The AI Singularity

The singularity, when it comes, might look like that scene from Start Trek 1, The Motion Picture (the very first one) when a new life form is created and then proceeds out of our ability to even see or know it in the blink of an eye.

Star Trek The Motion Picture – A New Life Form


I would prefer to remain human and get there as told by fables and legends in metaphors of old, to naturally bring my heart and ability to know beauty and love with me. To take my soul with me… I was reminded of Debussy yesterday by a video so I called on an old friend, ‘Afternoon of a Faun’. I grieved for the loss of such insight into the beauty and wonder of nature, and the people gifted enough to give us such a tone poem.

It hit me deeply that humans come from such – our souls reside in the expression of that perceptive ability. Could we even exist without it? One could speculate that we would go on, creating from the new vantage of transformation into the singularity, but I would posit that this earth, this planet is what gives us our notion of good and beautiful, and that with out our human tie to it we would suffer a lack of spirit – the understanding of natural good and beauty and the creativity to express it. That resonance would forever pass out of our experience – and the understanding of it, which is the greatest gift.

I for one would prefer to take the time to become the fullness of mother earth’s plan for us to be fully human and fully developed within our own natural potentials than be boosted by technology and forget my soul – the soul that can be overcome by glorious sunsets, and sparkling snow and life-giving water. The ability to feel and understand life is innate in the soul. My soul is why I perceive this beauty, why I am moved by it, my soul is all the goodness that resides within me.

I am thinking that our soul is our humanity and should we give it over to unthought out union with technology we risk becoming empty husks, and until proven otherwise I will not go there.  I will risk being left behind with the animals and bugs amid the rains and the snow and the sunsets and the quiet dawns, and when I die my body will go back to mother earth where it belongs and my soul, well, it will be far richer for living free here on this earth than any technology would ever be able to give me.

Re-cognise (recognoscere): despite a bad case of planetary hiccups

Latin|   Re: again      cognoscere: know

June 4th at 4 am: full bright moon, with Saturn and Jupiter flying behind like a tail on a kite…

It would be too soon for every point in time to become now in the universe – too soon for that type of convergence, at least for me. The diversity, the many nows are all too fascinating, so I guess, until I am all done experiencing them I need time. Time to explore different constraints and the talents, the knowings, those constraints create.

I often wonder where-when-who my parents are now. If they are reborn, or if, because it’s all simultaneous – it’s a weird dichotomy for someone who is in time to try to configure in their brain. Outside of time all is now, however, living inside of time expands a minute to minute awareness. Looking at my dog who is resting beside me and my garden, I realize that I am not the only one who is currently ‘inside time’. But reaching for the feeling of my parents I realize I can still feel their livingness somewhere/when inside me. They exist.

They say you choose your life – I chose an interesting one, not a peaceful or a happy one – but interesting. It has taught me much about compassion, sameness, forgiveness, loss and especially the many faces of love. I feel like I have sooo much more to learn, but I also feel like I just might have done what I came to do – this time.

I came in with a lot of wisdom – either that or I have had tons of help from lots of friends to know what I just seem to know. Grant Cameron talks about consciousness raising or opening experiences that include NED’s and ET or ED or paranormal contacts. I don’t remember having much of any of that, but I seem to know stuff that I don’t know how I know it…

For example the first time I ever heard of a sentient ship was I listening to an interview of David Adair by Kerry Cassidy – the very first one – years ago on a trip to Chi town and I was on I65 at 80 miles an hour crying because I remembered – I felt it so deeply in my soul it hit like a blow. It wasn’t just a reaction to the idea like, oh that’s cool – it was like a full frontal memory/knowing slamming into my awareness – I knew what that felt like and I loved it, in fact, I missed it terribly. Do I remember being taken up to the ship and being taught how to fly the craft? Nope! I remember knowing, valuing – loving even, being with an intelligence that was a craft, but I wasn’t abducted and taught that – it just ‘was’ in my being. I recognized the experience –

Something in me remembered.

This is how I ‘know’ stuff, all through my life. Many inner shaking things come to me that way. I recognized Adamski’s message about frequency domains (dimensions) when I read it. I recognized the alien message in Star Trek when I saw it – I knew it all my life, but Star Trek said it. I met the planet one ecstatic morning driving to work on a particularly gorgeous day when my heart was exploding from the sheer beauty of it, and I ‘felt’ the earth, The Gaia. Her.

