By what right? Divine Right of Kings: how one group of people thinks they are better and thereby exposes their insanity. (IMO)

The divine right of kings, divine right, or God’s mandate is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God.

Divine right of kings – Wikipedia

By whose right? By God’s right? Who is god, and how does this personage dole out divine right? So prove god. Prove god exists.

Otherwise the source within, the spark of divinity within, the human part that says ‘I am’, makes us all divinely ‘righted’ to rule: ourselves. Sovereignty.

And to rule over none. Because to say I have divine right to kill you, use you and call you less because I have been appointed/anointed – is NOT divine. It is a form of mental/emotional sickness and an excuse for very bad behavior. Divinity recognizes it’s self in all of us and all of creation down to the last molecule – tiniest particle. It calls none of us over, above, better or under, less than the others of us. So even if you had a god come and stand before me to tell me that someone was better, more worthy or whatever distinction you wanted to use, to inform me as to why, someone had the right to rule, kill, or use me because I was less than they were…you wouldn’t have a foot to stand on. Similarly, because the divine presence is in everything, everyone, everywhere, we are all gifted with our OWN awareness of what is what and what is divine. We can’t escape it – because it is part and parcel of the living animating force that is us. It is also the glue that holds ‘things’ in the 3D world together – like basic units of matter. I would call it the underlying field of energy of the whole of manifestation.

But somehow, since way before Rome, this idea of


has been thrust upon the world and from it evolved the concept of: therefore, I can use you, think nothing of you and throw you away according to my whims because god told me I could.

Understand this: the infinite intelligence that is the life force is everywhere. Even in things that our little limited apprehension doesn’t see as animated or alive. Therefore there are none better or worse than anything/anyone else in all of creation and there is absolutely no excuse for the use of or harm to anything/one.

There is no such thing as ‘better-than’ that can give you, or anybody else the license to use you with wholesale disregard for your livingness and your right to that livingness and it’s expression.

Last night we were skirting around this idea with the term the “illuminati” and it’s philosophy that because ‘they’ have more information about ‘stuff’ that ‘they’ are better-than people who don’t and therefore, ‘they’ have a license to use and murder the souls and bodies of others in any way they see fit.

This is insane.

The definition of insanity is the inability to perceive. (Even if you think you are perceiving and you can treat the other poorly – you are not really perceiving, not really knowing, not really living in the skin of the other – therefore you are handicapped, really…IMO)

Since remembered time, remembered history has recorded in some very old writings the story of how we have always been told that we are NOT god – that somebody else is, and that because of that we have no rights and must allow, by divine right, those in power to do anything they wish to us.

This was the beginning of the oldest, most heinous game ever perpetrated on this planet to keep one type of people in power while allowing no others the right to even exist except by their “gracious” will.

The others that come from off planet with bigger, shinier toys and ideas – the ones that would come here to lord it over us, are no better than the so called idiot rulers that have lorded it over the planet in the past. The ones that would choose to never interfere are the ones that know the divinity within themselves and therefore recognize it in all others.

This is what we are contending with right now, on this world, opening our eyes enough to see that divinity/recognition/response-ability within each of ourselves enough, so that we are empowered to oust the ones who still want to be cavemen in their hearts and use and abuse us and the planet to their own ends.

Haven’t you had enough already?

“Divine right of kings.” “Illuminati – cabal – PTB…

In who’s book and by who’s definition???



…’drinks on me’…

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will control your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung

If you are not using your subconscious mind, for sure, somebody else will. But how do they get into it? How do they ‘infest’ a part of you? Something you believe is only yours and for heaven’s sake, private?

Well, follow me into the fringe for a moment. We live in a box with 5 holes. We do. We see the entirety of creation through our five senses. Not only have we been trained to look ONLY through those five holes, we have been punished for looking elsewhere. That elsewhere is inside, indeed, the doorway to the universe.

If they are pumping our subconscious full of scary drivel 24/7/365 through the other wavelengths of the spectrum (you all remember the pictures that show that and the teeny-tiny piece of it that the 5 holes can make sense of) in a vain effort to control where we look (pay no attention to the man behind the curtain) then wouldn’t that make you want to go and look?

Further, once you did you would realize that your subconscious mind is not just only yours – but a sea of everybody’s unconscious stuff. In fact, there is NO separation between you and me, just a difference of perception and willingness to look.

Well, what if the PTB decided to weaponize this part of us, by sending it scary messages and really gnarly images? What if in this day and age of technology it is also ridiculously easy to do that? What if this was all set up to catch us in this net of deception right at the time we all started to grow and open up our whole minds? What if they wanted to head off at the pass their complete and utter loss of control over us? And, what if it is NOT working, this last bastion of control they think they have over us?

You see, if they can actually do this sneaky inputting of information into our minds, and like Cliff High points out it comes out in the world wide linguistic emotional analogs – and we really are all of one mind – with different perceptions, then it is child’s play to invade us all like a common cold.

We really are all connected and it is through this world of the electromagnetic spectrum, through negatives and positives, electron flow, ones and zeros, just like Jimmy said last night that this type of underhanded programming can take place. We live in a veritable soup of electronic noise every moment of the day. Hello.

But we are not aware of that because it lies outside of what we are allowed to perceive. And should we go down the rabbit hole to look through our inner subconscious minds to see it differently, they have conveniently made sure it will scare the crap out of us, so we never do it again… So we never get past the garbage to all the other goodies in there, not the least of which is that, this is the meeting place of our souls and all other life out/in there. The proof of that is their ability to feed us all the same unconscious garbage – data point to Cliff High.

They desperately want to keep us OUT of that area of our minds. So yeah, we are invaded. We have a very obvious mind virus. One that we could easily kick out and get on with discovering who and what we are. But we must be willing to encounter the dweller on the threshold and know it for what it is. Bullshit. Period.

There is nothing to fear in there but fear its self….

Go poke around inside your mind and see if any of this makes sense to you.



