No injuries when I awoke. I made it to 5:30 am.

I caught Kerry Cassidy’s live stream yesterday. She had on someone who’s in the asteroid-planet X camp. They talked about how all the observatories are closed bc CV. And speculated that all the earth’s wonkiness is being caused by the gravitic disturbance of a larger body. That CV was a ruse to keep us in shelter bc of the incoming debris of the planet X. Which of course had me thinking of Carol Rosin’s time line and Randy Cramer’s time line that he has talked about in recent interviews. I’m not sure why his time line has stuck with me – but it has.

    • Virus
    • Civil war ( we are piss poor at that – all we want is peace)
    • Super Power war (we don’t want that either)
    • Alien invasion
      1. Blame it all on them
      2. Limited air to ground action
      3. Excuse to get rid of all the underground bases
      4. Will be with an insectoid race (who are our friends and bc hive mind, when the die they are not lost they are just reborn)
      5. To get people to focus on a planetary level
      6. And…. Bring out some of the ‘big tech’
    • New aliens arrive who are very human to ‘help’
    • We win: We break through the glass ceiling on three important points
      1. ET embargo
      2. Trade embargo (with rest of the solar system and other places)
      3. Consciousness embargo

I even dreamt of friendly bugs with big fractal eyes and proboscises night before last. They were friendly.

Is CV the event? Is the asteroid debris part of the event? Is this currently the event, the happening, the whatever? (so right here is when the answer came through)

Whatever because we are stuck here. Whatever because if you live 3D, then your main task is to BE 3D. To live well, to ‘come up to snuff’ where the planet and the human organism (the entire planetary biomass of all 3D who live here) are healthy for the earth. THAT is what must be done by us. 3D work.

Even if you are a ‘so-called’ ruler or steward and hate the rest of us useless eaters, guess what? You are 3D too. Because of your hate and separatism, you have managed to make quite the mess, and “Until you clean your room up, you can’t come out of it.” It’s one of those JUST-DOOO-IT things,  Git-er Done…

I guess that message has already been delivered. I’m feeling like they are such children, they don’t even know how to delegate or use the resources they do have. All they can do is mess people up for their own glorification, manipulate and lie, tying hearts and minds up in confused knots.

That is why I republished the ‘The deer’s cry’ yet again – “At Tara in this fateful hour”… because it is a fateful hour on all levels: spiritual, magical, physical – all of it, because it is now.

Wake up now.

Look now.

Cast the light now.

Extend the love now.

Invoke your souls now.

Stand as one planet now.

Now is exactly the time.

Now is gathering.

Now is here.


All the peoples on this planet, corporeal and not, earthlings and others,

All who reside with, within, and around,

It Is Now.


Not someday, not when and if, not maybe – but,



No more waiting: for Q, for the ET’s, for the Gods,

No more sitting, watching, or gnashing of teeth,

We have arrived at that time.

It is now.


We are the magic

We are the protection

We are the power

We are the healers

And we must all activate because,


For the earth, for us…

At Tara in this fateful hour,


I place all Heaven with its power,


And the sun with its brightness,


And the snow with its whiteness,


And the fire with all the strength it hath,


And the lightning with its rapid wrath,


And the wind with its swiftness along its path,


And the sea with its deepness,


And the rocks with their steepness,


And the Earth with its starkness,


All these I place


By Source’s almighty help and grace


Between Gaia and the powers of darkness

This is from a magical book: A Swiftly Tilting Planet a novel by Madeleine L’Engle. She adapted St. Patrick’s Rune, or the “fáeth fiada a hainm” – translating to the ‘Deer’s Cry’.



Things must change so that they can be put back together better…maybe. Things are quieter in the world, but only on the face of it. People awakening is kinda nitty-gritty. Everyone wants everyone else to do it their way, but no one has enough information to make any decisions at all. (I think I was right about the invasion – the nano-invasion, by the tiniest chemical army ever.)

