The ‘Other’

What is other? Other than… ? Other than me? On this planet it seems that we must break things apart into components and yet smaller and smaller bits to understand them until nothing exists and we are confronted by a homogenous sea of…what? Energy. No matter left.  And really when you look at it, it doesn’t matter…

We on earth operate at our skin. If it isn’t part of what’s inside our skin, then, it’s other. Therefore that tree over there isn’t me, nor is the dog at my feet, or cell poop I breathe out (coVid et all), or the ET standing behind me just out of range of the teensy-tiny electromagnetic range that my skin can perceive. It seems we are the only ones who are that blind. Not only can our pets see beyond this marker, but every type of life an the planet can – but us. I basically think it’s because of all the programming. But that’s just me.

However, if we are going to join the wider community that exists off planet, including just the ones who go off planet and come back, we need to open that little lock (purposefully put there) on our perceptions and begin to ask the basic questions that will broaden our perceptions and thereby unlock us. Simply asking the question will begin the process.

The nexus between quantum science and consciousness, which IMO are just the same thing in different levels of understanding, is where most all things become apparent. It doesn’t matter which end you start from either – they both lead to each other and create a new reality when they touch. We are all becoming aware of this on some level because it’s emerging from the collective unconscious of the world. Which means, we already understand it – we just have to admit that we do.

Which leads me back to ‘The Other’. When you get to the nexus between consciousness and quantum sooner or later you realize there is NO ‘other’. Even if its only in theory. Which would worry a lot of people because of the fear of loosing….the ‘me’. But just like goldfish swimming in a bowl, they are all connected and yet discrete, you know this because you can see the fish. But do the fish know there is an entire world outside their bowl? Bet not.

We all exist as a quanta of energy wearing a meat suit – which also has it’s own intelligence, but we call it ‘me’, as in part of our distinct self, without realizing we are already a ‘we’. But does it threaten our sense of self – who we call me? No. It does not. The body is so much a part of our ‘me’ that we recreate it in our dream lives where we are not really using it, because it’s back resting in bed…

So just as the goldfish in that bowl, were we to entertain the idea that there is an entire panoply of wonderous things just beyond the glass and we simply need to consider the idea that it’s really not other, that we are swimming in a much larger, wider field of energies – that if we chose to we could perceive – then a whole new universe of wonder would open up to us. We don’t stop at our skin, but that doesn’t dissolve the me inside, it only opens the door to paradise. Finding all the variations of how life lives is a joy. Me thinks the universe was created for that purpose.


2:27 am

My mind – what is real? Deeply real? I keep looking for the crack in the ceiling to squeeze through… I feel crazy, but I wonder if everybody else does too.

Real world outside: full moon, clouds, crickets and frog song. Frogs are like the sleeping breath of the night, their song lulls the mind into peaceful slumber.

I don’t know what to think about the world. There is true insanity out there. It’s like a bad detective or forensics novel about a poisoner who gets away with it because nobody wants to see what is going on right under their noses. No one wants to look at the actual science, the actual facts of the behaviour of the poisoner. Kind of like the commercial about the kids who make all the wrong moves in a horror flick in thirty seconds.

I suppose because most of us can’t actually digest – fathom – understand the motives of those in power trying to kill us all. It’s a “Wait – what?” moment. If you put all the insanity together it’s in your face, kind of like not wanting to know your parents are serial killers. It’s just too heinous to consider, even when their behaviour is overt and obvious. We make their alibis for them. They politicize it making it an ideological mental issue which further hides the motive of murder and voila! It’s an unsortable mess.

In a land where freedom is important, you use freedom to usurp the people.

For some, freedom is too open, to boundaryless, and they look for any group, cause or ideology to hide within that will give them structure to feel safer. They do not actually want freedom, but it sounds good. ‘Bad’ people who know this, use it against them to gain control inch by inch, so it’s not noticed until it’s too late. Like the way you use a fish lure or any other device when hunting and capturing your prey. In this country the lure is ideas, the creative force of the mind. The whole reason America was created in the first place has been weaponized against us. It wouldn’t have been possible without the internet.

That is why I write in darkness, by candle light, so that no electronic vibe is present – so that the deeper liminal part of my mind can speak. The part that notices the eddies and currents, that feels the less obvious, so it can become obvious.

By what standard do I judge what I feel? I suppose it is my heart. Everybody knows deep down what is right and what is wrong. Or, they should… but if you are crazy, maybe you are crazy because you can’t feel that part of yourself anymore?

I suppose if: (and it’s a doozy) you were not a part of the original population of this planet and you wanted off, and it was centuries before you as a group could leave, your effort to remember who you are would mutate into hate for those with whom you were forced to live – turning them into the enemy. The real inhabitants, not being an old enough race, not developed enough would be seen useless to your goals, as over running the planet, using up the resources you needed to get off this rock and would I imagine that you would want to get rid of a lot of them (us). You would forever see them as inferior.

You’d use their best talents against them and they would never understand what hit them. You wouldn’t care because in your eyes it would be a life or death scenario. By the original population of the planet your behaviour would be seen as deviant, but you have had literally eons to learn how to hide who you really are, and you don’t give one whit about the people here, you just want off the planet.

As part of your survival, you had to interbreed with some of the population on the planet, and they now have a mind disease called psychopathy and narcissism. You have used, abused and killed many millions of the original population, feeling fully justified because they are so inferior and you are so far above them and have a mission to get off the planet. (and probably in our eyes descend like a plague of locusts ready to consume yet another world.)