I feel so strongly about this that my zeal got away with me last night while talking to Jimmy Church and I do wish to apologize for the off color descriptive adjectives….  (the swearing). To my utter mortification I will now be known not for the idea – but for its presentation. Drinks on me…


To Remember the Future

If you have listened…. Monday and Tuesday night Jimmy Church on Fade to Black has been asking some very pertinent questions about Dwave computing that involves ultradimensional computing in qbits (quantum bits) and frequency and HAARP and DARPA and our overall sense of wellness which is generated by our unconscious-subconscious minds.

I have written a ton on the fact that mindscaping (talking to our subconscious – below the conscious awareness of our selves) is possible and is being used. I even included the patents for this in one article. Vault 7 is out and we know there isn’t one aspect of our lives that they are not ‘spying’ on – collecting data to see if their operations are working, much like Cliff High’s predictive linguistics program does. He thinks we are subconsciously intuitive on a mass scale and that by mining the web with his web bots for certain words containing assigned emotional values that he can predict what is on the horizon. In a way, he can.

But what he is not using in his data set is that we have been fed a steady undercurrent of images and feelings by the gov’t offshoots of technology from HAARP and DARPA that have not only set up this disquiet we all feel, but capitalized on it. So much so that what we see on the web, what we read, the movies and television are all feeding us data/information/lies – underneath our conscious recognition. This accumulates and is what is creating these prescient feelings of doom.

The web bots then go out and collect the very information being fed to us as emotional markers and in a closed loop irrational logic pattern to prove as true what we are being fed…

In other words they have populated our subconscious for us. Why? Well, I do believe it is hooked to the evolutionary trend in conscious development to subconsciously distract us from the revelations we should be feeling about our new and opened abilities.

You see 2012 DID happen and the Earth DID split and this IS 4D.

Our job is move through it and get to 5D. Once there, the persons trapped in 4D by their own free-will-choice will no longer be able to use us in the myriad ways they have for the last century or so.

As long as they can populate our subconscious minds with garbage we will be distracted from ever realizing that we are already there. People like Cliff will keep coming out with the destruction predictions because that is what we are being fed by the PTB and we all keep waiting for the other shoe to drop because it keeps coming out in the language on the net…

It’s a circular pattern. We are vibratorily fed emotions and images through many venues – we talk about it on the net and also see it there – the web bots go out and scavenge for the emotionally laden words and come back with linguistic predictions which match what we are being fed – which back feeds the loop!!!!

Now, if time is a function of consciousness, which even research form the past 100 years has shown, that can account for the Mandela effect because we are being SUBCONSCIOUSLY manipulated into creating these time loops where the data becomes skewed.

The Kozyrev mirrors are installed in such a way as to create a closed space in which there is a weakening of the magnetic field of the Earth, and which thereby provides more human access to solar and galactic information. Through numerous experiments using the mirrors with this intention, the ISRICA has focused studies in a number of areas, including human psychophysiology, pathology of disease and health, and the evolvement of telepathic fields and remote sensing. In 1990-91, a precursor of the rainbow bridge experiment was conducted entitled, “The ‘Aurora Borealis’ Global experiment on Investigation of Distant-Informational Interactions in the Noosphere and their Role in the Planet-Biospheric Homeostasis of the Earth.” The conclusions the ISRICA scientists have drawn from the experiments with the Kozyrev Mirrors are often startling to the Western mind, and can best be understood within the context of the Russian school of thought known as Cosmism.

Imagine standing under a vast, scintillating aurora borealis, and seeing it change colors as you changed your thoughts. This exact situation led Russian medical doctor Alexander V. Trofimov into his groundbreaking research on human consciousness, in collaboration with Vlail P. Kaznacheev, and following in the footsteps of the great 20th century physicist Nikolai Kozyrev.

Essentially, Kozyrev devised reproducible experiments that prove the existence of a “torsional energy field” beyond electromagnetism and gravity, which travels much faster than light. He called it the “flow of time.” Others, Einstein among them, have called it “ether.” Others call it “zero point energy.”

Within this “flow of time,” the past, present, and future all exist at the same time, and in every place. This discovery sets the stage for all psychic phenomena to be scientifically explainable. Trofimov and Kaznacheev have, for the past thirty years, been experimentally developing the practical explanations, and have made some surprising discoveries.

Cliff High then concludes:

Kozyrev did not live long enough to see the development of the machine augmented temporal collectors and distributors. Nor did he see the math that describes the closed, time-like loops he postulated must be able to be created, given some of his results in the late 1950’s.

In all of his work with temporal fields, in all of his experiments, in his isolation work, in his math, in his conclusions, Kozyrev consistently runs into what he labeled as the ‘active’ properties of time. He went to great trouble over many years of painstaking measurement to codify and quantify these ‘active’ properties of time. He was able to isolate and experiment on individual ‘active’ properties such that he was compiling a list of these properties as part of his work towards understanding the ‘mechanisms of temporal flow’.

But what one really must wonder, after reading Kozyrev’s experiment journals and lab notes, did he recognize how much of what he was studying was actually consciousness science? If we read Kozyrev’s equations from the perspective of consciousness his conclusions reflect current thinking that the consciousness field affects everything, in fact, IS everything….and Kozyrev spent years codifying lots of its aspects thinking that these were the ‘active’ properties of time. From <>

So, here we are with some interesting WOWO science that feeds right into the entire plan.

I would like to posit that we ARE caught in a time loop by our very thoughts and consciousness because we refuse to look at the energetic/spiritual component of beingness so we could discover this.

The strongest ‘knowingness’ inside me has been that this is not all a mistake – life here and that it will be ok. All of my life, and since the 80’s when the Mandela effect started to happen and the sideways time movement through various possibilities started to happen, I have noticed that the inner awareness of my own soul and strength has diminished. I have fought a vigorous inner battle against it because there is something in me that keeps screaming “This Is False!!!” But I couldn’t think around it till just this morning after sleeping on what Jimmy said and putting it all together in a different way. Because I REMEMBER THAT I KNOW IT DIFFERENTLY!!!!!

