control nonconsensual experiments. The issue of mind control and nonconsensual experiments is addressed by European, Russian, and US legislatures, several human rights groups, and notably, the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR). This article is a summary of the mind control experimentation issue and includes the following sections.

A cold war history of electromagnetic radiation (emr) and mind control weapons development becomes public knowledge with the breakup of the USSR

Mind control experiments are similar to past nonconsensual government experiments: conducted for weaponization of the most significant scientific discoveries of the 20th century

Current US law for secret human experiments: an ongoing and almost complete lack of legal protections for human subjects of secret state experiments in the US

Emr weapons are based on two main scientific theories, according to experts, and descriptions of emr and mind control weapons include; “strictly classified,” “dehumanizing,” and “no less dangerous than mass strike weapons,” according to human rights experts

The 2002 UNIDIR endorsement of a Mind Justice article on nonlethal, emr, and mind control weapons, and nonconsensual experiments

Reported mind control symptoms and descriptions include; “a slow death,” “unbelievably sophisticated,” “vicious, amoral, sadistic, and cruel,” and “appear to be the development of weapons to neutralize the enemy without killing”

Published descriptions of US mind control victims: from the 1950s-1970s, victims were predominantly the powerless, the poor and prisoners; now victims include all walks of life, men, women, young and old, especially whistleblowers, activists, and foreigners

Published descriptions of Russian mind control victims: organized victim groups are featured in newspaper articles and victims publish books but do not get help

A cover story is now obsolete: Russia and former East Block maintain nonthermal emr biological effects are used for new weapons, US says nonthermal emr effects are not proven

Russian mind control weapons: US won emr arms race but it’s classified

Another obsolete cover story: mind control is science fiction; but what about decades-old classified emr and brain research

Discussions and legislation of mind control weapons: crippled by secrecy

Conclusion: The survey of evidence regarding mind control experiments reveal an unanticipated and far-reaching finding: a reasonable probability that the US has successfully developed sophisticated mind control weapons


The purpose is to re-mind us that they can and do target people organizations and use 3D weaponry against the global population in any way they see fit to accomplish any goal they have – whether we like it or NOT! There is plenty of testimony to this out there from just about every faction studying the fringe that you could possibly want to find – AND it is all tailored to each group’s belief structure – so as to disguise it from a bigger collection of facts because each group will again swear – their experiences are the only real true truth… Thus preventing us from COMING TOGETHER ON ALL OF THIS!!!

And Folks, THIS ONLY COVERS WEAPONS – not the use of propaganda, the infiltration of various groups that may cause them problems with dissidents, or the actual creation of rifts within those groups to depower the ability of the group to affect change within the community, not to mention the discrediting of any voice that gets too close to the truth. And to do that, they are creating a glut of information – so much so that we are so gorging on so much information that sorting it out has become a monumental task, unless you narrow down what you are looking at to only one or two interrelated topics – which further serves to keep all our eyes off the bigger picture. AND they insert very gossipy, juicy tidbits to further insure they control WHERE you look..

Then this has seemed to have ‘triggering effect’ upon those who are looking at the various information that is then causing infighting and rifts in groups of people when they reach a certain solidarity base that could become threatening to the overall control of society. Not to mention the effect of the wrong information creating the ‘cry-wolf’ response from everybody till nobody knows what to believe, or what is what – especially if you haven’t had practice in sifting through all of the information deluging your consciousness. To whit I will not get into the more fringy topics of:

  • Tech-Targeted individuals
  • Black goo
  • AI predator
  • Demonic ED’s
  • CERN
  • Montauk
  • Pizza gate
  • Apex predator
  • Pyramid conspiracy
  • Timeline and Mandela conspiracy

Energy attachments (etheric targeted individuals…just because the majority of us believe what we are told when they tell us all this kind of stuff is hooey, doesn’t mean that it is not real…ahem)

Draco reptilian-demonical-AI combination and the slave state of the planet

This is to name only the tiniest most popular current subjects… it takes a lot to sway a geek…

Ad nauseum… Which is NOT to say that any of the fringier stuff isn’t true too – because I think it might be. But the one thing I am not doing is going down the rabbit hole so far that I loose contact with the rest of the world or the ability to see the connections between things by pulling back up to a higher perspective to see it from way, way up in the air so the pattern becomes obvious.