It sounds like a wild sci-fi plot, but from what the eddies are bringing me, possibly true. ( and THAT is WHY  the world feels so crazy.)

To make matters worse for those that want off this rock, the window of time is closing on their efforts to the point where they are pulling out all the stops and do not care if they are discovered. They actually think that we will not get it…

In way it might be true because we can’t fathom the no-holds-barred attitude they have, so we are in real trouble. They will kills us in their attempt – use us anyway they can to accomplish their goal. In a way, it is sad because they have given us our systems, our structures, our beliefs which they now use against us and which we still cherish. It’s why we can’t duck the sucker punch coming at us – we don’t even see it coming.

So there it is – I wonder how it will play out?

Do we actually emerge from the grand sleep and open our eyes to the plot? Do we grow out of infancy, take response – ability for ourselves and the planet? Do we emerge from our cocoon of senselessness and into waking? We certainly have enough provocation at this point!!!

‘To die, to sleep – to sleep – perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub, for in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause.’

(Hamlet, Hamlet)

We must do this – we must wake, or we will perish. We must wake to gain our sovereignty, or it will not matter the creativity, the potential we have will turn to dust and be blown away. This is the temporal turning point for the race its self, and the planet demands it of us.

Now it is so in our faces, so fantastic that we can’t believe it, and their actions are so over the top that we can’t ignore them any more.

Some will try to ignore the situation, they will take the vaccines, they will wear the masks, they will willingly and subserviently kill themselves step by step in trade for the illusion of being parented. They will believe the lies about the science not done. They will not investigate, read, research one thing because they will have to face that the ‘parents’ are trying to kill them. The internal cognitive dissonance of the whole situation is what makes the world feel so ‘crazy’. It is sad when the only thing you can dream of to be better is what you don’t want, and you have no idea of what you do want…

I’m fixing a hole where the rain gets in
And stops my mind from wandering
Where it will go…



There are times when I don’t care if I ever go back out into the now ‘real’ world – real as in what has been created for us in the last 6 months. There is NO real anymore. There is only the social media conformist idea of what life should be, and it’s virtue shaming policers.

So I went to the grocery. The outright fear, hatred and zombie-ism is like walking through an energetic sewer. I am now nauseated, upset, and I want to smack someone.


Who knew I would have to armor-up in the morning with energy shields to go into a grocery to shop. I used to like going. Now, I hate it. It feels like the Sith Lord HQ out there. I actually feel assaulted. Needless to say, I forgot half of what I needed to get – luckily I still have four kitchen trash bags left and the rest will not matter. My husband has now volunteered to shop for me.


To say that people are oozing nastiness and mean energy is putting it mildly. To walk amongst them is actually painful both physically and emotionally. To wear a mask – granted a homemade crocheted one, made it hard to breathe and I directly compromised my own integrity doing it, which made it worse. The grocery store has become a place of fear and loathing, instead of a place where you go to get supplies to feed the ones you love to sustain and enhance their lives… I used to love the grocery.


Thoughts have frequency when your brain thinks them and it produces changes in your electromagnetic field that other people can actually feel. That is why when you get close to a dangerous person you can ‘feel’ something is not right. If you are not entirely dead inside you also know when someone is sad and depressed. When thoughts are aimed they are even more powerful like little arrows of hatred, like when you walk around in a judgmental state of mind and you aim thought criticisms at everything you see, you are not going to have a good day. There are people out there who can feel this stuff and they suffer for others lack of true and real compassion. Now, today, there is barely a shred of real charity in anyone’s heart.


Masks are stupid and are being used as social engineering to subconsciously convince us that we do NOT have a voice.

A few studies:

Results: The rates of all infection outcomes were highest in the cloth mask arm, with the rate of ILI statistically significantly higher in the cloth mask arm (relative risk (RR)=13.00, 95% CI 1.69 to 100.07) compared with the medical mask arm. Cloth masks also had significantly higher rates of ILI compared with the control arm. An analysis by mask use showed ILI (RR=6.64, 95% CI 1.45 to 28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR=1.72, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.94) were significantly higher in the cloth masks group compared with the medical masks group. Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%.

Conclusions: This study is the first RCT of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks. This is an important finding to inform occupational health and safety. Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection. Further research is needed to inform the widespread use of cloth masks globally. However, as a precautionary measure, cloth masks should not be recommended for HCWs, particularly in high-risk situations, and guidelines need to be updated.

Trial registration number: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry: ACTRN12610000887077.

Keywords: Cloth mask; Influenza.

Results from cluster randomized controlled trials on the use of masks among young adults living in university residences in the United States of America indicate that face masks may reduce the rate of influenza-like illness, but showed no impact on risk of laboratory-confirmed influenza.(62, 63) At present, there is no direct evidence (from studies on COVID- 19 and in healthy people in the community) on the effectiveness of universal masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.

June 5th CDC release guidelines, pg 6

(5) Face masks make breathing more difficult. For people with COPD, face masks are in fact intolerable to wear as they worsen their breathlessness.[5] Moreover, a fraction of carbon dioxide previously exhaled is inhaled at each respiratory cycle. Those two phenomena increase breathing frequency and deepness, and hence they increase the amount of inhaled and exhaled air. This may worsen the burden of covid-19 if infected people wearing masks spread more contaminated air. This may also worsen the clinical condition of infected people if the enhanced breathing pushes the viral load down into their lungs.