So now, I implore you to “Remember the Future” – recognize that we are already out of 3D, well into 4D and this is the trick – KNOW we are in 4D where all this crap can happen – and get our butts in gear by remembering the future because we are already there!!! 5D is where manifestation occurs at the speed of thought, in 4D we simply have not accepted the responsibility of this great gift and instead are farting around with our worst nightmares…. At a tipping point when at least 10 percent of the population can understand this they will actually be able to show it to the rest of us and it will then be like rolling a snow ball downhill creating an avalanche – a tide so strong it will bring the rest of the population along.

So, I bid you, PLEASE


There was a video I loved and had saved in several places about human kind and photons and remembering the future – brilliantly done – that I even had embedded in a blog post, which has been pulled. It was a really lovely way to teach this concept… interesting.

Too much??

There is a prime lot of Psy-op, Data Inundation, and lets screw with their heads going on out there right now. I feel we are at a point where everything will very soon become apparent. But my question is, why are they trying so hard to distract us? My attention was drawn to an FB posting on a trailer for a non-existent movie, that had information on the pre-adamites we are supposedly finding in Arc’lantis and Nibiru and the whole ball of wax right now. As to why this movie has gained mythical status by vanishing, is also an interesting question. However, this trailer has nothing to do with the movie it was for and yet is a perfect representation of all of the topics that are being used to keep us running in nine million directions.

Watch the 7 minute trailer here – well worth the 7 minutes.

The movie 1Anunnaki that this trailer is supposedly about is a prime example of something that made somebody really nervous so they had it removed, or an excellent psy-op that fooled a lot of people. Almost all threads to it have been eradicated. There has been a recent ‘new’ trailer released that has nothing to do with the movie what-so-ever by this you tube site. Youtubenautas home page

On May 25, 2016 the trailer was released by the above people, Youtubenautas, who are not the producers or official anything for the 1Annunaki movie. More on that below.

So I watched this trailer, my response to is below. While trying to find out about this movie all I could find were a few interviews with the producer Jon Gress. So, in watching the trailer I realized that the original idea for the film is about as far away from the ‘current’ trailer as possible, and what I was looking at was a rather poorly disguised and poorly produced piece of fear porn.


Brilliantly done by the spin doctors to remind us of every point in every ‘educational’ movie in case we missed it. This is the prep for their next great money making, world destruction scheme.

I am angry that they are preparing us for their next great scheme, the next great war that will be with ET and they think that we are going to swallow it lock stock and barrel. Of course that was well done and well produced it was ripped off from people like the Koch brothers et al who are out there to give us a picture of what they are planning to do to us and it used every recent sci-fi motion picture out there with some sound over vocals that did not even belong to the visual footage. I’m angry at the assholes because they have always sold fear for profit and control. They are very good at it. And they don’t care who they kill during the sales pitch. And… There are good and bad everything , the same as there are good and bad people. Yin and yang. Kolo has been watching Oliver Stone’s epic history. Every time I see it I see it with new eyes. This has been going on for eons and it is TIME for it to be freaking over!

A friend made a succinct, rather wordy epic reply to my above little rant which made me laugh… so, so, damned true:

I’m not clear on what part of this montage you think is bullshit… as a composition, I enjoyed the hell out of it. It had everything in it in a nice, neat little 7 minute package… Climate change, extreme weather events, evil reptilians, the Military Industrial Complex, Planet X, ancient Pyramids, Ancient Sumerians, Genetic manipulation by aliens, the seeding of the planet, an intruder celestial body in our inner solar system, evolved alien species, Exopolitics, evil reptilian overlords/cabal/illuminati, nuclear holocaust, religious Polarization, panic, grey aliens, space stations/platforms, Secret Space Program, catastrophic seismic activity/ tectonic displacement, secret agents with hidden spacecraft, social upheaval, a wooly mammoth or a dinosaur/ time travel, laser guns, flooding, blue Avians, a guy being beamed up/taken the hard way to an alien craft, resurrection technology, fifth dimensional beings, a tactical nuke exploding in the capitol, a disenfranchised secret space program guy, smart bombs, cities in ruin, some secretive hacking group off grid in the mountains somewhere, more social and pavement upheaval, a winged reptilian bedroom intruder, another bomb going off, the cabal checking in with some artificial intelligence while a few demons and assorted aliens stand around quietly, more aliens/ET’s, a fallen angel, a nun, Rock of the Mount, a mysterious woman in green, a safety briefing for soldiers, soldiers in the Now not-so-secret space program going off to fight space war to protect the secret space station/LOC, some cool high tech battle scenes, a mysterious albino lady in white, more social upheaval, more war, a limited nuclear exchange, a vessel emerging from the Antarctic ice…a tsunami wrecks San Fran after the big one, people who can’t swim running from it, walking wounded, big water slosh on the planet when the poles flip, more nukes from space, crop circles, meteor showers, earth soldiers, nukes taking out the navy, more flooding, cities on fire, a lost kid, a pyramid buried in snow in Alaska, climate refugees, more destruction, soldiers on trampolines, an alien getting a transplant, more soldier shoot-em-up, a firefighter about to get his ass handed to him, Bishops praying at the Vatican, more tectonic activity and tsunamis, mass evacuations of populated centers, California going for a swim, more tsunamis, big ones this time in the Atlantic, east coast getting wiped out, a female Milab, a male Milab, a space station filled with elites, secret space program ships, evacuation of special people, an asteroid band approaching earth, followed by Nibiru, some cool interspecies kung fu, exotic weapons, invasion and desperate response by defenders, air superiority by alien craft, a outgunned rally by conventional war fighters in fleets of conventional aircraft, a secret space port in Antarctica, a couple of time travelers trying to get the fuck out of dodge, more blue Avians waving hello. What’s there not to like. This is Contact in the desert. Wait…they missed chakras, but they got the mars shuttle mission in…. I thought it was f’ing great… it deserves an academy award… what’s not to love? Fear sells. What part don’t you get?

I am laughing still as I reread this because it is hilarious and absolutely true.