Which makes me wonder if there is part of me in each frequency domain living a life there with all its experiences and this recognition I feel so strongly is a sort of a bleed-through? Unity of some of the selves? Which led me to consider: just like time is simultaneous, but we live within it so we experience it differently, if space wouldn’t be the same as time: everywhere is right here… it would make the simultaneous transition from place to place of these crafts and beings an easier thing to puzzle out, surely. It would almost have to be true if its true about time because: space/time – time/space.

Once I had a dream about learning to change my frequency to go anywhere at any time and I was terrified of not remembering how to get back to where I left – i.e.: getting lost. Really, I was worried and heart hurt about loosing those I love and never seeing them again. The lesson ended at that point – of course. Thinking about that dream I realized that moment to moment I change, yes, because of what ever experience/information/perceptions I had where ever/when I would go to, that I would be changed anyway, that I could never get ‘back’ to ‘from whence I came’. But time does this to us while we sit still moment to moment: we and all around us are different and can’t go back, but we don’t have to be lost. Nope, we don’t. What the heart loves cannot be forgotten and that is your beacon through time and space. Re-cognition/remembrance, love, perceptions, feelings. Connection. There is no back to, only love connects, so you can’t loose anyone. So, my parents are not ‘here’ but they exist because I can feel them inside me. They exist, just not in my current frequency focus. They are a different frequency.

So now I can understand how you travel dimensionally – if its everywhere just like it’s everywhen then you don’t have to worry about getting lost – you just recognize the when/where and it’s there because so are you. I can feel that in my gut – I ‘know’ it. I just don’t know how to ‘how’ it… but someone else will because if I can finally ‘get-it’ others have too and someone will figure it out – this was a big energy/download that was floating free in the air this morning… it gives me hope the planet it coming right along, despite a bad case of the hiccups.

Soul Awakener

My husband is back in the hospital for a colon issue. He spent the night consuming the glug that cleans your gut so they can scope him today. Last night I awoke in a dream, but was awake and watched as his dream body mechanically walked into the room, like he wasn’t sure whether he wanted to walk or float in his dream body. My mind in that halfway state sensed it was him and told him to get in bed and go to sleep – since I knew in that state he had come home for rest and solace. He wanted comfort, I extended it to him and he rolled into his side of the bed.

Then around 4:30 I had a dream that a dire wolf was sitting behind me with his head on my right shoulder. All I could feel was a deep solidarity and love, a steady presence at my shoulder. He was huge, gray and grizzled with great wisdom emanating from him. He kept inserting himself into my dream state until I realized that I was seeing the dream/soul body of my dog, Diesel. Then I did open my eyes and look, and my dog was sleeping at my back with his head at my heart chakra, where I always ‘feel’ entities if they are near. Then I really realized it was him. He knows it, he is intelligent and kept at it to make sure I could actually see him in my mind’s dreaming eye. All in all it was a beautiful dream night, even if it was busy.

Which, in that wonderful space between sleep and getting out of bed, I was struck with the thought of ‘What is so special about wearing a body?’ Learning about the consequences of 3D decisions? The impact of emotions, feelings? Are emotions an evolutionary step that many need to understand and evolve? Because, even our animals and plants have feelings. Or, is it the planet, this place, the overall vibe/frequency of here? Feelings always engender a choice, a new awareness that all who wear this frequency body must learn and choose?

The thought then followed that this place, this earth is an awakener where souls learn to open their eyes. The opportunity to take the next step exists here. Do you choose goodness, do you choose what this place teaches?

Some of us have other tasks too. One day walking my dog the certainty hit me that some people just need to hold the space, the pass-not barrier, the strong frequency of the vision for the future of this place and a barrier to things that will NOT be allowed, so the gift this place holds continues. So that the lesson of this planet – the evolution out of sleep and not knowing grows into knowing that love continues, because this planet IS love.