Why can’t people just ‘leave-be’ and let everyone come to it on their own? It seems to be an ‘authority’ thing you get from being a kid. Its like a mind virus, nobody has figured out that you are supposed to grow up and adult your own thoughts with adequate information – not fear.

Compassionate understanding has helped me unwind my soul, both in the world and up close. Especially when the body of knowledge that people would draw upon was taught inadequately or is just flat out wrong. Its easy to become irrational because there are no real facts or knowledge to draw upon. Viruses and bacterium are a part of our natural biome. So is energy. These two worlds are invisible but we can change our 3D world by using them. We live in a very rich, many itemed vegetable soup that has come together to create what we are today. We have to figure out how to come into balance with what has recently awakened in society.

I have felt many things going on, on many levels in the world – fighting for dominance over each other, for power over instead of power with – or balance. This time I feel its going to fall out differently. Its going to have to be a both-and, instead of an either-or. Infinite diversity in infinite combination. IDIC I feel we are going to have to sink our teeth into that  and get it right – or pretty close to right this time because we have arrived at a biological bottleneck. It feels like we are being driven to a ‘thing’ – a concept, that unless we embrace the human race, a lot us of will not quite make it through that bottleneck intact.

Many think it is an awareness inside that we are all one or at least in the same soup pot, and we are, but the awareness will emerge so that, ‘I know that you know, that I know’. Its hard for that to emerge if everybody is scared out their wits by an enemy they cannot see. When we get past this little cv hiccup, and this realization of a new sort of unity settles over us like a blanket, that morning we open our eyes and fear will be a thing of the past.

Currently the fear is, of course, weaponized against us, trying to keep us separated in an ineffective attempt to sabotage this. But that will only prolong the current situation a little bit and make the acceptance of our oneness just that more powerful. What they don’t understand, those who would ward this off, is that this awareness doesn’t mean loss of cherished self, it just means more friends, compassionate understanding, a freeing up , an allowance to let you be you and me be me. Rather than the old paradigm that says you must be just like me so I am not scared of you. That is an old survival instinct that we must get over and evolve beyond. And I know that’s hard to do – just think of the ‘Ninja-spider-dance’ we all do! It’s an instinct that has kept us alive for a very long time.

So, how do you get over fear? Well, you get mad, or you educate yourself. Education causes curiosity. Curiosity leads to imagination, which for this human race leads to creation (or MacIvering).  Look at it this way, we have experienced education – like loading a hard drive full of useful programs, but over 3/4s of us never get to use the system. Everybody waits to be given and told the information instead of turning on the machine and using it to think and self educate.

IMO nobody seems to be able to think this CV bullshit through, partially because they have been force fed bad information. (GIGO Garbage in, garbage out.) And, sadly, because they have not been given the permission to think… This has had the effect of putting the entire planet in a pickle because we don’t know what to do. We are trying to move forward on too little information, most of it wrong, based on wrong or out dated assumptions and nobody seems to want to stand back to look at the bigger picture to hone in on any other direction or information stream. Also, even so, people have been taught not to accept what they see right before their very own eyes because they have been educated that they have NO RIGHT to use their own operating systems.

There are many ways this can go into the future and the more people on a similar path, the bigger and stronger the path becomes. I sit and watch, holding the intention that the path be wide, be filled with compassionate understanding, creativity and love.

It may take a minute, but I think we’ll land on our feet.

Knowledge and truth save us from chaos: tempering them with compassion and tolerance makes us human. Without those things fanatics feed on fear and ignorance, the same way they did in Salem 300 years ago, the same way they did in the Holocaust, the same way they did before Martin Luther King, The examples are endless.

To Go Back Home

I wonder how long my thoughts will be mine, and not some errant cluster of numbers in a giant AI, or be lost somewhere where I am not allowed to think them. I wonder how long it will be until I no longer notice that I have thoughts, or that the things that I used to think are no longer even in my wheelhouse to think?

