
Because of this body and the soul that inhabits its chambers, because sound is slowed light, humans have a unique gift to give the universe in this particular frequency, that of the song of our souls. The song we make is the envisioning of our divine connection and as it goes out it ripples through space time cleansing, healing, envisioning, loving, longing, endlessly, caressing all that it moves through.

Our creation of sound is the art of our souls, the molding of light, the free giving of the teaching of ourselves. Sound is light, light is sound and therefore can and does profoundly change us, open us, reaching the next vibratory level of our expression.

Sound opens the third eye, the pineal, for which of us doesn’t immediately see inner landscape with the songs we listen to? Sound will be/is that doorway that we will step through when we open to the next reality, when we travel through our soul to other places, other realms.

Sound / color / form. Sound is the dance of light, the dancing of emotion – energy in motion through creation. Sound is the intelligence being playful, begging to be joined, to be danced with. Lifted, transported like a stream of spinning light floating up and down the mountains and valleys of energy in the cosmos on an endless journey through this time and space. In our other parts, we are this dance, this endless journey through the cosmos, cruising on endless rivers of creation and discovery. Sometimes stopping for a sojourn on a planet momentarily for a thousand lifetimes only to once again journey on.

All is music. This planet sings with all its heart and all upon her sing too, our trees and plants, our whales and dolphins, our elephants, our wolves, our human hearts. It is how we see into each other. It is how we share beyond words. Our music is special for that reason. It is the sum total of our souls. Its beauty echoes beyond our planet. It is the root note of love that is the signature of this place.

It is our hope.

It is ours because we are it.


Consciousness, all of it, is non local. Memory, cognition, learning, imagination, and emotion. What we have in a body is a finely tuned instrument through which to perceive a specific frequency range in minute detail. Talk about tools…

This interview of Dr Monica Gagliano by Gordon White is a fine example of this.

This week we welcome to the show Dr Monica Gagliano. Dr Gagliano is an evolutionary ecologist and the author of the fantastic book, Thus Spoke The Plant. We chat about her experiences running experiments on plant communication and cognition, as well as her experiences learning from and with both indigenous plant teachers and plant spirits themselves around the world. Very much my jam.

***Show Notes*** Thus Spoke The Plant.…

Monica’s Website.

Monica on Twitter.

Monica giving the keynote at Bioneers 2018.…

From <

I don’t care that science thinks the current quantum consciousness theory a bit out there, or completely bogus. It is people like Dr. Monica that are asking the real questions and are unafraid to shout it to the skies that count. Listen and listen carefully to the above interview. She has proven plants learn, therefor they have memory.

My trees are beings. You who read me know about that. Just like the singing plants of Damanhur (which some people have had fits over bc it doesn’t in any way fit their world picture) are, when given a voice constantly communicating beings.

Just because the tool you are currently using is incapable of noticing this phenomena in 3D doesn’t mean it isn’t happening either. Really.

The real stuff happens nonlocally, whether you like that fact or not.


Science and Spirit: tricky words

The words spirit and spiritual are terms used to identify almost anything unseen. Jung brings up a good point about their usage in a lecture delivered to the literary Society of Augsburg, 20 October 1926, on the theme of “Nature and Spirit”:

The connection between spirit and life is one of those problems involving factors of such complexity that we have to be on our guard lest we ourselves get caught in the net of words in which we seek to ensnare these great enigmas. For how can we bring into the orbit of our thought those limitless complexities of life which we call “Spirit” or “Life” unless we clothe them in verbal concepts, themselves mere counters of the intellect? The mistrust of verbal concepts, inconvenient as it is, nevertheless seems to me to be very much in place in speaking of fundamentals. “Spirit” and “Life” are familiar enough words to us, very old acquaintances in fact, pawns that for thousands of years have been pushed back and forth on the thinker’s chessboard. The problem must have begun in the grey dawn of time, when someone made the bewildering discovery that the living breath which left the body of the dying man in the last death-rattle meant more than just air in motion. It can scarcely be an accident onomatopoeic words like ruach (Hebrew), ruch (Arabic), roho (Swahili) mean ‘spirit’ no less clearly than πνεύμα (pneuma, Greek) and spiritus (Latin).[13]