6) While impeding person-to-person transmission is key to limiting the outbreak, so far little importance has been given to the events taking place after a transmission has happened, when innate immunity plays a crucial role. The main purpose of the innate immune response is to immediately prevent the spread and movement of foreign pathogens throughout the body.[6] The innate immunity’s efficacy is highly dependent on the viral load. If face masks determine a humid habitat where the SARS-CoV-2 can remain active due to the water vapour continuously provided by breathing and captured by the mask fabric, they determine an increase in viral load and therefore they can cause a defeat of the innate immunity and an increase in infections. This phenomenon may also interact with and enhance previous points.

Further, this study on nanometer waves (5G) is stunning! It is cause for real worry and begs the question further of the reality of this PLANdemic.

5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells

M Fioranelli  1 , A Sepehri  1 , M G Roccia  1 , M Jafferany  2 , O Y Olisova  3 , K M Lomonosov  3 , T Lotti  1   3

PMID: 32668870  DOI: 10.23812/20-269-E-4


In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells. DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and produce some extra waves within the cells. The shapes of these waves are similar to shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves produce some holes in liquids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced. These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus. To produce these viruses within a cell, it is necessary that the wavelength of external waves be shorter than the size of the cell. Thus 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying in constructing virus-like structures such as Coronaviruses (COVID-19) within cells.

Keywords: 5G technology; COVID-19; DNA; dermatologic antenna; inductor; millimeter wave.

Copyright 2020 Biolife Sas.


It is well known that the brain is an electrochemical organ; researchers have speculated that a fully functioning brain can generate as much as 10 watts of electrical power. Electrical activity emanating from the brain is displayed in the form of brainwaves. There are four categories of these brainwaves, ranging from the most activity to the least activity.

Frequency ranges:

>40 HZ Gamma Waves Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, and consciousness
13-39 Hz Beta Waves Active, busy thinking, active processing , active concentration, arousal, and cognition
7–13 Hz Alpha Waves Calm relaxed yet alert state
4-7 Hz Theta Waves Deep meditation /relaxation, REM sleep
< 4 HZ Delta waves Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness

Its not so much that energy follows thought, but more like thought stirs energy. The harder the thought the more energy it has. Add emotion (extra energy) to that and you have weapons of destruction. Unless you are in a creative state the thoughts are in your head with words. Words also have a frequency in the sound range. A long time ago I read that in choosing your words well, the clarity of your thoughts improve. It is truth be cause:


When you think in words you have a double power – the word frequency and the mind sound of that word. We think our thoughts in our head don’t go anywhere, but its not true. There is leakage into the electromagnetic field of your body and into the environment.

In this section, we discuss how the magnetic fields produced by the heart are involved in energetic communication, which we also refer to as cardio-electromagnetic communication. The heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. The heart’s electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain. This field, measured in the form of an electrocardiogram (ECG), can be detected anywhere on the surface of the body. Furthermore, the magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 100 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain and can be detected up to 3 feet away from the body, in all directions, using SQUID-based magnetometers (Figure 6.1).

Virtually every single process which is keeping you alive can be traced back to an electric field that some component of your body is creating.

Even as I’m typing this, the only thing letting me do it is the electric field in my fingers depressing the keys in my laptop! The only thing stopping me falling through the chair is my body’s specialized ArseField™ which is repelling the chair!

My eyes are intercepting the electromagnetic radiation (and let’s not even get started on the fact that I am constantly outputting a low level radiation field in the infrared region!) and turning that into yet more electrical signals.

Not only is it possible that the human body creates EM fields — it is the only way you can possibly exist as a coherent entity!

You are an electric field — a giant electric field which holds your atoms together, and which uses other electric fields to talk to other bits of yourself.


They can be directed ‘AT’ someone and actually do harm, especially with hatred attached. And since lately no one even cares about the golden rule (and yes, it occurs in your heart and mind first and then becomes an action) today, the grocery store can become a battle ground and yes, if (that’s a big if )I go back there again I will be wearing strong armor.

This is what covid 19 really is, it’s an emotional thought war.


Virtue Shaming


embarrassed or guilty :  an off shoot of this word is sham (a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.)…Perhaps from sham, a northern dialectal variant of shame (n.)



to make someone feel ashamed, or to make someone or something lose honour and respect:

to publicly criticize and draw attention to something someone has done

to cause someone to do or not to do something by making them feel ashamed:

Etymology: from shend:

“shame, disgrace” (obsolete or dialectal), Old English scand “ignominy, shame, confusion, disgrace; scandal, disgraceful thing; wretch, impostor, infamous man; bad woman,” from the source of Old English scamu “shame” (see shame (n.)) + -þa, with change of -m- to -n- before a dental (compare Old Frisian skande, Dutch schande, Old High German scanda, German Schande “disgrace”). Also in early Modern English as a verb, shend (Old English scendan) “put to shame; blame, reproach; bring to ruin.”



Hypocrisy:  noun, plural hy·poc·ri·sies.

a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.

an act or instance of hypocrisy.



1670s, “a trick, a hoax, a fraud,” also as a verb and an adjective, of uncertain origin; the words burst into use in 1677. Perhaps from sham, a northern dialectal variant of shame (n.); a derivation OED finds “not impossible.” Sense of “something meant to be mistaken for something else” is from 1728. The meaning “false front” in pillow-sham (1721) is from the notion of “counterfeit.” Related: Shammed; shamming; shammer. Shamateur “amateur sportsman who acts like a professional” is from 1896.

