Kerry Cassidy

We have all watched Kerry, over the years. Many of her interviews were, shall we say, food for thought and the wildest information out there. Now, 12 years later,  all of her interviews come to light as things we can say we are currently hearing from many other sources. She is about to be taken down from you tube for all time. A huge data base of work, information that was so true years ago and now is fact, will be lost to us. Her work has gone from whistle blowing into HISTORY.  FACT.

Unimaginable – it is being erased as you are reading this.

Who needs the ‘mandela effect’ ?


Project Camelot

Published on May 29, 2018

Subscribed 197K

This is an important message from Kerry Cassidy concerning freedom of the press and free speech.

The X File and History

There have been 11 videos before this one about the “X” factor. This is almost a standalone. If you want to know the twisted history that has brought us to where we are at this moment in the entire story, because it’s all connected, watch this. Then go back and watch the rest. You  won’t believe the connections. Seriously. There isn’t one thing left out. Put a pillow on the floor, because that’s where your jaw is gonna hit. And the History, documents and connections are all there. This is NOT speculation.

The Bench Engineering of Consciousness

Bottom line, if you have 2 counter rotating electromagnetic fields in close proximity you can control time and reality.

It’s only a matter of placement and harmonics. The question becomes, at what level do you want that control? On a consciousness level or a physical matter level? Will you know how to control it to get the results you want – can you bench engineer it? Repeat it? Scale it? Therein the consideration of the electrical power/potential of the field becomes the issue. IE: the Die Glocke ripped holes in the fabric of space time the same as the atom bomb – power…

Allegedly an experiment carried out by Third Reich scientists working for the SS in a German facility known as Der Riese (“The Giant”)[6] near the Wenceslaus mine and close to the Czech border, Die Glocke is described as being a device “made out of a hard, heavy metal” approximately 2.7 metres (9 ft) wide and 3.7 to 4.6 metres (12 to 15 ft) high, having a shape similar to that of a large bell. According to an interview of Witkowski by Cook, this device ostensibly contained two counter-rotating cylinders which would be “filled with a mercury-like substance, violet in color”. This metallic liquid was code-named “Xerum 525” and was “stored in a tall thin thermos flask a meter high encased in lead”.[7] Additional substances said to be employed in the experiments, referred to as Leichtmetall (light metal), “included thorium and beryllium peroxides”.[7] Witkowski describes Die Glocke, when activated, as having an effect zone extending out 150 to 200 metres (490 to 660 ft). Within the zone, crystals would form in animal tissue, blood would gel & separate while plants would decompose into a grease like substance.[7] Witkowski also said that five of the seven original scientists working on the project died in the course of the tests.[8] Based upon certain external indications, Witkowski states that the ruins of a concrete framework, aesthetically dubbed “The Henge”, in the vicinity of the Wenceslas mine (50°37′43″N 16°29′40″E), some 3.1 kilometres (1.9 mi) southeast of the main Complex Sokolec underground works of Project Riese, may have once served as a test rig for an experiment in “anti-gravity propulsion” generated with Die Glocke.[9] However, the derelict structure itself has also been interpreted to resemble the remains of a conventional industrial cooling tower.[10]

Witkowski’s statements along with Cook’s views prompted further conjecture about the device from various American authors, including Joseph P. Farrell, Jim Marrs, and Henry Stevens. In his book, Hitler’s Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology (2007), Stevens concludes that the violet mercury-like substance described by Witkowski could only be red mercury because normal mercury “has no fluid compounds according to conventional wisdom”.[11] Stevens presents a story attributed to German scientist Otto Cerny as told to then 13-year-old Greg Rowe around 1961 which alleged that a concave mirror on top of a device which seemed similar in description to Die Glocke provided the ability to see “images from the past” during its operation.[12]   From <>

From Joseph P Farrell:  The Philosopher’s Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter

Before proceeding to outline a speculative case of what the mysterious IRR Xerum 525 might have been composed of, and what its use in the Bell was designed to do, a brief review of the Bell itself — its construction, operation, effects, and scientific rationalizations for them — is in order. Briefly stated, its construction, operation, and effects, are these:

1. While the size of the Bell’s dimensions vary according to which sources one consults, the standard size may safely be said to be from 12–15 feet tall, and 9–12 feet wide;486