The unseen world exists or we would not have all the words for it we do. I know the following is lengthy, not only to illustrate how it all gets lumped up and interchanged, but also in effort to find words for in ineffable, the unseen, but felt and known. The language itself enfolds proof for the unseen. These terms are as old as the roots of our languages are.




noun: spirit; plural noun: spirits

Spirit – Latin

Breath, breathing; breeze, air; inspiration; character; arrogance

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Spirit – Etymology

The English word “spirit” comes from the Latin spiritus,but also “spirit, soul, courage, vigor”, ultimately from a Proto-Indo-European *(s)peis. It is distinguished from Latin anima, “soul” (which nonetheless also derives from an Indo-European root meaning “to breathe”, earliest form *h2enh1-).[4] In Greek, this distinction exists between pneuma (πνεῦμα), “breath, motile air, spirit,” and psykhē (ψυχή), “soul”[1

From <>




the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.
“we seek a harmony between body and spirit”

synonyms: soul, psyche, inner self, inner being, essential being; More


anima, ego, id;



“we seek a harmony between body and spirit”

antonyms: body, flesh

the nonphysical part of a person regarded as their true self and as capable of surviving physical death or separation.
“a year after he left, his spirit is still present”

synonyms: life force, animating principle, vital spark, breath of life;

élan vital

“the spirit of nature”

the nonphysical part of a person manifested as an apparition after their death; a ghost.

synonyms: ghost, phantom, specter, apparition, wraith, shadow, presence; More

bodach; Doppelgänger; duppy; spook; phantasm, shade, revenant, visitant, wight; eidolon, manes

“local people say that his spirit walks among the hills”

a supernatural being. “shrines to nature spirits”   short for Holy Spirit.

those qualities regarded as forming the definitive or typical elements in the character of a person, nation, or group or in the thought and attitudes of a particular period.
“the university is a symbol of the nation’s egalitarian spirit”

synonyms: ethos, prevailing tendency, motivating force, animating principle, dominating characteristic, essence, quintessence; More

atmosphere, mood, feeling, temper, tenor, climate;

attitudes, beliefs, principles, standards, ethics

“the spirit of the nineteenth century”

a person identified with their most prominent mental or moral characteristics or with their role in a group or movement.   “he was a leading spirit in the conference”

a specified emotion or mood, especially one prevailing at a particular time. “I hope the team will build on this spirit of confidence” a person’s mood.
the attitude or intentions with which someone undertakes or regards something. “he confessed in a spirit of self-respect, not defiance”

synonyms: temperament, disposition, character, nature, personality, temper, makeup, humor, cast/turn of mind, complexion;

mind, heart “this thought dampened even my optimistic spirit”

attitude, frame of mind, way of thinking, way of looking at it, state of mind, point of view, outlook, thoughts, ideas   “she’s got the right spirit”

mood, frame of mind, state of mind, emotional state, humor, temper   “she was in good spirits when I left”

the quality of courage, energy, and determination or assertiveness. “his visitors admired his spirit and good temper”

synonym: morale, team spirit; esprit de corps “the spirit of the team is high”

courage, bravery, courageousness, braveness, pluck, pluckiness, valor, strength of character, fortitude, backbone, spine, mettle, stout-heartedness, determination, firmness of purpose, resolution, resoluteness, resolve, fight, gameness; guts, grit, spunk; bottle; sand, moxie animation, enthusiasm, eagerness, keenness, liveliness, vivacity, vivaciousness, energy, verve, vigor, dynamism, zest, dash, elan, panache, sparkle, exuberance, gusto, brio, pep, go, sap, fervor, zeal, fire, passion; pizzazz, oomph, zing, zip, zap, vim, get-up-and-go


the real meaning or the intention behind something as opposed to its strict verbal interpretation. “the rule had been broken in spirit if not in letter”

synonyms: real/true meaning, true intention, essence, substance

“we must be seen to keep to the spirit of the law as well as the letter”

British – strong distilled liquor such as brandy, whiskey, gin, or rum.

synonyms: strong liquor, liquor, strong drink; More

gin, vodka, whiskey, brandy, rum; shorts, firewater, hooch


a volatile liquid, especially a fuel, prepared by distillation. “aviation spirit”

a solution of volatile components extracted from something, typically by distillation or by solution in alcohol. “spirits of turpentine” a highly refined substance or fluid thought to govern vital phenomena.