Now, to get even more fringy: There is one more point which I have personally found relevant of late. How difficult it is to be walking out in today’s world as a sensitive. How do you determine what is real and what is not? How do you make sense of the information plus what you are perceiving in the way of true inner discernment?

The term “psycho-terrorism” was coined by Russian writer N. Anisimov of the Moscow Anti-Psychotronic Center. According to Anisimov, psychotronic weapons are those that act to “take away a part of the information which is stored in a man’s brain. It is sent to a computer, which reworks it to the level needed for those who need to control the man, and the modified information is then reinserted into the brain.” These weapons are used against the mind to induce hallucinations, sickness, mutations in human cells, “zombification,” or even death. Included in the arsenal are VHF generators, X-rays, ultrasound, and radio waves. Russian army Major I. Chernishev, writing in the military journal Orienteer in February 1997, asserted that “psy” weapons are under development all over the globe. Specific types of weapons noted by Chernishev (not all of which have prototypes) were:

A psychotronic generator, which produces a powerful electromagnetic emanation capable of being sent through telephone lines, TV, radio networks, supply pipes, and incandescent lamps.

An autonomous generator, a device that operates in the 10-150 Hertz band, which at the 10-20 Hertz band forms an infrasonic oscillation that is destructive to all living creatures.

A nervous system generator, designed to paralyze the central nervous systems of insects, which could have the same applicability to humans.

Ultrasound emanations, which one institute claims to have developed. Devices using ultrasound emanations are supposedly capable of carrying out bloodless internal operations without leaving a mark on the skin. They can also, according to Chernishev, be used to kill.

Noiseless cassettes. Chernishev claims that the Japanese have developed the ability to place infra-low frequency voice patterns over music, patterns that are detected by the subconscious. Russians claim to be using similar “bombardments” with computer programming to treat alcoholism or smoking.

The 25th-frame effect, alluded to above, a technique wherein each 25th frame of a movie reel or film footage contains a message that is picked up by the subconscious. This technique, if it works, could possibly be used to curb smoking and alcoholism, but it has wider, more sinister applications if used on a TV audience or a computer operator.

Psychotropics, defined as medical preparations used to induce a trance, euphoria, or depression. Referred to as “slow-acting mines,” they could be slipped into the food of a politician or into the water supply of an entire city. Symptoms include headaches, noises, voices or commands in the brain, dizziness, pain in the abdominal cavities, cardiac arrhythmia, or even the destruction of the cardiovascular system.

There is confirmation from US researchers that this type of study is going on. Dr. Janet Morris, coauthor of The Warrior’s Edge, reportedly went to the Moscow Institute of Psychocorrelations in 1991. There she was shown a technique pioneered by the Russian Department of Psycho-Correction at Moscow Medical Academy in which researchers electronically analyze the human mind in order to influence it. They input subliminal command messages, using key words transmitted in “white noise” or music. Using an infra-sound, very low frequency transmission, the acoustic psycho-correction message is transmitted via bone conduction.[13]

In summary, Chernishev noted that some of the militarily significant aspects of the “psy” weaponry deserve closer research, including the following nontraditional methods for disrupting the psyche of an individual:

ESP research: determining the properties and condition of objects without ever making contact with them and “reading” peoples’ thoughts

Clairvoyance research: observing objects that are located just beyond the world of the visible–used for intelligence purposes

Telepathy research: transmitting thoughts over a distance–used for covert operations

Telekinesis research: actions involving the manipulation of physical objects using thought power, causing them to move or break apart–used against command and control systems, or to disrupt the functioning of weapons of mass destruction

Psychokinesis research: interfering with the thoughts of individuals, on either the strategic or tactical level From <>

Let us suppose, that people who are awake are targeted. (how? I have no idea but with the information above I am willing to theorize that it is possible) Now add to that the empathic psychic part of the equation. People who are empaths and psychics use the only frame of reference they have to create a symbolic structure for the information that their systems pick up. This is because it is subjective. So, the only way they can bring this information into conscious symbolic recognition is through a referent system they know: their bodies and their feelings.