2. It was cylindrical and bell-shaped in appearance, hence its codename among the Germans, die Glocke, the Bell;487

3. Its outer shell was composed of some type of ceramic or metallic material;488

4. It was cryogenically cooled by liquid nitrogen or oxygen;489

5. Around its outside there were several ports for high-voltage electrical cabling, a fact that indicates that the Bell could be transported to various sites for testing and “plugged in.” Additionally, the Bell made a buzzing-hissing sound when in operation, a fact that led to its nickname among the Germans, die Bienenstock, the Beehive;490

6. Inside the device were two counter-rotating drums capable of being spun at extremely high velocities;491

a. Witkowski has argued that these drums were nested one inside the other, as in a typical plasma focus device;492

b. I have previously argued that another possible arrangement was one on top of the other;493

7. The top of the device had some sort of hook-like attachment, indicating that it could perhaps be suspended from a balance scale or similar device;494

8. In the central core of the Bell was a stationary shaft, into which a “thermos bottle” containing the Serum 525 was placed;495

9. Mercury and possibly the Serum 525 itself were placed on the surfaces of the rotating cylinders;496

10.The Bell gave off extremely toxic, and in some cases lethal, field effects to a distance of some 150-200 meters from the device when in operation.497Accordingly, a variety of organic materials and life forms were tested in its presence. Among its many effects, the following two are of noteworthy significance:

a. In the case of plants, exposure to its field resulted in the cellular breakdown of plants within hours to weeks, with the plants decaying suddenly and finally to a state of a brown-grayish goo;498

b. In the case of humans, its first tests resulted in the deaths of five of the seven scientists involved. While subsequent tests appear to have mitigated these effects, people exposed to its field reported the sensation of “pins and needles” on their skin, of sleeplessness, and a persisting metallic taste in the mouth;499

c. the Bell’s above-ground test-rig, the so-called Henge structure at Ludwigsdorff, shows signs of exposure to heavy ionized and neutron radiation. Additionally, the structure’s steel reinforcement bolts running around the top of the structure appear to have been sheared or broken off by some abrupt and powerful force;500

d. the Bell also exploded light bulbs and created damage in electrical equipment in the surrounding environs during its tests above ground;501

11. In the case of outdoor tests conducted at night, some concentration camp workers associated with the project report seeing “barrel-like” devices ascending above the tree-lines with a pale blue glow;502

12. The Bell was tested under the most extreme security around the environs of Ludwigsdorff and Castle Fürstenstein in the mountains of Lower Silesia;503

13. Approximately sixty of the scientists and technicians connected with the project were murdered by the SS prior to the end of the war, and the device, and all its project documentation, along with General Kammler and a massive six-engine Junkers 390 heavy lift ultra-long-range aircraft went missing at the end of the war;504

14. Its scientific head, Prof. Dr. Walther Gerlach, was one of the interred scientists at Farm Hall, who was heard talking mysteriously of magnetic fields separation, vortex compression, the gravitation of the earth’s magnetic field, and so on. Additionally, Dr. Gerlach was the only one of the Farm Hall scientists subsequently taken to the United States for further interrogation. Upon his return to Germany, he never wrote again of gravitation or spin resonance and other subjects that had been his specialty before the war.505

15. One of the Bell’s project scientists, and the designer of its power plant, the electrical engineer Dr. Kurt Debus, subsequently ended up as a senior flight director during the NASA Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space projects at Cape Canaveral;506

16. A mathematician from the University of Königsberg, Dr. Elizabeth Adler, was brought in as a consultant during the project, for reasons never disclosed in the currently extant evidence concerning the project;507

17. The Bell’s code names, Das Laternenträgerprojekt, The Lantern-bearer Project, and Projekt Kronos, Project Time, or alternatively, Project Saturn, are evocative of an esoteric and occult influence possibly at work in the background of the project, since “lantern-bearer” or “light-bearer” is a loose conceptual relationship to Lucifer, the light-bearer, and “Kronos” is the Greek word both for time and for the planet Saturn. Thus, the code name Projekt Kronos could suggest a project having to do both with the manipulation of time, and with some field propulsion experiment designed to give lead to access to distant planets, symbolized by Saturn.508 Finally, there is also a reference to the Bell project also being code-named Tor or “Gate” at some point in the literature.509

(emphasis mine and the footnotes not included – buy the book…)

Farrell, Joseph P.. The Philosopher’s Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter (p. 286). Feral House. Kindle Edition.