I woke up yesterday with an ache in my heart to go back to somewhere, but I couldn’t figure out where. It had the flavor of ‘home’, but that hasn’t been home for over 20+ years, so it couldn’t be that. And yet – I felt like a fish out of water all day, bereft and missing a somewhere. It wasn’t till late in the afternoon that I realized what it was.

‘Home’ was the world before cv, but even more, it was the world before water wasn’t good for you – when it was good to even drink it out of the garden hose on hot summer afternoons. When food was wholesome for you, where it came straight from the farmer to the store or out of your garden. When the ground wasn’t covered in dust particulates made of heavy metals and God knew what else. Where the grass was just grass without sprayed chemicals to make it pretty turning it into bad things for bare feet. Where fishing in a stream or pond meant you could eat what you caught without fear of the chemical pollution in the water and thusly in the fish, poisoning you. Where being with other people was a safe and happy thing, and where nature was your mother, not something distressed and angry. Back when humanity could be human. I am in mourning.

The last month or so, I have been deep in the rabbit hole of this cv nightmare, hunting the white papers, educating and reminding my self of my college cell biology, and listening to the atrocities that the Gates and Fauci’s of the world want to visit on the human race just because they have tons of money and hate most of us. I am totally blasted by those whose complete lack of humanity and total hubris would even think to perpetuate such crimes against humanity and all of the different offshoots done by petty tyrants that are being used to increase human suffering!

My soul hurts, and I want to go home.

I am done trying to out smart the crafty, the liars, fearing what I put in my body doing more harm than good. I am done with the medical establishment’s ‘Here take this pill and call me in the morning’. Take this, take that, and then you are going to need this because the side effects are worse than the cure. Damned OVER it. What most medicine does today is give a new coat of paint over a rusty body, while most of us need to clean the engine, shine up the chrome, maybe put new gaskets on the oil tank and rotors on the brakes.

So, before my ability to know myself is 5G’ed out of me, before I am condensed into a string of data bits out there, somewhere, before I loose my humanity and compassion, before the police state takes over completely…

The human race is so beautiful. We adapt, we change, we share our selves, even our very own body wisdom, when we are together. We have ‘herd’ immunity – one persons body overcomes a pathogen and we share it energetically and physically and get over it faster. The only times we haven’t are when we have changed the electric state of the world.

(side trip here)

In the 1700’s the world discovered electricity and declared it as a ‘property’ of life. In the 1860’s when we began electrifying the earth with the telegraph, we also discovered and named a disease called ‘anxiety disorder’. By 1889 we made the great discovery called alternating current available to the world and we also discovered influenza, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. With each new electrification of the world, we have also created new human diseases. You can practically map the appearance of each new disease with the appearance of a new way to use electricity.

We are electric beings living in an electric universe, on an electric planet which is a node in a planetary electric system. Our bodies are electric – think nerves as circuitry, and our souls are electric – they run our bodies. Even our cells are a dipolar electric unit having an exterior shell of two layers of negative charged fatty acid molecules with an interior of positive ions. There is even a good case to think, because we can’t seeeeeee electricity, but the earth is electric, that there are electric life forms who live here that we can’t see or discern that were probably here first and smarter than we are (think Orbs, EVO’s and UAP”s who may be built just like the cells of our body) who actually use electricity the way we use matter to build their part of this world. And, there are places here, on the earth, where the electric circuitry is slightly off and causes glitches in the matrix, like Skinwalker Ranch, to name only one of hundreds, where there is more of an interface with our side of the world just like the ion channels of the cell walls in our bodies that let bits and pieces in and out through the negatively charged exterior.

The electrification of this world by us was inevitable, because after all, we are electric in an electric world. One day this technology will unite the seen and unseen worlds. As usual, it is not the discovery and invention that is hurting us and the world, it’s the way it is being used that is so disastrous. I, for one, refuse to let it remove my humanity, my soul, the ability to hug my babies and my friends and to hell with the consequences – lest we all forget what it feels like to really be human, and to go back home.