If the information above is correct, then this can be toyed with, altered and generally used to confuse said person. Further – if the information is correct on how they are using cell towers, cell phones, TV’s, radios, video screens and the like is correct on the general populace then the information that you pick up from the environment could also be very skewed without you knowing it and without your consent and unless you were really savvy, you would have no way of knowing or making sense of it.

Solntsev also examined the problem of “information noise,” which creates a dense shield between a person and external reality. This noise may manifest itself in the form of signals, messages, images, or other items of information. The main target of this noise would be the consciousness of a person or a group of people. Behavior modification could be one objective of information noise; another could be to upset an individual’s mental capacity to such an extent as to prevent reaction to any stimulus. Solntsev concludes that all levels of a person’s psyche (subconscious, conscious, and “superconscious”) are potential targets for destabilization.

According to Solntsev, one computer virus capable of affecting a person’s psyche is Russian Virus 666. It manifests itself in every 25th frame of a visual display, where it produces a combination of colors that allegedly put computer operators into a trance. The subconscious perception of the new pattern eventually results in arrhythmia of the heart. Other Russian computer specialists, not just Solntsev, talk openly about this “25th frame effect” and its ability to subtly manage a computer user’s perceptions. The purpose of this technique is to inject a thought into the viewer’s subconscious. It may remind some of the subliminal advertising controversy in the United States in the late 1950s. From <>

However, the first step to creating a firewall that works, is awareness of said shenanigans. The next step is know your triggers – the things and ideas that can make you react without thinking. The third step is to develop a filter that is up and running that makes you aware of incursion into your energy of any of the above.

What technologies have been examined by the United States that possess the potential to disrupt the data-processing capabilities of the human organism? The 7 July 1997 issue of U.S. News and World Report described several of them designed, among other things, to vibrate the insides of humans, stun or nauseate them, put them to sleep, heat them up, or knock them down with a shock wave.[9] The technologies include dazzling lasers that can force the pupils to close; acoustic or sonic frequencies that cause the hair cells in the inner ear to vibrate and cause motion sickness, vertigo, and nausea, or frequencies that resonate the internal organs causing pain and spasms; and shock waves with the potential to knock down humans or airplanes and which can be mixed with pepper spray or chemicals.[10]

With modification, these technological applications can have many uses. Acoustic weapons, for example, could be adapted for use as acoustic rifles or as acoustic fields that, once established, might protect facilities, assist in hostage rescues, control riots, or clear paths for convoys. These waves, which can penetrate buildings, offer a host of opportunities for military and law enforcement officials. Microwave weapons, by stimulating the peripheral nervous system, can heat up the body, induce epileptic-like seizures, or cause cardiac arrest. Low-frequency radiation affects the electrical activity of the brain and can cause flu-like symptoms and nausea. Other projects sought to induce or prevent sleep, or to affect the signal from the motor cortex portion of the brain, overriding voluntary muscle movements. The latter are referred to as pulse wave weapons, and the Russian government has reportedly bought over 100,000 copies of the “Black Widow” version of them.[11]

However, this view of “wonder weapons” was contested by someone who should understand them. Brigadier General Larry Dodgen, Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Policy and Missions, wrote a letter to the editor about the “numerous inaccuracies” in the U.S. News and World Report article that “misrepresent the Department of Defense’s views.”[12] Dodgen’s primary complaint seemed to have been that the magazine misrepresented the use of these technologies and their value to the armed forces. He also underscored the US intent to work within the scope of any international treaty concerning their application, as well as plans to abandon (or at least redesign) any weapon for which countermeasures are known. One is left with the feeling, however, that research in this area is intense. A concern not mentioned by Dodgen is that other countries or non-state actors may not be bound by the same constraints. It is hard to imagine someone with a greater desire than terrorists to get their hands on these technologies. “Psycho-terrorism” could be the next buzzword. From <>

Seems like a tall order. But it’s not and you can do this by practicing one thought. Is this awareness mine or not mine. Be aware that trickery created with the body and the emotions is rampant – in other words: if you have no reason to feel what you feel in the body, and no reason the feel the emotions are you feeling, then look at it – pick it a part, analyze it and it will become obvious one way or the other, that it is yours or not yours. If it is not yours or you, then you can flick it off your consciousness much like you flick a mosquito off your arm. You know its meaningless. But that’s also the cue to look deeper.