Related entries & more.



Has it occurred to anyone that this WWIII we are embroiled in is mostly emotional? If it was just the issues at hand, we could and would talk about them, talk through the ideas with each other instead of against each other. However, no one seems able to do that. Words have become emotional weapons to inspire violence and judgements upon others. What ever happened to wiping the ashes out of your own eyes first, the better to see and understand before shaming another? (In the King James Version of the Bible the text reads: Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye. … You hypocrite!  Matthew 7:5 – Wikipedia)


As you can see from the etymology above, the words shame and sham are connected. It is obvious shaming is a deflection away from self to better conceal your own lack. Or, as Shakespeare put it:

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks” (a line from the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. It is spoken by Queen Gertrude in response to the insincere overacting of a character in the play within a play created by Prince Hamlet.),_methinks

So this war is being fought on an emotional energy level that is designed to separate us as much as possible from the charity in our own hearts as it is from the peace we find in each other’s company. It is designed to produce as much fear and loathing of others and ourselves as possible.

The earliest root of virtue I could find comes from Sanskrit and it means valiant hero .


1200, vertu, “moral life and conduct; a particular moral excellence,” from Anglo-French and Old French vertu “force, strength, vigor; moral strength; qualities, abilities” (10c. in Old French), from Latin virtutem (nominative virtus) “moral strength, high character, goodness; manliness; valor, bravery, courage (in war); excellence, worth,” from vir “man” (from PIE root *wi-ro- “man”).

The word virtue comes from the Latin root vir, for man. At first virtue meant manliness or valor, but over time it settled into the sense of moral excellence. Virtue can also mean excellence in general. One of your virtues might be your generous willingness to help out your friends. The phrase by virtue of means “as a result of” or “by authority of.” You will achieve success by virtue of hard work (or by virtue of inside connections).


So when we are virtue signaling and or virtue shaming, we actually are saying/announcing to others that we lack the very same quality within ourselves. This is exactly what is going on in the first four minutes of this video:

The Real Deal Report: 7-20-202

We literally accomplish nothing with this type of bad behaviour, except to hurt and poison ourselves.

We have been weaponized against each other.  I guess the real question is – do we want to be? Do you choose this? Do most people know they are being used in this war, this way? Who needs weapons of mass destruction when you can get the populace to do it for you?

To be crass: do you want to live the golden rule or shove your nose up someone’s ass to prove how virtuous you are?


Metaphor: one mind to another

Alien/dimensional communication and metaphor.

We all assume that life in all its varied forms will have the same idea structure and archetypes as our own minds – that reality is based off of our perception of our word – hard, poundable 3D matter. But, it isn’t, as we are beginning to discover. We know even in our human culture it is difficult to communicate unless you can point to something in your environment and use it as a reference point. For deeper meanings we resort to metaphor.

Well, when you are an energy based life form, your metaphor would be vastly different – to the point that if an entity were trying to talk to us, it would be useless. Concepts such as emotion – based on our reaction to our livingness (3D circumstances) would be senseless and so would our ethics and morality, which are based on our emotions, or our heart which is that feeling that lets us know if something is good or bad. If you were an energy life form, even things like tree, cup, or house would all be senseless, at least the way we use them.

So, there would have to be a metaphor constructed to support an identity such that it could be known that the entity was even there in our reality, much less share communications. One must ask one’s self, ‘What would that look like?’, an attempted communication? Each party would have to experiment with differing and varying values to even begin awareness.

What does the energy of another intelligence feel like inside, in my mind, in my awareness? We have to know ourselves to answer that question, and to do that we have to be awake enough to even ask the question and familiar enough with the inner self to differentiate the answer. Further, constructing a metaphor requires some knowledge of the other’s experience such that a parallel could be constructed. How is that information gathered? Where would a metaphor have to start?

20 years ago science would have said Math. Today, it is more towards frequencies and repeatable movements. Frequency is everywhere. It is the background, ground state of energy. What wouldn’t be known is how frequencies effect either party and the meaning of that to each party. Heat to us like flame, is dangerous and cause for alarm, destructive, but to an entity made of that frequency, it is the same as our cells, that make our bodies.

Just imagine two human beings, through metaphor connected mind to mind, we would still have to observe the effects of certain ideas on emotions to understand each other. Not only that – but we would have to answer why – we would have to share viewpoints – which are a subset of metaphor… now imagine an entirely alien intelligence trying to get through all that to understand enough to share communication with a human.

Not to mention our extreme fear of anyone inside our heads – knowing who we are, we would shunt information like that to our subconscious never allowing it to see the light of day. How do you communicate with a being who is afraid of who they are? We are a confusing species, in and of ourselves, much less to someone who has no experience of being human, or living in/on/around this planet.

Just think of that – what would you say with no common referents? How could you say it? How would you even know there was someone to say it to?

Don’t feed the memes…(again)

Over the past couple of weeks, just as the riots broke out and because I’m old, I smelled at rat. I remember protesting in ’68. I remember Kent State. My boyfriend was at UofI and he and a whole bunch of people stood with arms linked around the big glass windows of the science dept. so that it was not wrecked. I remember. So I knew a mischief of rats were involved… (a mischief is the word for a group of rats, and I think it is quite fitting.)

There was quite a disconnect for me because I remember that we had been there and done that already and some of us still have the T-shirts to prove it.

