Do You???

Some points to ponder, things I’m wondering about…

  • Why does Lue Elizondo make an issue out of needing to get this done – this whole roll out quickly?
  • It is interesting how we are calling mainstream media lamestream – in light of all the lies and misrepresentations disinformation and outright censorship on everything recently. Now the UFO community is cheering the lamestream for any tidbit of information they ‘report’ on their version of UFO’s? What’s to say the talking heads aren’t feeding us a line of bullshit on this too? (its called spin)
  • This recent flurry of mainstream media reports on supposed UFO’s have over shadowed Jacques Vallee’s and Paola Harris’ new book “Trinity” – that has more truth in it than all the recent lamestream reports put together. 
  • It would seem the way that Elizondo and team are pushing the importance of the UFO community that they might be on a mining expedition for new information from a very rich source, namely us.
  • At the same time people like Danny Sheehan are going full speed ahead to pry information out of the legal dungeon its been hidden in for the last 70 years in an effort to clarify matters.
  • IMO we have two or more parties vying for who’s narrative is going to win and come out on top setting the standard for ET relations for probably the next 500 years. 
  • Which, IMO, leads one to speculate back around to that time limit that Lue mentioned in one of the recent flurry of video interviews he did last week. 
  • Are we looking at some sort of intervention time line that if they do not reveal information to the public about this topic, it will be taken out of their hands???

Trust me what is being bandied about in the media today is simply one snowflake on an iceberg so vast and huge that its almost useless. And here we are havin’ a par-tey over it all, acting like idiots when we know better… 

Do you trust the same people (who in lying to us about CV19 are systematically, genetically killing us) to actually report anything on the UFO topic except what they want you to believe?

Do You???



you remove the UFO issue, either by telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth, or even by telling half the truth that includes the new (to us) technology we have funded through taxation, of our blood sweat and tears, 


  • Big Oil falls, (antigrav technology)
  • The Electrical power grid must restructure (free energy minus the cost of  infrastructure management)
  • The oil, coal, water turbine, wind turbine and associated industries fail.
  • The Auto industry must restructure
  • The Flight industry will fall, crash and burn (including NASA, Musk et all and all the monies funneled to them dry up, Rocketry and all explosive antiquated technology become obsolete) 
  • Most all of the lobbies in congress go away
  • Big Pharma and the allopathic medicine only paradigm mostly roll over and die (because frequency technology)
  • All the associated billion dollar a year supportive techno-businesses die
  • Covid becomes a non issue 
  • Government is restructured
  • Military is restructured
  • Big Agriculture is restructured
  • Science can progress after a hundred year hiatus from the truth
  • There are a billion things left on this list

BUT we are left with the ethical and moral implications of the crimes of those who played this game without any care for lives lost, or quality of life for those who gave their blood, sweat and tears. This is what they are so very afraid of. Not that we can’t take the realization of other people who live in, off or around this planet, no. They are terrified of paying the piper once their crimes are exposed to the people, and they are held responsible for them. 

There are those doctors and lawyers out there who are moving towards holding the New Nuremburg Trials on the covid debacle, but instead of one people and one country, this encompasses the entire planet. This is, make no mistake, a war. It will be seen that this war killed as many as WWII, if not more when all is said and done, with far less infrastructure damage and little if no pollution, or loss of expensive equipment and toys. 

Why bother when you can get the enemy to willingly kill themselves? 

If the Med-Beds come out covid-bull-shite will be cured. If the New Nuremburg trials happen, stealth experimentation on the human population will end forever. If the filthy ( and I literally mud dirty) oil dependent industries fall, this earth will become green and healthy again. New businesses will abound because we are nothing if not creative. And the Military Industrial Complex and their gov’t cohorts – what’s to war over if there is enough for everybody?

These are all pretty big ifs. And they are after all ‘If’s.

But the entire shebang rests on the UFO industry – the secrets, the lies, the truth embargo. Once you pull that pin, the axel falls out and the whole cart load of bullshit breaks. 

I really don’t care who does it – which camp, which group, just so long as it is done!