Spiritual – Metaphysical terms

An incorporeal but ubiquitous, non-quantifiable substance or energy present individually in all living things. Unlike the concept of souls (often regarded as eternal and sometimes believed to pre-exist the body) a spirit develops and grows as an integral aspect of a living being.[9]


From <>

Then we have the word Science which comes from Latin and means:



Latin – Scire

To know, understand

noun: science

the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
“the world of science and technology”

synonyms: branch of knowledge, body of knowledge/information/facts, area of study, discipline, field “the science of criminology”

a particular area of science.

Archaic – knowledge of any kind.
“his rare science and his practical skill”

The thought of the day is that science and spirituality, or spirit are not opposites, like todays general idea of them would have you think. And science doesn’t just study the physical side of life, it also studies the energetic, or spirit side of life too. (air is unseeable so are may gasses, not to mention the quantum side of things or what we do with sound….etc.) So this current idea of a split between science and spirit and not being able to use science to study, describe or quantify spirit is irrational. It is also a piece of programming that has held back the study of things unseen for about two thousand years (except in some circles) and stunted our knowledge base on purpose.

Science can study spirit the same as it studies all other matters and in some circles it has, thus we have our breakaway civilizations, and secret societies and mystery schools. Knowledge is power, and until the Guttenberg press was invented, regular society never even knew what the bible said. Now with the internet, we all have the opportunity to know anything…except those facts that science has discovered about spirit.

So my next question would be WHY? The only answer I have been able to come up with is that it would equalize the world too much such that those in power wouldn’t be able to stay in power. When you listen to fellows like Joe McMoneagle talk (who swears we are all spiritually endowed) and Russell Targ, or Rupert Sheldrake or Stewart Hameroff you realize there have been some real trailblazers out there as of late. Then you listen to people like Garry Nolan (who is working with Kit Green et al) in an interview on Phenomenon Radio try so very hard to use the ‘correct’ words to describe the intersect between spirit and science and his research in order not to incur the wrath of ‘normal science professionals’ and, well, I feel very sorry for the man. It’s obvious that he has such a passion for the research and yet, like Jung said in the paragraph above, the words become a tangle and a weapon which could be turned back against him if he is not scrupulous with them. Yet, you hear the passion he has for his work, and his hopes and expectations in the tone of his voice that says as much if not more than his words – all aspects of the unseen and spirit…

You see my point? It’s not so much what the unseen is, as it is that we have been taught that we mustn’t ever, ever, ever look at it square in the face. (but what is more fun than sticking your nose in where is doesn’t belong??? Lol)

Whether is it timing (the procession of the earth and the Yugas) or it is knowledge (the availability of information) causing a tipping point, the intervention of cosmic forces (ET’s, ID’s and the like, both benevolent and malevolent: bene-good mal-bad) or all of the above, the tipping point has been reached. But instead of only one direction, there are many, and when this is through, this opening up, it will be billions of directions, not just one, creating a singularity of unimagined proportions that will truly become the new human – the new identity that when we look back on this world, it will seem only a tiny grain of sand in a whole new ocean.

We don’t have the words, but we soon will. The question is, will we still need them, words, that is?

“Figure it out as you go”

It’s like being a parent. Sort of. The body has its own innate wisdom and intelligence. It was made to carry a soul, but the poor soul is ignored by most adults. If fact, adulting is measured by how successfully you can ignore your soul. Do this. Do that. Now. In order. It doesn’t matter if you want to be outside communing with nature. It doesn’t matter that you have an idea to do something exciting, something else. You MUST get up and make the day work.