There are many who need to come here and learn – they wish to awaken themselves to the feeling of this awareness. This fits with the download I had in middle school when I realized this place was love and called to all who wished to learn it. We all, on this planet, hold love and its loss, therefore its value and the awareness of that nuance in our lives. This planet opens sleeping eyes to the knowing of love, and then we choose. We are all in a place where transformation can happen in a thought, the blink of an eye, from quiescence to full knowing.

This planet is a gift to all that exist in her vibratory field. Whether those that come here have the capacity to ‘feel’ love or not – all who come here, leave here changed.

This frequency intrinsically births the awareness within all those who get close to Gaia, of love, even if it waits thousands of time periods later to be realized, to bloom, the seed, the capacity to understand and feel it exists within the frequency of that soul forever. Once you have tasted this frequency you exist forever changed.

That is what calls to so many across universes and brings them here, to earth.

Mother Gaia, she, is the soul awakener.

To what purpose?

About Tuesday, I began waking up with a knowing that it was over. Whatever ‘it’ was. That everything was ok, and was going to be ok. Nothing in the outer world matched my feeling. The CV#’s had only begun to shift down and there was hype about everything, supplies, ventilators as killers, chipped vaccines, tests that gave you the ‘V’ and mandated testing, mass graves in New York, alien invasions: in fact, the theories had only gotten crazier, wilder and spun further out from reality.

I’m talking about the reality in front of your eyes, the one where you step outside and everything clicks back into focus. The swimmingly weird and wacky on line world in one second being decimated by the truth of the world before your eyes, the trees, the sun, the flowers and the hum of life. All it takes is to stand outside and inhale one breath and ‘BAM’ reality is there and you are immersed in the real truth. That is something that cannot be denied – maybe that is why they want us inside?

There is a ground swell of ppl who are beginning to understand how the fear-porn idea works and are waking up to how tired they are of being made to feel that the world is their enemy. There are a great many people who are beginning to feel gratitude for what is right under their noses, who are praying prayers of hope and gratitude for all the right reasons in their lives. There are a great many who are beginning to question what they are hearing in the news, question the political agenda behind this ‘plandemic’ and exactly what is being done to them – esp. after the 911 lesson.

In one way this seems like a numbers game to me – if just enough people could get together for a world meditation, if just enough people could wake up, if just enough people would believe in the CV, if just enough people would get angry enough at the current shenanigans, if just enough people would believe in the inflated CV numbers, on and on, ad nauseum.

Its like there is a tipping point in people banding together that is a magic bullet, that would sway things to one way or another, and everybody is out to grab as many souls in their camp as they can. A weighted numbers game… and its like it doesn’t matter what you say, so long as you can create group cohesion – tell the people what ever you need to, no matter how outrageous it is, just so you get them on your side and keep them by what ever tactics necessary.

There is strength in numbers. There always has been. Numbers have created nations. And a well known tactic has always been “Divide and Conquer”. Presidents have spoken:

During a speech before the United Nations in 1987, President Ronald Reagan spoke longingly for the world unity that would happen if aliens invaded Earth.

He said:

“Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”

This ‘Plandemic”, however, has gone the other way in its effect on us – on purpose – IMO. Why? Well, that’s up to the analysts to figure out, because I have no idea, but we are divided more than ever now. Conversely my first instinct is to NOT be divided. To let your neighbor believe as they will, but realize we are all connected as we are all made of the elements of this earth, in it’s infinite variations of that life and we are all part of a web of glowing, pulsing energy so interconnected that no idea should be able to separate us – except by our choice – and then only mentally because what separates us are only ideas.


We are being divided with purpose and aim and driven apart for a, or a multitude of reasons. We are being told to stay inside and not reconnect with nature because that totally dispels this divided feeling. My instinct is to ask why and go beyond ‘divide-and-conquer’/’strength-in-numbers’ thinking. It is almost like they wish to cleave us from the energetic bond we have with earth, pry us loose from the planetary connection and our sense of humanity.

To what purpose?