Please realize that the Alt community is being targeted with everything in the arsenal right now, because we really are at the tipping point – The hundredth monkey point, where this is about to break out into the mainstream like it has always been there. TPTB want to avoid this at all costs and if they can disrupt the cohesion of the many groups and figureheads – the stars of this genre, as it were, out there that have almost mainstream sway – they will.

There is a way to deal with the bullshit. It is by knowing yourself. By learning to become sovereign. By calling bullshit when you encounter it. There is a way to deal with purposeful disinformation and confusion. Sort it. Look for the patterns. Pull back from it and look at it from above like a hawk circling a field. Vet EVERYTHING. Leave no stone unturned. USE your will power and



Good Information Resource


Distraction: Oh look! 3D!!! (squirrel)




noun: hologram; plural noun: holograms

  1. a three-dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams from a laser or other coherent light source

From <>

Ok, I’ve got admit it – this word…  I’ve hated this word because it has always implied fake – or manmade or computer generated. But really, by the definition above, it isn’t.

If you look at the sacred geometry of the underlying structure of the universe, all matter is a fractal piece of the first photon – the Amplituhedron. When it fractalized it created infinite pieces of itself (sort of like a big bang, but NOT in matter, in LIGHT)

The universe is a conscious entity. We are told over and over in EVERY piece of sacred literature, that we have become so that Source may know its self. Which makes this universe a conscious hologram and everything in it, conscious.

In fact, if you look at it from this perspective, not only are we all connected – we are all the ‘body’ of this universe projected from one source experiencing itself in an infinity of choices. We ARE nature, we ARE consciousness. (Have you ever thought that we are living on the electrons of the atoms of a huge body – the universe – and then wondered what the people are like who live on the electrons of the atoms in your body?)

This makes reality a projected illusion within the conscious hologram of the living being of the universe. This source consciousness is experiencing itself by slowing down its awareness into harmonic resonances and at each stage we have a different type of beingness, or manifestation – much light water has three states (four if you are up on the latest research, but let’s keep this easy) or much like the rainbow you get when you break light through a prism…

The whole idea in the frequency we live in, 3D, is to bring awareness – source consciousness into this physical level we inhabit. Perception… This is better known as intuition at its highest function in this frequency band we knock around in. In fact, Intuition IS the basic informational structure in nature associated with perception, it underlies everything – this knowingness that we have.

Remember when I talked about us being so intuitive that we couldn’t stand ourselves some articles back? Well, we are . We jump through all sorts of hoops to not notice. And why do we think it necessary to not notice? Because we have been trained that it is bad – of the devil – we have been hung, burnt at the stake and murdered for it. But it’s always there. We however are so mind-fucked (excuse the word, but truth is truth) that we will do anything to ignore this basic unit of perception.

And funnily enough, this type of perception, intuition is the one that most clearly connects us to the source.

So, can you see that the entire purpose of the current controlling system we all labor under has been to cut us off from our connection to the source of the life force that flows through us – is us – for the purpose of controlling us, corralling us, and herding us?

The funny thing is this source is the makeup of our being and all we have to do is turn our inner eyes to it and look – There it is!!! Now if the controllers can keep us distracted long enough by all the bullshit, we will forget to look, and that is exactly what they want from us with each new stupid thing they manufacture to keep us distracted. You all know what they are and how they work. They are all fun toys – but take a minute each day – put all the ideas and gadgets down and open your inner eyes and thank the source for the intuition, energy and awareness flowing through your metaphysical self.