We are never taught to listen to our souls – well except if you choose the religious life, even then, you are taught that this happens ONLY one way, their way – and still that special communing with your soul might happen but rarely does, all because you are not taught to listen, you are taught a method – and the method is a purposeful distraction that keeps you out of yourself at all times.

And yet, there is a totally innate inborn system to do this that has been there as long as there have been humans. The two, body and soul, work in tandem naturally. Its why we get ulcers when we carry anger…etc. and, upon thinking about it, imo, it just might be a tri-fold system where the unity of body and soul open a doorway to a larger aspect of yourself and the universe. However, today, it’s mostly talked about as a binary system. Body-container and what rides in it.

This third part, once invited in becomes your observer, or higher self. The one you talk to in running conversation all day in your head. It is also the one that notices when you get a severe case of the stupids and tells you “You might want to rethink that.”

In fact, to get that part of yourselves attention, you need to notice it, because whatever you turn your attention to, notices you back. I have noticed. (lol) I have noticed down to even inanimate objects. As a matter of fact my mom taught me that. Her ‘stuff’, her car, the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine all had personalities. She would talk to them all the time and to my child’s eyes it seemed they heard her. Because it was something my mom did, I did it too and to my surprise, my ‘stuff’ has its own personalities too. Her cars always had a name. so do mine. They have personalities of their own – an essence that is noticeable. Her dogs always seemed more human to me, and that is because of the quality of attention she gave them – or anything. She was one of the most attentive people I have ever known.

Which led to me learn that all ‘stuff’ – be it animate or inanimate has a signature. Some of those signatures are more aware than others, being they were a higher order of matter – living things, trees animals etc. But what we consider inanimate ‘stuff’ has a signature too and the more attention you give it, the more developed that signature becomes. I kid you not. If you use your attention. If you do not, they never ‘wake up’.


Awareness Life information  
Attention Noticing Communication Awareness
Body Spirit Mind Life
Matter Energy Intelligence



And so on in every case.


Which, of course led me to Morphic Fields to explaining the above. Once you run out of matter, you run into energy and energy is a field. And fields are patterns and or frequency as in it repeats. Patterns are nothing more than repetitions of frequencies. How they comingle and how they interact are Morphogenic fields. Morphogenic fields are fields that change over time with more information added to them. They grow or evolve. That makes them interactive, so the more you notice them the more information exchange goes on. They are fractal in nature meaning that just like a magnet, if you cut it in half you do not end up with one piece a north end and one piece a south end, you end up with two magnets.

Morphic fields are not static – meaning they move and interact with every other field out there within a sea of fields. They have resonance and a sort of collective memory and they act in non-local ways. In larger more complex morphic fields like that of the collective unconscious of everything on this earth that is us – including every last rock and grain of sand – there is a huge vast very old intelligence that we are a part of like a cell within our own bodies. There is LOTS of information there.

So, if you query a morphic field, will it teach you?

Imo: yes, if you can listen, if you will listen.  It will teach you by resonance. Sometimes listening is telepathy. I have heard lately that telepathy is a learned language, that it takes thought and feeling. I, of course think it takes a third aspect, that of intent. Without intent we just lob thoughts out there into the morphogenic sea.

If you look at an electromagnetic field, it has two energies: a magnetic one and an electric one travelling at right angles to each other, and that would be confusing as to vector if it didn’t have guide wire.

Well, telepathy, it occurred to me, is just like that. You have thought and perpendicular to that thought is an accompanying e-motion – so we are almost always producing telepathy, it’s just that like that guide wire in the above, we rarely hook it up with intention to give it a direction. Usually we are producing these thoughts with emotion and just plopping them into the general morphic field around us with no vector. Which serves the purpose of attracting more of what you just put out. However, when we cohere the thought with emotion and direction using intent, then, it goes somewhere and does the work with whatever emotional energy you have imbued it with.