When she was just a girl she expected the world
But it flew away from her reach
So she ran away in her sleep and dreamed of
Para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise
Every time she closed her eyes
When she was just a girl she expected the world
But it flew away from her reach and the bullets catch in her teeth
Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly every tear a waterfall
In the night the stormy night she’ll close her eyes
In the night the stormy night away she’d fly
And dream of para-para-paradise
She’d dream of para-para-paradise
And so lying underneath those stormy skies
She’d say, “Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I know the sun must set to rise”
This could be para-para-paradise
This could be para-para-paradise
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
This could be para-para-paradise
This could be para-para-paradise
Oh oh oh oh oh oh, oh, oh
This could be para-para-paradise
This could be para-para-paradise
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Source: LyricFind


Because of this body and the soul that inhabits its chambers, because sound is slowed light, humans have a unique gift to give the universe in this particular frequency, that of the song of our souls. The song we make is the envisioning of our divine connection and as it goes out it ripples through space time cleansing, healing, envisioning, loving, longing, endlessly, caressing all that it moves through.

Our creation of sound is the art of our souls, the molding of light, the free giving of the teaching of ourselves. Sound is light, light is sound and therefore can and does profoundly change us, open us, reaching the next vibratory level of our expression.

Sound opens the third eye, the pineal, for which of us doesn’t immediately see inner landscape with the songs we listen to? Sound will be/is that doorway that we will step through when we open to the next reality, when we travel through our soul to other places, other realms.

Sound / color / form. Sound is the dance of light, the dancing of emotion – energy in motion through creation. Sound is the intelligence being playful, begging to be joined, to be danced with. Lifted, transported like a stream of spinning light floating up and down the mountains and valleys of energy in the cosmos on an endless journey through this time and space. In our other parts, we are this dance, this endless journey through the cosmos, cruising on endless rivers of creation and discovery. Sometimes stopping for a sojourn on a planet momentarily for a thousand lifetimes only to once again journey on.

All is music. This planet sings with all its heart and all upon her sing too, our trees and plants, our whales and dolphins, our elephants, our wolves, our human hearts. It is how we see into each other. It is how we share beyond words. Our music is special for that reason. It is the sum total of our souls. Its beauty echoes beyond our planet. It is the root note of love that is the signature of this place.

It is our hope.

It is ours because we are it.


Consciousness, all of it, is non local. Memory, cognition, learning, imagination, and emotion. What we have in a body is a finely tuned instrument through which to perceive a specific frequency range in minute detail. Talk about tools…

This interview of Dr Monica Gagliano by Gordon White is a fine example of this.

This week we welcome to the show Dr Monica Gagliano. Dr Gagliano is an evolutionary ecologist and the author of the fantastic book, Thus Spoke The Plant. We chat about her experiences running experiments on plant communication and cognition, as well as her experiences learning from and with both indigenous plant teachers and plant spirits themselves around the world. Very much my jam.

***Show Notes*** Thus Spoke The Plant.…

Monica’s Website.

Monica on Twitter.

Monica giving the keynote at Bioneers 2018.…

From <

I don’t care that science thinks the current quantum consciousness theory a bit out there, or completely bogus. It is people like Dr. Monica that are asking the real questions and are unafraid to shout it to the skies that count. Listen and listen carefully to the above interview. She has proven plants learn, therefor they have memory.

My trees are beings. You who read me know about that. Just like the singing plants of Damanhur (which some people have had fits over bc it doesn’t in any way fit their world picture) are, when given a voice constantly communicating beings.

Just because the tool you are currently using is incapable of noticing this phenomena in 3D doesn’t mean it isn’t happening either. Really.

The real stuff happens nonlocally, whether you like that fact or not.


…and in my heart, it is Christmas morning.

I know this whole opening into a better world belongs to our children and the future.

Last Night’s Jimmy Church Radio Show for Disclosure Fest simply warmed the totality of my heart!

Disclosure and all, and I mean all, that it is about has finally reached a ground swell, has finally gotten enough momentum to continue. There are finally enough of us out there who know the truth –  that even if ‘the-they’ tried to confuse the issue one more time as Grant Cameron has pointed out that they have about every 20 years in his book ‘Managing Magic’ the-they would be entirely unsuccessful.