In my book Secrets of the Unified Field, I explored at some length the cogent arguments of Bell researcher Igor Witkowski that the counter-rotating drums within the device had been laid out in the form of a typical plasma focus, one inside the other. Indeed, Witkowski’s arguments are compelling, and rationalize the device quite well.510 As outlined in Secrets of the Unified Field, however, a case can be argued that the Nazis may have rationalized the device along the lines of the incorporation of some form of torsion tensor in the unified field theories that began to be published in the Weimar Republic between the wars and before the Nazi assumption of power. There I argued that the presence of a mathematician from the University of Königsberg — the same university that saw the development of the first such hyper-dimensional unified field theory, that of mathematician Dr. Theodor Kaluza — within the Bell project pointed to a modified form of Kaluza’s theory, that included torsion, as the basis of the project. Additionally, that theory’s “geometry” was cylindrical.511 Since one of the effects of torsion is similar to wringing an empty soda can like a dishrag, producing spiraling folds and pleats in the fabric of spacetime similar to the spiraling folds and pleats in the can that result from its “wringing,” I speculated that in order to maximize this torsion effect within the Bell, that the counter-rotating drums were analogous to this image: the drums, in other words, could equally be rationalized to have been placed one on top of the other, in order to maximize the torsion effect produced by the device.

Farrell, Joseph P.. The Philosopher’s Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter (p. 287). Feral House. Kindle Edition.


Macro to Micro

Your brain creates an electromagnetic field and so does your heart….

Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD; also magneto-fluid dynamics or hydro­magnetics) is the study of the magnetic properties of electrically conducting fluids. Examples of such magneto­fluids include plasmas, liquid metals, salt water, and electrolytes.

                           ( we as human are mostly salt water…)

The word “magneto­hydro­dynamics” is derived from magneto- meaning magnetic field, hydro- meaning water, and dynamics meaning movement. The field of MHD was initiated by Hannes Alfvén,[1] for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1970.


There is a small matter of synchronization and spin…

What if right brain function spins one way and left brain function spins the other…-

What if you either quiet or convince the brain to maintain a right-brain creative spin and use the powerful field of the heart, synchronize them and create a portal – like one where your body could follow your spirit/mind/energy aspect right through?

What would constitute markers of electromagnetic spin in either direction in a heart – type of emotion or a state of feeling the emotion, or none at all – a state of quiet? In the ‘magic of words, I don’t think it’s any accident that emotion = e-motion, or energy in motion…

Could synchronization between mind and heart happen with intent? Or, simple observation?

When a quantum “observer” is watching Quantum mechanics states that particles can also behave as waves. This can be true for electrons at the submicron level, i.e., at distances measuring less than one micron, or one thousandth of a millimeter. When behaving as waves, they can simultaneously pass through several openings in a barrier and then meet again at the other side of the barrier. This “meeting” is known as interference.

Strange as it may sound, interference can only occur when no one is watching. Once an observer begins to watch the particles going through the openings, the picture changes dramatically: if a particle can be seen going through one opening, then it’s clear it didn’t go through another. In other words, when under observation, electrons are being “forced” to behave like particles and not like waves. Thus the mere act of observation affects the experimental findings.

From <>

Could the concentration of a psychopathic brain and a black heart – be as effective as a focused creative mind and a powerfully loving heart…. ? It would explain quite a lot to me. It would also make the case for science instead of magic.

There is a simple switch in the brain – a simple truth. (of that I’m certain! ) When we discover it, it will be magical, but in truth, just science at different level. There are old true-isms and legends and writings, monolith’s, hieroglyphs, languages with mysteries encoded in their very shape, all around us with these keys blatantly displayed if only we knew how to read them.


IE: This is vortex science – spin, described by the ancient Hebrew written language.

For thousands of years, spiritual teachers of the Jewish and Christian traditions have claimed that the Hebrew alphabet is composed of “holy” letters of special significance and superhuman origin. With the recent publication of Michael Drosnin’s book The Bible Code, the release of Jodie Foster’s film Contact and Fred Alan Wolfe’s work on The Spiritual Universe, attention is fixed on the potential fusion of science and religion. (better word would have been spirituality – emphasis is mine) A perfect time for Stan Tenen, a physicist and Director of the Meru Foundation, to take the stage.

By fusing mathematics and Jewish mysticism, Tenen has demonstrated that the first verse of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible generates a mathematical Torus. When a particular portion is removed from this ‘doughnut’, its shape mirrors the human hand.