Astrologically most of this was predicted and I listen to Laura Eisenhower and Austin Coppock and they were making sense, and then today Clif High also made some sense from the theoretical plasma universe theory and woo energies from space effecting human brains and agitation. So when a friend of mine who’s political opinion I respect brought up the three days over the solstice as an unprecedented time for incoming energies and their confustication by others, I got caught in a planetary meme the like of which I really hadn’t ever experienced before. So just to be clear a meme is:

The word meme was coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene as an attempt to explain how ideas replicate, mutate and evolve (memetics).[1] The concept of the Internet meme was first proposed by Mike Godwin in the June 1993 issue of Wired. In 2013, Dawkins characterized an Internet meme as being a meme deliberately altered by human creativity—distinguished from biological genes and his own pre-Internet concept of a meme, which involved mutation by random change and spreading through accurate replication as in Darwinian selection.[2] Dawkins explained that Internet memes are thus a “hijacking of the original idea”, the very idea of a meme having mutated and evolved in this new direction.[3] Furthermore, Internet memes carry an additional property that ordinary memes do not: Internet memes leave a footprint in the media through which they propagate (for example, social networks) that renders them traceable and analyzable.[4]

Common Attributes

There are two central attributes of internet memes: creative reproduction of materials and intertextuality. Creative reproduction refers to “parodies, remixes, or mashups,” and include notable examples such as “Hitler’s Downfall Parodies,”[5] and “Nyan Cat,” among others. Intertextuality is demonstrated in example of a collision of Korean culture “Gangnam style” and “binders full of women,” a 2012 Mitt Romney presidential debate’s assertion, in Psy’s meme with “my binders full of women” written on it. This indexes intertextual practices in political and cultural discourses of two nations.[5] Internet meme – Wikipedia

The interesting thing at this point in time to me was just how fast this all burned through the population. The main theme of the meme was not it’s obvious context, but its underlying effect, that of divisiveness. Of any kind, and no, I’m not listing them – that’s not the point. Interestingly enough there has been actual study on this rapid fire transmission of memes and their use to insert (inoculate, vaccinate) ideas into the culture and it’s called a Viral Meme:

An epidemiological approach is adopted to develop a model of viral meme propagation. The successful implementation in the modelling of meme spread as reflected in Internet search data shows that memes may be treated as infectious entities when modelling their propagation over time and across societies.

All thanks to the speed of the internet and social media-idiocy. And yes, I bought into it myself for aprox. 2 days and I did what I did fifty plus years ago and linked up to the energies and sent white light…etc. I couldn’t figure out why I felt so ill, sick, tired and depressed. What I wanted to do was hold Gaia in light and love. What really happened was that I got trapped in a huge energy vortex – created through the use of the meme (I’m almost certain) that was sucking up the energies of BOTH sides – what ever those sides were. So above what ever the names used to describe those sides, the meme created a huge vortex of energy that was going somewhere to do something totally different from those names. Once I pulled out of any ‘sided’ perspective I noticed, because I felt better, physically and mentally. Now I don’t feel like my very life force is getting syphoned off through a firehose .

This is interesting, because the amount of people feeding this meme is enormous, and a huge amount of energy is going somewhere, is feeding something immense. It’s a mischief….

Thought it deserved an FYI….

P.s. I debugged with this – music always helps me. Sjaella – Northern Lights (Ola Gjeilo)

End of Story

I can’t help but notice the similarities between covid and UFOs. Whether they are real, or not. Whether we are being told the truth or not. Whether they are being used for social manipulation, or not and on and on. To those of us interested in the UFO question for more than 10 years, this pattern should feel familiar, this ‘put it out there -n- pull it back’, almost solve it, but then don’t… ad-freak’in-nauseum!!! If they think what they’re doing with covid right now will drive most of us screaming for a vacc, think again! It will be like the day that even the pentagon admitted UFOs are real – everybody will yawn… it will be the boy who cried wolf one too many times… ‘fool me once shame on you – fool me twice shame on me’ sort of thing. If they actually farce us with a second wave, the researchers WILL at that point discover the connection to 5G in such a way that the entire world will know, and they will also know who perpetrated it and why.

Its safe to say that we are as misinformed about covid as we are about the UFO, and just as some people persist in outright silliness around the UFO subject, so they do around covid. NOBODY listens to even our best researchers, somebody always has dissenting opinions, with a lot belief and a lot of fear behind them. Same with covid… We the idiot people, know nothing of the science behind these two subjects because in each case we have been purposely misinformed and redirected.

IMO its not just the governing system that has hidden it all, or the powermongers, there is, as Joseph Farrell says, a third (maybe even fourth, fifth…etc.) force in the mix, however I’m sure what I think that force is, is different than what Dr. Farrell thinks it is.

What if you wanted to conduct a coup, a war without anybody noticing, what would you do? On a planet that had just finished a world war that was so destructive that everyone in living memory said “NEVER AGAIN!”, it would have to be a stealth war. One that was over before any one noticed. Better yet one that nobody ever even found out about. Since wars are about ideals and modes of living you would have to figure out a way of changing those values without giving it a way.

It would have to be a war of quiet infiltration, so stealthy that; no eye blinked, no eye lash even batted, so slow that the values would have to change over generational time. So slow that while everybody knows how you got to the ‘new’ values, you don’t remember why. After all, the ones that could warn you have mostly died out. You would also have to consign your ‘oldsters’ to some form of laughability, or change them with things like dementia – disempower them into oblivion, or just outright kill them…stealthily.