In an effort to try to vet the actual movie I found all of this: which talks about the movie being taken down and ‘lost’… amid all the data inundation – with links changed and people like the above Youtubenautas making trailers using a name with no connection to the original creator or his theme.

Then this, an interview with the producer John Gress. And if you watch it you will understand the huge discrepancy between the ‘new’ trailer and what would have been a block buster film had it not been totally taken down by TPTB.

So it seems the history on this is it was produced in 2006 and the released was stopped, in 2008 and was stopped, in 2011 was stopped and tried to come out in digital in 2011 and – you guessed it, was stopped. Now you can only find it in chapter form on you tube. And so far I have only been able to find the first chapter, an interview with the producer, John Gress.

For what I can find, there was a lot of hype and not much else is left except anecdotal films that others put together using various collections of scary shit found on the web and the stolen header for the ‘original’ movie. As usual the search words and the trails have been muddied by an immense amount of meaningless data. This article goes into speculation of why:

Basically when you look at where we are you begin to realize that there is a mighty amount of newer maybe not so truer information out there that we are absolutely being bombarded by for free. This is called:

Data inundation: a new disinformation tactic that gives you massive amounts of information to look and sort through that only has crumbs of actual truth in it.

After many, many years of doing this the hard way, the first thing that happens to all of us is a dead stop and the question becomes “Why?” Why is it so easy all of a sudden to find the most absolutely juicy evidence that spans an incredible range of topics?

Data Inundation. When you can’t beat ’em, join ’em! When you can’t keep the information off the net, the only choice you have is to offer more – much, much more! Muddy the waters. Then it becomes even that much harder to figure out what is what. However, this tactic is masking something else.

IMO the paragraph above from my friend sums up pretty aptly what we are being inundated by. When I got done reading it my mind was out of breath and I was laughing hard. Why? Well, it summed up every fringe topic out there in 7 minutes, just like he said.

Then there is all the squawking about a 3 prong disclosure effort going on right now where each section is backed by BIG money that all have diametrically opposite theories that nobody wants to put together into a whole picture… (Not mentioning names, but I am sure you all know who)

Grant Cameron’s new book: ‘Managing Magic: the Government’s UFO Disclosure Plan’ makes some decent sense of it and is going to put a dent in the dollar value of all three when you see his point.

We have the purely spiritual new age viewpoint where everything is dimensional and plasma and we have the nuts and bolts viewpoint where none of the spiritual accounts matter and then we have the mix of the two by the experiencers the abductees and all those who have been used in some sort of experiment and then we have all of the archaeology paleontology archeo-astronomy, geology people looking into things like Stonehenge, Gobekli Tepe, the Giza plateau et al. and last but not least the electric universe theorists and quantum mechanics that are finding a new way to look at the universe that might make Intra/extra/outer dimensionality a solid piece of the game.

No one, but no one wants to put it all together. God forbid. So the inundation continues.

But Why??? Why do they need so much information out there to keep the awake ones busy – what are we supposed to NOT look at?

Could it be Nibiru? Aliens? Extra-inter-outer-over-the-top dimensionals? Quantum this or quantum that???


Like I said we are missing a prime piece of information without which we will never be able to solve this puzzle – but man! Are they trying hard or what? It’s a veritable smorgasbord out there.

So there it is. I thought I was going to be able to put a nice tidy little article together but, that certainly didn’t work. This is our state of affairs. Utter complete confusion. And it all just hit the fan.

What if, only those who can understand will survive and thrive?

What if, only those who can understand will survive and thrive?

I would hate for that to be the truth, but in reality, everybody has a choice in this. The hardest thing to accept for some people is that they must choose and there is no mommy/daddy/god out there deciding for them.

There has been a two pronged (probably more but these two are the most obvious) plan in effect that was built to keep those of intellectual inability from assessing and putting together the pieces and those who were spiritually behind from understanding the game, to ferret out those who could. And the those who could were the ones they were interested in and had the genetics to succeed and survive. The rest were for farming.

The things we see going on, that we understand to be fairly obvious, are not so obvious to others. Some from lack of understanding, and some from the need to stay spiritually immature (the need to be told what to think). In this two pronged plan, those are the people who eat the GMO’s let big pharma kill them, believe the mainstream/lamestream news, vaccinate themselves and think every institution today is benevolent and there to care for and watch over them and treat the policies created by those institutions like the word of god.

These are the people who are being sussed out by the tactics we see going on today around the mass hypnosis of society. They want to know who can see through the veils. That is why five years have gone by since 2012. They didn’t know how stupid some of us were, and they had absolutely no idea how many of us were really intelligent. This is because the programs we have all unwittingly been thrown into the middle of – the dumbing down, the killing by poison, the mass hypnosis etc. has worked on fewer people than they thought possible, and it really did do a number on the rest of the people.

For those of us who could put puzzles together there has been a frustration of huge proportions because we don’t understand how they can get away with and continue to get away with the stupidity of what is going on – especially when it is so obvious to us. On top of all that, the need of proof, the burden of proof, has fallen upon our shoulders. And even when the we have presented so much truth that the weight of it is that of a neutron star, there are still those who still stolidly refuse to see what is in front of their noses.

For about the last hundred years there has been what I shall term mainstream information out there that has been telling us all about ‘it’ and the only reason some people can’t get onboard with it is because the ‘sanctified’ sources have not said it to be true.

So it boils down to the difference between people who want to ‘OBEY’ and those who don’t give a crap who are conscious enough to see/understand the game. If you are obeying – you don’t look at information like that – or you stick to the idea that it is just a story, or for religious reasons you ignore even scientific fact, because it is easier that way.

Therein lies all the confusion concerning our history – our deep history, how many times civilization has risen and fallen, how long it has taken us to come back from these cataclysms/catastrophes and our resiliency. We didn’t start 10,000 years ago. We are not alone. There is no such thing as aliens b/c we ARE the aliens.