Because you can be awake and have your toys too. It’s just a matter of realizing you know what you know. Sort of like when you were little and you stubbed your toe or skinned your knee and your mom told it wasn’t that bad – but it was and it hurt! And you knew it! Also, miraculously you could alter your perception, dial down the pain and accept her kiss on the booboo for the magic it was. Once we reconnect we will be in a position to design our experiences the way we desire them and we will not really need the toys anymore, but we can still have them should we choose. But we have to re-member ourselves into the universe first. The distractions like boo-boo kisses and toys only work up to a certain point and then yah gotta look.

I’d volunteer or, ‘Ignoring The Pink Elephant In The Living Room”

All I could think last night and this morning while listening to Dr. Michael Salla on Fade to Black, was that I would volunteer for these programs. Straight up. I’ve known since I was a kid that there were ‘aliens’. Even when I didn’t know it. The first time I actually encountered the idea a bolt of energy charged through my system and made all the fine hairs on my body stand up – YES!!!! was my only thought. And on the heels of that thought was “I want more!”

I began my whole story with a first contact at 5 or 6 years old in my head – telepathy. Then my dad had a friend who when he heard I was interested in ‘flying saucers’ (because in those days they weren’t called UFO’s) he very sweetly got me a membership to NICAP and I got mailed straight to my house their monthly publications. He was also the one who took me to the premier of 2001 in Chicago when it came out. By then I had found George Adamski, Howard Menger, George Van Tassel, Gray Barker, Lobsang Rampa, which lead me to the Theosophical Society, the white brotherhood, and then there was the day Star Trek came out and I saw my first Vulcan. They made Spock the perfect alien, everything the ’60’s contact crowd said an alien should be. I wanted to meet a Vulcan with all my heart – even if they weren’t real. I NEVER missed an episode. When I had my tonsils out in 6th grade we even made sure that I was awake for the weekly Thursday episode (bless my mom’s heart). By that time I had already run into information like the atomic clock – the one that shows how many minutes we were to midnight and nuclear destruction and had run head on into all of the end-of-the-world scenarios, fully rejected them and vowed to make sure that didn’t happen. I had had a couple of interesting telepathic experiences and had no idea what-so-ever about negative ET’s. I was still convinced they were all like the guys (Adamski et al) said they were. From childhood though, I had had the meanies in the closet, the ‘presence’ that could not be seen but only felt, and all sorts of nasties in my night life, but I had chalked those up to ‘ghosts’ because I could never see them, only feel them. (maybe its time for a re-think…) I was always thinking about it and the saucer people. One day a couple of months after my tonsils were out, while I was sitting outside I threw my mind way up into the sky and practically shouted “Hello!!!” in my head – but up there. When something turned and looked at me – heard me and it was simultaneously surprised, annoyed and curious. I have never run back inside the house so fast in all my life! And then I spent quite a few days trying to mentally hide… But to say I was completely absorbed about flying saucers and the saucer people, would be a vast understatement.

I think it was interesting to find out last night that Solar Warden manufactured it’s ships in the Wasatch Mountains. The Mormons have their huge repository vaults on the way up to Alta in the Wasatch Canyon. I used to pass it all the time on the way up to ski. My dad took us there every year from ’65 to ’69. and I worked for a season up there just so I could be a ski bum in ’74. It was a different sort of place. It was safe and yet open to the stars. That was one of the best times in my life, even if the little town of Alta got wrecked by an avalanche exactly to the day it had 100 years previously. I can definitely see that those mountains would be an excellent place to build ships.

Where I am leading to with all this reminiscing is that, in all that time, if someone had told me I could go in space, I would have volunteered in a flat second!! I am sure a lot of people would. Here we are wondering if the world could bear learning that we are not alone – when we all KNOW in the back of our minds that we KNOW we are not. Government disclosure be dashed! We don’t need Gov’t disclosure – we already KNOW, and besides, we also KNOW:




All of us are disclosure. We already know. We just need to agree to stop playing the insane game the gov’t has set up for us called ‘Ignoring The Pink Elephant In The Living Room’.


p.s. if I was young enough, knowing what I know now, I would bug people till they gave in out of sheer need to escape my incessant mental barrage from asking…

If you are alive today…

If you are a normal human being alive today, walking around on this earth, then you are a human hybrid. There are all sorts of DNA with in our 3D and energetic bodies. The 3D bodies are made of part annunaki and part pre-annunaki plus all the variations that have been added in and tinkered with by the genetic farmer races. In thousands of years the DNA within the human genome has become extremely homogenized – even if you think you were descendant from the line of royals currently on this planet. There is no way to avoid the fact that we are ALL mutts. In a way that makes us all stronger on a structural level.