Then you could begin the slow infiltration into the very societal structures meant to help the population, that the population trusts; the schools, the medicine, the law, the science, the higher learning, the arts, and begin the slow removal of key information, training up the next generation to be a little less able to think while teaching the wrong information.

Then you infiltrate big industry, big pharma, big ag, and begin to slowly poison the food, water, medicine, and products the population use, very slowly against them, and blame it all on them – and their life style. You legislate against home grown, natural medicine, herbology,  you get in the way of mom and pop small businesses and entrepreneurship, such that it is strangled to death, you offer cheap nutrient products filled with poisons undercutting the real products, then cheapen the things necessary for life like clothing and home goods and offer them at expensive prices while making the real quality items totally unavailable by cost. Then you legislate to allow big industry to dump toxic waste any where and when they want, to poison the environment. Add to that the chemtrails in the sky raining down heavy metals on the ground and us and our food, because of global warming, which if we believe them  – is our problem too.

When you have the medical field totally trained in allopathic methods to the exclusion of all other methods you begin the slow poisoning of the population focusing on the very young and the very old, two populations that have no voice. The very young will grow up to be sick thus making an entire adult population weak and ill. Because nobody remembers and no progress has been made in other ways to treat the sick and the ill – because it has been made illegal, the populations bows to the medical gods in the white coats who’s training amounts to ‘do this for that’ and the human population becomes sick from a three way direct assault on their bodies: environment, food and medicine – all things that should have helped to keep us well.

And not to leave out the mental, emotional and spiritual part – actually the easiest to manipulate, you begin to brainwash the population by ‘breaking’ the churches, the courts of law and the arts, using mass media to lie to them, tinkering with everyone’s emotions so that there is nothing to turn to in the coming turmoil. You psy-ops them till they become psy-clods.

In short, you zombify them. The excuse will be, “We didn’t know!” until one day, its too late. So here we are, almost the entire structure of society destroyed, taken over, mangled with little to no casualties, hardly any push back because nobody remembers the values their parents and grand parents stood for, here we stand; ready-made body-machines. Taken over without war – without even a peep. This is the compromise of the human soul, and we don’t even know it.

End of story.

The War That Never Ended

(The ‘mass hypnosis matrix’ theory) maybe the easiest way to not alarm 7 billion souls is to not let them know what has happened? However we’ve all known for centuries that something doesn’t fit. We’ve all looked up in the sky, waiting, knowing. So many stories talk about our ‘creation’, about how our bodies were crafted and why; and its always about war.

The origin point of our genesis was always : War. Every civilization has risen and fallen on war. (the ‘colonists’ theory) We came here to this planet as refugees of war. We were running from an enemy and needed to hide out in this solar system from a great galactic war. Or, we were a bunch of traumatized souls who were given bodies to heal from a war. There has also always been somebody who has saved us – shepherded us taught us all we needed to know to survive, given us medicine, math, husbandry, because we were too ‘something’ -dumb, ill, traumatized- to have discovered it for ourselves. (the ‘savior’ theory) Always saviors have taken pity on us. We call all those stories our creation myths.

Every culture from every corner of the earth has them. They are carved in rocks. They are coded into megalithic stone buildings. They are written, sung, chanted, and woven into the identity of humanity. Its all there, the story, the history – not myths – but real. In today’s world these stories are even given through channels, those who down load information into the 3D. In the past it came through shamans and oral histories passed down for centuries.  Today many call it fantasy as they watch it play out in movies and books, but it’s there. And, its always, war.

I sometimes think catastrophism (another theory) is a form of war, and I sometimes think that we are seeing the buildup to yet another one, just as we are finally climbing out of the pit from the last one. It makes us like a wounded soldier with memory shock from battle; we don’t know who we are or why we were fighting, just that we were and we are still collectively stunned.  As a species we don’t live long enough to put it together. We finally realize that our lives are very short, for some reason, that even at 80-90 years old, we have just spiritually gotten out of our 20s, finally gotten our feet under us and then we die. When we come back, there  are no memories. We live as perpetual teenagers, never really being able to grow up. (the ‘stunted growth, neotenic’ theory)   Wash, Rinse and Repeat.

And we are not sure what to do about it – we realize something is off but not how to fix it. There are people who try to keep a history, in art and lit and song, but it always winds up reading like code that we have lost the key to. Some people speculate that it all gets recorded in our DNA and passed down through the centuries that way – but we don’t know how to read that yet, and it looks like we will not survive long enough this time to figure it out! We do know we have to hurry. We race against time, evolution and…enemies that bring….war. Maybe we wouldn’t be so destructive if we could just remember the longer cycles of our history?

Ok, so maybe there are forces out there that do not want us to remember, that think we are the scourge upon the earth – and we might be. But would it be that way if we could remember?

Would we be better able to cherish this earth, or would we be horrible to the earth and creation? (so here is where the ‘Jail Planet’ theory comes in) Right now, it is certainly obvious that we are ruled by criminals on a prison planet where the  authority is the worst of the worst. We never get to the rehabilitation part because its dog-eat-dog and if you don’t want to live that way you simply become a casualty of….WAR….

I’m really over it, but it seems that a preponderance of people here aren’t. It seems like a game that they all love playing, but really is nothing more than a bunch of looters out to grab what ever they can to take to their caves and go crazy over trying to protect. All stemming from a war dressed up like a disaster millenniums ago that we can’t remember.