Tenen claims the Hebrew alphabet is based on the human hand, because it represents the function of differentiating self from other, inside from outside. “The alphabet links the inner world of the mind with the outer world of experience, just as our hands do,” he says. “And,” he continues, “The first letter of the book of Genesis -Bet- means ‘house’, something that distinguishes inside from outside; this is the most basic distinction you can make at any level of consciousness.”

When Tenen broke the first word of Genesis into its ‘subatomic particles’ (the word is actually comprised of two smaller words, meaning “fire” and “six-edged thorn”), he took the “thorn” to mean a tetrahedron and constructed a model of it, placing the “fire,” or torus “vortex” form, inside. Tenen noticed that the model, which he calls “The Light In the Meeting Tent” also reflected the polarity of perfect symmetry (the tetrahedron) and asymmetry (the vortex form). As he studied it, he discovered it was even more multifaceted than he had realized. “When I looked through the faces of the tetrahedron at the vortex, each view displayed a different letter in the Hebrew alphabet,” he says. And,” he mentions almost casually,” I realized the 27 gestures that accompany the letters correspond to the 27 ‘preferred’ pointing directions used in hyper-dimensional space.    From <>


Thus we get the Egyptian hieroglyph with 3 contexts: sound (a representation of the sound you hear, like our letters), Word (single word meaning – like tree, or cat), Quantum Concept ( metaphor – like a representation).  From <>

Throughout the entire electromagnetic spectrum – there is a matching 3D analogue/concept for all the frequencies – that gives us right-out, the matching harmonious resonance for us to see and use.


It’s all about the harmonies…


The point is that if by analogy we can scale this information up and down, just like the Em-field, there should be a point in there where we can see it working in the human body-mind-spirit complex. For instance Mind and Heart two electromagnetic tori (toruses) with their single meeting point, at the throat chakra, whose color I might add is blue, synchronized spinning at that point, which is the same as ‘the pinch’, the Zp (zero point), where the correctly spoken word is made into sound (another ELF frequency band) may actually do something, or change something, actually have some effect in the outer world…

It’s a beginning, thinking this way by analogy and cross disciplinarily, and it’s totally abhorrent to science, but – why not bench engineer this stuff and instead apply the scientific method to new ideas and make them repeatable, scalable and useful?






Shell Game

What is it that TTSA may want out to the public, maybe even the government, that needs to be revealed to us because something is coming that we need some time to digest before it arrives, whether it be information or personages?

What is it that needs to be revealed without harming the peoples trust in the government and why would the TTSA seemly be pushing for congressional hearings on this to get it to proceed?

John Greenewald makes a very valid point that shifting patents for the tech into corporate entities doesn’t necessarily make something unrecoverable by FOIA request. If any of the research was paid for by us with our taxes which can be found by requesting the contract for business, the stipulated deliverables are information we PAID for… and have a right to.

Is TTSA lying, or embellishing? Is their funding running dry? We have learned that AAWSAP might be the umbrella under which AATIP was operated and that it is imperative to have the right name on a FOIA request, but what if the agency we want information from isn’t even public, say for instance, the SSP?

This program, which will be out on your tube soon, is excellent. I can never wait, so I go to KGRA website and listen from the show archives.



Date: 05-24-2018

Title: SPECIAL GUEST John Greenewald

DOWNLOAD – PRS052418KGRA – PHENOMENON RADIO – Special Guest John Greenewald.mp3


From <


Alien Protocols: a new CE5 event, in a new way.


Streamed live 14 hours ago

Subscribed 10K

I talk with an experiencer with a background in the TV industry, who is now working out ways to get the visitors (or resident ETs) to show up and be filmed. He reveals his face on camera during this live broadcast. KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT


Sinister Laughter

Depending on what mind set you are coming from, it seems there is a strategy to send you down a deep rabbit hole. The Deeper the hole, the deeper the thinker, the more twisted and insidious the game.

I have spent a great amount of time and effort to keep my nose out of societies, informational groups, educational ivory towers and obvious collections of people in various genres. I have plundered a wonderful smorgasbord of theories from everywhere. This has not led me to any answers, but I have observed a weirdness factor in every direction I look that seems to want to misdirect my attention from what matters to noise and the squirrel factor.