Then there is the shoveling out phase, stinky hot work, but manure is good for the soil and things will begin to grow again – one can hope.

The New Paradigm: Redo your living room!

Nothing is ever inert, even if we can’t see the movement its moving. Just think on the level of electric charge: neg (-) and pos (+) ions doing their dance. Expand that to chemistry and potentials and the laws that govern well behaved compounds and those that are explosive. And if it isn’t moving it carries potential and that potential awaits interaction and on it goes.

Now, think of the population of earth in a similar manner. If the preponderance of the dark entropic force holding much of the population quiet to the point of almost death were not so strong right now, there would be no coming explosion of light – information build up. When that happens, and it will (its simple physics) every last person(molecule) will be thrown into motion (awareness) and for a time the darkness will be obliterated, the pendulum reaching its greatest amplitude –  in that period of time while it defeats gravity just before it starts to move in the other direction (that moment of wonderous weightlessness you feel on a swing just before you start to move the other direction) a reorganization occurs, a focus towards the next vector, until the new order of things settles down and the pendulum starts its long slow swing in the other direction. The universe breathes. As do we. 

To bring in new information, enough to launch a new paradigm (direction) the old paradigm must be shattered, and then reorganized into a more efficient form. Kind of like changing your living room around to better suit its current function. And when you move all the flotsam and jetsam like magazines and papers and TV remotes (et al) and find missing bits and pieces, and things stuck in couch cushions (mostly ear buds and dog chews) in preparation to move the actual couch, you find stuff you had forgotten you owned under the couch (mostly missing socks, more dog chews, maybe the flip flop you thought the dog ate – who knows). Its total disarray before you put it all back together in a better way. But when you are finished, you have a higher order than before and  your room looks, feels and acts new.

This current debacle we are wading through not only has dust under the couch, but some dead rats and a cockroach or two – (gives me the willies). The only thing good about this are the people who have shown up to help move the furniture who bring their strength and integrity and brilliance to the party, who bravely collect the rats and bugs and take them out to the garbage heap to be burned. Those who put their life and limb in extreme jeopardy to prove that rats are rats…

The bad thing about this party is that the rats have been at it for a long time and the nest has to be cleared out, the walls and the furniture inspected for hidden nests and the roaches, just plain exterminated. This is hard work, because there is no living room fairy with a magic wand to come rushing in to save the day. Its nitty gritty work that must be done, with bleach and hot water and gloves and a scrub brush. The grime and the sweat are inevitable and so is the elbow grease. 

To find what has been hidden, you must take it all a part. 

IMO we are in the middle of dismantling our societal norm. Actually, it feels more like we are ripping it a part. Maybe we are. When you take a Band-Aid off its best to do it fast. 

I have used every metaphor I could think of to say society has changed. It can never go back to what I grew up with which for all its glory, was really only a dream, a carrot dangle. It will never go back, be the same, because it wasn’t real. It could get better. It could get worse. We could lose many people we love due to medical poisoning, I hope against hope we don’t, but that will all be a matter of timing. We could begin our new relationship with the rest of the galaxy in peace, or not, depending on how much money the ‘ultra’-elite are willing to give up and how much they are willing to work through their xenophobia. (yah, its theirs, not ours) It all depends on how willing we are to rearrange our living rooms, kick out the messy offenders with the bad attitudes and clean up our living space. 

I’m ready. I have a pressure washer and all the fancy attachments and I’ll share.

Mirror, mirror on the wall…

Sometimes the best way to get a handle on things is to look at yourself. I keep wondering about my ‘circumstances’ and I am reminded of The Mirror. That what I see that I think is exterior to my self is simply reflecting my inner self, inner conditions. My writing for the last two years has been angry and full of hurt with the resonating shards of betrayal. I know this but it has also freed me up to see it in the world so my writing mostly says “LOOK HERE, DAMNIT!”.