Emotion Thought Intention
Field Electricity Vector

This makes intent/attention the address. On the other side of the equation though, there is the receiver. If the receiver isn’t paying attention, then maybe the packet gets stored in the subconscious mind of the receiver instead of being noticed by their conscious mind? Or it pops up for you to notice if you can decode the message later. Funny story here:

Once I was at a health expo in Chicago where a group of Tibetan monks were building a huge beautiful sand mandala in a big airy atrium and I was just watching them for a minute before exiting the place to go home. It occurred to me while watching that in reality, these mandalas when finished carried an energy signature that extended beyond the flat 2D realm, that they had 3D-4D energy to them. I could just catch what it looked like in my mind’ eye. The idea really excited me! Wow!! So, to see if I was right, I tried to ask one of the gentlemen not dressed like a monk, but who was obviously with them and looked like the spokesperson. There were many monks there besides the ones working on the mandala. A couple were leaning on the posts sitting on the floor obviously taking a break, some were visiting with the people watching. As I tried to ask the question to this man several times, who couldn’t understand me, a voice in my head said “Of course it is three dimensional!” To wit, I said back mentally “Shush, I am trying to ask a question here!” The man just refused understand me and I looked away and noticed one of the monks who was resting against a post was silently laughing. At the time I thought he was laughing at me for trying to ask a stupid question and being thoroughly frustrated because no one would answer me. It wasn’t until I was in my car driving home that I realized what actually happened. That reclining monk had answered me, telepathically and thought it was funny when I told him to be quiet.

This Tibetan monk very obviously had training. What he said came through clear as a bell. And I, LIKE AN IDIOT, shushed him because my left brain was so busy pursuing an answer. No wonder the dear soul was laughing. Once I realized it I laughed too – all the way home.

It’s funny how we all pursue something thinking out question bombs, throwing that energy out all around us and then not notice the answers when they come to us, because they didn’t come in the way we expected them to come. But I guess that’s part of the “figure it out as you go” life on this planet. I mean, god forbid we ever get training in this sort of stuff.

Hunting the Smell of Chocolates

Thoughts are energy.

All energy is a frequency, a wave. That wave has peaks and troughs. How often those ups and downs happen is called resonance.

Resonance is a unit of frequency…a note. Pluck a string on a piano and the guitar in the same room with a string in ratio (harmony) to that note will sound.

With that in mind, it behooves us to examine our daily thoughts and judgments, our errant ideas and day dreams that float through usually without our notice. Inspect each and every one of your thoughts and intentions (especially intentions because they are thought below thought…) with that in mind. What is your resonance? It is a sort of meditation.

Therefor finding your bliss is like hunting the smell of chocolates that gently waft through on the wind. Sometimes it’s so insubstantial that you must stop and breathe deeply, anchor the deliciousness and follow where it gets stronger. I agree with Mitch Horowitz on what you dreamed when you were a wee little thing is what eventually shapes your life. So I hope you dreamt big. I hope you dreamt love. Those are the things that lead to all else. Your magical child has kept all those dreams for you. So, go hunt the smell of chocolate.

Field Dynamics

Cliff High talks about field dynamics.  So do a lot of other people who are beginning to wake up.  Every last iota of matter has an electromagnetic field. These fields interact like a drop of blue dye in a glass of water, or cream poured into black coffee. Seeing as how matter is nothing but energy at low frequency, the smaller the pieces of matter you look at – the less dense it gets.

Once you run out of matter, you run into energy fields. In the electric universe theory, matter is plasma in a quiescent state – unexcited. But once you add extra energy to it, it becomes a ‘glowed’ plasma, like a star. Plasma is glowing matter. And because matter is only energy you could say that the basis of all manifestation is plasma – which is energy – in an infinite array of frequency states. Out in space Hubble has taken pictures of glowed strings of pearls or Birkeland currents connecting stars along a string. The human body is no different.

If you were to look at the old chakra system with new quantum electric universe eyes, what would you see?md15 A Birkeland current with eight (maybe more) nodes on it.pearls




Birkeland currents always have a counter rotational coherence due to the interaction of a negative and a positive sheet of electrons.2current At a Zpinch, or magnetic bottle neck, current density produces excited neutral atoms. These collect, or accrete in a disk. Literally producing matter.