It’s just that right now we are fighting an actual alien invasion of the type that would like to keep us all stupid and farmed – but it seems that there are too many of us that are awake for it to happen the way it was planned. (part of the word stupid means uninformed – thus the underhanded infiltration of society so as not to be obvious enough for us to fight back).  But don’t worry we are also infiltrated by those who are here to help, also non overtly.

Waking up is a choice and a privilege with responsibilities. More could be awake were it not for the intense program to keep us farm fodder. This is what we must correct. Our relatives out there think so too – they are willing to help, but they cannot open our minds for us – we have to do that – we have to shake off the shackles of thousands of years of mind bending programming and fear. And we have to do it NOW! Like yesterday. And there has to be enough of us to create a tipping point that will have enough momentum to take the rest of humanity with us.

We have reached that tipping point and passed it  (I’m pretty sure) – good news. But because there is free will and choice, there will be those who actually choose to ignore this whole paradigm. We are all allowed choice with NO exceptions.

I pray you, choose well.

An invitation to my beloved ‘normal’ friends:

This is a re-post from face book with permission of a beautiful statement from a beautiful soul that I wanted everybody to read. So I am trying to give it a wider audience here and on Fade to Blog.

– Alison

An invitation to my beloved ‘normal’ friends

by Lisa Frith

This weekend has been a heck of a wild ride. I just peered down the proverbial rabbit hole and I’m starting to believe it’s much deeper than I thought. Living in LA, it’s nice to be able to attend workshops and conferences on my favorite subjects… UFOs and Conspiracies. The two are so linked together, it seems hard to talk about one without the other creeping in. Friday night at the 5D event I went for a casual date with UFOs but I went home with Conspiracy. And the rabbit hole got a lot deeper. Don’t worry, I won’t go into the details on the ‘public thread.’

This post isn’t really for my friends who already know this (although they inspire it), this post is for everyone else.

Whatever your spiritual tradition, religion, ancient paths, modern spirituality or dancing to your own beat, know that the roots are all good and recognize the answer is always love, in any language. It always has been. Honor that, now more than ever. Please. This world is gauged by service to self or service to others. Just hit that 51% service to others and you have the power to save yourself, those you love and this entire planet (and endless points beyond in my humble opinion).

I invite you to consider the possibility that the wildest science fiction you watch, the darkest news you may see (and why are you still watching the news?) just might have a teeny tiny basis in reality. I’m here to plant a seed. Whatever your political slant (and if you know me, you know I’m slanted), we need to focus and rise above the politics that divide us and look up a few levels…. to the puppet masters if you will. Whatever label you may pride yourself on, left or right, consider that it just might be a distraction to keep us in the mud and away from the light.

I’m going to ask you to have an awareness for two different threads that you might ‘stumble’ across.

The first is regarding Antarctica. Things are happening there. It’s potentially the toe in the door for a Disclosure type of event–ancient civilizations, a pyramid, perhaps more… perhaps even the holy grail of ufology…a mothership… or three… just maybe… open your eyes, open your mind and, most importantly, open your heart. Intrigued? Something wonderful just might be on the horizon.

The second thread is the most important. And you don’t see much of it in mainstream media (if any). I have heard there have been upwards of 1500 pedophilia arrests this year alone. In the dark reaches of conspiracy land, ending this network of criminals is the key to the kingdom. Literally. If what I have been hearing about and reading about for several years (from numerous sources) just might be true, ending this is the path to victory. I won’t go into the details, it is nothing I can prove and nothing you want to think about. But, at this point in my studies, I personally believe that the end of that empire not only saves the innocents, it releases the technologies of dreams, free energy, cures for diseases and the path to cleanse the planet. These arrests put this goal into the realm of possibility. We are so close to eliminating this darkness. Seriously, this year it is possible. That’s what ‘they’ say.

😉 Follow the thread if you like, but this is simply a request to say some prayers and send some love. And light. Lots of it.

Now is the time to call in love through whatever path is comfortable to you. God, Goddess, Source, Angels or benevolent Aliens. Invite your team in and ask for support. Don’t ask for someone to save us, this isn’t about that. We have the sacred opportunity to do that ourselves. It’s an honor and a gift. We have help waiting in the wings for an invitation. This isn’t a once in a lifetime opportunity, it is a once in hundreds of lifetimes opportunity. Feel a tingle in your spine? You can be a genuine superhero. We all can.

So now, I will remove my tinfoil hat, plant a few tomato plants and get ready for the week. But I will try to remember to be kinder and to not judge. You know, the stuff we were supposed to learn in kindergarten. Don’t forget to dream of the world you want to create. Play nice out there and when you have a moment, look up.

I love you all so very, very much.

From <>

The threads pulled.

I’m not sure whether it’s just me and the algorithms that have my research stamp all over them, but I have noticed that in the last week, it seems the new thread popping up everywhere is that of ancient archeology, the footprints of the annunaki on the planet and what happened to Atlantis and Antarctica and the Deep State.

I’ve seen it in all the of fringy articles out there in the threads that that are being connected from all of the above topics. In just you tube alone (member of google) the number of conspiracy videos on say chemtrail and big pharma have reduced drastically to be replaced by videos about pre-Adamites and ancient Sumer. As a matter of fact, the spelling lexicon three weeks ago didn’t recognize the word ‘adamites’ and now it wants to correct it the word by capitalizing ‘Adamites’.

We all use the internet in various ways and for various reasons. So I have been watching what it tends to feed me as a sort of experiment. Basically because when I wanted to find something that wasn’t a trend it was becoming almost impossible. But when I was in the obviously proscribed current, force-fed groove I got an embarrassment of riches…

So once I had proved to myself that the internet was being used to pump the ‘deep-state story’ out to the public by sheer force of repetition, I just sat back and watched.

So now they are all about telling us the story David Wilcock and Corey Goode are talking about in Antarctica. Telling us about the pre-Adamites and our hidden history and to punch that through, all of the old videos about said subject are coming up as ‘new’ and regurgitated on you tube, like Jim Mars on Mono-atomic gold, David Childress Hatchers’ long lecture on the similarity of monolithic stone building techniques across the world that I remember from 5 years ago, and on and on.