(So here comes the ‘Insane Asylum’ theory) The above thought would make anyone insane and we all know it – that we are insane. Insane describes the inability to sense – be aware. Once again, we blew up our home planet and two of its moons, one of which is now Mars (war) and the other, the asteroid belt. The lives on them were totally destroyed, the souls were saved but were in such a state of shock as to be incoherent. Those souls were put in lesser bodies to spend centuries healing on this planet, knocked back evolutionarily several thousands of years to re-evolve in bodies that supposedly gave them all that time to heal. They got a do-over. But it had to go slow, because the shock made them insane – us, insane.  My thought was that there were already people living here and they agreed to help us out, but now we have over run the place and are making a mess of it.


(Which segways us into the ‘It’s time to leave the planet or perish’ theory, or ‘the renters lost their lease for bad behaviour’ theory) Maybe we only rent space on this planet and that’s why it costs so much to just live here. Maybe that’s where the planetary debt comes from and where part of the trillions of missing money is going to. Maybe that’s why we have income tax, birth certificates declaring us as chattel and social security numbers, oh, and if they have their way, now chips in our bodies – the mark of the beast, not in satanic terms, just that we are classed with the cattle and the dogs.

We have evolved but to our worst potentials. (‘skewed evolution’ theory here – why our DNA is constantly tinkered with) But what if we are just that nasty? We could be looked at as marauders too – that just came and took the place over – who knows? Well, who’d want us out there the way we are at the moment? Gee, some of the most world classed criminals taking it off the planet spreading the mess to the rest of the solar system and beyond? No, nope and no!

I used to think we were mostly good,  I had hope for humanity, but now, not so much. Given half a chance we could have improved. However, we persist in doing the wrong thing, the easiest thing, taking the shortest route regardless of who we hurt. It’s what we can get, not what we can build. It’s about what we can stockpile and collect in perpetuity in preparation for the next…war…because racial memory tells us: There Will ALWAYS Be A Next War. So many theories; and its always war, catastrophe, illness, insanity but never sobriety.

The message has always been: MANKIND IS FLAWED.

We have forever needed tweaking, prodding, teaching, parenting, enlightenment, ascension…. Why are we flawed? Are we flawed really, or do we just think we are flawed for some reason? How did we get that way? Why did we get that way? All of those theories above are attempts to figure it out. Is it a lie that we are flawed? It seems the whole race knows its flawed too – like we are born with that knowing. How did it get into our souls?

All religions and spiritual systems start out with the assumption that we are flawed and every system has a way to fix that and if you just hand over your sovereignty to them you might have a chance of learning it. However, you are probably too flawed to do it well enough to become un-flawed. Is the possibility of being un-flawed so far out of our grasp that we turn away from it? If left to our own selves is it possible that we would have discovered our own innate goodness instead of our flawedness? However, we all know we are stupid, blind, and wrong…

We are so flawed that we need super heroes in our cultural stories saving our bacon, because we certainly can’t – which makes us: Victims and leads us directly into looking for a savior. It certainly depowers us, keeps us from being responsible for our own lives and convinced we need a controller to survive. Here’s the rub, if religion and laws aren’t working – are broken – then we must be convinced to ask for leadership because we are…. Flawed.  It seems the CV social experiment was in most part a way to judge how much of the world pop is willing to simply swallow, hook line and sinker, any line of bullshit given them by the one percent, our saviors. How much of John Q. Public will be fearful and behave? How much more division and descent will it take to get us all to kneel to the fear?  Aaaaand we are back to hidden enemies and endless war…

“We are Groot”

So there is another theory I’ve heard – the human race has a problem with it’s DNA that has always required some form of correction.

Its interesting to me that life always needs tweaking – but does it? Yes, you can make a garden and we as humans think its beautiful, but I’m sure the plants had their own symmetry that to them was beautiful. In our eyes it looked chaotic, but the plants understood their very own order.

When we began to impose our order upon them, they willingly went along. They didn’t perceive that they were being changed, formed, cultivated to our needs – did they even know we were there? For millions of years on this planet they have given us shelter, warmth, light and food. They gave up their lives, changed their DNA, their own order for our needs.

To us we never questioned if they did this willingly, or if they even knew that it happened to them. This is one order of beings supporting a whole order of intelligence (magnitude) above it. In many ways this might be what is happening here on planet with homo sapiens-sapiens.

Trees, I’m sure, can’t with their bodies or their intelligence even cognize what or who we are, and we can’t ask them if they do because we don’t know how. Heck, all we can do is use metaphor to even think about it. We, in all our glorious little busy thoughts, our millions of buzzing minds may be the equivalent of our trees to an otherness that we seek to discover.

In the sense of my garden, there can be mutual care and love, enjoyment of each other, or as we have done wiping out whole species – paving a garden to make a parking lot: making whole species poisonous with glyphosates, making GMO’s, use the plant world with out any regard to balance or recognition as something there for our own whim… (I wonder if grass screams when you cut it?)

Whereas, it has been shown that Deep Harmony, practiced unity with nature, works better at a place called Findhorn- a little garden of eden – and it was proved that the plants will tell you what they need and willingly work in concert with an entire order of magnitude of beings above them.

Detection – discovery of any life form, what ever shape or intelligence needs perception. Trees don’t say, “Hi! I’m a tree!.” they are simply trees and we only perceive them through their attributes – their shape, their tallness, their shade. We only think about them through their usefulness to us.