Then we have the energetic DNA. Yes there IS such a thing. We have now measured something called Biophotons given off by the body. It derives from the fact that DNA is a light structure. It has been proven that it can be changed with light and sound vibration by experimenters in Russia.

The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of DNA. In brief the bottom line was: “Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation.” This means that they managed, for example, to modulate certain frequency patterns (sound) onto a laser-like ray which influenced DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself

They even captured information patterns of a particular DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus reprogramming cells to another genome. So they successfully transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns! This way the entire information was transmitted without any of the side effects or disharmonies encountered when cutting out and re-introducing single genes from the DNA. From <>



When hyper-communication occurs, one can observe supernatural phenomena in the DNA, as well as in the human.

The Russian scientists irradiated DNA samples with laser light.

Many controlled experiments showed that the pattern continued to remain stable after the DNA was removed. The energy field of the sample apparently remained in that location all by itself.

[In fact, the DNA Phantom continued for up to a month after the sample was removed!]

This effect is now called the DNA Phantom Effect. It is surmised that energy from outside of space and time still flows through activated micro-wormholes after the DNA was removed.

From <>

So, we all need to stop, think, and remember when this information about the Arcatlantians comes out that, our DNA since then has been put in a blender and whirrrrred about for quite some time and the question of identification by 3D characteristics alone is as silly as our racial bias today, AND WE ALL KNOW THIS.

This lovely body of mine, that has carried me now for 63+ years has worked hard to stay balanced and fit and happy, has never once stopped breathing or the heart stopped beating and with all the abuse I have given it, still runs on like a Timex watch. Therefore, I give it my gratitude every day for its functioning and feed it well.

But it is NOT my identity. I got a lot of shit for being short, red haired and female over the years. Lots of people assumed quite wrongly, things about me that made no sense to me. It started me thinking very young about the me that is identified as this body vs. the me that lived inside of it.

This body is just the accumulation of experience of my time in this place in this now – a record, if you will, of the whole thing, like a walking memory stick. It’s an expression in a way, of the me that lives inside of it – but only a miniscule part of the whole me.

My point with all of this is that, when the information about Arcatlantis comes out (and it already is) remember the genetics are going to be ‘interesting’ and will be used as another ploy to separate and divide us as living souls. I ask you to keep this in mind and resist the temptation to further divide us as souls having a human experience and to rise above any all divisive feelings, to look inside and know that really, we are all just energy playing in matter, trying to have a fun time, on vacation and there is soooooo much more to life than what you look like.

The ancient war that migrated to this planet, based on the idea that one form is greater than and more important than another, and carried forward by not only the pre Adamites, but by the genetic farmers, was an attempt to keep the genetic experiments (us) from being contaminated (with each other). This then was picked up and used by the reptilians for the energetic farming of the population and strengthened into the fear of anything different. Quite efficient, don’t you think? Get them to hate each other and then the DNA sequence we are working on will not get muddled up. Kinda like petri dishes, but energetically (ideas) made and self perpetuated, and the Reptilians get extra loosh/food energy off us in the bargain!!!

In the near future we will be able to change our DNA with a thought, a sound, light, and energy exchange. If we can ever get there and not be bamboozled into killing ourselves off once again because of the people out there who are frightened of us, should we actually grow up.

So really, this is just a heads up. It’s getting very interesting and I can see how the cabal will try to manipulate the coming information to get us all to feed them once again…



“Remember that in dealing with the insane or wild, you must first gentle them before any progress can be made.”