I mean, good heavens we have everybody’s assumptions based on their life’s apprehensions and an assortment of odd occurrences with the flotsam of various bits and pieces, and we are trying to put together a shattered ‘something’ with no idea of what it looked like when it was whole. (and I’m not talking just nuts and bolts craft or even ET, but the whole nine yards. – Which reminds me of the pilot for Star Trek where they tried to put a woman back together with no idea of what a human looked like) All the while hoping to discover function from form, to draw forensic clues from the pieces left behind, sort of like academic archeologists – who are mostly wrong due to a restricted, accepted body of incorrect assumptions…

There are those who can look at this with the capacity to step back, to try to widen their scope of view, but not knowing which direction to look, to pay attention. Then there are those a step further who notice and use patterns for clues as to where to look. However the need to step completely out of the façade to look is almost impossible, as this whole narrative is vastly created – mostly so that any logical linear direction is a mis-direction. Even those who look ‘inside’ (RV) are mis-directed as all elements of this are camouflaged. 

I have tried to bang around inside all of them to see what would shake loose – tried to be as wildly open minded as possible…but how do you find your way out of a maze where every human contingency has been planned for?

How do you suss-out an intelligence that has a totally different perception of reality and therefore no human referents? Where the forensics you have make no sense? Where going ‘direct’ makes no sense? Its like the Three Blind Men trying to ‘know’ what the elephant looks like. And we have no eyes. We can’t see what is apparently staring us in the face and when we try everybody’s experience is different.

And so, I assume (lol, hush, I’m already an ass so it doesn’t count), we are missing a great big piece, I speculate that there is a physics at work here that contains the structure we are looking for within which much of this would make sense. A framework that some people know and are using to their great advantage, that others have discovered and been silenced for, risking their very lives to educate the rest of us on what they have found. 

I will say this, with what Mark McCandlish knows – which we all know if you have listened to any of his presentations, and his up coming testimony to the UFO inquiry board, then his murder, it is obvious that this particular puzzle piece is off the board. The truth is still going to be hidden because they are still not willing to openly admit we’ve been off planet now since the 50’s. That cadre of people have this mystery science and are putting it to selfish good use. They are IMO, planning on using it to create more fear and panic around !Aliens! They are planning on using it to move the population around, to finish culling what Covid will miss. They are planning on using it to scare us to death and even deeper into the New World Order. IMO, of course – 

But here we are – it always comes down to a convenient ‘they’ a someone else – a someone to blame, a perp… and we are back to that mirror thing, again.


Trinity: The Best Kept Secret: by Jaques F. Vallee and Paola Leopizzi Harris

“…everybody might be using obsolete hypotheses. While much has been made of research into complex composition of UFO residue and isotopic ratios, the naked truth is that very advanced technology is not necessarily esoteric. 

pg. 55 second paragraph)

The problem is, that esoteric (- esoteric most commonly means obscure and only understood or intended to be understood by a small number of people with special (and perhaps secret) knowledge. It’s often used to describe knowledge that’s only intended to be revealed to people who have been initiated into a certain group) can also mean psychic (of or relating to the human soul or mind; mental as opposed to physical, pertaining to or noting mental phenomena, outside of natural or scientific knowledge; spiritual. Of or relating to some apparently nonphysical force or agency) because you went to an esoteric school to learn how to become psychic. Esoteric just means hidden. 

If that’s confusing, it’s because it is – on purpose. IMO, if psychic ability, (being psychically gifted) which is a human capacity we all have, was acknowledged by science it would us lead directly into forbidden physics territory and a science that could save the human race. Therefore, it is esoteric – hidden. This has been known for thousands of years and may have been the reason for the first tower of babel moment, when we were restricted from this part of ourselves by (you guessed it) genetic modification. Its taken us 2,000 years to come back around to this part of ourselves proving that you can try to modify human DNA, but it will always heal itself because it is a universal blueprint with self healing capabilities based upon ratio and frequency, the selfsame that keeps the universe running, that eventually comes back to its original intent.