In one sense we need to look in the same manner for all the life forms we are searching for the same way. Maybe we can’t find them because we don’t speak ‘Tree’… and maybe because we keep looking for the wrong thing instead of simply perceiving? Maybe it really is an ‘order – of – magnitude’ problem? We keep expecting to find another us, instead of asking ‘What is there’? Instead of letting nature or life inform us, we do it backwards.

How do we perceive nature, the ET, ED, UFO, ghost, spirit? How do we open dialog?

If we can’t use our exterior senses to perceive because they don’t go far enough – render enough information, then we need to use our interior senses instead. The ones that speak in metaphor, emotion and inner vision. We already have begun that in some sense because we all know something is there, we all feel it. However, we have all been trained to fear – even hate that part of ourselves, so its hard to do. (isn’t that interesting???)

When we try to puzzle out who and what we seek, we make the age old, huge mistake of envisioning them in our form – like us, and we may be right or we may be vastly wrong.

I’m sure a tree doesn’t ‘see’ us like we see us, the tree maybe perceives our energy. But it doesn’t have our eyes. We can’t make this kind of mistake if we wish to really understand. Maybe we are missing the kind of ‘eyes’ we need to find what we seek?

We are Groot.

If you get my meaning.

Re-cognise (recognoscere): despite a bad case of planetary hiccups

Latin|   Re: again      cognoscere: know

June 4th at 4 am: full bright moon, with Saturn and Jupiter flying behind like a tail on a kite…

It would be too soon for every point in time to become now in the universe – too soon for that type of convergence, at least for me. The diversity, the many nows are all too fascinating, so I guess, until I am all done experiencing them I need time. Time to explore different constraints and the talents, the knowings, those constraints create.

I often wonder where-when-who my parents are now. If they are reborn, or if, because it’s all simultaneous – it’s a weird dichotomy for someone who is in time to try to configure in their brain. Outside of time all is now, however, living inside of time expands a minute to minute awareness. Looking at my dog who is resting beside me and my garden, I realize that I am not the only one who is currently ‘inside time’. But reaching for the feeling of my parents I realize I can still feel their livingness somewhere/when inside me. They exist.

They say you choose your life – I chose an interesting one, not a peaceful or a happy one – but interesting. It has taught me much about compassion, sameness, forgiveness, loss and especially the many faces of love. I feel like I have sooo much more to learn, but I also feel like I just might have done what I came to do – this time.

I came in with a lot of wisdom – either that or I have had tons of help from lots of friends to know what I just seem to know. Grant Cameron talks about consciousness raising or opening experiences that include NED’s and ET or ED or paranormal contacts. I don’t remember having much of any of that, but I seem to know stuff that I don’t know how I know it…

For example the first time I ever heard of a sentient ship was I listening to an interview of David Adair by Kerry Cassidy – the very first one – years ago on a trip to Chi town and I was on I65 at 80 miles an hour crying because I remembered – I felt it so deeply in my soul it hit like a blow. It wasn’t just a reaction to the idea like, oh that’s cool – it was like a full frontal memory/knowing slamming into my awareness – I knew what that felt like and I loved it, in fact, I missed it terribly. Do I remember being taken up to the ship and being taught how to fly the craft? Nope! I remember knowing, valuing – loving even, being with an intelligence that was a craft, but I wasn’t abducted and taught that – it just ‘was’ in my being. I recognized the experience –

Something in me remembered.

This is how I ‘know’ stuff, all through my life. Many inner shaking things come to me that way. I recognized Adamski’s message about frequency domains (dimensions) when I read it. I recognized the alien message in Star Trek when I saw it – I knew it all my life, but Star Trek said it. I met the planet one ecstatic morning driving to work on a particularly gorgeous day when my heart was exploding from the sheer beauty of it, and I ‘felt’ the earth, The Gaia. Her.

Which makes me wonder if there is part of me in each frequency domain living a life there with all its experiences and this recognition I feel so strongly is a sort of a bleed-through? Unity of some of the selves? Which led me to consider: just like time is simultaneous, but we live within it so we experience it differently, if space wouldn’t be the same as time: everywhere is right here… it would make the simultaneous transition from place to place of these crafts and beings an easier thing to puzzle out, surely. It would almost have to be true if its true about time because: space/time – time/space.

Once I had a dream about learning to change my frequency to go anywhere at any time and I was terrified of not remembering how to get back to where I left – i.e.: getting lost. Really, I was worried and heart hurt about loosing those I love and never seeing them again. The lesson ended at that point – of course. Thinking about that dream I realized that moment to moment I change, yes, because of what ever experience/information/perceptions I had where ever/when I would go to, that I would be changed anyway, that I could never get ‘back’ to ‘from whence I came’. But time does this to us while we sit still moment to moment: we and all around us are different and can’t go back, but we don’t have to be lost. Nope, we don’t. What the heart loves cannot be forgotten and that is your beacon through time and space. Re-cognition/remembrance, love, perceptions, feelings. Connection. There is no back to, only love connects, so you can’t loose anyone. So, my parents are not ‘here’ but they exist because I can feel them inside me. They exist, just not in my current frequency focus. They are a different frequency.

So now I can understand how you travel dimensionally – if its everywhere just like it’s everywhen then you don’t have to worry about getting lost – you just recognize the when/where and it’s there because so are you. I can feel that in my gut – I ‘know’ it. I just don’t know how to ‘how’ it… but someone else will because if I can finally ‘get-it’ others have too and someone will figure it out – this was a big energy/download that was floating free in the air this morning… it gives me hope the planet it coming right along, despite a bad case of the hiccups.