I was listening to Rune Soup, Gordon was interviewing Peter Levenda pre-Tom Delonge. Peter was on the verge of understanding a rather important point that he was elucidating in his Sinister Forces trilogy. Once the trilogy was published, he was recruited for what I would call one of the biggest managing magic operations in the UFO field so far, IMO.


I have been aware since the 60’s that it would be important to not get side swiped, bamboozled and corralled by something. I saw the trap that would limit my brain and imagination from apprehension of what I was after. I began to understand that it was all set up that way. The information I wanted was stuck like gold under tons of rock and in between crystals up in a mountain and would never be freely given, ever.


The lie, the cover up, the misdirection, the squirrel effect is all pervading though every strata, every genre, every niche and pocket of information everywhere. I am still amazed that it is working full force to confuse us. Aggravated too. It’s not that this world is a lie, or a hologram – again I think that idea is an attempt to explain what we can’t grasp in terms that we can understand – but that we are caught in a very clever sleight of hand. Not just this century either, this is an aeon game. It has been going on since before this culture can remember far into the mists of lost time. Somebody, somewhere needs to figure it out and tell the world before they are killed… Not that it would hit us like a big bang, because we are all still so under the effect of the bedazzle, that I wonder if we’d even notice. Heck, I bet if all the veils came down in one blink of an eye, we’d all be saying “Put it Back!!! I wasn’t done yet!”

And whatever Peter Levenda’s Sinister Force is would laugh and it would echo down the corridors of time….

This was way to short for the topic but is quite excellent.

This Damned Aeon Game

It has been said, that humanity is not ready for advanced information because we would use it wrongly – an Atlantean racial memory, perhaps? In all the old records about this society – the channelings, the pulling down of info from the akashic records/siddhis, we are met with this one point – that a war between peoples destroyed the earth and collapsed an advanced high civilization. That they all migrated and integrated themselves into other civilizations and social systems on the earth while keeping their ideations alive – albeit secret. Joseph Farrel has an entire series of books that are written from an examination of ancient writings and academic studies on the translation of these records that show, illuminate this thread through time up to today.

Those two factions have been named the Belial Group and the Great White Brotherhood. (1) Their legacy comes down through time to today in the cabal/deep state and the mystery schools. Their infighting also continues today in that every positive movement message to teach society higher principles has been eventually twisted, and the new awareness movement has clued us all into what the deep state has been/is up to.

IMO if the information to raise humanity’s hearts and minds had been released earlier, even though humanity ‘wasn’t‘ ready for it, I think it would have eventually brought us to a different space – today, a more enlightened place where the current stranglehold on our hearts and minds may not have happened because this information has a peculiar effect to it that tends to raise and enlighten all those that come in contact with it. It has this ‘effect’ of opening up consciousness, changing DNA and evolving the soul. It would have been inevitable.

The argument against this was that the technology could have also been used to create great and horrible planet killing sciences – like the atom bomb. Notice, however, that some of it – like the bomb, made it out into mainstream and, well, we are still here. There was another part of this tech related to frequency harmonics and radio/microwave technology that also made it out ( from supposedly the good side and was twisted) and is being used for nefarious purposes against us in things like 5G and the space fence.

In occulting the main part of the understanding of this science the real effect was for us to get caught in developing devices/tech that use a dangerous part of it to try to help society, like nuclear power stations, that ultimately have turned against us by becoming an ecological disaster. Also, in occulting most of this information we are not prepared for it’s wrong use AGAINST US because we are unable to understand the whole of the weapon being used – BECAUSE THE SCIENCE IS TILL SECRET!

There is evidence littered all through society that this tech is being used behind our backs by an entire higher strata of advanced society that we have no part of, and it was/is created from the sweat of our backs and brows.


Richard Dolan talks about the breakaway civilization.

DW, CG, ES and JS all talk about the secret space program. (2)

Kathryn Austin Fitts talks about where the money comes from to support both the breakaway civilization and the SSP, how we are robbed of not only the money but the tech that could help us and what they are using it for.

Joseph P. Farrell talks about the origin of the two sides of the warring factions through historical proof, and also tracks the science, the secrecy and the money it took to keep it that way from a global perspective

Dark Journalist is chronicling the more modern mystery school vs. deep state roots and the twisted path through politics and government influence the information has been hidden.

Dean Radin is exploring how to rebirth it through science and demystify it.

Grant Cameron is following it through the UFO/phenomenology foot print.

LMH is documenting it through the tracking and reporting of anomalous events and amazing original thinking when connecting the dots.