So, the hot new topic? Tracing the evidence around the globe of the pre-adamic cultures to prime the pump, so to speak for the intel that will come out from Antarctica (Arc’lantis) in my estimation, in the not too distant future.

Now, just to prove me wrong, go to your very specially designed you tube threads, what pops up in your front page due to the way you watch and what you watch, and tell me if you haven’t noticed the trend. I would love some comment on this. Go to your face book threads and tell me what has been popping up there past your friends posts on their family everyday life. What are they watching, thinking about and what have been their re-posts outside of the daily stuff. Perform this small experiment for me…

It appears they are dosing us with small tidbits of information, so that even the most asleep fb’ers and you tubers are not caught that off guard, because they want us all to swallow lock, stock and barrel their rendition of this information when they release it.

One theory I have is that about 5 years ago, we were pre-dosed with an abundance of slightly (only slightly) wrong information about our occulted prehistory on purpose. Add to that the amount of information that is about to break out into the public about the current illuminati’s practices and what is becoming the obvious way they think about us normal people, and you will see what they are doing. This Arc’lantis information, as startling as it might be and the pre-dosing of some of the back story, however convoluted it appears to be, is all to divert our attention away from the actual horror of the truth that is coming out about the pre-adamic survivors – the illuminati, and what they have de-evolved into.

And while I can see this is necessary, that we need to know the ancient history and begin to see how it fits into today’s society and the mess we are in, it all revolves around one principle. That of one type of psychological profile considering anything other than themselves so inconsequential that not only were we treated like lab rats, we were (and are, it seems) a food source – and I’m not talking loosh here. I’m talking red juicy meat. If you will notice, that has been their treatment of the planet too. Nothing in their pea brains, it seems, is greater than themselves, or to be treated with compassion and empathy.

Think about it.

The one saving grace is that we are past the tipping point in our conscious evolution and heading toward completion of this growth-spurt at light speed. We are picking up momentum like an avalanche. By the time we understand the whole story, these people will only be a blip in our evolutionary path. By then we will not need to do anything to rid ourselves of them, for they will have taken care of that all on their own. And we will be way down the path to healing this planet and becoming the beings we have always known we are.

Epilogue: Lest I forget the deep state and the break-aways and everything going on off the planet… The above is being used to divert our attention away from that.  Jus FYI

Orthodox vs. forbidden knowledge (and the ‘happy dance’)

Orthodoxy (from Greek ὀρθοδοξία, orthodoxia – “right opinion”)[1] is adherence to correct or accepted creeds, especially in religion.[2] In the Christian sense the term means “conforming to the Christian faith as represented in the creeds of the early Church”.[3] The first seven Ecumenical Councils were held between the years of 325 and 787 with the aim of formalizing accepted doctrines.

In some English speaking countries, Jews who adhere to all the traditions and commandments of the Torah are often called Orthodox Jews, though the term “orthodox” historically first described Christian beliefs. From <>


Forbidden knowledge, which is different from secret knowledge, is used to describe forbidden books or other information to which access is restricted or deprecated for political or religious reasons. Forbidden knowledge is commonly not secret, rather a society or various institutions will use repressive mechanisms to either completely prevent the publication of information they find objectionable or dangerous (censorship), or failing that, to try to reduce the public’s trust in such information (propaganda). Public repression can create paradoxical situation where the proscribed information is generally common knowledge but publicly citing it is disallowed.

A rich set of examples exist through history.

The Roman Catholic church forbids publication of books to which it has not granted Imprimatur.[1][2]

Throughout the years of isolation in Japan and China all Western literature was forbidden.

Certain 20th century regimes (e.g. communist nations in Eastern Europe and China) placed strong restrictions on foreign propaganda.

In the United States, conservative groups including Jerry Falwell‘s Moral Majority made several attempts to censor pro civil-rights and feminist works such as Our Bodies, Ourselves.[3][4][5]

In many cases this resulted in people defending themselves by creating political jokes. Jokes throughout history have been a powerful instrument to undermine state authority and the public truth associated with it.

Today’s (2005) examples in repressive regimes are still uncountable but even liberal societies sometimes impose limits to the freedom of the individual to spread information that is not politically correct. For example, Germany bans the publication of certain books associated with the Nazi regime. The United States now (after 2001) limits the publication of formerly freely available information which can potentially be related to the production of biological and nuclear weapons. From <>

Unbelievably so, we are STILL fighting this fight.

If you’ve read the last 6 or so articles before this one I’ve been pointing out how the Orthodoxy has managed to brain wash us into accepting only one line of thought – right or wrong (mostly wrong) – theirs, and how it has begun to backlash on them.

Last night on Jimmy Church Radio Show with guest Michael Cremo was a perfect example of this.

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.Sherlock Holmes, the Scandal in Bohemia.

Michael Cremo has done the research, he has spent a decade doing the research! He has taken the facts – data – and theorized from that.- like the above Sherlockian quote. Further he has researched the historical documents of the last century in their own languages, he has researched the ancient texts in their own languages!!! He has read the original words, not a regurgitated translation done by an orthodox scholar. Therefore:

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? .” Sherlock Holmes

His conclusions are rock solid. So much so, that he has entered the world of orthodox academia like an atom bomb. Nothing makes me happy-dance better. The same thing is going on in the field of physics and quantum mechanics and is being beautifully elucidated by David Wilcock in the recent weeks of his Wisdom Teachings on Gaia TV. He has pulled the fangs out of some common theories that have served to keep our proverbial heads up our asses and totally shown where we have been told NOT to look and further pointed out where we need to be with research done from all over the world to back it up.

One of the things going on in the world, not just the U.S. is the idea of Knowledge Filtration by the orthodox academic system. This plays right into the last six blog posts on propaganda and censorship running rampant in today’s world. When we think about conspiracy theories we make the mistake of ONLY looking in the last century for those theories… Imagine that the game that is playing out now on this earth began far, far earlier than you might imagine.