The Opened Heart plus the Enlightened Mind

The Opened Heart plus the Enlightened Mind becomes the third (trinary) co-creative possibility that forms our reality, instantaneously. The Opened Heart is one that has healed or is healing from the pit that the controllers have made of this world. The Enlightened Mind is the one that sees through the tricks to understand how it was done. The two together are what formulate the passion that arises from within that not only has the power to walk away from it all, but to co-create with the earth a new paradigm.

We see the healing of the heart going on all around us daily as I mentioned in my last little blip, and we are coming to realize the mind-management that we are dealing with even in the alternative information fields as we uncover all the damage that has been done and see the directing influence trying to point us back down into darkness.

Here is where the nitty gritty work begins. Because we must be aware of the causes of our trashed world and our mind cages to be able to CHOOSE to say no. And then, we must have an enormous power of love behind it all to choose not to exact revenge, but to disempower the whole thing by choosing to love the entire world and heal it, instead.

However you are called to do this is the way it should be done. There will be as many ways as there are people, once our subconscious-consensus realizes the power we have to create and heal. And we will. Because we were made that way. We were made to love and cherish all of what and whom we encounter. We were made to stand and emit waves of intelligent infinity, or love to all of creation. We were made to be creators. We are known, even at this dark level of mind we are breaking out of as ‘clever’ people throughout the galaxy. When we figure out how to operate above where we are now, with this intelligent infinity shinning out from us and co-create with all that we encounter, then truly, will we have come into our birthright to be a gift to creation.

This was an epiphany I had back in grade school. I had just encountered the idea of world-ending-disaster and was so destroyed at the possibility that I could barely function. I was sitting staring out my window searching for a different truth from somewhere, when the idea of a shining earth, and enlightened, wonderful people creating a frequency of love so bright and beautiful that it streamed throughout the galaxy (I thought small in those days) and that all who felt it would come here for healing and love. The intuitive hit was so strong, it was so wondrous and beautiful that it completely cured the sadness over what I considered from that moment on – wrong information. That was when I stopped believing in the bible and all of what I considered it’s twisted meanness. I knew with every fiber of my being that the radiant earth was the real truth.

I have struggled all my life to step away from mean spirited, small minded, divisive, exclusionary minds. Nothing has caused me greater pain. Because of that, I have barely lived ‘in’ this world. I’ve floated the edges, staying away from systems and entrenchments. Because of that, I have accomplished very little in the way this world judges success, but it doesn’t matter. What does matter to me, is clarity of mind, perception and a sensitive heart. All of which, in any of us who are awake has been through the ringer of late.

And yet, I keep getting those intuitive hits that say ‘Look! Look around – it’s gotten better, take heart, it is happening’. We just need to stay the course, hold the vision and never give up. (Kinda of like that last sit up…you know you can do it) To compare this to the birthing process – we are in transition. Hold on to your hats because it really truly is happening. It is already real.


Have you noticed lately that we are all becoming? Becoming new, different and shedding much from our systems that we don’t want? People we know are finding the courage to become new lovers, new husbands and wives, new healers, new writers and podcasters, new artists and truth tellers? This theme of new is emerging in the subconscious consensus much the same way the new green shoots of grass and the budding of the leaves on the trees in spring happens.

Underneath all the world’s current supposed ugliness, new growth is happening and coming out all over the place like spring flowers in a forest poking through last year’s decayed leaves. There seems to be a loosening of the old constraints around our creative souls, around the expression of our true selves. I’m seeing it everywhere I look, and not because I was looking for it beforehand. It’s because it’s in my face. (now if we could just do something about my face…lmao)

There is an undercurrent of joy emerging in the face (there is that word again) of the starkest conditions outside of WWII I have ever witnessed. And it’s NOT a movement – an exterior idea that everybody is getting on the bandwagon with – no – it’s a true emergence from inside the genuine spirit of humanity.

It’s a new vibe, a new inner loosening of ages of sadness, a wonder to behold. I am thankful beyond belief. It’s contagious too. Just seeing it lightens my heart and asks me to widen the crack in my old heart that the joy and light might get in a bit more. To me it heralds the upliftment of Gaia from the very vibe of the universe and we are the expression of that. It’s happening – it’s finally beginning. The best thing is, the more it spreads, through the undercurrent of the consensus mind of the world, the more people will begin to be touched by it. It’s algorithmic. Spreading like an avalanche.

All I can say from what I have seen is that this under current of growth, opening and joy is what I have been waiting for all my life. It gives me hope for this planet and its peoples and our role in the future.

Carry on…

The Round File

Jimmy Church made an excellent point last night with a call in guest at the last of the show when the ‘who-to-believe’ question came up. Everybody who says anything in this field, IMO, has a valid contribution to make according to their experience and their view point. It is when you lay it ALL out on the table, so to speak, and look at it from a standing viewpoint, instead of up close that you begin to sus-out the pattern in front of you.

THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT to do. In fact, it is a must, if you want to try to understand for yourself, and employ discernment. You remember the two famous examples that illustrate this point, I’m sure: Telephone game and the Three Blind Men and the Elephant.

In the telephone game, you whisper a sentence down the line of five or more people into the ear of the person next to you and so on until you reach the end of the line. Each person repeats what they heard as closely as they can. When you get to the end of the line the first person says out loud what was first said and the last person then repeats what was whispered to him out loud. They never, ever, match!

Then there is the parable of the Three Blind Men and the Elephant. In a nut shell they all get to touch a different part of the elephant and each one is totally convinced that his part is what the elephant truly is. Yet, we who can see know differently.

Can I just say that the way the earth has been managed the last seven or eight thousand years, or just the last 70 or 89 years alone, has made blind men of us all. We each think that we have the definitive answer, when we only have a teeensy-tiny piece of the whole grand picture.

This picture spans not only consciousness, science, society, culture, money, food, climate, propaganda, history, folk legends, myths the occult and paranormal, but ET’s, ED’s indigenous entities and extra-dimensions and parallel universes. There are whole universes to look at, with a plan towards keeping humanity so mixed up that we will never know.

Within our ‘genre’ alone we have investigators that have spent lifetimes researching various areas that have come up with what I would consider interesting and applicable information – but only in their one tiny sector. Poo-pooing ANYBODY’s interpretation or research only serves to plant your head deeper into the sand.

The point is;  IT ALL GOES TOGETHER.

I repeat:


And it’s going to take    ALL OF US    working side by side to figure it out. History is always written by the victors and this story goes back in time before the earth was livable and spans galaxies. So, it’s a good guess we will never know the whole story – especially that of the peoples like us coming out of enslavement and ignorance, their story counts too and is just as necessary to understanding the purpose behind all of this as the victor’s point to view.

So are you catching my drift here? Nothing can be discounted. Truth comes from the soul’s experience and each experience happens differently from each person, and on this planet alone, that makes a trillion different stories from a trillion different viewpoints, all having their own relevance. So keep an open mind and build that round file in an extradimensional space so it can be big enough for the amount of information needed to go into it, and remember every so often to shake it up and look at the emerging pattern on the table – the bigger picture…

Fade on….

Be still, and listen.


Thursday, February 9, 2017

11:17 AM

It is all coming together, every last bit of it. I have been quiet because the confluence (an act or process of merging. From <> ) of information and events is falling into place, beautifully, almost hypnotically. And I, it seems, have reached a point of just floating in the river… I am swept away just observing it all. Right now, I have no more opinions, and I have no more theories (except that the theories have become distractions) and no more busy-mind.

I have come to a point of stillness on it all as I watch it all play out. This stillness is not easy, yet it is not hard to maintain. It just is and it has been emerging from me since before christmas. Usually I write in a flurry of opinion and ‘Ah Ha!’ but there has been way to much of that to even keep up with, besides, I have written before about much of what is being spoken about today with authority. I thought to re-post some of my old writings, but they can live where they are in the past. They are there should anybody need them.

I am filled with stillness – not even anticipation, I am simply watching this grand story unfold. I am listening to all the chatter in the outer world and finding things falling into place, one brick at a time as that ‘yellow brick road’ unfolds before me.

So, join me – watch… it is quite the story.