Nick Redfern is tracking it through cryptozoology and myth and legend.

JAWs (John Anthony West) was exploring it through ancient Egypt.

Carmen Boulter is using sheer intuition and her academic training to go against institutional ideas and finding amazing archeological hidden treasures.

People like Wall Thornhill, Dr. Robert Schoch and Brian Foerster are all boots on the ground scientists who have bucked the system.


These are the people whose research is where to start looking when you want to see the outer pattern of this current mess and the unholy game going on today. Through all of these people who found a thread of this reality and pursued it, we find one commonality and that is a state of consciousness, a willingness to think out of the box and really see – an expanded consciousness – an ‘X’ factor, as DJ has been calling it of late. One that enables us to see differently information that has been in front of our noses in plain sight forever.

Consciousness is the unified field. Everything that could possibly be done to hide this fact has been done. This fact is not even worthy of a why, it requires we zero in on our own consciousness and head straight to the heart of the matter. It means we don’t stop till we figure it out. This is a branch of information that is civilization changing, civilization stabilizing, survival ensuring, life enhancing information.

Grant Cameron absolutely swears that the UFO tech does NOT work unless there is a state of consciousness that guides it, that the whole UFO question will be understood from a point of consciousness, not only nuts and bolts. Further, it has been documented that anybody who has had contact with the phenomenal effect will show a change in their DNA.

Since DNA is a frequency, (3) I posit that whatever this effect, this information is, it radically changes our frequency which is something the new 5G and the terrestrial space fence are trying to destroy….

To get ahead of this game, IMO, it is necessary to imagine 20 steps ahead if not more, have a planetary – nay, solar system grasp of the politics going on and have an open mind enough to be able to put this information together in odd and wonderful ways. The only way we regular people have of ever dreaming of getting a hold of this damned aeon game is by getting a head of the curve, because we will never have enough money or power or prestige to do it any other way.


We have minds.

It’s now time to use them.






(2) David Wilcock, Corey Goode. Emery Smith and Jason Sather


(3) DNA Science and What Russian Researchers Have Surprisingly Discovered…



The people Links:




















How to finanace an entire off the books civilization: Richard Dolan Interviews Cathryn Austin Fitts

Get a note pad out. This starts out fast and just gets faster and deeper.

KGRA: Richard Dolan from Uluru with Catheryn Austin Fitts

Do Blobs Knock?

At midnight last night I awakened to a very loud knocking – four of them in a row, like on a door. I knew it was midnight, or about 2 min. after, because when I wake up in the middle of the night I always make a note of the time. At this point I had been in a deep sleep because I fell asleep about 10pm. I shot into consciousness at light speed. My husband hadn’t come to bed yet and Diesel my 70 pound best friend dog was still on the bed sleeping peacefully. I opened my eyes to look at the clock and at the door because the sound had to have come from wood – and it was a characteristic ‘knock’.   What I saw was interesting…

There was a very inky-black irregular blob hanging in the air about 4 ft. off the floor over by the door partially against the wall and hanging into the open doorway inside the room, so I grabbed my glasses and it was still there, and it felt like it was still there – you always know when you are being observed. I then tried to turn on the lamp next to my bed, and it would not turn on. That of course, is one of my worst night mares, and in the back of my mind I was saying ‘I absolutely refuse to be scared out of my wits!!!’ So I got out of bed to make sure it was fully plugged in, and it was. The only other source of light was the light switch on the wall and I would have had to walk right thru the blob to get to it, and the ‘blob’ was still there – I checked. I bumped the lamp shade standing up and it flickered on, then off, so I fiddled with the bulb, and then it came on. When I looked at the blob, it was gone.

Interesting that Diesel slept through the entire thing – even when I walked out of the room to call to my husband. Which is odd because if I move, he’s always aware and raises his head to look at me like, ‘What are we doing now?’. Thinking the knocking was something on the TV downstairs, I listened a moment, realizing that it couldn’t have been the TV because it was not that loud.

I got back in bed with the resolution to NOT let that feeling of the creeps up and down my spine to take over. That creepy feeling to me always means that there is something there. Like the blob was, but I could not see it. My husband came up to bed at that point which, thankfully, always crashes the energy – anybody else coming into a weird field always does change the energy.

Just to be on the safe side I wrapped myself, the house, my husband and all the animals in white light, pointedly ignoring the blob energy – giving no attention. I haven’t had to ward the house in a long time. I guess the energies have changed enough that it is time to go through and do it again. Spring energetics, ‘Here I come!’