Not only are we not aware of what is going on, or for how long it has gone on, or the censorship of our minds, but there is actual scientific proof to back up not only that censorship, but proof that the facts that have been hidden/censored are actually closer to a correct version of ‘what is’.

I’ve spent the last month yelling about this in my blog. There is ample evidence out there that this is indeed a fact, ample reason why the academics cannot move from their traditional stances even if they know the research is right, and ample evidence of mind tampering going on for reasons that can only at this point be educated guesses, yet. YET.

I am hoping in the next couple of years that the awareness of one of the biggest scams on the planet is made mainstream. IMO, it is our only hope to change who we are, how things are done and clean up our world.

It’s all gonna come out in the wash. My question is are we gonna carp about it, or get busy finding out what the real facts are? I want to get on with it, make new things, discover new things, get a better understanding of the human race and it’s real history and get to know ourselves better. In fact, I can’t wait! (she says happy dancing around in her mind)

“This means That.”

Traditional logical fallacies:

ad hominem attack,

Ad hominem (Latin for “to the man” or “to the person”[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.[2]

straw man,

A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument, while refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be “attacking a straw man“.

vague generality,

The fallacy of Vagueness occurs only when the appearance of soundness in an argument depends upon vagueness in its terms. The mere fact of vagueness is not sufficient to justify an accusation of fallacy, but it is sometimes a boobytrap which can cause the unsuspecting person to fall into fallacious reasoning. For this reason, it is useful to be aware of and on our guard against vague terms, so that we can continue to use our vague language without being ensnared by it.

circular reasoning,

Circular reasoning (Latin: circulus in probando, “circle in proving”;[1] also known as circular logic) is a logical fallacy in which the reasoner begins with what they are trying to end with.[2] The components of a circular argument are often logically valid because if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true. Circular reasoning is not a formal logical fallacy but a pragmatic defect in an argument whereby the premises are just as much in need of proof or evidence as the conclusion, and as a consequence the argument fails to persuade. Other ways to express this are that there is no reason to accept the premises unless one already believes the conclusion, Backwards proof…

appeal to authority,

An argument from authority (Latin: argumentum ad verecundiam), also called an appeal to authority, is a common type of argument which can be fallacious, such as when an authority is cited on a topic outside their area of expertise or when the authority cited is not a true expert.[1]

“this means that.”

A way of, in one respect, assigning a symbol to a larger meaning, or semiotics. Semiotics (from Greek: σημειωτικός, “simiotikos“) (also called semiotic studies; not to be confused with the Saussurean tradition called semiology which is a part of semiotics) is the study of meaning-making, the study of sign processes and meaningful communication.[1] This includes the study of signs and sign processes (semiosis), indication, designation, likeness, analogy, allegory, metonymy, metaphor, symbolism, signification, and communication.

Semiotics is closely related to the field of linguistics, which, for its part, studies the structure and meaning of language more specifically. The semiotic tradition explores the study of signs and symbols as a significant part of communications. As different from linguistics, however, semiotics also studies non-linguistic sign systems

From <>

This occurs on many levels from global ideas condensed down to the type of person you are labeled as, to knowing the cross is for christians… sort of thing. However , they can be wrong like the swastika only meaning Nazi, when it is a symbol that has been current on the earth from time immemorial and it simply means vortex.

The construct of our reality and its confines is controlled in our language and its use to mold and scape the environment we live in by virtue of managing how we perceive the world around us and what values we assign to it with the language and semiotics we have been trained to utilize.

Reality and its mind cage is created by our language and how we talk about our lives, which, alters how we perceive our lives and how we feel about it, and thusly end up talking about it.

In other words: how we feel about our environment is colored by how we describe it to ourselves, and we use language – even in our own heads to do this. Language can then change not only how we feel on a daily basis, but it can color our reality – and language is moderated by societal norms, which are being manipulated in a myriad ways. And that is how we get to “This means That” as described by Jon Rappaport. The traditional logical fallacies as defined above are used against us to lead our thinking in all areas of life. This is also called programming. I’ve found it is almost impossible to out-think the whole mess. However, when I need to I can pick it a part and look at it. That’s usually when I hit a brick wall in life that feels very uncomfortable. It is then that I realize that I have made a wrong assumption about myself due to the morass of information around me that is quite irrelevant, but made to seem as if it is important.

We need to, most importantly, employ these methods when looking at the fringe we all inhabit and all the written material, the videos, the podcasts, and realize that we are looking at an industry at this point. We are no longer as fringe as we think we are. The conventions, books, speakers, hotels, videos, alt news world, are all becoming monetized, meaning they too must produce. Here is where the nasty toads of dis-information, slow dribble information and flat out lies can proliferate along with all the how-to courses and the whole rest of it. It’s kind of like the world that is created out of our favorite characters from our most beloved movies and all the associated action figures, trading cards, costumes, games, cons and all.

In a word: distraction.

Oh, but wait! There’s more….

To make sure it’s all the biggest jumbled mess you ever wanted to see, the real tells, or clues, or bits of information that might be correct come out in those fictional scenarios in the books and movies. And for just $29.99 you can own all of them…

You see where I am going with all of this. (I hope)

To wit, this is what it feels like to be in the middle of the world’s biggest psy-op. Have fun in the game. Just remember, don’t look behind that curtain.

I don’t doubt that I have some logical fallacies in this article, however John Rappaport’s article really started me thinking. Go read it here, see what you think.;

“Come, Watson, come!’ he cried. ‘The game is afoot!”

“Come, Watson, come!’ he cried. ‘The game is afoot!”

Once upon a time three blind men sat by the side of the road. They were good friends and they helped each other out a lot because they were all blind.

A Jain version of the story says that six blind men were asked to determine what an elephant looked like by feeling different parts of the elephant’s body. The blind man who feels a leg says the elephant is like a pillar; the one who feels the tail says the elephant is like a rope; the one who feels the trunk says the elephant is like a tree branch; the one who feels the ear says the elephant is like a hand fan; the one who feels the belly says the elephant is like a wall; and the one who feels the tusk says the elephant is like a solid pipe.