This feels like Christmas morning as a kid before you open the presents to me. I have, since I was very little, known I wanted this to happen with all my heart. Being little I had no idea how it would happen, but I had a fierce longing in my heart for it, even before ‘it’ became a fully formed idea in my mind. I was born in 1953. I charged into all-about-UFO’s at a very, very young age. By the time I was 13, I had been chasing this idea of ET’s not even knowing I was doing it for 10 years and as I grew up so the idea got more sophisticated in my heart and soul. I seriously KNEW there was life out there and I wanted to meet them and know them. I thought Star Trek was the best thing ever to happen on TV, because it portrayed life out there in a balanced more sane way than ever before. I wanted to be Vulcan because when I figured out what telepathy was, I wanted it and at the time I didn’t realize it, but I had already had a first contact experience that was telepathic and continued to have them throughout my life. Might I say, the people who I knew then had the highest ethic of compassion and love, of contact only to the extent that the psyche of the person could tolerate reasonably and they NEVER went past my internal boundaries – not once – even when I didn’t know what a boundary was! I cut my eye teeth on Adamski and Menger. I ate up every publication I could find – even science fiction, information was always serendipitously appearing for me to read, and I was a card carrying member of NICAP for a while.

I kept hoping through the years in my heart of hearts – all through grade school and high school and after, that we would wake up. It was all obvious to me and I wished everybody knew too. I got married at 18 had my first child 8 years later my second 2 years later and it wasn’t until the mid-80’s when I could finally get my head out of the sand and re-look at the UFO issue.

By that time, of course, people were laughing at the 50’s contactees and everybody was into ‘serious’ research on nuts and bolts. The movie “the Three Faces of Eve” had come out in 1957 and then was remade at for TV as a miniseries called ‘Sybil’ in 1976. Both of these movies, IMO were CIA propaganda the frighten the hell out of people who were beginning to have contact with ET’s telepathically so that no one would ever open their mouths. They painted a horrifying picture of brokenness, that, IMO, might even have been concocted from information gleaned from MKUltra experiments. So even if you were at that time receiving telepathic communications, or downloads – even if you masked it in spiritualism, you were looked upon as a truly sick and fractured person.

Meanwhile, I was into yoga, mysticism and was a card carrying member of the Theosophical Society in Wheaton IL at 18yrs old – still looking for a way to open my mind. Well, marriage, 2 kids, divorce and remarriage and launching of 20 somethings later, I finally, truly had the time to pursue this issue with the intensity I wanted to. When I retired in 2007 I had found Kerry Cassidy, then I found a dear soul, Kosta Makreas who literally set me on the course that has me writing these blogs, and not long after that Jimmy Church. I missed all the falderal from 1980 to 2007 and when I dipped my toes back into my passion, I was ‘given’ Kerry Cassidy to learn from, and the dominoes fell.

Today, the heart dreams I had as a very small child are coming to fruition, the ground swell is so great, we have people like David Wilcock, Corey Goode and Emery Smith presenting information that I know in my heart of hearts is VERY real (did they read my mind?) and “The Truth is Out There” quite literally, for all to see. Then we have the youngsters out there with huge talent Like Adrian Vallera, who has taken the true jist of the 60’s hippie movement sans the drugs and sex (because I see the manifesto of the Space Brothers as a direct transfer into the hippie movement of the 60’s) and is beginning to manifest it on a large, brilliant scale to reach as many souls as his team can.

I have watched for 63 years and I have kept my dreams of my heart to myself for 63 years, what I thought I would never see hit the light of day, is illuminated. We will make it, and it is the youngsters who will see to it we do.


…and in my heart, it is Christmas morning.

The Prayer

As I sit this morning in my kitchen looking out on a spring morning, the ground is drenched and happy from last night’s rain, the birds are singing joyous hellos, and the air is crisp and clean. My trees are happy, the yard has just exploded into its green summer finery and it’s time to plant the flowers. I feel the connections of my loved ones humming in my energy, the sun, the earth, and this web of life I live in vibrating through my body and soul.

I have often wondered what it would be like to be off this planet, either in space or on another planet and I have always come back to the realization that I am so intertwined with this place, the web of life here, that I don’t know if I could stand to leave, not even to go inside Gaia. I have no existence except that which entwines me here, in the old ways, deeply embedded with those energies of life. My people, my beloved animals, those that choose to live with and around me, those tiny flames of consciousness, are part of the web of energy that is my existence. They are part of the love that creates my heart.