Just two questions, anybody else have stuff like this happen? I haven’t had it happen to me in a great many years. Not since my third eye shut its lid when I was a kid. Not that I haven’t had things show up in the bedroom, but they were not scary, and they didn’t paralyze the dog. Second, was the knock from  somewhere else to wake me up and be aware of what was floating around my room, or do blobs knock? Interesting.

You attract what you think your thoughts about, and I have been wandering through the modern interpretations of chaos magic – researching and reading books to find the consciousness link to phenomenology and physics… and with Nick Redfern’s interview on Fade to Black on Tuesday added to the pot and plenty of Rune Soup on You Tube, I may have primed that pump a little too much. Now I have some energetic cleaning to do.

Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe

Magic is to Religion as Technology is to Science.

Magic is to religion as technology is to science.

Radin, Dean. Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe (p. 35). Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale. Kindle Edition.

What if we are going about the whole UFO/Phenomena question backwards? In a way religion and science are both constructs of how to think within a genre in a limited way – in a ‘It is this and nothing else.’ box. While, magic and technology are about engineering an idea to produce an effect.


Einstein’s 1928 Special Relativity Paper: incorporation of the torsion tensor made the theory bench engineerable – whether the math eloquently ‘finished’ the theory or not, the equation made laboratory invention of devices to change the local energy of gravity (1)

The Kaluza -Klein Theory that unifies gravity and electromagnetism by the introduction of a new spatial dimension: time, thus uniting Einstein’s theory of gravity with Maxwell’s theory of light by introducing the fifth dimension; four dimensions of space and one dimension of time. Kaluza assumed that light is a disturbance caused by the rippling of this higher dimension.

Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev and zero point energy, dynamic torsion and its effects on the physical medium like time alteration/gravity. (1)

Gabriel Kron’s tensor equations for electrical machines

E.T. Whittaker: electromagnetic vortices in the space/time medium

Tesla’s idea that the fabric of space time acts like a fluid to solid bodies and a solid to light and heat (1)

Lt. Col. Tom Bearden: engineering the fabric of the space time continuum is the ability to suddenly put energy into a target area and the ability to suddenly extract energy from a target area (1)

Thomas Townsend Brown: research into odd electrical effects led him to believe he had discovered a connection between strong electric fields and gravity, a type of antigravity effect (1)


We separate nature and culture – which is a known highjack of the scientism paradigm, we are limiting our ability to see beyond that box into a larger truth about what is actually going on. Now a-days we call it programming. But really, it is just another division of our wholeness. In phenomenology we are looking for the miraculous (in some sense) – on the fringe of what is acceptable. It is interesting that the governors of the box have recently ‘admitted’ the UFO’s are real and my first reaction is, ok, if they are admitting to that then what are they trying to hide?

When you begin to look at phenomenology as a part of the UFO definition, you are walking through a door into the world of real magic – or archetypal ideas that have a more numinous hold over the human psyche. Terrence McKenna says that the universe runs on story shapes, that story is the true shape of consciousness. The archetypes are self-aware story entities (like ETs, Eds) – clusters of those shapes make maps to embedded information shapes in the unconscious mind..

Story shape is a synonym for reality, so, when we tell stories, we shape reality. For instance, Genesis to Apocalypse is the story shape we are all living in and the story we need to rewrite. There was/is a hijack of our sovereign flow to stand outside that story (myth) and say, “Wait-a-minit! Ahem – NO!” We have forgotten how to reshape our reality.

Memory of that hijack in the Adam and Eve story line and the guilt we all were taught to feel from eating from the ‘tree-of-knowledge’ is real. We used to live differently before this myth structured the mass consciousness of all of us. We remember – a greater – deeper – more ancient way that things used to be and it is at the core of our awakening now. We do not realize the absolute potential of story to change reality – mold the prima Materia of living awareness.

In one way, this is the way to change the future by retelling the past and thusly creating a different now. Which brings me to my point: if UFO’s and phenomenology are now ok, meaning you can talk about them without the label of insanity, then the next set of ideas that are being held back are now the new set of information that becomes the crack in the door of the mind cage that is keeping us all dreaming darkly from that box, so to speak…

(1) Farrell, Joseph P.:  Secrets of the Unified Field: the Philadelphia Experiment, the Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory