Normalization pt2 – (IMO)

Think about everything in the multiple phenomena that embraces UFO’s and paranormal as normal. What if that huge missing piece, which has been in front of our eyes always, had been normalized into our body of experience as humans. What an interesting place this could be. But alas, it hasn’t.

Because the military was only concerned about nuts and bolts – because it was the only way they could envision to protect and understand the issue, and because they were (IMO) quite terrified of anything in the 3D world they couldn’t understand so it became a threat. All other reports from the 40’s on were classified as ‘psychological’, and stored in some dusty drawer in some back office and deemed as nonsensical.

But just imagine what could have, would have happened if they took their own people’s reports seriously because those cases filed under psychological were actually the core contact cases, but they had one serious flaw. They were testimony only. From the point of view of the military, they not only had no secret nuts and bolts information to give them about the tech that could advance their power, they also could be lies, because after all it was only ‘testimony’. People lie. They did all the time to, shall we say, to protect humanity from themselves and to protect their power position in controlling humanity. So people lie. Because there is no sure-fire way to determine the veracity of testimony unless physical evidence is found to corroborate it, and there was no physical evidence most of the time left behind in these cases…aaand testimony doesn’t count. So file that under psychological…. Even when there was evidence of the physical kind to back up the testimony, it was confiscated, threats were given to keep quiet, and in those days there was a bit of wet work that was used too. Ergo, another other piece of the puzzle was hidden, shushed up and forgotten – on purpose. I realize this was directly after WWll, and into the cold war – which was basically a standoff because…well, Everybody Lies. (Personally I think that even if we were telepaths, we still would not know the truth because we even believe some of those lies that we tell – just ask any alcoholic.)

So, Normalization. After what Linda Moulton Howe said on the panel at Conscious Life Expo, I got a better handle on why disclosure has been so difficult for the PtB (powers that be) to bring this into the normal reality of the ‘way things are’.

We are race of believers. We need to attach our hearts and emotions to a larger “cause”. We were created this way. In America and everywhere else, we link our ‘cherished’ belief systems to our way of life, our families, our security, the corner bakery, and Sunday mornings. We have been told for a very long time the ‘story’ of how things were, we have developed ‘cult’s around the Christian mythos – and every other ‘religious’ belief system on the planet. Were we to learn the actual facts about the real operation say, back in the 50’s or 60’s, we would have had another world war on our hands. ( For heaven’s sake, a president was even killed over this. ) If we had been told the truth, we would have had the time to normalize and come into the idea gradually that ET’s and others are real (so maybe he wasn’t a ‘God’ he was a ‘son-of-man’ – he even told us so), and our history would be at this point radically different. The timeless principles He taught are valid because they are universal laws – applicable anywhere in the universe you live, that all races eventually evolve to know or perish. But because belief makes you weak and controllable, and that is unacceptable on this world, instead of growing we actually killed the messenger. Three freaking times! (If you were an ET, just how safe do you think it would be to land on the Whitehouse lawn?)

If what LMH learned in the room with Richard Doty that fateful day where she was being secretly filmed when she was given the information – is truth, that not only once, but three times teachers were sent to earth to open the hearts and minds of the planet and

every time we murdered them

What if the Christ story we know and love and has been told so far back into history wasn’t exactly the way we know it, what would it do to our structure of control? When it finally sank in for her, and when her ‘voice’ asked her, “What does it matter?” that Christ may have been a great teacher from off planet who came here to help… My question is really, what does it matter? He was right, where ever he came from. And everybody on this tiny rock has been trying in one way or another to emulate those teachings for the love and grace they hold with in their principles, for the ultimate change they could make inside our hearts towards one another. It’s been a tough run. 2000+ years later we are still abysmal failures at it.

So here we are. “Cults” – UFOs. – “Gods” = CONTROL, everything beautiful reduced to who can use it for the greatest control. The only option left open to those who would wish to ‘teach’ the planet about how to play nice in sandbox earth is something a kin to a fake alien invasion, and world government in tiny baby steps. Why? Because all the rest of us souls living here only want peace and family and a way to get through life in a meat suit with a minimum of pain and the ability to hold those we love close. We might actually believe anything if it would provide that. Seriously.

But the problem is, since the creation of that story the aim has been control regardless of the ultimate truth in it and it has been twisted to encourage what we see in culture today. Everything we think we know has been twisted, or to use a less threatening word, modified to produce the greatest amount of control over society by getting the people to willingly control themselves.

I can’t help but wonder how it would have gone down if we accepted testimony with the same veracity that we accept ‘proof’? If we could have normalized – learned about and dealt with the real story 100 years ago? What an unusual sort of twisted place this planet is. Amazing really, when you really see.

Plausible Deniability – again…Sigh


I had said in one of my articles from 2018 that it would come to this… and, it has.

It bothers me that the above (plausible deniability for the government being the impetus for new business models like TTS.) is being shifted very slowly into the corporate sector   …I can’t shake the feeling that something very tricky is going on right underneath our noses and when we figure it out, we are NOT going to like it at all

From <>


So, here’s to tricky.

Sources say the key to understanding current denials of UFO studies in AATIP comes from a phrase stamped on each page of the BAASS Ten Month Report obtained by Popular Mechanics:

“The information is proprietary and cannot be disseminated or used without prior written consent from the Operating Manager of BAASS.”

Gordon, whose area of expertise is in federal contractor misconduct, contractor accountability, and government privatization, says running the “commercial in confidence” program through AATIP is consistent with how the DoD deals with programs it wants to keep secret. “Whether it’s right or not is another story,” Gordon says, “but everything sounds very common for how black budget programs run.”

The DIA may have had extensive access to the UFO materials, but because all of the data technically belonged to BAASS, under the Economic Espionage Act of 1996, disclosing or releasing proprietary materials provided to the government in confidence is a federal crime. Essentially, the DIA’s UFO program was set up to circumvent FOIA requests and avoid having to discuss UFOs publicly.


There you have it.


And I can’t seem the shake the emotional impact of the thought that it’s all real, when I listen to most speakers in this new year of 2020, or read excellent articles like the one above from popular Mechanics. I just keep saying quietly to myself in my head to the rest of all my selves, “One day they are going to realize that it’s all real – it’s all true – it’s all connected.” and in light of that all the people who worked so hard to hide the truth, twist the truth are going to be shown for what they are. So will all those motives, how this mess all got started and why it became so convoluted. Why the process has taken so long and how it has the power -still- to totally devastate some very good people through well entrenched and beloved ideas about their lives, if they are not careful about how they let this really go down. From what I can tell there are some very interesting players in this game out there and I’m pretty sure we are only seeing, maybe, about a third of them and maybe over half are off the planet, and the other half are really different – not just breakaways…aaand, it’s ALL real. It’s the darnedest surety of feeling that just intrudes into whatever I’m listening to. It’s almost as if it is coded into the audio subliminally. Odd.