Our electric nature is what produces the matter we are made of. The Zpinches of our system are our chakras. kundalini2There are also, at every joint in the body, sub-chakras accreting matter. Multiple pinches in a current look like a strand of pearls.

Hubble Space Telescope provided a detailed look at the comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 before it smashed into Jupiter.

Human aura is electric – the more minerals you have, the more electricity it can conduct. With more ‘juice’ in your system you can do more things… like telepathy and healing and using your own dimensional body portal to ‘go’ places and bi-locate… this is science, not magic.

As the body has its own current lines and spirals, so does the earth. Gaia has her natural ones and constructed ones. We have constructed or, non-natural energetic lines on us every time we put on a watch, or a piece of jewelry or ear buds, for that matter. On Gaia the constructed energy paths are lay lines. Those are the straight lines between power place to power place and sacred place to sacred place. Lay lines are not Telluric lines. Lay lines run in straight lines from one power/sacred place to another

Gaia’s natural current lines are called Telluric Currents and are low frequency paths that run through terrain features that can be found on topographical maps like:

  • Waterways including underground water
  • Mountain or hill tops
  • Fault lines

Intersections of these lines (where they cross) have more power and interact with radio and radar as seen by the research of Winston Keech and Steven Mera.

Geomagnetic field anomalies are indicated by telluric currents. The higher the field, you get apports – things that appear out of no where. The lower the field better you are at telepathy.

The torsion fields of tornadoes and hurricanes can create temporary electromagnetic fields powerful enough to create portals and phenomena.

Geomagnetic anomalies (John Burroughs on Phenomenon Radio, KGRA interviewing Winston (Win) Keech and Ronny Dugdale on 06-21-2018 found in the KGRA archives) can be resident in the ground per quartz density plus terrain stressors and or water. This creates lower than normal or higher than normal geomagnetic torsion fields or swirls in the geographic area. These are known places of weirdness all over the world. These places of high or low frequency electromagnetic anomalies create boundary activity, just like low and high pressure fronts create chaotic and sometimes dangerous weather where they meet. These areas can be amped up by technology like radar, the same way haarp can super heat the atmosphere and rev up already existing weather systems to create a bigger more active storms. The torsion action of an electromagnetic field, if it has enough juice can be a natural portal area, a dimensional slip plane that opens a ‘door’ into another frequency if the harmonics can match. (same in the human body)

After reading the book “American Cosmic” by Diana Pasulka, and listening to people like Gordon White from Rune Soup, two extremes of the same coin – that of the investigation not so much of ‘where‘ is out there, but exactly who is out there, how many of them are there and what are they like and let’s talk to them type of research, from a cultural perspective, I have realized that just like all those on the science side, the Radins, the Mishloves, the Camerons, they are all coming into a central point. Right along with the rest of us. We are looking at a multidimensional, multi-disciplinary, multicultural situation that is eons old and interlaced or entangled if you will, in time, space and consciousness that cannot be seen only from one of those perspectives (much like the five blind men and the elephant parable).

That once a person has had connection to even one aspect of the elephant in the room, something life changing happens, epiphanies abound, DNA changes, phenomena increase in frequency and life becomes much vaster than a person ever thought possible.

Its bigger than just aliens, or dimensions or belief systems its bigger than just the planet or our solar system, or science, or philosophy and we are at the tipping point.

Right Now.

Walter Bosley talking torsion field development

Basic information on portals and power intersections: Barry Fitzgerald and Steve Mera

LMH w/ Winston Keech

Grant Cameron with Steven Mera part 1

Grant Cameron with Steven Mera Part 2

Kevin Day proof that contact with the phenomena creates vulnerable state for more contact

The questions LMH askes with Grant Cameron

Another way of looking at the disembodied :Rune Soup

The dark demon perspective Nick Redfern on LMH’s show

Nick Redfern on the Collins Elite (the-they?)

Academic view of angels and demons Pasulka – American Cosmic