A king explains to them:

All of you are right. The reason every one of you is telling it differently is because each one of you touched the different part of the elephant. So, actually the elephant has all the features you mentioned.[2]

The ancient Jain texts often explain the concepts of anekāntavāda and syādvāda with the parable of the blind men and an elephant (Andhgajanyāyah), which addresses the manifold nature of truth.[3] This parable resolves the conflict, and is used to illustrate the principle of living in harmony with people who have different belief systems, and that truth can be stated in different ways (in Jain beliefs often said to be seven versions). This is known as the Syadvada, Anekantvada, or the theory of Manifold Predications.[2]

Two of the many references to this parable are found in Tattvarthaslokavatika of Vidyanandi (9th century) and Syādvādamanjari of Ācārya Mallisena (13th century). Mallisena uses the parable to argue that immature people deny various aspects of truth; deluded by the aspects they do understand, they deny the aspects they don’t understand. “Due to extreme delusion produced on account of a partial viewpoint, the immature deny one aspect and try to establish another. This is the maxim of the blind (men) and the elephant.”[4] Mallisena also cites the parable when noting the importance of considering all viewpoints in obtaining a full picture of reality.

“It is impossible to properly understand an entity consisting of infinite properties without the method of modal description consisting of all viewpoints, since it will otherwise lead to a situation of seizing mere sprouts (i.e., a superficial, inadequate cognition), on the maxim of the blind (men) and the elephant.”  From <>

The Buddha twice uses the simile of blind men led astray. In the Canki Sutta he describes a row of blind men holding on to each other as an example of those who follow an old text that has passed down from generation to generation.[6] In the Udana (68–69)[7] he uses the elephant parable to describe sectarian quarrels. A king has the blind men of the capital brought to the palace, where an elephant is brought in and they are asked to describe it.

When the blind men had each felt a part of the elephant, the king went to each of them and said to each: ‘Well, blind man, have you seen the elephant? Tell me, what sort of thing is an elephant?’

The men assert the elephant is either like a pot (the blind man who felt the elephant’s head), a winnowing basket (ear), a plowshare (tusk), a plow (trunk), a granary (body), a pillar (foot), a mortar (back), a pestle (tail) or a brush (tip of the tail).

The men cannot agree with one another and come to blows over the question of what it is like and their dispute delights the king. The Buddha ends the story by comparing the blind men to preachers and scholars who are blind and ignorant and hold to their own views: “Just so are these preachers and scholars holding various views blind and unseeing…. In their ignorance they are by nature quarrelsome, wrangling, and disputatious, each maintaining reality is thus and thus.” The Buddha then speaks the following verse: From <>

A modern parable: An elephant joke inverts the story in the following way:

Six blind elephants were discussing what men were like. After arguing they decided to find one and determine what it was like by direct experience. The first blind elephant felt the man and declared, ‘Men are flat.’ After the other blind elephants felt the man, they agreed.


“We have to remember that what we observe is not nature in itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.” – Werner HeisenbergFrom <>

The point?

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.Sherlock Holmes, the Scandal in Bohemia.

When we conspiracy theorists and paranormal enthusiasts, and UFO researchers/experiencers begin to realize that we are the three blind men; that we don’t have the full picture, that we need to combine our knowledge and see where it leads to the BIGGER PICTURE, we might make some headway. There are those of us out there who do that and even we are confused.

While the individual man is an insoluble puzzle, in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty.Sherlock Holmes

This is bigger than an IF/THEN situation, or who is right and who is wrong situation, or who’s got the real proof situation. Everybody wants a bi-nary answer to the question of “Just what the hell is going on?” We are NOT going to get one. Sorry folks, but, the threads of all of these realizations create a tapestry of many colors and textures. We are certainly not going to be able to make heads or tails of this by belief, faith, or from one guru who is going to tell us the whole story, or by any sort of divisional tactics or really, any current way of thinking about this. Everyone out there has a piece of this puzzle. They are ALL telling the truth as they know it. They are ALL correct. You can’t narrow it down to only one aspect of the elephant and decide you understand it whole picture.

“You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear.” Sherlock Holmes, the Scandal in Bohemia.

Consider, we are all blind. Blind to ourselves, blind to the world, blind to reality… we are trying to do the same thing that is pointed out in the parables above. We are all having different results. What is it that Einstein said? “You can’t solve a problem at the same level of thinking that it was created?” You have to figure out how to think differently about it… It’s like trying to get inside the head of an insane person and make sense of their insanity. There is a ‘thing’ we are missing, not knowing, and without it, this will remain a huge, unsolvable mess. And I don’t know what it is. Because, to our way of thinking it makes no sense.

You know a conjurer gets no credit when once he has explained his trick.” Sherlock Holmes from the study in scarlet.

Then, let me throw a wrench into this whole diatribe: consider the whole thing is a psy-op. A distraction. Why, you might ask? Maybe to keep the imaginative thinkers all busy while something else is going on; the classic ‘Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!’. So, where haven’t we looked? Do we even know? Can we even Imagine?

“Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent.” Sherlock Holmes, A Case of Identity.

It makes me want to put the entire puzzle down and walk away and do some living, and either wait for a while and come back, or walk away forever… But you know how that works right? Inspiration will strike the minute you truly let it go. Like a bolt of lightning BAM! There it is. Consider this – the evidence, where it leads our thoughts to go, what we think of it is why we can’t get around the problem. That we are supposed to take the whole thing and draw WRONG conclusions because of the way we think, because of the very way society is structured. See? Convoluted. On Purpose. A game to keep us occupied while much more important issues are going on behind our backs… Sounds a bit paranoid, right? Lols Either we are insane, or they are… I suppose we will find out someday, maybe, if we make it that long.

One can always hope. Until then I remain watchful, waiting, wondering what thread is going to be yanked next.

Oh, by the way – have you noticed that we are being primed and made ready for something?


When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth .” Sherlock Holmes