And here lies the reason for the UFO secrecy. Because to reveal the unknown, hidden science behind the UFO’s would lead us directly to our natural minds. This is why in every real UFO contact case, there is a psychic component. They, the ET, actually expect us to know about who we are, but we don’t due to some very slick machinations and carrying on. We persist because of the way we were taught (academia) and because of what science says is only possible, to deny this wholeness of being. In doing so we use only 5 senses to perceive our world –  and we disconnect ourselves from our most powerful sense – the sixth sense. Through the last 2,000 years people have even been put to death for using it. The church has taught us it is a sin to use it, and the ‘modern’ world has called it justifiably insane. But wholeness is reaching homeostasis, rising once again …and once again we have a faction of people trying to kill it. However this article is not about that. 

There are many groups studying this, the RV guys, the science of mind guys (Russell Targ et al), Puthoff, Davis and that gang, the NIDs guys, you get my drift, all who, IMO have been hampered by the onus on the psychic/physics disconnect in one way or another. There is a VERY big link to the psychic component in a true ET/UFO case. IMO that’s how you determine the difference between a hoaxed or terrestrial case and a real case. “Trinity”, makes this absolutely clear. 

This book is as much about psychological gas lighting, redirection, astounding thievery and betrayal of anybody involved in this subject by terrestrial power mongers, as it is about the ETs and UFOs. 

“…I believe that structure works, because the deception (or the ultimate key) is hidden within the illusion of discovery.”  

pg. 284 paragraph 6)

They use this advanced understanding of next level physics to dazzle us with what we seek to find, efficiently enough to hide themselves and their agenda.

And so Vallee says,

“We believe the phenomena is not trying to teach us physics or advanced propulsion, although most researchers will keep trying to extract such data, or turn it into new weapons. Instead we believe it is trying to teach us to transcend our own humanity…”

(pg. 225 paragraph 5)

This is, in my opinion, because, knowing about the ‘wholeness’ of our humanity, they are trying to draw attention to that part of us we rigorously ignore, that has been programmed out of us for centuries.

“Any Disclosure will be managed by the same groups that have safely managed the dossier for the last 75 years, and they can spin it to their liking, claiming that the military must retain control.”

(pg. 274 paragraph 6)

This is exactly what we are seeing in the current rush of 75 year old information being touted as new in the lamestream media today. Sadly, everybody is playing the new, bright and shiny game and some people are jumping at what they already know are stale crumbs.

IMO, when you read this book you will know exactly what is going on, or have a pretty good picture of it. You will be able to sort through the information that is being thrown at you and begin to discern it’s veracity. You will marvel at the synchronicity of a coming together between two different but not dissimilar people to bring this saga into the light of day and you definitely will begin to see things differently and have new questions. 

All the information is out there – you just need to know what questions to ask. This is a brilliant book.

Trinity: The Best Kept Secret: by Jaques F. Vallee and Paola Leopizzi Harris

Copyright 2021 StarworksUSA. ISBN:979-8-7459-0256-7

Into the Slaughter Pen…

From the Covid fiasco right into FAI (Fake Alien invasion) from DJ’s Friday Video. (He’s right, you know)

Nobody has EVER been able to “DEFINE” Who runs the “real” UFO’s.

Nobody has been able to “DEFINE” Who runs the fake/terrestrial UFO’s


There is no way to know where to point the defense to the ‘threat’.

There is no way to know the real agenda behind said threats. 

There is no real way to understand the type of defense needed.

There is no way to know anything. 


Just like Covid, people will react out of fear because certain groups with their own agendas will create another panic psy-op and the “herd” will run straight into the slaughter pen. 

These same groups HAVE, however, been able to replicate the ET’s presumed effects in 3D. Then they have “used” those effects lately on the world stage to present “evidence” of threat. In other words they dazzle us with their tech to hide themselves and their agenda and what is really going on.

Imo: Covid might have been a test to see (on the psychological level – these are many layered ops) how well the panic response would work on a World-Wide level for control (to say nothing of the organism-genetic part of the Operation) because if They were going to run an even bigger World-Wide FAKE Invasion Operation, they needed efficiency numbers. 

I had asked the question: How were Covid and the (Fake ET) questions and all the LARPS around it connected. DJ pointed out one politically relevant way. Which, IMO, The “Real” phenomena or ETs’ or ultra terrestrials (or who ever they really are  – we still don’t know and they really want us to believe they don’t either) are not it, because it would have happened almost 100 years ago.