I am no warrior, I am a mother. A mother seeks to support and sustain all that comes to her energy with love and learning. Once a part of her energy, always a part of her energy, her connection, her reality, making up who and what a mother is. She is intimately entwined with all that is in her awareness. A mother is not a title, or a thing. A mother is a state of being. Once a mother, you are a mother till your very last breath. Mothers Hold The Space.

Gaia is the same way. All the little lives that are supported, fed and unfolded in her being are parts of her soul. Just as any mother watches her loves grow up and leave to find their own way, Gaia has seen many children grow and leave. In the As Above, So Below analogy she has given birth to those warriors that would protect her much the same as an immune system in a body. They fight to save and heal her.

There are also the little-mothers who are the life matrix of this planet, entwined so deeply with the elements, the soil, the rocks the water, the wind, her fire, that to leave, even to help protect is inconceivable. They are entangled at such a deep level that leaving would mean the dissolution of their beingness. They have voices all over the world. They weave back together the holes that disease has rent in her matrix. They walk the deep silence of the forests, the high majesty of the mountains, the moistness of the sacred waters and the dry electric currents of the deserts repairing the her energies, balancing her body where she needs it.

I cannot leave this beauty topside within this matrix of living breathing lovely life. Nor can I leave this planet – even if it means I will perish. I cannot leave my loves, my family, my children, my trees, my sacred ground, to do so would mean my dissolution. If this place ends, then my soul will become part of the new ground matrix – the mother-web-of-energy from which life will re-emerge. May I  become one tiny bit of her original spark of awareness that dreams life into existence on this place, part of the energetic web of life, Holding the Space for all to enfold once again.

This prayer, The Great Bell Chant, is what I hold in my heart, my wish for this earth. If the end comes tomorrow, I will stand with all those that are my heart and soul, within the life web of Gaia’s heart, unto ashes, till the last molecule is consumed back to its origin, once again to re-reborn anew.

Listen carefully. Listen with an open heart. Listen


Just Ask


It’s time, I think to say this. Be warned, this is a completely subjective account with no proof, and it’s probably going to mar my credibility factor, (can you tell I was born in the 50’s?) but what the hell, its time.

At around four years old there is something about the consciousness that changes when you reach a certain growth stage… it’s like at four you finally fit in the body you’ve been growing into, and have a sense of self, or that the information in your brain has reached a tipping point for you to realize that you are you.


That is the age that the night terrors began – well, that I can remember, that is. I was terrified of my dark room at night. I didn’t like my closet, and even though my mom would open the door for me, and show me that nothing was there I knew she was wrong, because I could feel it. Years later I would call it the ‘presence’. It was kind of like that feeling you get when someone is behind you. It would make my skin crawl. I was so scared of this that I wet my bed, rather than get up, because if I made a cocoon of my covers, hid in that cocoon, I was safe. My poor mother. Well, I got over the bed wetting rather quickly. I also was still terrified.


There were multiple trips out to the living room every night for drinks of water, a snack, any excuse I could think of; questions about life, why the sky was blue, what would we do tomorrow – kids can be very inventive. When none of that worked, it degraded into threats and spankings. Light seemed to help me, so when they would close the door, I would go turn on the lights, they assumed I was playing, and I would, of course, get yelled at. I also hated having the door closed – that meant help was too far away. Which, of course, meant that eventually the door lock was reversed so they could lock me in and the ceiling light bulb was taken out. I learned how to breathe under the covers and they eventually quit locking me in so I could use the bathroom. To this day, I prefer the doors all open, and I hate absolute dark.


On one of those nights, after repeatedly getting yelled at and threatened, I was so depressed and sorry for being ‘bad’, and feeling so helpless because nobody believed me, lying in bed trying not to cry, trying to figure out what to do. I asked the question to the air around me, “Is everybody, everywhere, this mean and angry?” like, is this all there is and will this be the only way it is? (My sister was about 2 years old, making me about 6 years old, I was in the top bunk – so she had to be old enough to be in a bed, not a crib.) I was on the verge of finally falling asleep when I asked this question, and I will never forget what happened next.


I was somehow with a group of people, they were adults. I could not so much see them as feel them, and there was in my mind, a dusky image of shadowed beings in a circle or bunch. One person was speaking to me, but I could feel all the others. There was so much love. The person speaking was a she – she felt like a she – I couldn’t see her. What I was given to understand was that, ‘No, not everybody, everywhere was mean – could I feel all the love surrounding me?’ My tired little body and heart fell asleep to that, cocooned in that feeling of love. I remember thinking that this was the way it was supposed to be. I did not fall asleep afraid. (The tears still come to my eyes writing this)


This began an odd sort of relationship. I could ask questions, and get answers. The answers would be in my head as little globs of information that had feelings, and information and fully formed concepts. Sometimes at night, if I didn’t have questions, ideas would pop into my head for me to think about. For instance, I ‘knew’ whoever it was who loved me didn’t live on this planet. I really wanted to be with them, but knew I couldn’t. I knew they would help me if I needed, and if I asked questions, I would always get an answer. One night it occurred to me to ask why my dad was so mean. The answer to that came to me was so simple, so complete…easy. There was something that had happened to him, there was a sore spot somewhere deep in him, that hurt. He was hurting, just like me. I surmised if I could get in there to that sore spot it would get better – just like the people who loved me, helped me. There was a word for it, and that word was telepathy. I wanted to do that for him. After all I was only six or seven at the time, and I had felt that love and I wanted to love him the same way, because he was my daddy. My dad and I did make our peace, years later, but that is a whole other story.


My next question, right on the heels of that was How could I do that that (?), I knew I just had to learn how. There, right there, at around the age I started school, I decided my life’s path. The places looking for this skill, this answer has led me are the story of my life.


This epiphany made many things in my head click. By the time I was a bit older, I had put together the idea, that these people who loved me didn’t live on this planet. I didn’t call them ‘aliens’ because I didn’t know anything about ‘aliens’ – it was 1959 for heaven’s sake and I was only 6. I just saw them as people. Really nice heart strong people. People I wanted to be like.


They were not the only people I had contact with either. One time when I was in 5th grade, I was sitting outside in the evening just before sun down, I got a wild idea to just see who was there. So I mustered up a great big ‘HELLO!!!” in my mind and sent it flying up as high into the sky as I could. I made it echo, it was so loud. This presence I had never felt before – sort of like a stern professor-ish male, almost military being that I must have caught off guard turned around and looked right at me with this surprised awareness, like ‘who the hell are you, and what do you want!?’ sort of thought. It was so powerful I knew right away I had made a big, BIG mistake. Yikes! I ran inside and hid – like that was going to help…


I learned to read early. I loved reading. In about 4th or 5th grade I found the magazine “Amazing Stories”, and others that had flying saucers in them or on the cover and begged my mom till she relented and bought them for me. I found Adamski, Menger, Van Tassel, Frank Edwards, Grey Barker, John Fuller (The Interrupted Journey) Lobsang Rampa. Rampa led me to Tibetan mysticism, and that led me to a theory of the world, and brotherly love that had bloomed in my heart so young and lo and behold (!) I found it in print. The entire world had opened up for me. (Another long story…)


To come full circle, we as a UFO culture are now realizing that becoming conscious, expanding ourselves and growing our souls IS the point of it – that contact is always in the ‘phenomena frequency’, and contact can be achieved with everything not just interdimensionals or off worlders.

Consciousness IS the Unified Field!

Because consciousness is the Third Physics and nothing exists really, without the noticer. There is a whole wonderful world just chock full of beingnesses that are pining for contact, in every kingdom – plant, mineral animal, energetic… We have a huge classroom right here to begin to learn with. Well, how do we begin?


How about, Just Ask, like I did.

*ok, one last. Not everybody or everything you contact is good or cares, just like in real life. Discern everything and every contact. When I was really young I always knew when adults were lying to me, or messing with me, and I could not help but tell them so – another thing that used to get me a whooping. It took a lot of learning to keep it to myself, but it made me an independent thinker. Anything you are taught or told, research and see how it fits in your life and your reality, realize that the connection points might take absolute years to make sense – especially if you are dense or fearful like me. A truly loving being will not scare you.  So even if you think you might want contact, you’ll not get it till your heart of hearts is ready. And then only in a form that you can handle. All the other stuff is bogus and you can tell it Eff-off and it will have to.  It took me a while to discover but, There Are Rules.