(it being “invasion”) Which maybe it did when it was pointed out to the world powers at the time the consequences of exploding the first three atomic bombs in 1945. When the ET’s – the real ones – made their point to all the ‘nuclear-capable’ heads of state in the world at the time, and all those who came after in succession. And then they stood back.

Knowing the bomb was out of the question relegated it’s use to threat potential only. IMO, another way to cull the population was needed that didn’t use the creations of principled people to make their plans come true. So, the people who kill people spread the research so thin that accountability would become a moot point, just like they did the science in the black projects around recovered ET tech. They made the next weapon medical. They made it a choice. They then panicked the people so badly they willingly – willingly – took a lethal injection that would in one way or another kill them or limit their reproductive ability, efficiently getting the army to kill it’s self with no bloodshed and no ruin of land or property.

What we are seeing today as the current ET narrative is 100% concocted by these same world powers as just another control mechanism and in reality just another grand game, to bilk more money, blood sweat and tears out of the people of earth. And in one way, truly making us their source of cash and man-power: a commodity, to support whatever Their current agenda is. Whom ever ‘They” are.

If They could do this much damage with Covid imagine what they have planned with a Fake Alien Invasion – another unseen enemy with more lockdowns and loss of freedoms, not counting the loss of life, because there is always loss of life… yeah, just imagine… 

(somebody somewhere is rubbing their hands together in glee and maniacally laughing)

Rule 91

When you decide to walk away, don’t look back.

(or, my rule #1. When you are done, you are done.)

This applies to so many things in my life today. Engineered 3-part bioweapons, masks and virtue signaling, teeny-tiny despots, psychopathic egomaniacs with lots of money and a fine hate of anything that bleeds red, normies who just don’t care, anyone who holds back vital information for ANY reason, liars, and the list goes on and on. To the cost of dear, dear, loved ones, next door neighbors, innocent children, the planet, if you can think of it, add it to this list.

All of you causing this, you are done. I’m over it: and you, you are just plain over. Unfortunately, I have no way off the planet and no way of knowing that it would be any better out there. I feel like calling an exterminator – one that humanely traps the pests and releases them elsewhere… but that would almost put me on par with the sick regressives causing all this. I would pray to god, but ‘he’ would say, “Clean up your house.” and I feel about as powerful and capable as a wet gnat.

This is the first morning of the year that I am able to sit outside and feel the earth in the predawn hours, when the minds around me are drugged with sleep and all is deeply quiet. It seems to me the theme of this year is Strength of Will. (at least for me) I struggle with my mind, it wants to forget the moment to moment busy stuff to do and I notice it in the added minutes I have to use to repeat an action to get a task done.  -Stress related –  I have had to look at mother earth and her beauty and promise, hope for the future that I once felt and realize that it has been subjugated into the morass of games being played at this time. We are invaded, and as much as I want to stay away from the CV19 connection to the invaders, I find that I cannot. (whether they be from China, or off world, or both) The people who cooked this all up are assholes – really. I just never wanted to have to go there, but it seems I must call a spade, a spade. There is no choice, past this point it would be walking straight into denial. Uncomfortable facts must be dealt with head on.

The need to know the ‘who’ is not for blaming, but to make the assessment of the situation clearer. To stare the problem down and tackle it head on and clean it out – to be able to take appropriate action. In war or crisis – of which this both, you fix the problem, then you have feelings about it. There is no time for panic, fear or any emotional reaction in any crisis unless you want to die. Panic = loss of life. I wrote a while back at the beginning of this mess a year ago in an article called Frog Song, about the war being fought with a nano army.

 Uri Geller last week: He had said basically that the engineered virus has antennae on it that were always active, always in contact with the manufacturer (or controller) and could be activated in a number of ways not the least of which was by quantum entanglement through quantum computers. Uri also said in that interview that the ones who come up with the cure are also the creators of said virus…

What I have been able to put together from the information that has come my way since I asked the universe the above question is; this virus is a nano-army, and we are invaded already, hell, we are so limited in our perception that we could have been invaded 5 times over and never even realized it.

What everyone has seemed to pass over or forget recently about the gene modification experimental shot with nano particles is the research of Charles Leiber:

Lieber was in fact working on virus transmitters that could penetrate cell membranes without affecting the intercellular functions and even measure activities inside heart cells and muscle fibers.

Dr. Leiber joined Harvard in 1991. In his early days at the university, he made great strides in the field by growing nanowires in a flask. Researchers before Leiber were already creating wire-like structures with the help of semiconductors, metals and other materials. However, their approach would be quite expensive and would need clean-room facilities like the ones used by computer chip-makers.

In contrast, Lieber could create nanostructures using nothing but simple and inexpensive chemical techniques. He even went a step further to show how these nanowires could be used as transistors, complex logic circuits, data storage devices, and even sensors.

Leiber noted that “continued shrinkage ultimately becomes problematic in terms of just how one achieves [it].” Instead, he created tiny logic circuits and memory – the two main components of a computer – using nanowires. And these circuits were really tiny, some of which just a few atoms across!

Ten years later, Leiber created a transistor so small it can be used to penetrate cell membranes and probe their interiors (sounds like what a virus does, except a virus’s programming to wreak havoc, isn’t it?), without affecting the intercellular functions. The bio-compatible transistor – the size of a virus – can not only measure activities inside a neuron but also heart cells and muscle fibers.

In 2017, Leiber and his team successfully created flexible 3D nanowires mesh that can inject into the brain or retina of an animal, attach itself to the neurons and monitor electrical signals between the cells.

The importance of nanotechnology in advanced warfare can be understood from the fact that the United States’ Department of Defense (DoD) is one of the largest supporters of nanotechnology research. They have funded hundreds of millions of dollars into various research related to nanoelectronics and nanomaterials.

The technology could help create nanosensors and nanocoatings that military could use to protect soldiers against chemical and biological attacks. The fact that nanosensors can detect microscopic quantities of chemicals means it can be used as an effective early warning system against chemical warfare agents such as nerve agents and blood agents.

One half of my progeny saw the danger, and one half didn’t. Like a lot of others I know, all we can do is hope for the best and pray. By this time next year we will begin to see long term results and they will either be negligible, or not. I am hoping that human resiliency and adaptability win out. I am still clinging to our proven track record of survival. We win, they lose. Problem over. They are over.  Finis.

Rule 91….

(Psst! Add these to the Leiber info above – this isn’t just speculation. We have had this tech for a while now. ) Manipulative magnetic nanomedicine: the future of COVID-19 pandemic/endemic therapy Plasmonic Nanomaterial-Based Optical Biosensing Platforms for Virus Detection  Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine

DNA Origami

So earlier today I was viewing Kerry Cassidy’s latest interview with Dr. Robert Young. The question was asked, what does the nano in the vaccines do? And just by chance I ran into this information and pulled a few article abstracts – looks like it can to be programmed to do anything they want it to.


I have learned a new and tantalizing term: DNA Origami. It is a technique of using DNA as building blocks for the creation of of nanoparticles to grown in various environments, in various sizes and depending on the coating applied and its electric charge allowing various functions. It is one of the newest methods in the field of nanotechnology. It could have groundbreaking implications in the targeted treatment of cancer.


The articles I found:

DNA Origami with Complex Curvatures in Three-Dimensional Space


We present a strategy to design and construct self-assembling DNA nanostructures that define intricate curved surfaces in three-dimensional (3D) space using the DNA origami folding technique. Double-helical DNA is bent to follow the rounded contours of the target object, and potential strand crossovers are subsequently identified. Concentric rings of DNA are used to generate in-plane curvature, constrained to 2D by rationally designed geometries and crossover networks. Out-of-plane curvature is introduced by adjusting the particular position and pattern of crossovers between adjacent DNA double helices, whose conformation often deviates from the natural, B-form twist density. A series of DNA nanostructures with high curvature—such as 2D arrangements of concentric rings and 3D spherical shells, ellipsoidal shells, and a nanoflask—were assembled.

Virus-Encapsulated DNA Origami Nanostructures for Cellular Delivery


DNA origami structures can be programmed into arbitrary shapes with nanometer scale precision, which opens up numerous attractive opportunities to engineer novel functional materials. One intriguing possibility is to use DNA origamis for fully tunable, targeted, and triggered drug delivery. In this work, we demonstrate the coating of DNA origami nanostructures with virus capsid proteins for enhancing cellular delivery. Our approach utilizes purified cowpea chlorotic mottle virus capsid proteins that can bind and self-assemble on the origami surface through electrostatic interactions and further pack the origami nanostructures inside the viral capsid. Confocal microscopy imaging and transfection studies with a human HEK293 cell line indicate that protein coating improves cellular attachment and delivery of origamis into the cells by 13-fold compared to bare DNA origamis. The presented method could readily find applications not only in sophisticated drug delivery applications but also in organizing intracellular reactions by origami-based templates.


So, for your edification. There are a lot of articles on google scholar. Research in this field has a decade or more of work behind it.


Everybody is trotting out their stuff again, now that Randy Kramer re-iterated Carol Rosen and everything has gone crazy just as his time line asserts: 

  1. Virus
  2. Civil war 
  3. Super Power war 
  4. Alien invasion
  5. US can then bring out some of the secret ‘big tech’ 
  6. New aliens arrive who are very human to ‘help’
  7. We win and break through the glass ceiling on three important points: ET embargo, Trade embargo with rest of the solar system and other places and the Consciousness embargo

We are almost at number 4…

 If this level of crazy is similar to having telepathy and hearing everybody all at once…

This is a huge gordian knot – I mean everything is all conjoined at the hip: the gov’t of the United States falling apart, the ET question with Jaques Vallee and Paola Harris blowing the entire lid off 70 years of gov’t secrecy on ET’s and UFO’s, the realization that covid 19 and the subsequent vaxes were no more than a depopulation plot that still might work, are all interconnected! Having all this on the net and on everyone’s minds – makes this a very LOUD planet. All these minds here, who don’t know themselves, without a moment of inner peace… all the inner talk, all the problems, the needs, the fears, the happy… It would make a real telepathic race feel like we are a planet of two year old’s at nap time. And I have heard that telepathy is the key to everything in the UFO world….

I get it. Here we are in the middle of a planetary crisis, louder than ever, not having the first idea of what is going on, or how to solve it all, yelling in our heads and all over the internet about it… OMG…. 

Not to say there isn’t good reason for it, there is. We have been ‘Chicken-Littled’, psyopped on a very powerful level and we are running around yelling “The sky is falling! The sky is falling”. Even when we know who’s doing it and why, who their partners are, we are swallowing their ‘fooly’ hook, line and sinker, resisting with all our might the obvious facts, because it doesn’t matter what the facts are, it only matters what we have been told to think! This shows how much we really know about what is going on: NOTHING. 


A very early example containing the basic motif and many of the elements of the tale is some 25 centuries old and appears in the Buddhist scriptures as the Daddabha Jataka (J 322).[1] In it, the Buddha,  tells the story of a hare disturbed by a falling fruit who believes that the earth is coming to an end. The hare starts a stampede among the other animals until a lion halts them, investigates the cause of the panic and restores calm.[36] The fable teaches the necessity for deductive reasoning and subsequent investigation – FORENSICS… ahem. The name “Chicken Little” – and the fable’s central phrase, The sky is falling! – have been applied to people accused of being unreasonably afraid, and or those trying to incite an unreasonable fear in those around them. (and we know who that is)

I heard once and I tend to agree that, ‘Truth is nuanced, facts are not. Facts become Truth when they are absorbed and inform our actions and thoughts.’ We are creating new truths by learning new information. Information sometimes costs in modification of belief systems and behaviour. But, all we have at this point is speculation. This has been a tough one to wade through because so many know so little, the speculation is rampant and usually ends up being the worst we can imagine rather than the best.

So this is us at the worst of times trying to be the best we can. I wonder if we can get an ‘A’ for effort?